Great Power Heavy Industry: Rise

Chapter 416 A Brand New Era

Chapter 416 A Brand New Era

Orlando left the Dawn Temple with his men, without even looking at Lei Yongzhong again.

No matter what country or people, traitors are never respected.

Wang Anlin rushed in front of Lei Yongzhong, and slapped Lei Yongzhong hard, "Lei Zi, I am so disappointed that you actually did something like betraying the country and seeking glory!"

Zhou Hu also said sadly: "How did you become like this, what kind of benefits did they give you, and made you sell your soul!"

Lei Yongzhong snorted coldly, "Don't be hypocritical, who took care of me when I was poor and down?"

"The Mutual Aid Association is willing to secretly fund my business, make me rich, and make me a master. Why should I not agree?"

"Life is only a few decades, only wealth and status are real, everything else is empty talk!"

Looking at Lei Yongzhong's appearance, Zhong Cheng didn't want to talk about national righteousness with him. Some people only have him in their hearts, so it's useless to say anything.

Zhong Cheng said: "Everyone has the right to freely choose their own path, but they must also be responsible for their own choices. There is nothing wrong with accepting funding from mutual aid associations, but it is a heinous crime to betray the country!"

Lei Yongzhong smiled and said: "Human society will be unified immediately, and all countries and nations will become one family. Standing on the standpoint of all mankind, I am promoting the unification of mankind. How can I be guilty?"

"Also, this is just an act in the game, how can it be considered a crime?"

Lei Yongzhong's sophistry made everyone furious.

Lu Yao said angrily: "At least the Asian Federation is still there. I will now represent the Federation to announce that you are suspected of treason. After you go offline, prepare to go to Haicheng for trial!"

"See if the Chinese people will let you go!"


Lei Yongzhong was shocked and collapsed to the ground.

Once his behavior is announced, there is no possibility that the Chinese will spare him.

He originally hoped that after the Mutual Aid Society won, he would be able to use the power of the European and American Federation to keep him, and he might even become a hero of the European and American Federation.

But who cares about him now.

He finally regretted his original decision. Maybe he didn't leave Red Star Company, maybe he didn't go to the United States, maybe he didn't accept the temptation of the mutual aid association, he would have a completely different life.

Over the years, although he has been successful and possessed inexhaustible wealth, there is always a shadow that overwhelms him and makes him restless.

Is this really the life he wants?

Who will God forgive?
He didn't get away with it in the end!

2042 4 Month 18 Day.

At 20 o'clock in Haicheng time, the Battle of Dawn ended, and the Chinese civilization represented by the Eastern Land Continent won.

The news spread from the world of Dream World to the entire solar system in an instant, and the land of Huaxia fell into a sea of ​​joy.

Although a few people in other parts of the solar system are not reconciled, the vast majority of people are happy to see such a result.

4 month 20 day.

According to the "Roman Convention" signed 5 years ago, the three major federations jointly issued an announcement, and the Asian Federation took the lead in establishing the Solar System Human Federation.

Lu Yao served as the chairman of the preparatory committee. The preparatory committee was composed of high-level officials from the three major federations and celebrities, such as Zhong Cheng, Orlando and others.

6 month 1 day.

The preparatory committee announced the "Draft Constitution of the Solar System Human Federation", which stipulated the basic structure of the Solar System Human Federation. The first federal government was led by Lu Yao, with a term of three years, and a public election after three years.

The draft also stipulates that the official language of the federation is Chinese, and the national flag and national anthem of the Asian federation continue to be used.

More importantly, the draft stipulates that all human beings will automatically become legal citizens of the Solar System Human Federation, enjoy the rights of federal citizens and undertake corresponding obligations, and must abide by the laws of the Federation.

Humans arose on the prairie in eastern Africa 200 million years ago, and later left Africa to migrate around the world due to the harsh climate.

With the continuous deterioration of the natural environment in Africa, Homo sapiens, the common ancestor of modern humans, is on the verge of extinction. The last batch of them left their birthplace in East Africa and embarked on the migration path of their ancestors.

About 5 years ago, Homo sapiens finally replaced other populations of ancient humans that had already existed.

For the first time, there was only one kind of human being left on the earth, but this kind of human being spread all over the world, and quickly stood at the top of the earth's biosphere with great power.

Due to the separation of regions and the passage of time, human beings have developed their own civilizations in various parts of the world, forming nations as numerous as stars.

Due to lack of resources or greed, human beings have been killing each other for tens of thousands of years. Human beings have long forgotten that they actually originated from a common ancestor.

After entering the industrial age, the wars between human beings have become more and more fierce, and the mutual hostility between them has become more and more serious.

It was not until more than 70 years ago that human beings' scientific and technological power was enough to destroy the entire earth, and human beings had to stop large-scale wars.

After entering the 21st century, with the continuous deepening of the globalization process, especially the opening of the great development of the solar system, a unified voice began to appear in human society.

A long time together must be divided, a long time must be divided!
It's just that human society has been split for nearly a million years, and it has developed from a small primitive tribe of a few hundred people to a huge ethnic group with nearly 100 billion people all over the solar system. It is not easy to unify.

After more than 20 years of hard work by two generations, human society has achieved the final unity through the peaceful way of the War of Dawn.

It seems absurd, but it is what everyone expects, and it is a matter of course!

On June 6, Zhong Cheng delivered a speech on behalf of Yunwang Company, announcing that he would donate the online game Dream World under the name of Yunwang Company to Human Federation free of charge.

The human federation will set up a special department to operate and manage Dream World, and it will be jointly supervised by the public.

This move caused a sensation in human society, and praises for Zhong Cheng and the shareholders of Yunwang Company flooded various media.

Dream World, the second world of mankind, is becoming more and more important to human society.

Controlling the Dream World will control the spiritual world of human society. If the Dream World is controlled by any individual or financial group, it will be an unstable factor for human society.

There is another more important reason, Zhong Cheng gave up Dream World in exchange for Mutual Aid Society giving up its controlling stake in Solar System Power Company and Xingwang Company.

Orlando announced on the same day that it sold the shares of the two companies owned by the Mutual Aid Society to the Human Federation at a symbolic price.

These two companies thus became state-owned enterprises of the Human Federation, and the Human Federation sent a special team to Jupiter and Saturn to take over.

This made Zhong Cheng completely let go of his worries. Mutual aid associations, the most unstable factor, were resolved, and some other individual organizations no longer posed any threat to human peace.

He rejected the invitation to serve in the Federation, saying that he would still concentrate on running the Red Star Company, expanding the territory for human society and providing more wealth and job opportunities.

The rivers and lakes experience in the dream world made him understand the lives of ordinary people and understand the pursuit of ordinary people.

Lofty ideals and slogans cannot be eaten. Only by vigorously developing productivity can everyone live a prosperous and stable life, have ideal jobs, and have visible hope.

Inequality in human society cannot be eliminated in a short period of time, but the degree of inequality can be reduced.

A new era is coming, Zhong Chengxin's goal is to reduce the inequality of human society and lead mankind out of the solar system.

(End of this chapter)

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