When does this world have a blood bar displayed?

Chapter 60 Be your own director and share your cool moments!

Chapter 60 Be your own director and share your cool moments!
After reviewing his own clips again, Gu Mo suppressed the strange sense of disobedience in his heart.

There is no way around this. After all, even a professional actor will probably feel this way when he sees his performance transformed into an on-screen result for the first time.Especially since he is not yet a professional, seeing his "performance" or "performance" now, it is naturally even more impossible to make an exception.

Glancing at the sharing icon in the lower right corner, Gu Mo hesitated a little, but his heart moved.He doesn't deny that he has some ideas, but he also feels that the mentally retarded system should not be aimless, so he still pays more attention to this function.

Maybe there is something deep in the mental retardation system, you have to try it to know, what if you share experience every day, or accumulate some lucky draw opportunities, or give a valuable achievement or something... But I don’t even try Just ignore the past in one go, wouldn't it be a loss of [-] million?

Especially the last achievement, which he valued more. Judging from the achievement badges he has obtained so far, it is not like the achievements in ordinary games. Most of them are just making up numbers without any practical significance.

But it is more commemorative, and at the same time, it will also give extremely powerful bonus effects, such as the achievement badge of the beginner, which can increase the experience gained by any means before reaching level 10 at any level, and the upgrade speed It is equivalent to a quarter increase.

There is also the achievement badge of First Blood, which limits the experience gained through battles to be doubled directly. If it weren't for the addition of these two items, Gu Mo felt that it was very likely that he had been promoted by two or three or three levels at most. It looks like a fourth grade.

So it is impossible to ignore the past...

With this in mind, he browsed through it again, actually watched the entire video, and slightly modified all the details. The entire process of the village's ancestral temple in the back mountain...

It only ends here, that is, the black-haired girl walks into the ancestral hall alone, kills and kills, chops melons and vegetables, and then the curtain falls. , quietly holding the Taidao upside down, with a "calm as water" expression on his face...

——Actually, this was due to the agitation of her monster blood at that time, probably because it was hard to suppress it, and it was also due to the lack of time to rescue Gu Mo who was attacked outside in time.

Even Gu Mo himself was looking back through the play records, and saw details that he hadn't noticed before, so he roughly guessed what was going on.It seems that starting from the ever-darkness of the Minotaur, and then to the ever-darkness of the Houshan Temple, Hidechiyo showed something wrong when entering the ever-darkness both times.

Then when he encountered the horse-headed ghost's Chang An again, he finally couldn't hold back his monster nature, and completely transformed into a monster.

Combined with the information I have, for example, in the eternal darkness, the power of the monsters has been strengthened, and the power of the monsters has become active; there is also the fact that Hidechiyo only lost control once in Shisanying Village, and there has been no such thing since then , and can even freely manipulate the power of demonization for his own use...

It's not difficult for Gu Mo to speculate on the specific situation, and he probably understands that losing control that time was like going through a coming-of-age ceremony in a certain sense for her.After that, the girl began to grow at a rapid pace, and the progress was rapid, and it seemed to be as natural as breathing and blood.

From the beginning, even the power of his own blood was difficult to control, and the half-demon who was at risk of being eroded and out of control gradually became the number one demon in the Warring States Period in decades——

The two big monsters from Fengmo Lingtang finally broke out, and Shuten Doji, who wanted to find fault and make a big fuss, was beaten to death on the spot by Hidechiyo, only Tamamomae ran away because of his decisiveness... and later, Otake Maru, transformed into a disaster dream ghost, was still hammered and blasted in the last fight. It is completely explained by the record who is the real demon king.

Exhaling lightly, he completed the final inspection and confirmed that there should be no problem.

Of course, the real process took a full midnight, from midnight to sunrise, but the current content has been edited and post-edited by him, and it has been abruptly cut into an episode of a drama about the length of time... Mainly From the beginning to the end, basically many of them are Hidechiyo's shots.

It's not that he has no chance to play, but most of them are talking about it.

For example, under the night cherry blossoms, he pretended to be an acquaintance with the girl in a serious manner, acting as if he knew the village well, and even seemed to be dominant in getting along with the girl...

The main reason is that the combat materials related to him are quite difficult to deal with. After all, at that time, he was just a pure newcomer, with no upgrades, no skills, no experience and awareness... only a heart that loves learning and works hard I used the opportunity at that time to improve my brushing experience as much as I could.

This sounds very inspirational, but if it is really broadcast as a screen image, it is a very tedious shot.

