Chapter 363 Alice in Paradise
"Illusions, all illusions..."

Gu Mo waved his hand, although he thought Miss Hua Yao's transformation was very good, but there was no need to say such things.

Even Kazami Yuka, there were times when she became angry from embarrassment.

He changed the subject without any trace, stretched his waist, and then smiled and looked at the Lord of Flowers of the Four Seasons: "Speaking of which, you have been standing here talking for so long, You Xiang, didn't you show anything?"

I haven't seen it for so long, and I don't invite myself to go in and sit down...

I also want to know more about the changes in Gensokyo in recent years. Although I have a general grasp of the situation, I still want to see the evaluation from other people's perspective...

Miss Huayao raised her eyebrows, and then showed a bright smile: "It's rare that you are so proactive, so come on, I happen to be a little itchy too, let's see how much I have improved over the years... ..." While speaking, she had already put down her parasol, and the tip of the umbrella was facing Gu Mo's direction.

The huge pure monster power was condensing, and for a moment, it seemed that the world suddenly went dark.

Only the clear light of the demonic power is constantly gathering and compressing, as if the real energy is surging and rolling, and at the tip of the parasol-shaped surgical armor that has been modified many times, it exudes amazing power...

"Uh, that's not what I meant."

Gu Mo sighed.

The next moment, a beam of light was launched suddenly piercing the entire sky, allowing the entire Gensokyo to be seen.

Many people frowned, but then they stretched out. Although they didn't know what the flower demon in the sun flower field was going crazy, there was nothing to worry about. They knew each other too well, regardless of their personalities. No matter how troublesome it is, it is still a person with a sense of proportion.

Besides, no matter how troublesome the problem is, isn't there still urban management?Anyway, let that poor witch have a headache.

Sunflower field here.

Kazami Yuka narrowed her eyes slightly, watching the big hole in the chest of the black-haired young man in white slowly close, the result of this shot was unexpected.It's normal for the other party not to dodge or dodge. Kazami Yuka used to think that the other party was arrogant, but later found out that this person was simply outrageous.

Long, long ago, the first battle made her feel very uncomfortable.

The opponent's Taoism emerges endlessly, flowing smoothly, layer upon layer like a flower blooming, amulets to withstand attacks, substitute spells to transfer damage, it's just dragging... It makes Kazami Youxiang feel helpless, the opponent's Taoism is to focus on defense, In terms of stand-ins, escape methods, etc., the life-saving skills are full.

A punch that can catalyze mountains and crack cities can shatter spells...

The magical cannon that can overwhelm mountains and seas, what annihilates is the avatar...

It was the same with coming and going, and the result was the same over and over again, which made her feel that fighting was so boring and uncomfortable for the first time.

And after that time, Miss Huayao was also bored for a long time, and when she found a chance to fight the opponent again, she also made a decisive request, and then found that the opponent was actually serious the last time, and it was very face-saving Most of them are using spells to interact with themselves.

Because of the second battle, the result was that this guy stood still, and as long as he didn't attack with all his strength, there was no way to break through the defense!

Is there anything more outrageous than this?

Kazami Yuka was somewhat hit, but with a tough personality, she was more motivated to fight and did not give up.Every once in a while, she feels that as long as she makes progress, she will continue to challenge Gu Mo, and she doesn't want to aim too high, and wants to defeat him in one go.

It's just a simple pursuit of using less effort to reach the level of breaking the opponent's defense, trying to prove that he has grown and improved.

This has also become her long-term persistence.

But now, she doesn't believe that the improvement of her time can be so huge that she can easily smash this guy's defense with one shot, like a hot knife cutting through butter, and directly penetrate this guy... This scene also seems completely unreal.

"I'm just an extension of the sense of touch now, an image of spiritual power..."

Gu Mo shook his head, he didn't come here specially to fight this tyrant of flowers.

Besides, I just projected my own ghostly image into Gensokyo, and my real retreat is not over yet, so naturally I won't have too many performances... Well, at least for my own body, the projection performance is negligible.

Anyway, Gensokyo is peaceful, so I don't need to do anything.

"The image of mental power? How is it possible, I feel that you obviously have a physical body."

Kazami Youxiang was a little surprised, compared to Gu Mo's low evaluation of her current ghostly shadow, she felt a little strange, because she didn't notice anything wrong before that, she didn't notice it at all There's something wrong with this guy's form of existence.

"Recently, I have studied the technology of soul materialization, and have achieved some results...but unfortunately not many."

Gu Mo shook his head regretfully.

According to the accumulation of the Einzbern family, and through the reverse analysis of the Great Holy Grail, he is of course very interested in the third magic.It's just that magic is human wisdom, human wisdom, and the law of the world.But magic is not included, it is a lonely existence outside the sky.

If we say that magic is something done by using the laws and limits of modern times, or the current world.Then magic is like traveling to other worlds through dimensions, using completely different laws and breaking through completely different limits.

It is the criterion of the gods beyond the sky, and it is an absolute miracle.

Gu Mo's progress in this area is really not great. He has even controlled the power of the stars, but he has not been able to touch the threshold of the third magic.It can only be said that there are results, but not many, only a little bit.

