Chapter 184
Time flies by, and a few days are but a snap of the fingers.

In this era of crumbling buildings that are about to collapse, and in this world that has been separated from the normal time axis, some people think that time passes too slowly, and some people think that time passes too fast, but no matter what, it is finally here On this day——

No matter how beautiful it is, what is gone is gone after all.

However cruel, what is to come is still to come.

The old world will be destroyed in the flames, and a new era will sprout from the ashes. This moment is a decisive farewell. If it cannot be crossed, the human race will become history... No, not even history It will survive, because all human principles have been burned away.


"In order to resist Gorgon's dying counterattack, all the remaining troops have been assembled on the north wall of Uruk, so you don't have to worry about the rear, and don't be distracted. You can concentrate on going straight to Gorgon's lair, and accurately pierce the The blood temple in the underground lake deep in the fir forest."

It was midnight.

The location is on the long line of defense.

Gilgamesh looked at the fir forest in the distance, the stretching forest had a hazy outline under the night, he said so.

"That place is very troublesome. I flew over many times to take a look, and found that there is no way to get in, at least not for humans."

Sitting habitually on her boat of God, the goddess Ishtar, who was floating above the defense line, pouted and said.

"It's not so much a temple, but a "fortified mountain". There is a hollow in a hill, and she builds a nest in the hollow, just like ants. The entrance of the cave is covered with a barrier. If you want to enter it, the difficulty is no less than breaking through a city. "

She didn't join the Three Goddess Alliance at first, and she watched monsters pouring out of the fir forest several times to attack Uruk, which made her, the urban god of Uruk, very upset, so she flew over secretly for several times. This time I scouted the situation and wanted to see if there was a chance to reciprocate.

But they couldn't find an opportunity, and they had no choice but to fly to Uruk from time to time, clamoring to attack Uruk all day long, and bombarding the beast hordes on the ground...

But there was no way around it. At that time, she couldn't deal with Uruk, and she couldn't save face at all. Of course, she had to use the excuse of attacking Uruk—and Gilgamesh's palace was bombed one day. Three times, isn't that an attack?

Although eventually even the soldiers on guard got used to it...

Regarding the question raised by Ishtar, Gilgamesh didn't change his face: "We will use the Ax of Marduk to deal with that. That ax should be able to destroy the Temple of Blood and open a way to it... It took us so much It took a lot of work to transport that ax back from the southern city, just to come in handy at this time."

"It's none of your business! It's the leopard man who is exhausted, right?"

Ishtar said mockingly.

Obviously, in this matter, Uruk didn't have any strength at all. To take the giant ax tens of meters long, like a hill, from the southern city of Eridu all the way across the mountains The transport back is entirely the work that the leopard man is presiding over.

"Ah, that, in fact, it doesn't matter, you don't have to be polite, send her as much as you like~"

Beside her is a hearty big sister-like goddess laughing. She is slender and fit, with flaming blond hair, emerald green eyes, and a beautiful crown decorated with feathers on her head. And so on are very South American style.

It is the southern goddess of the jungle, the feathered serpent god in Aztec mythology, Quetzalcoatl.

Fujimaru Tachika and others went to the southern city a few days ago to find a way to handle the handling of Marduk's axe, and at the same time, they also met her by the way. I don't know what happened, but they seemed to be approved by the goddess. .She had promised to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and she resolutely returned with Chaldea and his party.

Now she is also negotiating with everyone about the next combat agreement.

"Just having said that, the ax is still too heavy and too big. How can we transport it to the fir forest? My pterosaur can't fly fast enough. It is estimated that it will be shot down by a monster during transportation, and if it is discovered in advance , Gorgon will be on guard..."

The Feathered Serpent God wasn't too worried about the life and death of the leopard man in charge of the transportation work under him, but he was suspicious of how to use this ax to fight.

The handle of the ax is tens of meters long, and the blade of the ax is like a gate of heaven. The god-made weapon weighing hundreds of tons cannot be used normally by anyone in this era.It took so much effort just to transport it back from the southern city.

"Just throw it over, you can always do this kind of thing, goddess of South America..." Gilgamesh looked at Quetzalcoatl.

"It's about [-] kilometers from the north wall to the temple, right? Indeed, it can be done by throwing..."

Quetzalcoatl stood on the defense line, looked at the fir forest over there from a distance, estimated the distance from here to the destination through breath sensing, and then nodded slowly.Although she couldn't use the giant ax well, it was fine just throwing it over.

She didn't say anything about not being able to attack the Blood Temple. Although as a pillar of the alliance of the three goddesses, once she violated the oath of "not attacking each other", the goddess who violated it was destined to be destroyed... But now the alliance has long been Existing in name only, a certain fairy tampered with their contract.

