When does this world have a blood bar displayed?

Chapter 47 Harvest and Silver Treasure Rewards

Chapter 47 Harvest and Silver Treasure Rewards

"Scene: Viper God...Zizi...$#%&..."

"Difficulty: Difficult."

"Current scene exploration: 78.9%."

"Field...$#%&...Mode: Non-Peaceful."

"Triggered mission: Investigate the truth about the evil ghosts in Viper God Realm."

"The task has been completed..." Zizi...$#%&...

"Comprehensive evaluation: C-."

"According to the comprehensive evaluation settlement, an additional reward of 25% general experience, silver key x 1."


The scene of Viper God's Domain came to an end, and the group returned to Lushan City.

Without disturbing the reunion of the old man's family, Gu Mo returned to his room a little tired, and began to check the scene settlement of the mentally handicapped system. He was a little surprised to find that he got a comprehensive evaluation of C- this time.

Although I did most of the water paddling this time, it was much more reliable than Shisanying Village and his party, right?At that time, I was the one who really didn't know what to do, and didn't have what I wanted, but even so, I followed Axiu through the whole scene, and got a B-level evaluation.

How to change this time, I am not as embarrassed and passive as before, but take the initiative to attack, and have more abundant skills and tactical choices, and the number of kills has also increased significantly... Even if I can't say how good I played , What a "textbook-style land reclamation strategy", but it must be much higher than the performance of Shisanying Village at that time, right?

Why did the evaluation drop, only a C grade, or even a C-...

Is it because the scene is more difficult, or is there some kind of dynamic change in the scoring criteria?Or, in fact, the factors that really affect the tendency of comprehensive evaluation are not actually the combat part, but the real focus is on the participation in the plot and the size of the butterfly effect?
If this is the case, it can still be justified, and even now it can have a C-level comprehensive evaluation, which is all thanks to the old man.

——If it wasn't for the Viper's slap on the forehead and random imagination, the change of the plot might not be so obvious.

Of course, these are still speculations, and Gu Mo can't confirm for the time being. Before the mentally handicapped system gives instructions, he needs to explore many things by himself, and then compare and confirm.In other words, yes or no, only time can give the answer.

Now his attention is shifted back to the water basin in front of him. From the reflected water surface, he skillfully uses his mind to operate, and exits the history page of the inbox. The settlement content has been roughly browsed, and there is nothing left. Nothing to watch out for.

Switching back to the upgrade page, Gu Mo was relieved to see that his life level had finally been raised to LV6. It was still a little worse, but with the additional experience value added after the scene was settled, he still broke through the last trace The gap is completely filled with the progress bar.

Another level up, another valuable assignable attribute point...

He thought about it carefully, how should he invest these points at present, considering that the standard value is based on the value of 10 points for normal people as a reference, and the bonus rate of each point is quite powerful, so he has already invested two points respectively. The strength and physique attributes of one or three points seem to be able to continue to be strengthened.

After all, comprehensiveness often means mediocrity, and it is also necessary to choose the specialization route and concentrate on investing resources.

But, is this what he really needs now?

Most of the skills I learned and mastered at the beginning are spells and spells. I can only say that I can use melee skills, but I haven't really mastered even the most basic posture. If you consider the proportion of skills, I should focus on improving the magic system. required properties, right?

Besides, physical ability or something——

In the case of possessing a guardian spirit that can be combined by possession and directly transformed into a monster, if it is really necessary to fight in close quarters, it is not that he has no cards in this regard at present... The strength-sensitive body bonus brought by monsterization is Very high, the body of an ordinary person will turn into the strength of sword steel, like a fighting machine that knows no pain and never tires.

"Huh? When is this..."

When Gu Mo was thinking, he suddenly noticed that the occupation level below, did not know when it changed, the progress bar was filled unknowingly, and there was a slightly more "+" behind the progress bar The symbol of " is flickering lightly.

There is a sense of presence, but it is not particularly conspicuous.

He was very concerned about this before. After all, precious core resources such as distributable attribute points can be obtained every time a life level is raised. At present, no other way to obtain it has been found... But in Under the "life level", there is also a "professional level", how could he not pay attention to it.

It’s just that you can’t get in. The progress bar is not unchanged, but the efficiency of accumulating experience is horribly low, and no matter how you look at it, “civilian” doesn’t seem like a real profession... It’s a pity that the mentally retarded system also There was no movement at all, and after he couldn't figure it out for a long time, he gave up temporarily.

