Chapter 250 Confrontation
"It really is sorcery! It's just crooked!!"

Shibata Katsuie roared and roared, brandishing a pair of axes and roaring, bringing up an unusually violent whirlwind, which was almost visible to the naked eye.

"Give me death!!"

The sound was like thunder, and amidst the roar, it viciously knocked out several charging mechanical golems, causing their heavy bodies to fly several meters away!

If it was a relatively light human body, it would probably be smashed to pieces by this berserk force!

This is also a matter of course. Such a fierce general is unscientifically strong on the battlefield. His burly figure has reached twice the size of an ordinary person, which is not inferior to ordinary ghosts. The muscles all over his body are cast like steel. Full of savage power.

The phantom of the huge demon pig that emerged from behind was also extremely impressive.The bamboo leaves grow luxuriantly on the back, and the fierce sprinting force and sharp fangs are regarded as the embodiment of the power of nature. Since the Jomon period, it has been regarded as a symbol of the prosperity of offspring because of its prolificacy.

And this supernatural power is also at this moment, blessing Shibata Katsuie's physique and muscles!

With this terrifying power, this ferocious humanoid beast cooperates with a special way of exerting martial skills, and swings the half-human tall ax frantically in both hands with wide-opening and closing moves. Every time the ax comes down, it is extremely violent. The lethality is like the effect of hitting a flat A with a partial AOE!
Ax down!It was a loud bang!

The extremely fierce and mighty vacuum wave is like a hammer, and the terrifying impact of the bursting sonic boom can shatter the earth!
In the next moment, another ax was added!

The destructive violent air wave set off a shock wave visible to the naked eye, and the second high-speed shock wave squeezed the air and burst out to the surroundings, directly blowing away the smoke and dust that had just been splashed without a trace!

It's like one after another high-explosive grenade is detonated one after another. Every time the two axes are swung with full force, they can almost exert a power comparable to that of detonators. On the ancient cold weapon battlefield, this is an unimaginable killing machine. .After all, if the opponent is a human being, it is difficult to fight against this violent physical force.

Even if it is forced to follow, if there is not enough resistance, it is estimated that the other party's arms or even the entire upper body will disappear, and the flesh and blood will be blown to pieces!

And now, it is extremely destructive.

There are several mechanical golems that bear the brunt. Under the successive berserk attacks, there are obvious cracks on the surface. The metal body seems to be unable to withstand such a powerful blow. The violent shock inside also destroys the operation of some devices, with sparks Flashes burst out, and the action became noticeably slower.

But this doesn't affect anything, the other mechanical golems around continue to act according to the original instructions.

Their red electronic eyes shone with a murderous cold light, and they strode up to them, as if nothing could stop their progress.

These are the first generation of trial-type humanoid mechanical golems, named "Terminator I" in a wicked way. At present, the first batch of [-] made in the lunar city has been put into the This world has joined the vigorous upgrading and transformation project of Meinong.

It is also to collect data and observe deficiencies during actual use, so as to adjust, optimize or upgrade in the future.

At present, 250 mechanical golems have been dispatched to this battlefield, and the rest are still executing orders tirelessly in Inabayama Castle or other places.

Their prototype technology comes from the reverse engineering of Mr. Handy, combined with the occult knowledge of golem-making - the spell to create constructs can animate inanimate matter, whether they are originally stone or wood, will come to life , and start to act.

Since even a simple structure of wood or stone as a prototype can be so amazingly improved by magic, so that these inanimate substances can move, can understand the master's order, and can continue to run as long as they are not destroyed...

So what if a spell is cast on a robot that is originally precisely designed, and the already precise mechanical body is used as a prototype to activate it with spells?

Will they get another leap-forward improvement in the already excellent design and performance level?
The source of inspiration is like this, it is not complicated, it is just the product of the collision of the sparks of wisdom, and finally let Gu Mo, who has mastered both at the same time, have a whim, and organically combine them to create a dream that is more in line with his ideal. smart puppet.

The personality matrix and simple emotion simulator of intelligent machinery provide more outstanding performance, can better imitate human beings, and can understand more complex instructions and complete more detailed work; and use magic to give life to solve power problems , while leaving the "back door" of mysticism as a double insurance.

The reliability itself is written into the program of the behavior agreement from the basic code level.

And the combination of magic, a mystery that is very different from the scientific and technological system, is an invisible extra layer of insurance.

These mechanical golems are tireless, know no pain, and naturally will not be afraid or fearful. They will only faithfully and efficiently execute orders from their masters.

