Great Power Heavy Industry: Rise

Chapter 326 Travel to the Moon

Chapter 326 Travel to the Moon
The meeting went on for a day, but it was inconclusive.

Zhong Cheng is not in a hurry. This is related to the development direction of Red Star Company in the next ten years. It involves an investment of more than tens of trillions. We must be cautious. It is normal to have no conclusion for the time being.

He asked everyone to go down and think about it seriously, and he would go to the moon himself for a field trip.

Regarding Zhong Cheng's expedition to the moon, there was another debate among the people, with some opposing and some in support.

In the end, Zhong Cheng had to say that this matter was regarded as his private vacation and travel, so there was no need to discuss it.

Two years ago, the three major federations opened up travel to the moon. Millions of people have already been to the moon, and there are still millions of people who have been working on the moon for a long time. It can also be regarded as a settlement. Going to the moon is nothing new. .

However, due to the resistance, none of the senior staff of Red Star Company has ever been to the moon. Everyone still has a sense of mystery about leaving the earth and going to the moon, as well as fear of the unknown.

Zhong Cheng said with a smile, next year, when Red Star's aerospace plane can fly out of the earth, everyone can go out for a walk, and don't become a frog at the bottom of the well.

For safety, he will go to the moon as an ordinary tourist, so you don't have to worry.

Because everyone has a lot of work to do, this time he will go alone without being accompanied.

Although Zhong Cheng is very talkative, once he has made a decision, it is difficult to change it, and everyone can only tell him to be careful all the way.

9 month 20 day.

Zhong Cheng called Ye Wenxin, and they flew to Gaoyuan City together.

The couple have been married for so many years and have never had the opportunity to travel alone.

Zhong Cheng considered that this trip was private and very safe, so he took Ye Wenxin with him, making up for his honeymoon trip.

Bifang [-] flew westward and entered the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau a few minutes later.

Zhong Cheng asked 9528 to fly a special plane over the Qianlong mecha training base, and told Ye Wenxin that Zhong Yi was studying below.

Ye Wenxin hurriedly looked down, but how could she see her son.

She complained that Zhong Yi had been in the base for so long, and she hadn't called a single one, and she didn't know what was going on now.

Zhong Cheng was also very helpless. The Qianlong base confiscated all the communication tools such as mobile phones, wrist phones, and miniature optical brains from the students.

Because of Zhong Cheng, the director of the base allowed Zhong Yi to have a video call with him once a month, but Zhong Yi refused, saying that he didn't want to be special.

So he didn't know the specific situation of Zhong Yi.

Amid Ye Wenxin's complaints, the Bifang No. [-] flew over the Nyainqentanglha Mountains and entered the heartland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

The plane descended from a high altitude, and below it was Zabuye Chaka, which is now Gaoyuan City.

It's just that the salt fields on the salt lake in the past have disappeared. With the lake area as the center, there are more than a dozen huge transparent domes in the shape of hemispherical domes, and the bustling urban area is under the dome.

The size of the dome is different, the largest one has a diameter of more than ten kilometers, the smallest is only two or three kilometers, and the height also varies from 500 meters to 200 meters.

Several or a dozen skyscrapers protrude from each dome, like antennas above the head, and these skyscrapers are the supporting columns of the dome.

Gaoyuan City is divided into urban areas by domes. The large urban area has more than 100 million people, and the small urban area has only tens of thousands of people. The total permanent population of the city exceeds 500 million. It is currently the highest modern city in the world.

There are transparent hemispherical passages connecting the various urban areas, and the outside is surrounded by tall woodland forests.

The dome has the same air pressure and oxygen content as the coastal city, and the temperature is also maintained at 25 degrees Celsius. The dome filters the strong ultraviolet radiation, and a large number of green plants are planted inside.

From the perspective of living environment, it is more suitable for human habitation than most cities on the earth.