This is especially the case with Hidechiyo Pearl and Jade in front.Even he felt that he tried his best to fight wits and courage with the little hungry ghosts, and he had to stop to catch his breath after hitting a few, and the performance of taking a rest was really not good-looking.

What else can I do, so I finally passed decisively.

Also rejected was the scene where he was attacked and killed by the demon, which was not cut.Not only was it too embarrassing, but it was also too bloody. Even the clothes were torn in the back, and there were all elements such as nudity and blood. I'm afraid it won't pass the trial.

The same is true for the battle with the horse head ghost later on. The tragic scene of blood flowing into rivers was too shocking.

After completing these, Gu Mo clicked the share icon in the lower right corner with some uncertainty.


In the center of the interface in his eyes, a new pop-up window appeared, displaying a line of text information - "uploading", and below it was a circle-shaped pattern that seemed to represent the network, just like that.Gu Mo was stunned for a moment, and the upload started right away?

Shouldn't there be more detailed and further operations?
Of course, his doubts could not be answered, the pop-up window remained the same, and the circular pattern kept turning around, even if he clicked to close the page, he couldn't stop, and it was still the same when he opened it again, Gu Mo couldn't help but sigh Tone, right now I can only wait patiently for the operation to be completed...


As time passed for a full ten minutes, there was still no change, and his expression slowly froze. This is... the mentally handicapped system started to get sick again?

There is no good way at the moment, he can only calm himself down and wait for another half an hour, adding up to more than an hour.However, there is still no change in the interface, it is still the same, and it cannot be turned off, and the operation has not been completed.

Gan!A waste of emotion... Gu Mo didn't know whether he should feel disappointed or subconsciously relieved, but he couldn't do anything while staring at the interface.

It seems that the mentally retarded system is indeed stuck because of this matter. It is hard to imagine how many bugs there are in this thing. He can't find any function keys to restart, and he doesn't dare to try the logout function. There is no possibility to solve the problem, and in the end, you can only stare with big eyes and small eyes for a long time.

Forget it, see tomorrow.

It's all over now, I should take a break...

Finally, after tossing for a while, he still didn't know how to solve this problem. Gu Mo could only grit his teeth. He glanced at the current time and found that it was already past three o'clock in the morning until four o'clock.I haven't slept since returning to now, and I have used the power of the guardian spirit many times. Not long ago, I expended energy to make a dozen spells.

And he stayed up late to edit the video all night. Even with his mental attributes, he felt very tired at this time. If he didn't rest, he might die suddenly.

He took a quick shower and threw himself on the bed.

This time, Gu Mo didn't need to use the onmyoji's secret incense, and soon fell into a sweet dreamland amidst tiredness.


The next day, around noon.

Gu Mo woke up after sleeping until now, lying on his bed, looking at the ceiling, he was still a little confused for a while, he subconsciously thought that he should still be in Lushan City, why did the room become like this ...bewildered for a moment before reacting.

Sitting up from the bed, he stretched vigorously, recalled what happened before, and immediately jumped out of bed without even wearing his shoes, went to the half-length mirror in front of the cabinet in the room, and opened the system page facing the mirror , and find that everything has stopped.

The pop-up window has disappeared, and the circle-shaped pattern no longer appears and rotates endlessly, only a label is displayed in the lower left corner of the previous clip file.

——"The upload is complete."

He pursed his lips, opened the mailbox to check the system log records, and found the latest messages:

"%¥#@&...Confirm the upload, pass the permission verification, start...preparation work..."

"$#%&@...searching for default channel...while locking...%¥#@&...signal..."

"Locked...%¥#@&...sent object coordinates 27658, start sending information..."

"Sending complete."


Probably that's it.

Because the log records have always had the problem of garbled characters, Gu Mo was also a little confused, but he was still taken aback because of the order of magnitude that appeared in it.

It seems that there are more than 7000 sending objects?If I understand correctly...

No way, are you making an international joke? Is it because of this reason that the upload progress was stuck for so long last night?The mentally handicapped system went crazy and hijacked the entire real-world network platform?Gu Mo felt that his scalp was going to explode, so he rushed back to the computer desk and sat down.

Start up and enter, immediately open the browser, enter keywords to search.


Enter again, search again, and still nothing.At least the push is invisible, whether it's the keywords directly searched, or today's real-time hot news, he turned several pages along the way and still couldn't see the relevant news.

"Hey, wait, this is..."

At this moment when he was struggling, Gu Mo finally saw a familiar search result, which was the title of the file he uploaded——

"Heroes of the World, Only Axiu and Mo'er"...

emmmmm... This is his self-defined title for fun. The main reason is that after reading the results at that time, he found that no matter whether it was in reality or in the edited video, it didn't play any role, so he made fun of it. self-deprecating.