If that's the case, there's nothing to worry about anymore.

Besides, even if the covenant is still there, this goddess probably won't care so much. Since she no longer needs to succumb to the covenant in that alliance, but stands on the side of mankind openly, then she can do it. To the extent that he would kill Gorgon even if he did not hesitate to commit suicide!

Cut off the opponent's head and tear out the opponent's heart!After helping Renli solve this trouble, it is no problem for him to be wiped out again.

"Hey, can this kind of thing be done?"

Fujimaru Tatsuka looked surprised, but she had also seen the size of the giant ax with her own eyes, it was so huge and heavy, would it be a bit embarrassing to throw it [-] kilometers away?

Well, maybe it is really embarrassing...

But if it's not people who are embarrassing, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

After some conversations, the specific tactics were finally determined quickly. Merlin followed the Chaldean group and gave instructions at the right time. Then Quetzalcoatl threw the giant ax in the direction of the signal, It doesn't need to be too precise, the ax will automatically seek and fly to the position of the signal.

"The next step is the literal decisive battle. I think you all know that after the Gorgon is defeated, the world of Mesopotamia may meet its final moment... Once this Uruk is destroyed, the foundation of humanism will be destroyed. Disintegrate completely, the singularity will be burned, and your Chaldea will disappear in the vortex of flames."

Gilgamesh waved his hand vigorously——

"If you don't want this kind of thing to happen, just struggle until the last moment! Follow this plan, and start to act at dawn tomorrow morning, and the fate of the North Wall is at stake! Take some rest!"

"Then let's go back to the embassy to sleep now... Uh, why isn't senior Gu Mo here?"

Fujimaru Tachika nodded. The big battle is coming. Naturally, it is necessary to adjust as much as possible before then. Fortunately, this is already the seventh singularity. She has more or less tempered the corresponding big heart and rough nerves. , I guess I can't sleep at all.

But at this time, she suddenly discovered a strange situation. It seemed that some key figures were absent from this important combat meeting.

Other than that, everyone else was present, even Ushiwakamaru, Hayomae, Amakusa Shiro and others were listening quietly around, with calm expressions.

"The man has other important matters, and he has to stay in Uruk to deal with them. He can't go with you, but he doesn't need to be dispatched. Don't tell the king that he is already so prepared, and you still can't take another one." Gorgon..." Gilgamesh said calmly.

Although Quetzalcoatl wanted to stay here to resist the crazy counterattack of the herd, and he had to pay attention to the signal at all times, and was always ready to throw the giant ax over, so he couldn't start with him.

But Ishtar will go with her. Although this goddess lost the chain, and in the previous discussion, she found that she had lost all the bulls of the sky, but at least her power is enough to deal with the occupation The golden solid that took Enkidu's body.

And Merlin and Anna will also follow, as well as Ba Yuqian, Ushi Wakamaru and other servants who are not suitable for defensive battles, they will not waste their strength by staying on the north wall defense line, but will follow along with the team to attack... In addition, the Ax of Marduk can definitely hit Gorgon hard. As long as the Blood Temple is destroyed, her function will be reduced.

In this way, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"There are other important things..."

Fujimaru Tachika nodded half-understood. Although she didn't know what was going on, it must be very important. Maybe it was to prepare for the next god Tiamat?

Thinking of the final disaster that was bound to come, and the enemy she was facing was the divine body of the primitive world, she couldn't help feeling a sense of urgency deep in her heart, and this tension seemed to become stronger all of a sudden. Haven't felt this way yet.

But now think about it seriously...

She felt a hand grabbing her stomach, and it was hard to describe the uncomfortable, tense feeling.

"Okay, senior, let's go back to rest first." Matthew said, "There is still some time until tomorrow morning, and it's impossible not to ensure enough sleep."

People need to sleep, and servants also need to rest. In order to ensure the fierce battle ahead, everyone must recharge their batteries and maintain their best condition.

"Yeah." Fujimaru Tachika nodded, then shook his head, trying to dispel what was in his mind, turned around and followed Mash, preparing to leave the line of defense and go to the embassy to have a good rest.

"Hey, Miss Ishtar, are you coming with us too?"

Seeing a certain lord goddess get off her boat and follow behind herself and others, Matthew asked in surprise.

"Let's go together..." The black-haired girl nodded, and waved her hands listlessly, "Anyway, when I fall asleep, I always seem to leave the temple and run to your side without knowing it. Go, don't know what's going on..."

"Is there such a thing?"

Fujimaru Tatsuka was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to think of something, with a slightly weird expression on his face.

The goddess didn't notice, she just raised a small white hand and looked at it, a little confused——

"Huh? Does this body still sleepwalk?"

(End of this chapter)

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