Great Power Heavy Industry: Rise

Chapter 300 Kunlun Research Institute

Chapter 300 Kunlun Research Institute

(Chapter 288 has been unsealed. If you haven’t read it, you can go back and read it again. I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you!)
10 month 18 day.

Just a few days after Zhong Cheng and others returned to Beishan headquarters, they received a commendation notice from the superior department.

In view of the great contributions of the Nantianmen Project and Nuwa Project to the country, the participants were rewarded.

The military ranks of the main participants led by Zhong became one level, and the cash rewards ranged from 100 million to 1000 million.

Zhao Wei, Li Mei, Gui Bin, Jiang Yan, Luo Na, Fan Chengjun, Huang Xueshen, and Zhang Liang were awarded the honorary title of academician of the Academy of Engineering.

Together with the original Zhong Cheng, Ye Wenxin, Lin Wei, and Yang Xi, the 804 R&D Institute has 12 academicians.

For this reason, the superior department decided to upgrade the 804 R&D Institute to a national research institute, which was named the Kunlun Research Institute.

Kunlun Mountain is also known as Kunlun Xu and the first sacred mountain in China. It has a prominent position as "the ancestor of ten thousand mountains" in the cultural history of the Chinese nation. The ancients called Kunlun Mountain the "ancestor of dragon veins" in China.

Many myths and legends that have been handed down from ancient times in China, such as Nuwa smelting stones to mend the sky, Jingwei filling the sea, the Queen Mother of the West’s Peach Blossom Festival, the White Lady stealing fairy grass, and Chang’e flying to the moon, are all related to Kunlun Mountain. It is considered to be the origin of the descendants of Yan and Huang. land.

After the 804 Institute was upgraded, it was crowned with the name of Kunlun by the country, which is to place high hopes on it: the majestic Kunlun, shoulders the responsibility of the world.

As soon as the Kunlun Research Institute was established, it has become a first-class independent research unit in the country and even in the world.

The number of R&D personnel, scientific research fields covered, experimental equipment, experimental conditions, funds and scientific research achievements are all among the best.

After the R & D institute is upgraded, in addition to the administrative level improvement, it has more freedom to choose R & D projects, a larger amount of capital investment, etc., which is more attractive to scientific research talents.

Zhong Cheng was the first dean, and under his nomination, Zhao Wei, Lin Wei, Yang Xi, Huang Wen, and Liu Yuzhu were appointed as vice deans.

Zhao Wei is in charge of research and development of information-related technologies, Lin Wei is in charge of research and development in the field of materials, Yang Xi is in charge of research and development in the field of energy and power, Huang Wen is in charge of administrative logistics, and Liu Yuzhu is in charge of internal and external coordination.

The original R&D center has also been upgraded to a corresponding R&D institute, and the number has expanded from ten to eighteen, covering various fields of computer, energy, materials, biotechnology and basic theoretical research.

The golden autumn of October in 2022 has become a harvest season for Zhongcheng's R&D team!

But behind the bumper harvest, Zhong Cheng also saw hidden worries.

Among all the R&D fields, the weakest one is the Basic Theory R&D Institute that Ye Wenxin is in charge of. This is also the current bottleneck of human science and technology, and also the weakest link in China's science and technology field.

Due to the traditional culture and thinking mode of the Chinese people, Huaxia has not made any achievements in the research of basic physical theories. Coupled with the high investment and zero return of research in this area, the country has not given the necessary attention.

Restricted by the grand unified theory, human beings have stopped at the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics for more than half a century.

At the Kunlun Research Institute, some cutting-edge technology projects have already touched this ceiling. If there is no theoretical breakthrough, we can only wait for other countries to catch up.

But judging from the progress of Ye Wenxin's team's research, Zhong Cheng still can't see much hope.

He and Ye Wenxin repeatedly discussed the results of the research. The most direct way is to build a super large hadron collider and establish a grand unified theoretical mathematical model.

The Hadron Collider to achieve this kind of research effect is a huge ring-shaped device with a diameter of more than 5 kilometers, which can enclose the earth and its atmosphere.

For the current national economic strength, it is difficult for people to make up their minds to build, let alone a hadron collider around the sun. Thinking about it makes people despair.

The current research and development focus of Ye Wenxin's team has to be on the study of the theory of quantum mechanics, hoping to break through the unified theory from this aspect.


After returning from Changxing Island, Zhong Chengcheng started planning for Red Star Company to enter space.

Entering space is the goal that Zhong Cheng has already set. It is his next goal in life after the realization of the two goals of China's rise and power, and it is also the development goal of Red Star Company.

Because he discovered a long time ago that if China and even human society want to get rid of the current predicament-the plight of insufficient resources, the only way is to go to the stars.

Human beings' excessive demands on the earth have overwhelmed the earth, and only the vast starry sky is the home of human beings.

Just like the ancestors of China in ancient times, it expanded from the Yellow River Basin to the Yangtze River Basin, and finally expanded to the current territory to nourish more population, and more population provides power for the development of civilization.

The current earth is overcrowded, and the next direction of expansion is only other planets in the solar system.

The direct consequence of the cessation of expansion of a big country is that after the population growth reaches saturation, serious involution will occur, the gap between the rich and the poor will widen, the technology economy will stagnate, the population will stop growing, and the society will age and a series of problems. .

In the past, human beings could use wars between countries to solve this problem, but in today's world, due to the strong rise of China, the means of war have been ruled out.

What is left to the world's major powers is to develop into space and obtain new resources to meet the needs of national development.

This is actually the embodiment of the law of entropy in human society.

The law of entropy is the most scientific law, also known as the "law of entropy increase", which shows that in the natural process, the total disorder (ie "entropy") of an isolated system can only increase or remain unchanged, and will never decrease.

Entropy is actually not mysterious. Like length, it is also used to measure things.

It is used to measure "disorder", that is, how messy something is...

For example, the same tissue cells, healthy and vigorous cell tissue is orderly, dilapidated and aging cell tissue is disorderly.

Moreover, scientists have discovered that no matter how a thing is placed there, it will only become more and more chaotic and disordered, that is to say, the entropy will only increase.

To reduce the entropy of a system, there is only one way, which is to introduce new energy from outside the system, which is actually to expand the system.

The rapid development of human society for thousands of years is actually based on the process of exchanging the entropy increase of the earth environment for the decrease of the entropy of the human society system.

It's just that now, the increase in entropy of the earth's environment has reached a limit, and the state of chaos and disorder is becoming more and more obvious.

Protecting the natural environment and reducing carbon emissions are only temporary solutions, not the root cause. Expanding the isolated system of human society from the earth to the solar system is currently the most effective solution.

It is imminent for humans to go into space!

In Zhong Cheng's plan, getting rid of the earth's gravitational shackles and being able to travel freely to space is the first step.

Build a large-capacity aerospace plane to transport equipment and materials to geosynchronous orbit, and build a space port on geosynchronous orbit as a base for development to other planets in the solar system.

The space port, which keeps running synchronously with the ground, will be directly connected to the ground through a 'space elevator', so as to realize the massive material exchange between the earth and other planets.

Because only through the 'space elevator' can real cheap and efficient material transportation and population transfer be realized.

All the technical conditions for this step are mature and can be realized within ten years.

The second step into space is to establish human colonies and living and scientific research areas on all the rocky planets in the solar system, transfer most of the 70 billion people on the earth, and fundamentally solve the environmental crisis on the earth.

This step may take decades or even hundreds of years for humans.

And the third step is to get out of the solar system, but Zhong Cheng may not see that day, which is already outside his specific plan.

(End of this chapter)

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