When does this world have a blood bar displayed?

Chapter 400 The Key to Changing History

Chapter 400 The Key to Changing History

wonderful feeling...

Gu Mo silently felt all this in his heart.

At this time, time seems to him more like a concept of space. He is currently observing the world unilaterally. In fact, it is already a piece of history that belongs to the past.

He exactly returned to the time point more than ten minutes ago, watching all this, and at the same time, he had a very mysterious feeling, that is, he knew that he could not only watch this history, but also directly experience this history, and do something about it. Make changes and fixes...

——Is it really worthy of the Infinity Stone?
——Its power is indeed strong enough, it seems that the meaning of existence is to rule the river of order.

It's just that this power to change history, to change a single timeline...

What will be the price?

With a slight thought, Gu Mo decided to be more cautious, although according to the explanation, as long as the power of the time gem is used properly, the user should be able to completely manipulate time and cause and effect.But this requires the user to have extremely rich relevant knowledge, and at the same time, there are also requirements for the use and development of the gem's power.

Although it seems to be very handy now, it is because his own power is strong enough, and he has a certain degree of dabbling in the field of time, and the current backtracking time is only about ten or twenty minutes, which happened just now things...

It doesn't mean that he has fully understood and mastered the power of the time gem, but rather it is really just a very preliminary test and superficial use, involving a little superficial level of the time field.

If you can't even handle this level, or if you have to work hard to complete the operation——

Then it can only be said that between the power he possesses and the power of the time gem, there must be one side with too much sand, and it is specified that something is not right.

Just like an experienced fisherman, he found a suitable fishing spot in the river section based on his own experience, and then Gu Mo gently moved his mind to spread the power of time, subtly covering the reality Yakumo Zi and Shirley pulled them directly into it.

It went very smoothly, neither of them had any resistance, not even an instinctive subconscious reaction, so they were directly drawn into it.

"Is this... going back to the specific history?"

A strange light flickered in her beautiful eyes, Zi Yakumo looked at the scene in front of her.

The three of them are still sitting around the round table outside the cold drink shop, but they are no longer on the streets of the town, no longer under the umbrellas and sunshine in midsummer, but seem to be floating in the void of time, history The long river rippled under his feet, and the surrounding scene was exactly what happened ten minutes ago.

They seem to have come to the past history...

It also seems out of place, as if the surrounding background is just a texture layer, and they are located in two different dimensions...

Withdrawing her gaze from looking around, Yakumo Zi felt that she seemed to understand the situation, and at the same time turned her eyes back, taking a deep look at someone across the table.

This guy... actually has the ability of the time system?When did it happen?

Although she has seen it before, it seems that Gu Mo's skills are only the mirror spell that stops time. There seems to be no such more refined and arbitrary performance of related abilities.And often when they need to use the characteristics of time, they will ask themselves or Kaguya for help...

In other words, it is very likely that this is the power that he has only recently grasped through some means?
The thinking is very quick and quick, and the monster sage deduced this result almost immediately, excluding the possibility that this guy has been hiding his clumsiness before, it is probably the most likely thing.She also has a deeper understanding of the infinite possibilities that this person wanders between different worlds.

"That's it!"

Shirley was also taken aback by this development, but she quickly realized the important issue related to her way home, and immediately concentrated her attention, looking at what was revealed in the long river of history. screen.

The next moment, she lifted her spirits, pointed at the picture and nodded again and again, reminding and urging nervously: "This is it! What should we do?!"

This is it!

She watched what happened not long ago, and the scene of history repeating itself, and she couldn't help feeling that she was being executed publicly, was she about to see her embarrassing performance?At this moment, her feelings about the Wild Hunt also changed from subconscious fear to a feeling of embarrassment mixed with anger.


In the depths of the Moonbase...

Located in the security observation room...

The witcher girl, who looked like a mirror image, was staring at the observation screen in front of her, then took a deep breath, and decisively activated her own ability again.

So in the test field opposite, in the spacious and huge space tightly sealed by silver-white metal, there were beams of light from the portals, which lit up at the designated positions one after another.

They are incomparably accurate in restraint devices, isolation facilities, and anti-evil magic circles, quietly opening, fixing the portal to the other world.Like light bulbs in series connected to electricity, in the blink of an eye, from one side to the other, hundreds of portals all opened in one go...

