Great Power Heavy Industry: Rise

Chapter 435 Kitchen God Star Wars (3)

Chapter 435 Kitchen God Star Wars (3)

At 11:15 Haicheng time, the Vesta air battle started for 20 minutes.

With the distance between the main forces of the two fleets being less than 300 kilometers, the superiority of the artillery power of the federal warships was highlighted, completely suppressing the firepower of the rebel fleet.

The shortcomings of the insufficient protection of the space warships transformed from the rebels' civilian spaceships were also exposed. During the 5-minute confrontation between the two sides, 28 space warships in the rebel fleet were destroyed, including a super Apollo-class ship. Large space battleship.

Moreover, the federal army only lost [-] space assault ships and space frigates, half of which were destroyed by the rebel mech troops.

The Union Army once again gained the upper hand.

Facing the odds, the commander of the rebel fleet seemed determined to put all his eggs in one basket.

All the space battleships were full of rebel mech troops, including a large number of mech fighters from the destroyed space battleships.

The number of follow-up mecha units of the rebel army reached more than [-], and they rushed towards the federal army overwhelmingly, which reversed the fighting situation of the mecha units of the two sides, which were still powerful.

The frenzy of the rebel black mechs hit the silver-white embankment formed by the federal mechs one after another stronger, stirring up huge waves.

The rebel mecha units are far stronger than the federal army in individual combat capabilities.

Tiger Guard mechanical soldiers are military intelligent robots. The mechanical actions under the control of the optical brain are far from keeping up with the rapid changes on the battlefield. Under the attack of the rebel mech troops, they are like wooden men.

The White Tiger mecha fighters were not as fast and responsive as the opponent. The most important thing was that it was the first time for the fighters to engage in this kind of real life-and-death struggle, and their panic and panic severely reduced their fighting ability.

Originally, the superiority in numbers could barely hold up the line of defense. As long as they survived the attack of the rebel mecha units, and the federal space battleships wiped out the rebel space battleships, the victory would still belong to the federal army.

But when the rebel mech units with an overwhelming numerical advantage attacked, the defense line of the federal army's mecha units was immediately in jeopardy.

And the First Fleet has no more effective forces to fight.

Three minutes later, a scene that made the First Fleet Command desperate happened. The defensive position in the middle of the Federal Mech Troops was penetrated.

Afterwards, the entire defense line began to collapse like a broken dam, and an army of 10,000+ rebel mechs swarmed up, sweeping the entire battlefield.

The densely packed rebel mech fighters rushed between the main battleships of the First Fleet, and began to cling to the hull of the battleship like ants, and broke into the interior of the battleship through the gap that was previously broken.

The federal army is gone!
In the command center of the space battleship Asia, Zhang Gan stood on the podium with a dead face, and he was caught off guard by the sudden change in the battle situation.

When the rebel mecha troops appeared, he was taken aback. The way of fighting the space battleship with tens of thousands of mecha fighters was completely beyond his expectations.

This is blocking the mouth of the gun with human life!
Although Zhong Cheng reminded in advance that the madness of the rebel leader cannot be understood with common sense, he did not pay attention to it.

The concept of "life is more important than everything" in modern society made him ignore this kind of human sea tactics similar to ancient warfare, and he did not seriously consider how to deal with it in the combat plan.

When he ordered the use of mecha troops to resist the rebel mecha troops, he also made great determination, because it meant heavy casualties for the soldiers.

When he saw the 10,000+ mecha troops of the rebels going to battle, he was desperate. This is not a force that the First Fleet can contend with.

On the bright side, the First Fleet has 112 warships, while the rebels only have 68 warships, and their performance has the upper hand.

However, in terms of the number of combatants, the First Fleet has only 10 officers and soldiers, while the rebel fleet has at least 20 combatants. The personal quality of the mech fighters is far inferior to that of the rebels.

From this aspect of comparison, the First Fleet is obviously at a disadvantage, and it is a huge disadvantage.

Unfortunately, he found this out too late.

When the main force of the rebel army appeared, he once had the idea of ​​immediately ordering the fleet to evacuate the battlefield, but when he thought of abandoning 2 mech fighters and dozens of warships entangled in the battle, he couldn't make up his mind.

Now that the defeat is set, he can't escape even if he wants to, so he regrets it too late.

Kindness does not control soldiers, the ancient Chinese motto taught him a lesson with bloody reality.

He can no longer imagine the consequences of personally burying the only space fleet currently in the Federation, and what consequences it will have on the outcome of the First Solar System War.

Zhang Gan rejected the adjutant's suggestion to let him escape on a high-speed supply ship, and issued a final order to the First Fleet: "All warships break through separately!"

He cheered up and ordered his adjutant to bring him a spare mecha, and the space battleship Asia would be his last battle.


When Yang Shijun received the breakout order, the space frigate Ningbo was already in deep siege.

More than 200 rebel mech fighters boarded the shell of the Ningbo, and they were trying to chop the shell of the Ningbo with their big swords, trying to cut a gap and break into the cabin.

The starry sky outside the ship is also full of black mechs, and the federal warships that can be seen are also covered with black mechas. The explosions of warships and fighter planes illuminate the starry sky.

The federal mecha troop who had been fighting desperately just now had turned into broken limbs, floating in the icy starry sky.

The federal army fell from the peak of victory to the abyss of failure. Yang Shijun didn't react at all, nor did he understand what was going on.

The enemy is about to board the ship. According to the Federal Space Force's combat manual, all personnel on the ship should prepare for anti-boarding operations at this time.

When Yang Shijun gave the combat order to the deputy captain Pan Youcheng, Pan Youcheng nervously persuaded: "Captain, professional mech troops are no match for them, and we are dead against them."

Yang Shijun shouted angrily: "Major Pan, if we don't fight, shall we surrender? Or should we detonate the battleship now?"

Pan Youcheng explained: "The shell of the Ningbo is made of nine layers of composite alloy armor. It will take four to five minutes for the rebels to break through the shell. We can think of other ways. We have to think about the 5 brothers on the Ningbo!"

Pan Youcheng's words reminded Yang Shijun that the current situation of the Ningbo is much better than that of other warships, and there is still a possibility of escape.

Because the Ningbo has been chasing the rebel assault aircraft just now, maintaining a high speed of more than 20 kilometers per second relative to the battleship group.

If you can get rid of the rebel mech fighters on the shell, you can speed up your escape from the battlefield.

But how to get rid of these gangrene?
Yang Shijun looked at a ball of fire dozens of kilometers away in front of the left. It was the wreckage of a Feilian-class space assault ship that exploded.

His heart moved, and he ordered loudly: "Turn the direction, turn on the engine power, and the battleship moves forward at full speed!"

The Ningbo space frigate accelerated sharply, drawing an arc in the starry sky, and plunged into the fireball formed by the wreckage of the battleship a few seconds later.

Violent vibrations came from the hull of the Ningbo, and the strong impact seemed to tear the Ningbo apart. On the outer shell of the Ningbo, the rebel mech fighters fled one after another.

The solid hull of the Ningbo ship lived up to expectations, piercing through the fireball and plunging straight into the periphery of the battlefield.

Commanding the Ningbo, Yang Shijun escaped the shooting of the surrounding rebel warships without any risk, and drove away from the battlefield at high speed, and the rebel warships were unable to catch up.

(End of this chapter)

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