Great Power Heavy Industry: Rise

Chapter 348 Kunlun City

Chapter 348 Kunlun City

After the holiday, Red Star Company and Kunlun Research Institute held several seminars in a row. Although there was no result on the "counterweight" issue at the space end of the ladder, other related issues have reached a conclusion.

The preparatory work for the second phase of the Nantianmen project started quietly.

October 10th, early winter season.

Zhong Cheng, Zhou Hu, Yang Xi and his party came to the Kunlun Mountain Pass, 160 kilometers south of Golmud City.

This is the only place where Qinghai and Gansu provinces lead to XZ. It is also a major pass on the Qinghai-Tibet Highway. It is named after the valley pass, also known as "Kunlun Mountain Pass".

The Kunlun Pass is located in the eastern section of the Kunlun Mountains, northeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the geographic center of the Asian continent.

The Kunlun Mountain Pass has a towering terrain, with an average altitude of more than 4000 meters. The climate is cold and humid, the air is thin, the ecological environment is unique, and the natural scenery is spectacular.

The mountains here are rolling, the snow peaks stand abruptly, and the meadows are vast.

On the east and west sides not far from Kunlun Mountain Pass, Yuxu Peak and Yuxian Peak, which are over 6000 meters above sea level, stand gracefully, covered in silver and shrouded in clouds and mists all the year round, forming the famous June snow wonders in Kunlun.

But Zhong Cheng and his team didn't come here to visit the mountains and rivers. They came to inspect the erection site of the first human space elevator.

After comparing more than a dozen suitable locations around Beishan, Zhong Cheng finally selected the ground base station of Tianti to be located at Yuxu Peak at the Kunlun Pass.

Yuxu Peak, located in the east of Kunlun Mountain Pass, is a snow-capped ice peak with an altitude of more than 6500 meters.

The top of the peak is towering and majestic, the entire slope of the mountain is covered in frozen snow, and the mountainside is surrounded by white clouds. It looks like a beautiful woman wrapped in silver, standing proudly on the mountains.

According to legend, Yuxu Peak is the place where Goddess Yuxu, the younger sister of the Jade Emperor, lived.

Legend has it that when the Jade Emperor saw that Kunlun Mountain was majestic, majestic, magnificent, and very close to the heaven, he built Xuanyuan Palace on the top of Kunlun Mountain.

When the Jade Emperor's younger sister Yuxu learned about it, she was very unconvinced, saying that the Jade Emperor occupied too many places, not only the sky, but also the good places on the earth.

The Jade Emperor had no choice but to give up one of the mountains to Yuxu.

Yuxu built a pure, beautiful and beautiful palace for himself on this mountain peak, and often brought his sisters to play here, so this mountain peak is called Yuxu Peak.

But Zhong Cheng was not interested in the beautiful scenery of Yuxu Peak, nor in the moving legends.He took a fancy to Yuxu Peak's altitude, climate conditions, geographical location, and solid mountain body.

The Tianti ground base station is built here, only more than 100 kilometers away from Golmud, the second industrial center of Red Star Company, and less than [-] kilometers away from Beishan and Gaoyuan City.

This can be said to be the central location of Red Star Company at present, where materials, equipment, and manpower can be most conveniently mobilized for the construction of ladders and space transportation.

Yuxu Peak is more than 6500 meters above sea level, and the air is thin. Basically, it has passed through the troposphere, the most complicated air flow, which can minimize the risk of ladders.

The huge and solid mountain is the best choice for the location of the ground base of the ladder. Through the centrifugal force of the huge "stable hammer" at an altitude of 10 kilometers, the main body of the ladder is tightened, and the ground base station is not under downward pressure, but upward. pull.

Although this huge pulling force can be adjusted to an acceptable range, it is still necessary to prevent the sky ladder from breaking away from the ground base and flying away like a kite with a broken string when the pulling force is too large due to accidental factors.

Although it is still early winter, the Kunlun Mountain Pass is already biting cold.

Moreover, he has to climb Yuxu Peak, which is more than 2000 meters higher than the Kunlun Mountain Pass. Among the crowd, no one except Zhong Cheng may be able to do it.

