Great Power Heavy Industry: Rise

Chapter 440 Juno's Great Retreat

Chapter 440 Juno's Great Retreat

The great retreat of Juno is still going on tensely, and the planet's chief executive and military chief are overseeing the scene with their own concerns.

The two officers didn't speak, and the other staff couldn't talk to each other. The atmosphere at the scene was very depressing.

Carl put his mind to rest and broke the silence.

"Old Chen, when do you think we can come back?"

Since the beginning of this century, the rapid rise of China has made Chinese popular all over the world. Carl's fluent Mandarin is even more standard than Chen Jianshe's Chinese with a local accent.

Chen Jianshe relaxed his facial expression, and replied: "Carl, you have to trust our federal army. As soon as our new space fleet is completed, we will let the rebels know how powerful it is, and Juno will take it back soon."

Carl smiled wryly in his heart, saying it was the same as not saying it, but Chen Jianshe might not have counted it himself, maybe even the top federal officials didn't know how long this war would last.

However, he didn't bother with this question, "Old Chen, I will switch to the moon after I get to Mars, where will you go?"

Although the two have only cooperated for more than two months, they have a common interest in urban construction and planning, and they hit it off very well, and they have already become friends.

After this separation, it may be difficult for them to meet again.

Chen Jianshe thought for a while, and there was nothing to hide. He said, "My troops will go to Mars to reorganize and form a new mech army. It will take a while to train, and I won't leave Mars for the time being."

"This army is very familiar with Juno, and it should be the main force to counterattack Juno when it goes out again!"

Carl felt a little better, and said, "That's great, I hope we can meet again on Juno!"

Chen Jianshe firmly said: "It will definitely!"

At this time, a combat staff officer from the Defense Force Command ran over nervously, came to Chen Jianshe's side, and reported a few words to Chen Jianshe in a low voice. Chen Jianshe's expression changed drastically.

Carl's heart sank, and he asked, "Old Chen, what happened?"

Chen Jianshe did not answer directly, but instead asked, "Carl, how long will it take to complete boarding?"

Karl turned his head to ask several officials under him, and then replied: "It will take two hours for equipment and supplies, more than half of the personnel have boarded the ship, and there are still 12 people, all of whom can be boarded in three hours."

Chen Jianshe said anxiously: "It's too late, I just received information from the No. 3548 Asteroid Observatory that the rebel space fleet has appeared in the starry sky 500 million kilometers away, and it will reach Juno in at most one and a half hours." !"


Karl was shocked. The rebel fleet was a day earlier than expected. Someone on Juno must have revealed the news to the rebels, causing the rebels to come ahead of time.

But now is not the time to think about it.

Carl calmed down and immediately issued an order to his staff, "Stop equipment and supplies from boarding the ship, and arrange for the people behind to board the ship through the cargo shipping channel."

Chen Jianshe made some calculations, and said helplessly: "It's still too late. It takes two hours to complete the boarding. The rebel fleet has already arrived."

Carl frowned, unable to think of a better way for a while.

Chen Jianshe said to the staff officer next to him in a deep voice: "Notify the troops to stop boarding the ship and let the people get on the ship first!"

Carl was shocked when he heard this. The more than 4 people who were about to be evacuated by the Federal Army had just started boarding the ship, and less than 5000 people had boarded the spaceship.

Unable to board the ship and retreat, it means that they will stay on Juno to face the attack of the rebel space battleships, and they are basically dead.

"Old Chen, how can this work?"

Chen Jianshe said: "Carl, there is no other way. It is impossible for everyone to leave now. If you want to sacrifice, let us soldiers sacrifice!"

"What, aren't you leaving?"

Carl heard the implication from Chen Jianshe's words.

Chen Jianshe smiled casually, "Leaving three regiments behind, I have already failed my duty. I can no longer leave a large army on the front line and run away by myself. Is this still a soldier?"

Karl was speechless. This was the duty of a soldier, but he was awed by the calmness with which he faced death.

As the soldiers gave up several other boarding channels, the speed of people boarding the ship has been greatly accelerated.

However, Karl and Chen Jianshe repeatedly calculated that it would still take 1 hour and 10 minutes. If the spaceship launch time was counted, it would reach the orbit over Juno almost exactly at the same time as the rebel fleet.

It would have been an even greater catastrophe if the rebels had gone mad and opened fire on the spacecraft.

The rebels had done such things on Vesta and Pallas, and they only explained afterwards that the civilian spacecraft that was destroyed were the Federation troops.

The two became anxious again. If the boat sailed 10 minutes earlier, at least 1 people would be forced to stay and wait to die.

By whom?
If it is not handled properly, it will only cause riots, and even the three spaceships will not be able to fly away.

Carl's heart is at war between heaven and man, and his face is uncertain. He is not a soldier, and he is also very afraid of death, and he can't make the choice without hesitation like Chen Jianshe.

But as the supreme administrator of Juno, his duty tells him that when the life and death of his people are in danger, he should stand up.

If he chooses to leave 1 people behind, even though he is morally and legally responsible, he will not forgive himself.

Time is running out. Carl gritted his teeth and made up his mind. He asked his assistant to bring a loudspeaker and said to the panicked people in the spaceport:
"Gentlemen and ladies, I am Karl Ludwig, the chief executive of Juno Star's administrative region. Now the rebel fleet is coming soon. I regret to tell you that time has not allowed everyone to evacuate!"

"The soldiers of the Federal Army have chosen to stay, but it is not enough. We still need 1 volunteers to stay to ensure the safe evacuation of the rest."

"I, Carl Ludwig, was the first to sign up to stay. Other volunteers, please leave the boarding passage voluntarily. You are all heroes of the Juno people!"

This time it was Chen Jianshe's turn to be surprised, but Karl's words had already been spoken, and there was no room for change.

Chen Jianshe was impressed by this new friend with a gentle appearance. When faced with a life-and-death crisis, there are many Westerners who sacrifice their lives for righteousness.

Karl has a great reputation among the Juno people. As soon as his speech was over, hundreds of people stood up among the tens of thousands of people in the space port.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that Karl and Chen Jianshe could not have imagined happened, almost more than half of the people chose not to board the ship, and some people who had already boarded the ship also called to get off, and the scene was in chaos.

Karl had to speak again, let the women, children, old and young children board the ship immediately, leaving the young and middle-aged men behind.

With the assistance of the Federal Army, order was quickly restored at the scene.

Carl saw his wife and children among the boarding crowd, and he reluctantly waved goodbye to them.

After 50 minutes, the three Xuanwu spacecraft closed the channel and began to slowly leave the spaceport.

More than 1 young and middle-aged people, 4 federal officers and soldiers, and almost all senior government and military leaders were left behind.

Karl found that he didn't have the fear he imagined, but he didn't have the heavy heart just now.

He smiled and said: "Old Chen, we have more than 1 people under your command, you can arrange tasks for us, we must not let these bastards easily occupy my Juno star!"

(End of this chapter)

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