Chapter 33 God Tree
Netizens were full of surprise when they heard it.

Father Charlie and the others in the church were full of surprise, while Professor Chen at the site of the prehistoric ruins was lost in thought.

This meeting, people in the discussion area kept talking about it.

"Isn't this the creation of the world?"

"Have you noticed that the meaning of this myth and the description of the prehistoric murals that appeared is very different?"

"Hey, thinking about it this way, it really is!"

People were surprised by this creation legend at first, and then they couldn't help being shocked when they saw the conclusion that it was very similar to prehistoric murals.

Could it be that the mural was carved during this period?
"This story must be about the unknown god, but is this story just a fantasy, or is it true?" Someone said in shock.

As soon as he said it, someone immediately refuted it.

"How is it possible, how could the world be created?"

Just as they were discussing with each other, in the screen being played, Natalie and the others looked at Meng with the eyes of a lunatic, thinking that he was a lunatic.

Natalie spoke another language that Meng couldn't understand.

"It's just some ignorant natives who believe in the existence of gods and involve the relationship of gods. Only they can do it!"

Her strange language, translated by, the audience understood.

"Do you feel that they don't believe in God, just like us? You must know that in this movie, God exists faintly!"

A woman spoke abruptly.

Seeing her speech, some netizens were in a trance, and then shuddered.

But at this moment, Old Wang next door appeared.

"So what, is it possible that you still want to say that there are gods in our real world? They are also under the gaze of gods?"

"I do not believe!"

"Let's not talk about the reality first, let's just say that in this movie that seems to be a prehistoric scene, the god is also very vague and obscure!"

"Except for two obvious celestial miracles, there is no other evidence to prove that He really existed, and there are not even other more obvious miracles!"

"In this case, how do you prove that the previous celestial phenomenon is not a natural coincidence, He really existed?"

"Okay, let's say that He exists, there are some other ways to do it that day, such as using projection technology to create a time effect! Whether He is a god or not is a question mark!"

Looking at his speech, the netizens were stunned.

The obedient rabbit scolded, "You bastard!"

"Hehe, I can't say that I've become angry from embarrassment? Huh, let's wait and see!" The old Wang next door said disdainfully.

There are mineral water bottles all over the floor, as well as household garbage, but it is a very delicate and high-end room.

The young man in his twenties, with disheveled hair and black clothes and pants, typed these words with disdain on his face.

Seeing the reactions of others made him feel very relieved.

"Hmph, can't you tell me? Garbage!" He muttered disdainfully.

Just when he was disdainful, the picture continued, especially the first sentence Natalie said in the picture, which made Fu Zuo excited, as if he had been recognized.

Natalie asked lightly, "Has your god ever appeared?"

Meng shook his head.

Seeing this scene, Natalie and the others became even more determined.

That god must be fictional!
"Since you have never seen God, how do you know that He really exists?" Natalie asked disdainfully.

As soon as these remarks were made, netizens on the Internet who did not believe in the existence of God suddenly seemed to be in high spirits, and all their faces were filled with excitement and pride.

"did you see that?"

"This alien agrees with our statement!"

"That's right, you haven't really seen God, how do you know He exists?"

As if they had defeated something.

Faced with these remarks, the obedient rabbit and the others couldn't bear it, and immediately quarreled with each other.

During their quarrel, Natalie and the others also asked where Meng lived in the first place, and planned to find the sacred mountain and the sacred tree.

"These indigenous lives are really tenacious, and they can be seen everywhere." Farouk sighed.

"It's not a good time. When the time comes to catch them as slaves, we can mine faster." Natalie sneered.

This remark slowed down the offensive of the quarreling netizens.

"Trash Aliens!"


After searching for a while, Natalie sneered, "I'll just say, there are no sacred mountains and sacred trees, they are all imagined by the natives!"

"If there is such a sacred mountain, doesn't that mean that such a god may exist?"

"Isn't this a joke..."

"Haha, this girl's face is going to be swollen from the beating, she obviously has the God Mountain and the God Tree, just like you!"

"Oh, just kidding, let your god appear! Let's wait and see!" The old Wang next door spoke disdainfully.

Just as they were fighting each other, suddenly Natalie and the others in the screen fell into a daze, looking straight in one direction, as if seeing something incredible.

Netizens took a look, and then the quarrel stopped, with an uncontrollable look of shock in their eyes.

On the towering and majestic mountain peak, an extremely thick tree with its trunk straight into the sky and clouds, as if connected to the sky, stands upright as far as the eye can see!
Not only Natalie and others were shocked, but netizens were also stunned when they saw the sharp and shocking scene.

"This is the sacred tree? Am I not mistaken?"

It was the second time they saw the sacred tree since Adan and others left the sacred mountain.

However, compared to last time, the visual impact brought by this time is completely different.

"That's too high!"

Netizens fell into surprise.

As the camera zoomed in, the figure of the sacred tree became more and more majestic, and all the scenes of the sacred mountain came into their eyes. They only felt a mysterious aura blowing towards their faces.

"The god..." Natalie murmured.

Natalie's voice made netizens fall into surprise just like Jonas and others.

Exclamation comments keep coming.

Seeing the shocked speeches of the netizens, Lao Wang next door felt that something was wrong, and retorted angrily, "You don't take it seriously, do you?"

"I admit that this tree is very real, but! If this tree really existed more than 1 years ago, and with the extremely long lifespan of this tree, there must be some things left behind."

"What about now? We can't find a trace of this tree at all. It can't disappear completely without a trace, right?"

"So all things considered, this tree didn't even exist in prehistoric times!"

Obedient Rabbit left a message, "Brave!"

At this time, Natalie analyzed, "It's just one or two special trees, which doesn't prove anything."

"This tree should be a miracle that was born by some coincidence. The natives didn't know much, so they thought it was a sacred tree. It's normal to imagine another god."

Following her calm analysis, Jonas pondered for a while, thinking it made sense.

Listening to her words, the old Wang next door made another burst of mocking remarks to mock the obedient rabbit.

"Did you hear that?"


(End of this chapter)

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