But I didn't expect that this thing seemed to be unlocked at this time. It was a surprise that it was true.

He decisively clicked on the plus sign, and then a new page jumped, and slowly unfolded in front of his eyes, a square page, surrounded by moiré curls, the material effect displayed was to simulate an ancient ink painting scroll The pattern in the middle is the silhouette of a man wearing a tall hat and a safari suit with a vague face.

Below is the text description -


"People who practice Yin-Yang and Five Elements originated from the monks of the Chinese concept of Onmyoji, a practice school gradually formed by Onmyoji thought and the theory of Five Elements. During the Tang Dynasty, Onmyoji and other concepts were introduced to Japan, and Onmyoji began. Appearing as a country-exclusive divination master, combined with Japan's original curse-forbidden Taoism and the Yin-Yang Tao developed by Shintoism, it reached its peak in the Heian period."

"It is detected that the player has reached the occupational requirements for changing jobs as an Onmyoji. Do you choose Onmyoji as the main occupation?"

Below is the option to confirm or not, which made Gu Mo feel a little bit difficult for a while.

Fortunately, he noticed a small pattern of a question mark on the far side of the lower right corner. After focusing his attention, a hidden sub-tab page popped up, which was the basic explanation and explanation of the career system.

——The dog system finally did a human thing!
Gu Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and checked carefully. According to the notes of the dog system, occupational levels are different from the division of life levels. The latter is the purification and sublimation of the essence of life, while the former is for a specific knowledge and ability system. The intuitive expression of mastery, understanding and attainments.

However, the occupational level can also increase the basic attributes, but it is not rewarding assignable points, which can be distributed freely according to one's own ideas, but according to the characteristics of the selected occupation, one point is directly added to the influence attribute corresponding to the occupation when upgrading.

Probably because the level of life symbolizes the choice of life itself, and the level of occupation is an intuitive reflection of the player's pursuit of a specific knowledge and ability system that has formed, and it is bound to be affected by the characteristics of its genre.

After all, if a person puts aside the influence of professional factors, he can choose to exercise physical strength or mental strength according to his own ideas. There is no limit to this.

——But if you are an athlete or a worker, the accumulated results of exercise will be reflected in your body; if you are a lawyer, designer, etc., who are mentally labored, the physical labor intensity is not high and the nerves are often highly tense, of course the exercise will only be It's brain power.

It is impossible to say the other way around, people who exercise every day have developed brains, and people who use their brains every day have stronger bodies... The result and the object are simply not compatible, just like "insist on exercising to make the barbell stronger" This kind of thing sounds very outrageous.

That's it, the occupational level will also increase the basic attributes, which is also a point for each level.It's just that you can't freely distribute it yourself, but when you choose this profession, the key attribute of influence has already been determined, and it cannot be easily changed afterwards.

Of course, there seems to be a way, because the difference between occupation level and life level is still obvious. A person has only one life, but there can be many occupations... The dog system also shows that part-time jobs are allowed, that is to say, if more part-time jobs Several different occupations correspond to the six basic attributes one by one...

As soon as this kind of enthusiastic thought popped up in his mind, Gu Mo was ruthlessly shattered his dream by the content of the hidden tab page in the latter page, just like the illusion before—the system explained that the total level of a profession is regarded as one Overall, the more occupations you have part-time, the more severe the experience penalty you suffer.

He sighed, as expected there was no such easy loophole.

Continuing to browse through the following content, he frowned slightly, lost in thought.Choosing a profession is an additional way to improve valuable basic attributes. In addition, it will be easier to learn the corresponding professional genre skills, and it will be more efficient to accumulate experience when using related professional skills ...

Basically, that's all there is, and there are no other extra additions, at least in the detailed notes rarely given by the dog system, there is no description about this part.

The onmyoji's professional attribute is "spirit", which seems to be a good choice. After all, Gu Mo is learning onmyoji now, and he also urgently needs to improve his own magic power. If he chooses a profession to increase a little, the points that can be allocated can also be increased. Add a little, and it will be 12 points directly. His spell must be much stronger than before.

At least the production ability can also be improved, and you won't be able to hold back three or five charms in a day. If you can't keep up with energy, you will naturally limit your production capacity.

But the choice of career seems to be of great importance, and the part-time job punishment is particularly severe. He has no way to make a choice easily... Sighing lightly, his attention has already passed the content of the last page with hidden sub-tabs, and then he was stunned. After a moment, he let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there is no rush to make a choice.