"Materialization of the soul?"

Miss Flower Demon frowned, the field that this person set foot in felt more and more mysterious.



Wandering through Gensokyo in ghostly projections has some perks, too.

At least for the time being, he will not be discovered by a certain monster sage, and Gu Mo can also not be disturbed. He is like a foreigner who just came in, experiencing this familiar and strange place from his own perspective.

After leaving the Sun Flower Field, he walked towards the Monster Mountain, with a large forest in between.This is an area that Gu Mo rarely feels unfamiliar with. It does not belong to the geography that he moved in from outside, but the environment where he was born and raised. It is currently called the magic forest.

Probably because of the weak space, it is closer to the Demon Realm.

The elemental energy from the demon world dissipated, which made this primeval forest a little unusual. Most of the areas grew a lot of monster mushrooms, filled with miasma, and ordinary people would get sick if they inhaled it.But the mushroom itself is unusual, containing pure energy from the underworld.

They help improve mojo...

It is so strange that it is naturally called the magic forest.

The forest was originally opaque and dark, and it was already dusk and sunset, so it naturally looked even more eerie and weird.

Mushrooms that can be seen everywhere grow wildly in the forest, and the magic power contained in them is very obvious.The black-haired young man in white was wandering freely in the forest. Although he had no momentum at all and no magical reaction, the monsters in the magic forest wisely did not attack him.

There are even guys who deliberately please, bring up the prey they just hunted, sit on the ground and wag their tails, whining and showing off their cuteness.

Where did the husky come from?Also became a demon.

Gu Mo felt a little funny, but he also understood the mechanism of Gensokyo. It is not unusual for anything to flow in from the outside world, so he rubbed the head of the Erha who suddenly appeared, and the husky also circled around him happily.

The demon power is good, and the breath is relatively pure...

Gu Mo sized it up, but he had no plans to adopt a dog.

Although there is also a "primate killer" training program recently, it was only after meeting Chaldea and others, and then quietly contacting Fufu, that I got the inspiration...

However, this has not been planned yet. He is more inclined to cultivate monsters in an ecosystem by himself, rather than choose cats and dogs for transformation... To take a step back, if you really want to choose, it is not impossible. In the world of Inuyasha, he put the dog he cultivated into it and shocked everyone.

What kind of bullshit is Naluo, and what kind of Qilin pill can stop the dog who is like the resurrection of Dou Yawang.

Huh, I suddenly felt a little bit moved...

Gu Mo squatted down and scratched Husky's chin, and decided to take another look.

"Go back..." He stood up, patted Gouzi on the head, and gave him a little help. Gouzi walked around him a few times reluctantly, and then ran away without looking back and did not take away the prey on the ground...

Gu Mo couldn't help but burst out laughing, looking at the prey on the ground.Although I don't need it, this dog is really spiritual enough.

Then the next moment, he saw that husky ran back quickly and took away the prey on the ground again...

In fact, it doesn't have that many thoughts, it just simply forgot.



silly dog!

Gu Mo restrained his smile, and continued to walk forward lightly.

Not long after, a small mansion-like house appeared in the depths of the forest ahead, which should be the residence of one of the two magicians.Gu Mo felt that there were two magicians living in the magic forest, and of course it was not the concept in the world of Fate.

It is the profession that uses the magic system he created in the current world.

Magician, sorcerer, witch...

And so on, it is this type of occupation.

Thinking of what happened in the past, Gu Mo couldn't help but feel a little absent-minded. It really has been a long time without knowing it. What he did in the past seems to have become a part of history.According to Ms. Flower Demon, it is that she, the demon king and dragon god, seems to have no sense of existence in Gensokyo——

However, in fact, his shadow can be seen almost everywhere.

It's just that only those very ancient gods or monsters with high qualifications will understand all this, as for those juniors who were born later, they will not understand this.They all just feel that those elements are part of the ordinary order of the world.


At this moment, the door of the mansion was opened.

A blond girl came out and saw the black-haired young man in white. She was slightly taken aback, but she still asked, "Are you someone who just entered Gensokyo?"

She was originally studying magic and puppetry in her own room, but she felt that there seemed to be an ordinary person approaching outside, so she subconsciously mistook it for those examples of mistaken entry or getting lost in the past. Come out and check it out.

She is very friendly to humans. Even if she encounters people who stray into the magic forest or get lost in the forest, she will try to take them out.

It's just that this ordinary person seems a little unusual...

Gu Mo blinked his eyes, and his eyes froze on the magic book in the girl's hand for a moment, and then showed a hearty smile: "Yeah, I just entered this place, and I still don't understand the situation... ..."

Isn't that magic book written by himself?
Drawing inspiration from the example of "Fairy Tale Kingdom" created by a master of illusion in the world where Ciri was born, he also personally created a magic field like a fairy tale world, based on the story chapters of "Alice in Wonderland". Open the book or read the spell, and you can visit the different world in it...

This was a gift that Shenqi asked herself to be "serious", "concentrated", "meticulous" and full of "sincerity".

But, how could it be in the hands of this girl?

(End of this chapter)

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