Chapter 443 City Riot
After the tragedy in Rome, the federation took a series of measures to quickly quell the chaos in most parts of the federation.

The Federal Information Agency has implemented the strictest news approval system, prohibiting any organization or individual other than authorized units from posting unfavorable remarks about the war on all social media.

At the same time, the Federal Network Management Agency also issued restrictions on the daily online time of Metaverse, especially Dreamworld, encouraging young and middle-aged people to join the army or join military production.

The federal mainstream media began to guide the public to have a correct attitude towards this war. This is not a war for power, but a war between justice and anti-justice.

Just as most areas of the Federation began to restore normal order, larger-scale riots broke out in New York City, the capital of the North American East Coast Administrative Region, Tokyo City, the capital of Northeast Asia Administrative Region, and Night City, the capital of the Southern Moon Administrative Region.

Tens of thousands of rioters armed with guns openly attacked local government agencies, companies, factories and mines. The local police were unable to respond, and the Federal Army's local defense forces intervened.

Three days later, the riots intensified, and more and more people who did not know the truth were involved, and the riots turned into riots.

The local administrators of the Federal Army and the Defense Forces were forced to withdraw, and the Federation completely lost control of the three cities.

9 month 12 day.

The Federal Supreme Command held a special meeting to discuss countermeasures.

Zhong Cheng still attended the meeting as a military adviser, along with Sima Bei, Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Army, Zheng Qingwu, Chief of Staff of the Federal Army, Wu Tie, Minister of Federal Armaments, and Zhou Tuan, Minister of Federal Military Intelligence.

Sima Bei is an old soldier who is nearly seventy years old. He has a resolute and calm personality and is good at planning. He has served as the supreme commander of the Asian Federal Army for many years, and he has already retreated to the second line.

However, Zheng Qingwu's performance in the early stages of the war was unsatisfactory, and he was transferred to the chief of staff of the Federal Army, and the post of commander-in-chief of the Federal Army was held by Sima Bei.

Sima Bei has a high prestige among the Chinese soldiers, and he is also the old leader of Zhong Cheng, Zheng Qingwu, Zhou Tuan and others. His appointment as the commander-in-chief of the federal army is well-received.

Originally, Lu Yao, Wang Cangsheng and others wanted Zhong Cheng to be the commander-in-chief of the federal army, but Zhong Cheng refused.

First, Zhong Cheng knew that he was not as decisive as the commander-in-chief of an army, and he was a bit of a woman like Zhang Gan.

Secondly, although he has many years of military service and has a high prestige in the army, he has no real experience in commanding the army, and most of the time he is just a technical officer.

Three years ago, he is now in charge of the Red Star Company, and it is also very important to provide weapons and equipment for the Federal Army with quality and quantity.

Also newly appointed is Zhou Tuan, Minister of the Federal Military Intelligence Department. He is about the same age as Zhong Cheng and others, and is smart and capable.

He is the head of the Yitian Organization under the former Asian Federal Security Service, and has strong intelligence integration and analysis capabilities.

Wu Tie's transfer from the director of the Space Agency to the head of the Armament Department can only be regarded as a flat transfer, and the actual function change is not great.

Lu Yao presided over the meeting, and his personal assistant Lu Huo introduced the current situation of the three cities.

Lu Huo finally concluded that behind the turmoil in these three cities, there are obviously shadows of rebels.

On the surface, some extreme anti-government forces are opposing the current series of control measures of the Federation, but in fact, it is the rebels who are behind the scenes, intending to disrupt the Federation.

Zhou Tuan then spoke. Although the militants did not have heavy weapons, there were many professional soldiers suspected of being rebel mecha fighters among them. They were also equipped with black warrior mechas. The police and defense forces could not deal with them.

Zheng Qingwu said in embarrassment that the current elite federal army on the earth and the moon have all been transferred to the asteroid belt defense line. Now they are some reserve troops who are training. There are a lot of them, but their combat effectiveness is still lacking.

