Great Power Heavy Industry: Rise

Chapter 475 Pallas Star Battle (2)

Chapter 475 Pallas Star Battle (2)

March 6, 22 am.

The 15th Fleet of the Federal Space Force took off from the Ceres 800 spaceport, and after completing the assembly formation in the orbit around Ceres, it went straight to the designated airspace more than [-] million kilometers away.

Zhong Yi took Zhou Long, the deputy commander of the army, and Liu Jiang, the chief of staff of the army, to check the situation of the army after boarding the ship one by one.

The Sixth Mecha Army has five mecha divisions, of which the first, second and third are stationed directly on the No. [-] space battleship Asia, and the other two divisions are stationed in other space battleships as regiments.

There is a special legion headquarters on the side of the fleet command center, and more than a dozen legion combat staff are busy.

The three of them stood in front of the ship window and watched more than 100 large and small space battleships surrounding Asia No. [-] space battleship, which were marching forward mightily.

Zhou Long said boredly: "It's a pity that we can't rush to the front of the largest space battle this time. I hope we can save some small shrimps and fishes for us then!"

Liu Jiang also said with emotion: "After this battle is over, it should be a counterattack to the mainland of the empire. The main force of the imperial army has been exhausted. They have nothing to defend. The war should be over soon, and we will lose our jobs again by then!"

Zhong Yi frowned and said nothing, Zhou Long asked curiously: "Brother Yi, last time my uncle asked us to think about what to do after we retire, have you thought about it?"

Zhong Yi is in a complicated mood. This war is over, and human society will usher in a long period of peace. This is what everyone expects, but it also means that professional soldiers like them will no longer be useful.

The Federation will definitely not need a huge army of tens of millions. It is already very good to keep 100 million. More than [-]% of the soldiers will face the problem of retiring and returning to society.

But the same question as before, what can they do if they leave the army? If they don't leave the army, there will be no battles to fight or even no enemies, what can they do if they stay in the army?
Zhong Yi shook his head, "We'll talk about it later, let's think about how to fight this battle, shall we?"

Three hours later, the fleet approached the scheduled engagement airspace and began to slow down.

Until the huge space battle cluster of the Federation Army was visible to the naked eye outside the ship window, the speed of the fleet had dropped to more than 30 kilometers per second, keeping pace with the speed of the asteroid military fortress.

The 36 asteroids have adjusted their positions and are distributed into a concave arc surface. More than 1000 space battleships are scattered among the asteroids, like a large net, waiting for their prey to throw themselves into the net.

The battle group is flying forward against the orbit of Pallas, which is running at an orbital speed of more than 17.65 kilometers per second, and is less than 50 kilometers away from the federal army.

According to the relative speed of the two, they will meet in space in two hours, and the war will break out soon.

At this moment, news came from the theater command channel that the main fleet of the Imperial Army began to accelerate away from the airspace of Pallas, heading tangentially downwards, with unknown intentions.

The change of the Imperial Army aroused the vigilance of the Federal Army Theater Command, and ordered the four space fleets in the rear to turn and accelerate.

If the main fleet of the imperial army has the intention of attacking Ceres, it will quickly return to Ceres.

The 15th Space Fleet is one of these four fleets. Zhong Yi went to the command center and found that Yang Shijun had already ordered the fleet to turn around.

"General Yang, what the hell is the imperial army doing?"

Hearing Zhong Yi's inquiry, Yang Shijun shook his head helplessly, "Who knows, we have to increase the speed of the fleet first and wait and see what happens!"

Pan Yong said fiercely: "If they dare to attack Ceres, they are doomed!"

Zhong Yi said in a deep voice: "Although Ceres does not have a space fleet now, there are still more than [-] asteroid military bases and a large number of artillery on the surface of Ceres. The Imperial Army fleet does not have a week, and it is impossible to take Ceres. They will do so Are you stupid?"

"I think they gave up sticking to Pallas, and either fled directly back to Jupiter, or they have other plans!"

Yang Shijun and others also agree with Zhong Yi's opinion, but the military order must be implemented, but in this way they will miss the battle on Pallas.

Two hours later, Pallas led a group of "little brothers" into the sky and earth net laid by the federal army.

And more than 1000 space warships of the main fleet of the Imperial Army have entered the void below the ecliptic plane of the asteroid belt.

The federal unmanned reconnaissance ship that followed was completely destroyed by the broken Imperial Army warships, and the Federal Army lost the whereabouts of the Imperial Army's main fleet.

Due to the lack of a protagonist in the planned Pallas battle, the intensity has been greatly reduced.

When the two sides approached 5 kilometers, the heavy and large electromagnetic guns on the asteroid military fortress of the Federal Army took the lead in firing at the asteroid of Pallas.

After more than 20 minutes of saturated bombardment of the ground forts on both sides, the distance has been shortened to more than 1000 kilometers.

The Federal Army's space fleet swarmed out, hundreds of thousands of space drones filled the entire airspace, tens of thousands of locust assault ships launched a charge, and the space battleships fired a salvo.

The artillery fire of the imperial army was completely suppressed, and without the support of the space fleet, Pallas, which was in microgravity and without the protection of the atmosphere, was exposed to the firepower of the federal space battleships.

The defense strength of the Imperial Army on Pallas was far inferior to that of Ceres. In less than an hour, the federal army's mech troops began to land on the surface of Pallas and its asteroids.

A day later, the theater command finally determined that the main force of the Imperial Army would not raid Ceres, and ordered the 15th Federal Space Fleet to rush back to Pallas.

When the 15th Fleet arrived in the space of Pallas, the fierce battle was coming to an end.

The asteroids on Pallas have been completely occupied, more than half of the military bases on the surface of Pallas have fallen into the hands of the Federal Army, and the rebuilt Pallas City of the Empire has been surrounded by millions of Federal Army mechs.

Perhaps out of concern for the fact that the 15th Fleet did not fire a single shot, Zhong Yi's Sixth Mecha Army parachuted outside the city of Pallas to take charge of the siege mission in one direction.

August 6 afternoon.

Without any suspense, the federal army invaded the center of Pallas City and occupied the newly built Empire Building on Pallas. The remaining more than [-] imperial defenders surrendered their weapons.

According to post-war statistics, the Imperial Army on Pallas had less than 50 troops, while the Federation Army had 500 million troops.

The Federal Army's all-out blow hit an empty space, leaving the hearts of the high-ranking Federal Army generals who participated in the battle feeling empty.

However, this did not hinder the high-profile publicity of the Pallas victory within the federation, recovering the Pallas that had been lost for nearly five years, and cheering the people of the federation.

Although the Pallas battle was a bit misnamed and did not achieve the planned strategic goal, it boosted the morale of the Federation soldiers and civilians no less than the victory in the Twilight Plateau Battle.

At this time, no one doubts that the Federation will win this solar system war!

(End of this chapter)

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