Great Power Heavy Industry: Rise

Chapter 538 Antimatter Engine

Chapter 538 Antimatter Engine
After the first superlight flight test is successful, it is only the first step for the superlight space warship construction project team.

They still have a lot of follow-up work!
Analyze and study all the flight data of the super-light in the four-dimensional channel and when it enters and exits the four-dimensional channel.

Study the personnel life support system during superlight flight, and prepare for the follow-up manned superlight flight test.

Research to further increase the flight speed to 10 times the speed of light scheduled by Zhongcheng...

Zhong Cheng entrusted these tasks to Zhao Wei, Zhong Xin, Jiang Yan, Gui Bin, Liu Hang and others to complete, while he and Ye Wenxin, Yang Xi, Lin Wei and others started the research and development of the antimatter engine.

Only the curvature engine and the anti-matter engine can achieve Zhong Cheng's intended goal.

Antimatter is the opposite state of normal matter. When positive and negative matter meet, the two sides will annihilate each other and cancel each other, resulting in an explosion and huge energy.

Positive electrons and negative protons are antiparticles. Compared with electrons and protons, they have the same electrical quantity but opposite electrical properties.

Electrons and antielectrons have the same mass but opposite charges, as do protons and antiprotons.

Particles and antiparticles not only have opposite charges, but also all other properties that can be opposite.

The power of antimatter is huge, and it is the largest and most perfect release of known matter mass into energy so far, that is, the mass-energy conversion rate reaches 100%.

There is no energy produced by any matter or technology in the world that can compare with antimatter.

The largest mass-energy conversion technology mastered by humans is nuclear fusion. The ratio of mass to energy is about 0.7%, that is, 1 kg of matter can be converted into 7 grams of energy, which is only 1/142.86 of the conversion rate of antimatter.

The way antimatter energy is released is to annihilate with positive matter, that is, when antimatter encounters positive matter, it will disappear into nothing at once.

The moment these masses disappear into nothingness, they will be transformed into huge energy. The total amount of energy burst out in the form of light and heat strictly follows the Einstein mass-energy equation, namely: E=MC^2.

According to this equation, the annihilation of 1 gram of antimatter and 1 gram of positive matter will generate 5000 million kilowatt-hours of electricity, or the explosive power of 4.3 tons of TNT explosives.


If antimatter can be used to provide energy for human beings, then all the energy sources currently existing in human beings can be eliminated, and human beings will never be anxious about energy issues.

But in fact this is impossible!

Experiments conducted by the Kunlun Research Institute over the past few years using the Very Large Hadron Collider have ruthlessly proved this point.

There is very little antimatter on the earth, and the macroscopic state, that is, the antimatter that can be seen by human eyes cannot exist.

Because the biggest feature of antimatter is that you can’t see real matter, as long as you see it, you must come and die together.

Therefore, if there is a block of antimatter on the earth, it will annihilate with any positive matter as soon as it appears, and burst out earth-shattering energy.

As for whether there is ready-made antimatter calculated in kilograms in the depths of the universe, it is still unknown.

According to the simulation of the Big Bang by the collision tests conducted in recent years, equal amounts of positive matter and antimatter were produced at the beginning of the universe.

Once the two come into contact, they will annihilate and cancel each other out, explode and generate huge energy.

However, for some reason, the world today is mainly made up of positive matter, and antimatter does not seem to exist in nature at all.

The problem of the asymmetry of matter and antimatter has become a major challenge faced by the current physics community.

In this way, what needs to be done is to find a new physical theory to explain how the universe can transition from a state of equal matter and antimatter to a state dominated by matter and matter.

There is not much progress yet, Ye Wenxin and others can only guess, because of the vastness of the universe, somewhere in the universe, there must be an antimatter world.

It's just that humans at the current stage of development cannot use it.

But it doesn't mean that the antimatter engine will become a bubble. Human beings can't use antimatter to replace the existing energy, but they can use the existing energy to produce antimatter.

Then use the produced antimatter as raw material to create a super powerful antimatter engine.