The intention is just like that joke. The combined wealth of me, Ma XX, Wang XX, and Li XX is enough to shake the whole of Asia. In fact, there is no "I" in it, it doesn't matter at all affected.So what he meant at the time was the same, Axiu and himself could push the world horizontally...

With these thoughts spinning in his mind, Gu Mo clicked in and found that it was not a coincidence, it just happened to be an update released by his account on a certain video website last night, probably due to the power of the mentally retarded system.But just like his account itself is dead, because there is no popularity, this video is also tepid.

There are not many comments, and the viewing data is less than three digits, which is as bleak as ever.

"What is real in the world..."

Gu Mo raised his eyebrows, but he felt that a big stone had fallen from his heart, but he didn't let go of his heart, but continued to rummage online without giving up.

After half an hour of this, he was really relieved, but at the same time he couldn't help feeling puzzled. He opened the system log record again and looked again. It seemed that he was right. The order of magnitude that appeared here was that number. There are more than 7000 sending objects.

But no matter how I searched, I could only find the update of the only release channel under my name. Besides, there was no push or popularity on the Internet, and I couldn't find any other channels... Where did so many come from? Send object coordinates without blistering at all?
I was lonely when I sent it, where did I send it... or was it because the process was stuck in the middle of the night, and most of them failed in the end?

Gu Mo frowned, feeling quite puzzled.



Perhaps it is a story that happened in a different world at a different time.

"It's still not right, it's not these, it looks suspicious, but it's absolutely impossible to be them..."

Throwing the thick stack of documents in his hand on the table, the man with striking white hair and black eyepatch sighed.

It has been a while since what happened that night, and that mysterious person has not appeared again.

But Gojo Satoru did not take it lightly. During this period of time, he has been investigating this matter, basically checking the entire magic world, all registered, unregistered, registered, wild magicians or related He investigated everything, but the result was disappointing.

"It's really strange. Is it really a very old super old monster that no one knows, or is it simply a rising star who suddenly appeared in the sky, without any rising process in the middle? Otherwise, logically speaking, it is impossible. You can't find out about your fame and clues..."

There is no way to catch that person easily, Wujo Satoru is still mentally prepared, but he has tried his best and searched all the places he can find, but he can't find even a clue. This is a bit scary.

Either the other party hid it too well, or it didn't exist at all. There are only two explanations, but no matter which one it is, it is extremely scary, because there are too many things that can be derived from it.

Just at this time, the phone rang.

The man wearing the blindfold made a gesture of taking a look, then copied the phone, and pressed the connect button. At the same time, he leaned back lazily on the back of the chair, with his feet on the table in front——

"Hey, my dear student, why do you have time to call me, the teacher, what's the matter?"

"Teacher... I... Knotweed seems to have found some clues about that mysterious person that night." Fu Heihui's voice came from the other side of the phone, his tone was calm and strange.


Gojo Satoru made a humming sound with a rising end, he frowned, and his tone was no longer so frivolous and friendly: "You guys went to investigate this matter? Didn't I tell you not to interfere? That person may be very dangerous, isn't it? Now you can handle it..."

"No, teacher, we did not pursue this matter."

Fu Heihui emphasized emphatically: "We just discovered the clue by accident, that is, the knotweed he happened to see..."

"Discovered by accident? And just for you to see?" Gojo Gojo suddenly felt a little funny, "Why did he accidentally discover that he happened to be on TV and then you saw him?"

I have been searching for this period of time, and I have searched the entire magic world, but I still have no clue.And my two students didn't take the initiative to investigate, but happened to come across clues by accident?What is this anime plot unfolding?
To find a reason, you should also find a qualified one. This kind of unconvincing excuse is too clumsy.



"Why didn't you talk all of a sudden?" Gojo Satoru yawned lazily, listening to the silent breathing of his student on the opposite side.

"Although...it wasn't that person on TV, but the feeling is similar..." Fu Heihui, who was opposite, seemed to be very difficult to say, as if he didn't know how to explain this, "Teacher, it's convenient for you to go online now." , you can find the latest TV anime broadcast on Kyoto TV..."

"Huh? Why am I watching this?"

"It's the latest Warring States theme, and now it's on the fourth chapter..."

Fu Heihui ignored his teacher and continued to speak on his own, while his tone became very strange: "I don't know if this is a coincidence, but this is really weird and ridiculous. That person...that person seems to be a character from an animation..."

(End of this chapter)

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