This scene fully demonstrated how much progress the upgraded Ciri has made in terms of her mana and control.

Relying on this kind of efficiency, she was able to greatly speed up her own progress in exploring other worlds, and she was able to retrieve dungeon worlds with more than three digits in one batch... Of course, it was only a very rough and rough exploration, and she could only obtain some relatively simple and intuitive ones. intelligence.

The main reason is to obtain some preliminary information in this way, which can help to make some general judgments about the situation behind the door, and selectively screen them.

This is a great help -

Although facing the infinite world, she is still looking for a needle in a haystack like this, but the efficiency has definitely improved anyway.

In the huge closed test field, beside the light of the opened portals, there are detection robots lined up one after another. They advance one grid at the same time in a very orderly manner, and thus enter the world behind the gates. The mechanical body was engulfed by light.

This is a mass-produced exploration robot based on the moon. The prototype is an autonomous machine designed to explore unknown and uninhabited planets.

With an anti-gravity drive unit, it is almost suitable for walking on all terrains.

It also has a long-range and large-scale holographic detection device, which is very suitable for performing exploration tasks in unfamiliar environments and areas.

And even though they only have light armament and low-level intelligence, it is only relatively speaking. These cold-blooded machines designed for exploration purposes, their firepower is not to be underestimated... so they are very suitable for exploring unregistered In the dungeon world, conduct a preliminary survey on the opposite side of the portal.

After they entered it one after another, the portals all shrank, and finally seemed to disappear on the field.

In fact, this is not closed, but each vortex of light is shrunk to the size of a small dot under fine-grained control... This is another step of strictly controlled procedures, mainly to reduce consumption and at the same time , can also reduce the risk of the portal being discovered by the opposite side.

Of course, I dare not say everything, at least to a certain extent, it can reduce the probability of possible problems.

Receive the information fed back by the detection robot through the portal, and make a preliminary investigation and judgment on the situation behind the door. This step is also relatively smooth.Because no matter what, the time flow in the dungeon world is faster than the real world, so you don't need to wait for a long time here, and you can basically collect enough information.

The demon hunter girl who was originally a calm face, suddenly became a little confused when she was checking the records, and then became excited and nervous, and her face changed richly.


"I was so excited at the time, but I was also worried that like the previous few times, I made a false report and delayed your time and energy..."

When looking at this, Shirley felt a little embarrassed, and explained in a low voice.Then she picked up the drink on the table and bit the straw guiltily.

It was with this thought in mind that she went to explore the world that was automatically judged by AI again and labeled as "highly suspicious".


The scene of history continued to advance, and shortly after the witcher girl passed by, she rushed out of the portal almost in a little embarrassment——

At the same time, she closed the portal almost reflexively, and stood in the test field in shock, panting heavily.

A few seconds later, the witcher girl seemed to have sensed something again, and her expression changed slightly.After trying to open the portal more than ten times to no avail, he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, turned around and hurriedly left the testing ground.


"This is the node..."

As if in another dimension, Gu Mo stretched out his hand and said aloud.

And at the same time, the history in front of everyone's eyes was frozen again, and then reversed slightly, returning to the moment when Xili had just escaped from there in embarrassment under precise control.

"Because it's something that has already happened, so we'd better not change the timeline itself. It's the best choice to get our result without changing the integrity of the causal chain... It's this point in time, ten minutes ago The old Ciri just came back from there, and the current Ciri can take this opportunity to enter through this door again."

As he said so, he pointed to the frozen picture——

The light of the portal that is about to be closed.

"Because you didn't know about it more than ten minutes ago, so the following things will not change, you will still come to me, and then lead to the next action... and the one who is taking action now, over there The world can open the door and come back here at any time. In this way, we will naturally not lose the coordinates of this world."

It's like the last action taken by the hero in "Stones of Destiny's Gate".

Deceive yourself as an observer in the past, keep the phenomenon observed by the past self unchanged, ensure the integrity of the causal chain that happened later, and at the same time interfere with the thing that happened in the past, so that the established facts have changed .

Gu Mo can feel the great power of the time gem, but... he is still prepared to use this power more safely.

(End of this chapter)

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