Using Plateau City as a template, Red Star Company built or remodeled 36 large cities on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, all of which have a population of more than one million. According to the plan, more than 100 cities will be built in the future, providing living space for 2 to 3 million people. .

Zhong Cheng introduced the situation of Gaoyuan City to Ye Wenxin, and finally lamented that it was a pity that the original planners of Gaoyuan City could not see this day.

Thinking of the man who didn't regret until his death, and in the end he just thought he was the king and the loser, Zhong Cheng didn't comment on him, and Ye Wenxin didn't question him.

The dead are the big ones, no matter what you say now, no one will refute it, and it doesn't matter who is right and who is right.

There is a huge airport in the north of Gaoyuan City. The runway of the airport is one kilometer wide and more than ten kilometers long, which can accommodate two aerospace planes to take off and land at the same time.

This is Zabuye Airport, one of the four major space airports in the Asian Federation, which provides space services to the moon.

Next year, Red Star's aerospace aircraft will also rent the apron and runway of Zabuye Airport. Zhong Cheng does not plan to build an aerospace airport by himself.

If the space elevator is built, Red Star's aerospace plane will take off and land in the space port and will no longer return to the ground. The use of the ground airport is only temporary.

There is a Luanniao aerospace plane parked on the airport runway near the pedestrian passage of the terminal building. This is the Earth-Moon flight that Zhong Cheng and his wife will take this time.

Bifang No. [-] landed on the side of the airport runway. Shi Hanxing, who arrived in Gaoyuan City ahead of schedule, waited at the landing point with three men.

The two of Zhong Cheng got off the plane, 9528 was carrying the suitcase, and 9529 was following behind carrying a metal box that was two meters long, half a meter wide, and half a meter thick.

Shi Hanxing introduced to Zhong Cheng that the three men were from Zabuye Airport, and they belonged to him. The middle-aged man who was the leader was the airport's second-in-command.

Because Zhong Cheng's trip to the moon this time is a secret trip, he will take this flight and even go to the cities on the moon in a 'stealth', that is to avoid all personnel checks.

Because in this era of big data, using fake identities can't hide the truth from those who are interested, and if someone finds out, it will make a big fuss.

And Red Star Company has the ability to send Zhong Cheng to the moon for a circle without going through any personnel identification system or being able to eliminate the relevant records of the personnel identification system.

The middle-aged man said that the plane will take off in half an hour, and his people will use the luggage cart to take Zhong Cheng and the two directly to the plane. The pilot and flight attendant on this plane are all his people, and there is no problem.

However, the two robots 9528 and 9529 cannot follow. Robots are strictly prohibited from boarding the space plane of the Earth-Moon flight, and the cities on the moon also have strict controls on robots, which is very inconvenient.

Shi Hanxing became anxious when he heard the words, "How can this be done? Then how can the leader's safety be guaranteed? Old Chen, you must find a way!"

Zhong Cheng interrupted him, "It's okay, don't bother, just let them stay, Hanxing, take them for me."

Zhong Cheng thought, if something goes wrong, the two robots are not safe.

Because people with a little wealth and status now have robot bodyguards. If they want to deal with you, they will definitely consider how to deal with robot bodyguards.

Zhong Cheng beckoned, and 9528 and 9529 put the suitcases and metal boxes on the luggage cart and stepped aside.

Zhong Cheng and Ye Wenxin boarded the luggage cart, "Let's go, the time is almost up!"

Shi Hanxing and the middle-aged man had to smile wryly and wave goodbye to Zhong Cheng.

Watching the luggage cart drive towards the Luanniao Aerospace plane, Shi Hanxing glared at the middle-aged man, "If Zhong Dong loses a hair on this trip, I will not spare you."

The middle-aged man said helplessly: "This is common sense, how do I know that you don't understand?"

Shi Hanxing stomped his feet, "Hurry up and tell the people on the moon to cheer them up!"

"Hey, let me tell Li Shaojie and Chen Yilong about the situation!"

(End of this chapter)

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