Chapter 188-Awakening
The cold moonlight fell from the sky.

In the induction of countless strange monsters, they also noticed the rapid approach of powerful magical reactions. Then, as they looked up one after another, they saw a huge bright moon appearing from the sky, enveloping the bright moonlight The radiance and the boundless clouds rushed to the distance mightily.

All the monsters illuminated by the moonlight stopped their movements, and their bodies became stiff.

They seem to have lost their color and vitality along with the space, like solidified gray sculptures.

And almost in the blink of an eye, that round of bright moon has disappeared at the end of the sky, and the falling moonlight has also been quickly drawn away. The monsters who were pressed the pause button resumed their actions, but they didn't know what had just happened. What, they can't understand what just happened.


The bright full moon fell from the culmination of heaven.

The vast moonlight shrank quickly, and a young man in a blue Taoist robe walked out in the moonlight. At the same time, all the moonlight radiance was absorbed into his body, and at the same time, he also appeared behind him. There were three slender figures.

"This, this... so fast..."

Seeing the surrounding scenery clearly, Shirley's eyes widened in an instant, as if she had just recovered from her astonishment. She felt that she had just been engulfed by the suddenly spreading light waves, and how long had it been since then? Yuehua Guanghui retracted all of a sudden, and there was a sense of being down-to-earth again under his feet.

Looking around again, she didn't even understand what was going on, the surrounding environment was no longer an embassy, ​​or even Uruk, but another strange city-state——

The city-state stands not far ahead, and its outline under the night can be clearly seen from here.

"Actually, it's not too fast. After all, the distance between the fortress cities is not too far, and we still walk in a straight line."

Gu Mo shook his head slightly. He was obviously not very satisfied with this speed of escape, but it was the first time to verify his thoughts. Although he knew instinctively that he could do it, he was naturally somewhat cautious. Bringing people along is more about stability.

Therefore, the speed has naturally slowed down a lot, and there are still many possibilities for optimization and adjustment. The performance of this body is indeed beyond imagination, and it is probably much stronger than the real form of Emperor Shi Huang, which he used as a reference standard at the beginning. , has more extraordinary qualities.

"Is this Eridu?"

There was a strong smell of blood in the air, which was particularly strong and startling when blown by the night wind. The witch originally looked at Gu Mo thoughtfully, but then she noticed the tragedy that had happened in the city-state in the distance The situation, her face changed slightly, and she frowned slightly.

"Yes, but there are no living people there now."

Gu Mo nodded. He didn't even need to scan out his mental power. He could tell how many people were left in that empty city-state just by relying on his breath. The number was not even one, but the powerful life reaction and magical breath were densely packed. Yes, those are the "new humans" created by Tiamat.

— Rahmu.

A group of people quickly walked out of the jungle where they landed, walked towards the city-state ahead, and quickly entered the city through the main entrance.

"It's disgusting... I really hate those things."

Ms. Yuzao said in a low voice, followed closely behind the Master and poked her head out, looking at the tragic slaughterhouse ahead.She always seems to like this, like a back spirit, if she is not careful, her whole body will lie on Gu Mo's back.


Ciri's face turned slightly pale, and she seemed to have the urge to feel nauseous. It's not that she hasn't seen bloody and cruel things, and it's not that she hasn't seen all kinds of evil and cruel acts in war, but such a disgusting and cruel scene It's the first time I've met you.

It was obvious that there had been a massacre here not long ago, and there were traces of dried or half-frozen blood everywhere, and the corpses in the pool of blood were scattered all over the place.

That's right, not a corpse, but a corpse.

Almost none of the Uruk corpses are complete. They are considered light if they are cut into eight pieces. The stumped limbs and arms are flying around, and the head is completely torn off by violence, or cut off obliquely by some sharp blade. The half of his head was either connected to the half of the cervical vertebra that was pulled out at the same time, or the white brain was mixed with coagulated black blood.

The last frozen expression and eyes on most of the faces are of incomparable fear and despair...

There are also a few faces with undisguised anger, murderous intent and fighting intent, it seems that they are unwilling to fight to the last moment...

However, this can't change anything after all, the individual strength of those Rahmu is very strong, after all, they can be regarded as the mass-produced type of Enkidu.Even the Servants would find it troublesome. Once there were a little more of them, they would become a threat that could not be ignored.

Therefore, it is difficult to expect that ordinary people have any possibility to fight against them. In the end, the resistance of the whole city becomes weak and it is quickly cleaned up.

"What kind of..."

There was an obvious look of unbearable expression on the face of the witch, and she didn't know what to say. Compared with the monsters created by Gorgon before, this twisted monster was obviously more terrifying.

"They seem to be coming..." The witcher girl gritted her teeth tightly, and subconsciously pulled out her long sword. She heard that chirping sound, like some kind of laughter, but it was very ear-piercing and very dense. dense set.She had heard such movements when Uruk was about to be attacked.