Even if you don’t choose a profession, the profession level will increase—it seems to be the case. I remember that the gatekeeper in the community seems to be a level 2 civilian, and it’s not because he doesn’t have a special profession that he can’t upgrade—according to the behavior of gaining experience before the upgrade, It may unlock new career options, and it will also determine what attributes are upgraded this time...

Maybe civilian flow is also a way of playing, and it can even make the biggest shortcoming of not being able to freely allocate attributes controllable?

The thought flashed through his mind, Gu Mo immediately shook his head again, and he was the first to veto this idea. According to his experience during this period, this is not feasible.

Before choosing a career, the efficiency of professional experience accumulation is very low, which is ridiculously low.Compared with the level of life that has been raised to level 6 during this period of time, he has not really unlocked the system page of the profession until now, which is probably no different from the experience penalty... Uncle doorman is only level 2 even at this age , The civilian stream designated no future.

The dog system just leaves room, but no loopholes.

He quit decisively without making a choice, but he saw that his professional level had still become LV1, and his spiritual attribute had also increased by 1 point as expected.

The improvement of mental attributes seems to be different from the strengthening of the physical level. There is no comfort as if the cells of the whole body are soaked in the heat of the hot spring. Instead, you can actually feel in your body, and your consciousness seems to be immersed in a certain coolness. , the soul is like a seed sprouting and growing, growing stronger little by little.

Gu Mo also added the allocatable attribute points obtained by increasing the life level. The improvement of mental power brought by the two points is still extremely obvious. His eyes have become brighter and brighter, and he feels energetic, as if he can Spinning continuously for two or three days without rest or sleep is the same.

"Yes, it means that the result of this line of work has been promoted by two levels..."

He nodded in satisfaction, and then took out the outrageously large, silver, and shining quaint key from the inventory. Next, it was time to open the treasure house, to see if he could find anything randomly. something to come.

Although this time it is only a silver level, the sense of expectation is not as high as before.

The special effects are the same as before, except that the shining golden light has been replaced by shining silver light, and the gate of the Void Treasure House is also cast from whole body gold, replaced by whole body silver. It is so simple and rude that Gu Mo doesn't know how to complain.

In the magnificent treasure house decorated with jewels and countless treasures as the background of the map.

Gu Mo, who didn't know whether his body or consciousness appeared in this space, was stunned. He saw that the reward in the center of the treasure house was a... "person".

To be precise, it is the silhouette of a young monk wearing cassock robes, holding a tin staff in one hand, and counting beads in the other, reciting Buddha with low eyebrows. His temperament is extremely calm, towering like a mountain, and he has the air of a great master.

As if aware of someone entering this space, the young monk slightly raised his eyes and looked forward. He looked directly into Gu Mo's eyes, smiled slightly, and saluted in harmony——

"Benefactor, please watch it carefully, the poor monk will demonstrate it again."

And the next moment, the violent flames came from nowhere, as if the entire treasure house was burning in an instant, accompanied by a clear cry, a fire bird burning with magnificent flames, sacred and awe-inspiring like a phoenix appeared beside the young monk .

It raised its head and screamed, stretched its wings, and the flames on its body flowed to the surroundings, causing countless flames to spread rapidly on the ground, turning it into a sea of ​​flames.

More flames were like special effect phantoms, surrounding the young monk's body, dancing in a whirlwind, whistling and whirling, and the flames wrapped around the tin staff in his hand. The young monk raised the tin staff solemnly, like the wind Dancing in front of him like a fire wheel, there is a feeling of a mighty dragon...

Gan!It's that Fa Hai... no, that Kong Hai divine monk!
In the game, the Kobo master who made himself suffer so much is a humanoid monster who is more fierce than Minamoto Larimitsu and Minamoto Yoshitsune!
Gu Mo, who finally recognized who this bald donkey was, turned green when he saw that the other party looked like he was about to attack.

At the next moment, surrounded by countless flames and fire dragons, the figure of the young monk on the opposite side rushed over with such astonishing momentum!Instantly zoomed in on Gu Mo's field of vision!

In reality, Gu Mo came back to his senses in a jerk.

He looked around, then took a long breath, and then hurriedly checked his system panel, wanting to see what reward he got.

——"Skill badge: 99 weapon mastery (requires guardian spirit)."

(End of this chapter)

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