The bravery of Katsuya Shibata boosted the morale of the Oda army very well, and stopped the trend of the army's rout. Under the angry urging of the generals, many soldiers grabbed their weapons and charged back with red eyes, as if I saw the hope of turning defeat into victory.

This is also the case in this world. In the normal historical timeline, the army of ordinary people would have been terrified when they encountered such a magical creation.

But in this world, there are all kinds of monsters, ghosts, monsters, and monsters. This is an objective fact, and people have long understood this, and it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In other words, he was taken aback and did not completely lose his will to fight.

——Compared with being afraid of these "monsters", the collapse and turmoil of the Oda Army just now was more caused by the suppression of firepower from the opposite side.

The two sides fought together again, which seemed to make Owari see the dawn again.

Although... the light is so faint, ethereal like a candle in the wind.

Accompanied by the violent roar of muskets, many bullets poured mercilessly on Shibata Katsuie's body, but they were directly bounced away by some kind of defensive force.

But not all-

Zhuzhu King's power cannot be fully exerted by a pure human body. The protective power blessed by the guardian spirit is only a small part after all, and the power that people can use belongs to the tip of the iceberg.

Even people who have been immersed in this for many years and have incomparably experienced experience can activate the power of guardian spirits more actively and frequently, and control this magical or monstrous power, after all, there is a limit... If you want to fully exert this power... Power, the only choice is to become a monster.

Oh, and 99 weapons...

However, it is obvious that this is not a rotten skill. Although it is judged to be only at the silver level, it can perfectly leverage the power of the guardian spirit. It can be said to be an extremely suitable customized skill.Shibata Katsuie didn't master this skill, but it looked like his eyes were blood red from pain and anger!
He took the initiative to attract firepower and created opportunities for other soldiers, but blood burst out from many places on his body, and he also sensed the arrival of some kind of fatal crisis.

There was violence in the red eyes, and the phantom of the huge demon pig behind him seemed to become more solid, and it seemed that he wanted to merge with this burly general and become one!

Monsterization! !

Oda Nobunaga's facial muscles twitched, feeling a little distressed, but he still quickly made up his mind and waved his hands fiercely: "The whole army is attacking!"

The matter has come to this point, it is irreversible, what he has to do is to seize this opportunity and try to reverse the situation... No regrets, Meinong is what he is determined to win.Because Owari's geographical environment determines that if he wants to take over the world, he must first take Mino. If he can't get Mino, then everything he has done so far is meaningless.



The sun is setting and the sun is about to sink below the horizon.

It was as red as blood, and there was an ominous atmosphere.

Sitting upright in the main hall, Owari and the others were chatting and laughing, watching the last ray of light projected into the courtyard about to disappear, and the sky began to darken, and they couldn't help but feel extremely anxious.

What went wrong?

Why is there still no movement?
In their calculations, the surprise attack on Meinong during what was supposed to be the honeymoon period between the two countries will definitely have unexpected results.

But maybe it is possible to drive straight in and kill all the way to Inaba Mountain Castle, but by that time, no matter how slow Mino is, they should be able to react, and they can take advantage of the danger in the mountain city... If that is the case, it would be a fly in the ointment. It can be severely damaged but it is difficult to completely win Mino.

After all, siege is inherently difficult, and it is not that easy. If one is not careful, it will turn into a very bad tug-of-war.

What they want is to launch a fatal blow internally at the critical moment, and take down Inabayama Castle internally and externally. This is the most ideal result.

But the premise should be that the army of our family marched all the way, directly crossed the Great Plains, and quickly rushed under the Inaba Mountain Castle. At that time, it was the most suitable opportunity... Now, they are a little numb, and it seems that things are not going well. , until now the outside is quiet.

But if it drags on, the other party will probably have doubts.

Must act now!

Even if it can't go smoothly as expected, at least kill the confidant in front of him, and let Meinong fall into a paralyzed state without a leader... Even if it is more troublesome, he will still get the result he and others want, no matter how bad it is. Trigger a series of turmoil, let yourself and others have the opportunity to seize those advanced equipment and escape!

They gritted their teeth and looked at each other fiercely.

"Master Gu Mo, then we have to prepare to leave now..." The leader pondered, stood up from the sitting position, and saluted the young man in the first place in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, as if he was about to say goodbye , The others behind him made gestures to get up.

"Alright..." Gu Mo nodded, seemingly absent-minded.

Oda City next to him kept his head down, and now he couldn't help but look up.

The young girl seemed to be preoccupied, as if she looked at the family members in front of her with some reluctance, feeling emotional in her heart... Then at this moment, her pupils froze suddenly, reflecting a shining knife light!
(End of this chapter)

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