"This kind of thing is really spiritual pollution..."

Gu Mo, who was frowning and looking at the tragic situation in Eridu, turned his head to look at the strange-shaped life that kept pouring out from the end of the street in front of him and the roads on both sides.

They are black all over, generally two meters high, with two lower limbs and four upper limbs, like a twisted and swollen bloated human body, with two tentacles-like "legs" on the lower body and four tentacles-like "legs" on the upper body Hands", the head presents an oval shape, from which a mouthpart is cracked, and there are two rows of human-like teeth densely packed inside.

That chirping noise, like a meaningless scream, or a nasty laugh, came from their mouthparts.

Sensing the presence of a fresh breath of living people, they swarmed and rushed towards this side like a tide. From their perception, those people on the opposite side seemed to be terrified and stunned in place. This made the Rahmu's emotions even higher.

They let out piercing screams, rushing over each other, waving their sharp tentacles like steel!
Blood splattered!

Severed limbs flying!

"It's obvious that you can kill accurately and efficiently, but you just want to kill, it's still meaningless for no reason..." Gu Mo squeezed his chin, looking at the Rahmu who were fighting together in front, the more The more you observe, the more you discover the distortion of this kind of thing.

Their tentacles are as sharp as knives, and can easily pierce through steel. Even when facing the same kind, they are extremely deadly attacks.

However, the killing that should have been done easily ended up cutting off the tentacles of others of the same kind, splitting their bodies, and finally killing the opponent who was twitching on the ground, and then he was brutally dismembered by other similar Next, step into the same footsteps.

This means that they originally wanted to brutally kill the enemies they saw as torture for fun.

Many people in this city should have died like this.

"There are no living people in this city anymore?" Kikyo looked away from the crowd of monsters fighting each other, and sighed softly. She had just sensed it very carefully with her spiritual sense, but in the end there was nothing Discovery, people who can confirm that nothing survived.

"The dead are all here, and the living are probably turned into one of them..."

Gu Mo stretched out his fingers to the Rahmu who were killing each other with flesh and blood, and said calmly: "They should have some kind of transformation means, but once the transformation is completed, it is probably impossible for ordinary people to maintain themselves, and they will only Completely become one of them."

"..." Kikyo was silent.

"So are we a step late?" The witcher girl asked, she was still a little nervous looking at the alien monsters who were killing each other crazily not far ahead, she didn't put down the silver sword in her hand, she was always worried Something unexpected happened, for example, these monsters suddenly broke away from someone's mind control.

"It seems so, but I have to confirm..."

Gu Mo stretched out his hand and pulled, and a Rahmu was directly pulled out of the herd by some kind of telekinetic force. It was already dying and fell down. It twitched from time to time, and was quickly drawn across the ground under the pull of an invisible force. It stopped in front of him.

next moment--

Its remaining spirit was violently invaded, and its weak chattering and screaming suddenly became rapid, like an electrocardiogram with a sharp and harsh sound, which will stop abruptly at any time.

Gu Mo roughly extracted the memory of this monster, and the value of the spiritual attribute reached 25 points. His spiritual power can be said to be extraordinary, and it can be used like a finger. There are many things that were not possible before. Now it can be done naturally, and the things that can be done can be done better as a matter of course.

It's just that I didn't intend to let this thing survive, so it doesn't need to be too delicate, and the damage and destruction of the mental structure can be ignored.

"It is indeed late."

After browsing the memory of this Rahmu, Gu Mo narrowed his eyes.

He saw the scene he wanted to confirm. It should have been in the evening not long ago, when the sun had just set, and when night fell, there were still some living people in the city of Eridu. After all those who dared to resist died, The Rahmu forced these old and weak women and children together and forced them to kill each other.

When the last person kills others in madness, full of joy thinking that he is qualified to survive, the Rahmu will happily step forward and slowly dismember and kill him, enjoying the fear of this stupid human being , despair and pain...

After that, it was discovered by Jin Gu.

The existence that occupied Enkidu's body appeared on the scene. He seemed to show obvious disgust for it, and directly shot and killed a large group of Rahmu, and angrily reprimanded them as inferior and defective products, Bigor The crafted monsters are even worse.


He originally thought that he could stop the behavior of these disgusting things, but the Rahmu were caught off guard and pierced his body and took away his heart...

"Sure enough, it's a step late."

Withdrew from this memory scene, and snuffed out the light spot of Rahmu's soul, Gu Mo breathed out lightly.

Almost at the moment when his voice fell, the atmosphere vibrated abruptly, and a heavy coercion came from the end of the sky in a certain direction. It was an extremely terrifying aura, which could make living beings feel the power of despair instinctively. , as if it was the absolute master of life.

It's like dropping a huge boulder in a pond, and the ripples it creates are going out round and round!
In just an instant, this divine coercion spread to the entire planet!

(End of this chapter)

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