Zhong Cheng, Yang Xi, Lin Wei, Zhou Hu, and Liu Yuzhu put on the specially brought engineering mechs and prepared to go up to the mountain for inspection, while the others were waiting at the mountain pass.

The engineering mecha they put on is the white tiger mecha that is not equipped with laser guns and Taiyi alloy swords. It is the best equipment for field exploration and even space adventures.

It's just that the operation requirements are too high, people like Fu Huaquan, Zhao Wei and others can't help it. Yang Xi and the other four also barely meet the minimum operation requirements, but it's no problem to use it for mountain climbing.

Since Yang Xi and the others were unable to operate the mech to fly and could not grasp the balance in the air, Zhong Chengcheng took them all the way up the hillside.

The name of Yuxu Peak is nice, and it looks beautiful from a distance.

But in fact, it is just a bare rocky mountain, and it is full of snow above the snow line. Like the Himalayas, it is just a place for people to take risks and prove themselves.

Zhong Cheng and the others were assisted by the most advanced mechs. They walked like flying on Yuxu Peak. They turned the mountain around in less than two hours, and finally reached the peak.

Because of the strong wind, one side of the peak was bare rock, and the other side was covered with thick snow. It was very narrow. Five people standing on it had to support each other to stand firm.

Looking at the surrounding peaks that were almost a head shorter, everyone felt relaxed.

Liu Yuzhu pointed to the four peaks lined up closest to Yuxu Peak, and said with a smile: "Look, these four mountains plus the Yuxu Peak under our feet, do they look like Wuzhi Mountain that suppressed Monkey King?"

When Zhong Cheng and the others saw it, there were indeed five or six fingers piercing into the sky.

Lin Wei said: "The location of Wuzhi Mountain in Journey to the West has never been determined, but judging from the plot in the novel that Tang Seng traveled westward from Hezhouwei on the border of mountains and rivers in the Tang Dynasty and entered Liangjie Mountain, it should be in this area. It is the prototype of Wuzhishan.”

Zhong Cheng said with a smile: "Whether this is Wuzhishan or not, we are here to break the Earth's 'repression' of human beings, break free from Earth's Wuzhishan, and build a ladder leading directly to the 'Heavenly Court'!"

Zhong Cheng's pride infected others, and everyone excitedly discussed how to build a sky ladder ground base station here.

Because the peak is too narrow, everyone discussed cutting off the top of the main peak above 500 meters in the middle, and then digging a large hole with a diameter of 200 meters in the center of the cut to go straight to the mountainside.

This big hole will pass through the mountain of Yuxu Peak and reach the underground rock formation with a depth of more than 3000 meters, firmly "nailing" the ladder to the "roof of the world".

In geographical terms, the deep strata here are the Qilian Mountains, Qaidam, Kunlun, and Bayan Har structural belts, which belong to the southern margin of the Eurasian ancient continent and are a very stable geological plate.

Fix the main load-carrying cable of the ladder to the underground rock formation here, and then use the huge mountain of Yuxu Peak to stabilize the base of the ladder.

That space ladder will be rock solid!
A huge space with a diameter of two to three kilometers is excavated at the level of the Yuxufeng mountain body and the Kunlun Mountain pass to build a transit transportation hub for the ladder.

This transportation hub is connected to the Kunlun Mountain Pass through several large tunnels, forming a large aerospace port with the air and road transportation system built at the pass.

Zhong Cheng named this aerospace port Kunlun City, and the space station at the other end of the ladder named Tiangong City.

Kunlun City will be built around the Yuxu Peak Tianti Base Station. The terrain here is relatively flat. We only need to flatten the surrounding peaks of Yuxu Peak, and then use the rocks from these peaks to fill the low-lying places here.

A plain area with a radius of more than ten kilometers can be artificially built, and a new city will rise here.

Together with Tiangong City, Kunlun City will become the largest space transfer port for goods and personnel in the Asian Federation and even human society, and it will become the starting point for human beings to fully enter the universe and starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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