Great Power Heavy Industry: Rise

Chapter 382 The Disappearing Magnetic Field

Chapter 382 The Disappearing Magnetic Field

When the elevator cabin was firmly parked at the platform of Tiangong City Transit Center, Ye Wenhao checked the time.

It was 9:30, exactly one hour from the time they boarded the elevator cabin.

They were still on the ground of the earth an hour ago, but now they are in outer space more than 2 kilometers away from the ground.

Amid the sighs of everyone, Zhao Wei's surprised voice came, "Why is there still gravity here, shouldn't it be completely weightless?"

In fact, there is only about one-third of the gravity of the ground now, but it does not appear to be able to float in the air as Zhao Wei imagined.

"Hehe, it should be that Taiyi Alloy 401 is installed in the elevator cabin!"

This time, Hu Bo was the first to answer Zhao Wei's questions. Taiyi Alloy 401 was indeed installed in the elevator cabin to create an artificial gravity environment for passengers.

However, in order to make it easier for people to travel in Tiangong City, and to reduce power consumption, except for sleeping and working environments, other places only provide one-third of the gravity.

A group of people got off the elevator cabin, boarded the same conveyor belt as the ground, and were sent out of the transit center.

Outside the transfer center, there are already five buses waiting, which are actually large electric passenger speed cars.

The bus drove the people on the streets of Tiangong City, making people feel as if they were still in a big city on earth.

It's just that the starry sky outside is reminding everyone that this is a market in the sky!

The bus drove into the underpass tunnel, circled into the urban area on the next floor, and drove all the way down.

Hu Bo asked suspiciously again: "Aren't we going to the port?"

Anyone who has read the news knows that the port of Tiangong City is above, while below is the "industrial area" such as the Taiyi alloy synthesis device and the shipbuilding base of spaceships.

Li Qiwei, who was sitting by the side and kept silent, replied: "Both Zhaixing and Lanyue are being maintained at the shipbuilding base, so we set off directly from the shipbuilding base."

In fact, this is also the reason why the launching ceremony of the ignition plan was carried out on the ground. This industrial area is an area that idlers are not allowed to enter.

After passing through several security checkpoints, the five buses first entered the "construction site" of the space gossip furnace.

The main structure of the first synthetic device with an annual output of 3 tons of Kung Kong-310 and Zhong-322 has been completed, and the output is three times that of the Beishan underground synthetic device.

However, since a large amount of electric energy will be consumed for the subsequent synthesis of Zhong-322, the power that can be sent out is only 2000 million kilowatts, so three such synthesis devices will be built.

After these three gossip furnaces are all put into production, the output of Taiyi Alloy will increase tenfold, the cost will be greatly reduced, and Taiyi Alloy will become a "big commodity".

After passing through this "construction site", the bus entered the shipbuilding base of Red Star Company.

The frame of a huge spaceship has been erected. Inside and outside the frame, tens of thousands of engineers, intelligent robots, and drones are working intensively.

From a distance, it looks like a group of ants working on the skeleton of a giant beast, orderly, busy but not chaotic.

Zhao Wei is the chief engineer of Qinglong aircraft carrier construction, and he can see the difference between the two at a glance.

Although the Xuanwu spacecraft is huge in size, dozens of times that of the Qinglong aircraft carrier, it is obviously strong on the outside but capable in the middle.

However, it is also easy to understand that the Qinglong aircraft carrier is a military aircraft that performs military missions in the atmosphere, while the Xuanwu spacecraft is a civilian spacecraft that flies in a vacuum and weightless environment.

It is a matter of course that the Xuanwu spaceship is not so strong.

Moreover, the cost of the Xuanwu spacecraft is only more than 900 billion, while the average cost of the Qinglong aircraft carrier has reached 1500 billion. The two cannot be compared at all.

However, Zhao Wei asked a question, but Zhong Cheng couldn't answer it.

When will Red Star Corporation build interstellar warships that can be used for space combat?

Zhao Wei's words reminded Zhong Cheng that although he did not want to see the day when the starship battleship would go into battle, this did not prevent Red Star Company from designing the construction plan of the starship battleship in advance.

Zhong Cheng half-jokingly and half-seriously handed over this glorious task to Zhao Wei.

The bus took the group all the way to a temporary maintenance dock on the side of the shipbuilding base, where the Star Reacher and the Moon Lane were parked.

There are still dense supports on Lanyue, and Xingxing is ready.

Liu Yang, Yang Xi and others greeted Zhong Cheng and others in front of the dock. After everyone wished each other a few words, Zhong Cheng and his party started to board the plane.

At 10 o'clock, the Star Reacher slowly left the dock, followed the direction of the earth's rotation, and accelerated towards deep space, aiming at Mars.

Zhong Cheng stood in the command center of the Star Reacher, and felt very cordial when he came back to this familiar place after more than a year.

Hu Bo and Li Qiwei reported to him that in two hours, Zhaixing will accelerate to a speed of 50 kilometers per second, break away from the earth's gravitational circle, and arrive at Mars in 12 days.

In fact, the speed of picking the star can be faster, but Zhong Cheng considers that there is still a lot of work to be done after arriving on Mars, and the stay time is not certain, so now try to consume as little raw material as possible.

Compared with the more than 80 days it took them to fly to Ceres, 12 days is not too long.

Three days later, Zhaixing was more than 1500 million kilometers away from the earth, and the novelty of Zhao Wei, Ye Wenhao and others entering space for the first time has disappeared.

Zhong Cheng held a discussion meeting on the ignition plan in the command center of the Star Reacher.

The tasks to be completed in the ignition plan are already clear to everyone, and they are mainly divided into five tasks.

The first mission is to land on Mars and broadcast live to the world;
The second task is to establish a Mars scientific research base to study the astrogeological and geographical conditions of Mars on the spot;
The third task is to investigate and determine the construction plan of the Mars space ladder;
The fourth task is to study the soil and climate conditions of Mars and determine the future planting plan of woodgrass;
The fifth most difficult but also the most important task is to determine the plan to restore the Martian magnetic field, which will determine the overall plan and difficulty of future Mars development.

Mars is not without a magnetic field, it just disappeared.

The study found that Mars also had a magnetic field similar to that of Earth 40 billion years ago.

Then a major event occurred that wiped out the Martian magnetic field, leaving Mars completely exposed to the sun's deadly radiation.

As a result, Mars lost its dense atmosphere and became a barren world.

The disappearance of the magnetic field has taken away the chance of life on this planet!

Researchers have identified a possible culprit for the disappearance of Mars' magnetic field.

A massive asteroid hit the surface of Mars and left a crater the size of Mount Everest.

The violent impact on the surface of Mars also had catastrophic consequences for the hot rocks inside, permanently disappearing the red planet's magnetic field.

The Hellas Basin on Mars is thought to be the result of a violent asteroid impact, in which fragments of sedimentary rock are distributed in a ring around the crater, up to a mile thick.

Rocky planets like Earth, Mars, and Mercury, like the moon, get their magnetic fields from the movement of molten iron in their cores.

Molten iron vapor rises, cools and sinks inside the core, creating an electric current.

The rotation of the planets causes electric currents to generate magnetic fields, known as a dynamo system.

Magnetic fields protect planets from the deadly effects of the solar wind.

Several studies have shown that the Earth's magnetic field protected early life forms from the sun's intense radiation, allowing more complex life forms to develop.

But the traces of the magnetic field on the surface of Mars indicate that the red planet lost its magnetic protection 40 billion years ago, and the atmosphere was violently attacked by the solar wind.

To make Mars a new home for mankind, it is a crucial project to reappear the lost magnetic field.

(End of this chapter)

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