It's no problem to deal with ordinary militants, but it will suffer a big loss when it comes to the mecha fighters of the rebels.

Sima Bei was not in favor of using the regular army to capture these three cities head-on. This would cause a large number of civilian casualties, which was not good for the current situation.

Lu Yao and Zhong Cheng also recognized this point. Now that the chaos within the Federation has just subsided, it is not appropriate to go to war again.

Zhong Cheng then asked Lu Huo, how did these rebel mecha troops come to the earth and the moon?

Lu Huo showed embarrassment and couldn't answer, so he had to look at Zhou Tuan.

Zhou Tuan said: "Consultant Zhong, this is just the speculation of the Ministry of Military Intelligence. We captured the images of these personnel from the surveillance screens of the riots in these three cities, and compared them with the combat images of the rebel mech fighters. "

Zheng Qingwu gritted his teeth and said, "I know all these grandsons who have been turned into ashes. Their weapons and equipment and attack movements are exactly the same."

It seems that Zheng Qingwu also participated in the screening of these personnel.

After hearing what they said, Zhong Cheng let go of his worries. He understood what was going on.

"I think this group of people has been lurking on the earth and the moon for no less than 5 years. They are the early genetic fighters of Starnet Corporation. Their combat capabilities are still far behind the current rebel mecha fighters."

Zhong Cheng's words surprised the participants, but then Lu Yao realized, "You mean that these people are members of the Angel Legion that participated in the Battle of Dawn?"

Zhong Cheng nodded and said: "After the July 718th Incident, Orlando lost news of these people. I thought they were recalled to Jupiter by Robin after the Battle of Dawn, but now it seems that many of them are still there. on the Earth and the Moon."

Sima Bei and the others felt relieved when they heard the words. If the rebel army can still drop mecha troops on the earth now, it will really make people feel uneasy.

Lu Yao said with a smile: "This is also a good thing. Now the turmoil in these three cities has gathered all kinds of ghosts and snakes in the federation. If these guys are dealt with, we can deal with the rebels with peace of mind."

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere in the meeting room was much more relaxed.

With Zhong Cheng's reminder, Zhou Tuan quickly sorted out his thoughts and said: "We can immediately find the login information of these genetic soldiers in the historical records of the Dream World server, and determine their specific numbers and numbers on the earth and the moon. Related Information."

"According to the passenger records of the spaceport in the past few years, we can determine the exact number of people who are still on the earth and the moon and their personal information, and even determine the specific number of people in New York, Tokyo and the city that never sleeps."

Zheng Qingwu applauded loudly when he heard the words, "In this way, we can completely formulate targeted measures to deal with them. Without these genetic soldiers, those rioters are garbage."

Everyone nodded, showing an optimistic attitude.

But Zhong Cheng still frowned, there was a problem he hadn't figured out yet.

Sima Bei asked: "Xiao Zhong, do you think there is any problem?"

Zhong Cheng said: "I just don't understand why Robin organized this turmoil. Did he think that the federation could be brought down by relying on the civilian armed forces and some genetic soldiers in these three cities?"

"And based on what I know about Robin, he's a businessman who can't get ahead without profit, and he won't make a move without major interests!"

Sima Bei also felt the same way. He said: "If the turmoil in these three cities before the Roman tragedy happened, those Western politicians could find a reason to attack us, and even initiate the impeachment of the president in Congress, but now..."

Lu Yao said hesitantly: "Could it be that they have lost control of these urban rioters, and they can only follow the trend and add trouble to us, and they didn't have much hope?"

Zhong Cheng replied: "This possibility is unlikely. Robin's control over the genetic soldiers is extraordinary, and these genetic soldiers are just cold-blooded killing weapons. They will not show mercy to rioters who do not obey their orders."

Zheng Qingwu has a deep understanding of this, and the performance of the genetic soldiers in the asteroid belt war made the federal army have lingering fears.

The participants reached a consensus, and they all believed that the rebels must have other plans.

But what exactly are they trying to do?

(End of this chapter)

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