Great Power Heavy Industry: Rise

Chapter 480 Defense of Haicheng

Chapter 480 Defense of Haicheng


Just when Zheng Qingwu arrived at the frontline command center, countless mutated sea beasts took advantage of the overwhelming tide of the night and launched an attack on the land.

The first area to be attacked was the [-]-kilometer coastline near the mouth of the Yangtze River and directly east of Haicheng.

Under the illumination of the flares and searchlights fired by the Federal Army, the area within two kilometers of the coast was bright as day, and for the first time, the army of mutated sea beasts was clearly exposed to the sight of humans.

There is no fur on the surface covered by black hard skin, and there is a viscous liquid insoluble in seawater on the surface of the hard skin. There are sharp fangs in the bloody mouth, running on all fours, and sharp claws on the soles of the feet.

The huge head is different from any creature on the earth, with dense tentacles and head armor, and the size is also different. The small one is similar to a large dog raised by humans, and the big one is bigger than an adult elephant.

The cold, bloodthirsty gaze from their small eyes, and the violent roar from their mouths all showed that they were a group of man-eating beasts.

Zheng Qingwu had fought for a long time, he didn't feel panic, but was a little puzzled.

Without mechs and artillery, these seemingly ferocious sea beasts might not even be able to beat the army decades ago.

When heavy machine guns and machine guns burst out, a large area will fall down.

But how did they destroy the scientific research ship protected by the mecha troops, and how did they shoot down the Xuanwu cargo spacecraft carrying the depth charge?
Thinking about it, Zheng Qingwu did not hesitate at all. When the sea beast forward was 200 meters away from the defensive position, he ordered all the artillery to fire.

In an instant, all kinds of electromagnetic guns and laser cannons on the position sprayed dense metal storms and death rays, and the heavy Gauss rifles equipped by the garrison also fired at full strength.

The artillery fire poured like a storm into the army of sea beasts!
But what surprised Zheng Qingwu and others was that the federal army's attack was thunderous and rainy, and the effect of the attack on the mutant sea beast was far from the expected effect of turning people on their backs and flying flesh and blood.

The hard skin and mucus on the surface of the sea beast not only defuse the laser cannon's attack, but even the small and medium electromagnetic cannon's attack effect is very limited.

The metal projectile of the electromagnetic gun is either slid away by the hard skin or blocked by the mucus. Only with continuous attacks can it break through the defense of the sea beast and kill or kill the sea beast.

Large railguns are effective, but limited in number.

After the sea beast landed on land, its charging speed increased greatly. Under the attack of artillery fire, the sea beast's forward rushed to the federal army's defensive position in only five seconds.

Zheng Qingwu suppressed the panic in his heart and ordered the mecha troops in the defensive position to attack. He believed that the sea beasts would not be able to withstand the attack of the mecha troops.

Sure enough, the minions of the mutated sea beast were helpless against the hard outer shell of the mech, but their hard skin couldn't stop the continuous slashing with the Taiyi alloy knife in the hands of the mech warrior.

The mech fighters of the garrison were overwhelmed by the black beast tide, but they blocked the advance route of the beast tide like a rock.

The mobile troops behind the defensive position divided up and killed the sea beast that rushed over from the position by chance.

Zheng Qingwu felt a little relieved, as long as he persisted for an hour, the federal mecha corps stationed on the front line of Suzhou and Kunshan would arrive, and the catastrophe of these deformed sea beasts would come.

He picked up the phone and reported to Sima Bei that the coastal defense line was as stable as Mount Tai, and a sea beast would not be released from them into Haicheng city.

But Zheng Qingwu's report was obviously a bit early, and just after the phone call, the battle situation changed.

The minions of the deformed sea beasts couldn't hurt the mecha fighters of the federal army, but they kept spitting mucus at the fighters.

The slime that touches the mech's shell is highly corrosive, and the unknown ingredients in the slime are rapidly softening the Taiyi Alloy.

In just one or two minutes, the originally extremely hard Taiyi alloy mecha shell couldn't stop the sea beast's minions from attacking, and the Taiyi alloy knife was wrapped in mucus and could no longer cut through the sea beast's hard skin.

Seeing the flesh and blood of the mecha fighters on the defensive position flying and falling down in pieces, Zheng Qingwu's face was ashen. He finally knew how powerful these mutated sea beasts were.

Confederate catastrophe is imminent!

Zheng Qingwu immediately dialed the phone and told Sima Bei in a loud voice to quickly take the president and evacuate Haicheng, because Haicheng could not hold it anymore.

He hesitated for a moment, giving up his idea of ​​retreating.

At the beginning of the Vesta Star Air Battle, due to his misjudgment, he agreed to Zhang Qian's attack plan, which led to the annihilation of the entire space first fleet, leaving the Federation in a passive situation for five years.

He has been brooding over this matter, and has trouble sleeping and eating!
Now he has once again underestimated the enemy and put the top federal officials in a dangerous situation. Although it is not his responsibility alone, he has the responsibility to buy time for the top federal officials and the people of Haicheng to get out of danger.

Zheng Qingwu closed the visor of the mecha, pulled out the Taiyi alloy sword, and took the lead to rush out of the command center.

None of his adjutants, guards, and officers and soldiers in the command center chose to retreat, and rushed out after Zheng Qingwu.

Zheng Qingwu led his team to the top of the fifth floor of the command center, and saw that the raging beast tide had rushed to the downstairs of the command center.

From here to the coast more than 300 meters away and the sea several hundred meters away are all black sea beasts, the number of which is at least one million.

His heart sank to the bottom, how the hell are there so many monsters?

But a scene that made him even more terrified appeared, another dark cloud flew from the sky above the pitch-black sea, with a speed no less than three times the speed of sound, and it flew over the command center in a short while.

These are hundreds of thousands of sea beasts that can fly at high speed. These flying sea beasts ignored them and went straight to the city.

Behind the flying sea beasts are thousands of human sea beasts, wingless but able to fly through the air.

When he got close, Zheng Qingwu was shocked to find that these humanoid sea beasts were wearing black mechas. They were not sea beasts, they were mecha units of the Imperial Army!

He was about to inform Sima Bei of this important information, but it was too late. Dozens of mecha fighters separated from this group of mecha troops rushed in front of them in an instant.

What puzzled Zheng Qingwu was that he found that the tentacles of these mech fighters protruded from their heads like those of sea beasts, and they were also much taller.

Could it be a new genetic soldier of the Imperial Army?
Not allowing Zheng Qingwu to think too much, an imperial army mecha warrior swung a seven-degree alloy epee and slashed at him.

He raised his saber to fight back, swinging the saber to stab the gap between the opponent's breastplate and plastron, the opponent did not dodge, and the epee that hit his neck accelerated and fell.

Zheng Qingwu's heart was broken, he knew that he would never escape today, and it would be a good deal to exchange one life for another.

But the knife he stabbed at the gap in the opponent's mecha was blocked by an invisible wall of air, and he was powerless as soon as he touched the mecha.

He was startled, what the hell, could it be that the Imperial Army has already researched the legendary protective shield?
It's just that this was the last thought that flashed through his mind!
(End of this chapter)

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