Therefore, antimatter is not a new energy source, but a new way of using energy, which can store massive amounts of electrical energy in the form of antimatter.

Then output at a power of a hundred times and a thousand times to drive the curvature field interferometer for long-distance super-light flight.

Breakthroughs in basic physical theories have made it possible to manufacture and store antimatter on a large scale.

In the electromagnetic force field transformed by the electromagnetic field, the antimatter can be synthesized on a large scale with a very high energy conversion rate, and the antimatter can be perfectly operated.

The electromagnetic element force field can precisely control the output of one-thousandth or even one-hundred-thousandth of a gram of antimatter to annihilate with positive matter.

And directly convert the generated huge photothermal energy into an electromagnetic element force field, which is directly used by the curvature field interferometer.

During this period, the power conversion process is omitted, and the entire energy conversion efficiency can reach more than 50%.

According to the antimatter synthesis device designed by Ye Wenxin, Yang Xi, and Lin Wei, the electric energy provided by a 200 million-kilowatt nuclear fusion generator can produce about 0.76 grams of antihydrogen atoms a day, realizing the real large-scale production of antimatter.

(Calculated based on the conversion rate of 75% of electrical energy into antimatter energy.)
The type of antimatter can be antihydrogen atom, antihelium atom or even antiiron atom, but the synthesis and release of antihydrogen atom is the simplest and requires the least.

In the design of Ye Wenxin and others, the Circum-Sun Very Large Hadron Collider, which has been idle most of the time, will become an antimatter manufacturing machine.

There are a total of 2000 large-scale nuclear fusion generators in the 1.5 sub-control bases of the Super Large Hadron Collider around the sun, which can produce [-] kilograms of antihydrogen atoms a day.

And the solar panels on the outer wall of the 5 million-kilometer-long acceleration pipeline can also provide power generation capacity of more than one billion kilowatts, and can produce about 500 grams of antihydrogen atoms a day.

In this way, this huge antimatter manufacturing machine can produce about 2 kilograms of antimatter a day.

The anti-matter engine designed by Yang Xi and Lin Wei has a power output of 1 million kilowatts. The super-light flight requires an anti-matter engine to run for about 1 hours, and it needs to consume 10 billion kWh in terms of electricity. Electricity.

Based on the 75% antimatter energy conversion rate, 2.34 kilograms of antihydrogen atoms will be consumed.

If it is a heavy space battleship like the Kunpeng-class space battleship, it needs to consume about 60 kilograms of antihydrogen atoms.

If it is a deep space fleet composed of more than 100 space battleships, a long-distance flight at the speed of light will consume more than ten tons of antimatter.

It takes more than ten years for the super large hadron collider around the sun to produce antimatter, which is definitely not enough.

Therefore, under Zhong Cheng's order, all the idle power generation equipment in the federation was reused.

For the sake of safety, more than 5 idle large and medium-sized Suihuang nuclear fusion power generating units were transported to the surfaces of Io, Europa, and Callisto, which are almost uninhabited lands, to build large-scale antimatter manufacturing bases.

And building an antimatter manufacturing base on Jupiter's satellites can also obtain inexhaustible hydrogen and helium raw materials from Jupiter nearby.

After the new antimatter manufacturing base is put into operation, it can produce 200 tons of antihydrogen atoms per year, which is enough for a deep space fleet to make two trips to and from Proxima Centauri.

Zhou Hu and Liu Yuzhu took over the construction project of the antimatter manufacturing base, and guaranteed that it would be completed and put into use within one year.

The problem of the antimatter engine is solved, and the super-light space battleship in charge of Zhao Wei, Zhong Xin and others can enter the design and construction stage of the whole ship.

The Red Star Ship Manufacturing Company still retains the space battleship construction bases on Earth, Mars, the Moon, and Ceres. With full efforts, it will not take too long to build a brand new deep space fleet.

Zhong Cheng predicted that three years later, the federation's first deep space voyage could be carried out.

(End of this chapter)

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