When does this world have a blood bar displayed?

Chapter 81 The Defeat of Bishamon CG

Chapter 81 The Defeat of Bishamon CG
Bishamon didn't know what kind of state he was in.

Thoughts seem to be stagnant, and seem to be frozen. They can only receive information passively, but they process it very, very slowly. When a thought arises, it takes a long time to go through, as if it has passed a whole century. scale……

Maybe it's an illusion, after all, even the specific feeling of time has been lost, without a clear comparison reference, it is naturally difficult for her to grasp how long has passed.

It was as if her consciousness was floating on a pitch-black ocean, drifting with the current in a daze; or she seemed to wake up in a dark room half asleep and half awake, as if she had already woken up, but she was so sleepy that she couldn't sleep at all. Sober perceptual thinking.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe it was just a moment for her, but it seems like a long time has passed.

Suddenly she saw the light—

Different from the pure darkness, she can't feel anything with the emptiness. She suddenly felt her own weight, the humidity in the air, and the heat of the world, as if a cold picture suddenly became alive. Get up and be dyed just right.

The willpower was also almost instantly condensed along with the re-operation of perception and thinking, allowing her Qingming consciousness to return quickly.

Accompanied by the moment before being sealed, the emotions, thoughts, and even the instructions issued to the body, so when seeing the light again and being released, Bishamon is not expressing He was in a daze, but he re-locked on the enemy in front of him immediately with his extremely sharp and amazing momentum!

With a soft shout, she was like a valiant female warrior frozen in the long river of time. The moment the long river thawed, she immediately continued her actions before being frozen.


She subconsciously waved vigorously at the monster that was close at hand, but the long whip in her hand did not make the sound of tearing the air or cutting the wind. To be exact, she didn't have a long whip in her hand at all... But in her From his point of view, it was because he was still holding on to his most commonly used artifact, the whip, just a second ago.

She froze for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to swing the single-person sword held in the other hand in a hurry, and at the same time urged the other artifacts that followed her, like self-propelled floating cannons, to attack.

But it is conceivable that nature was completely in vain, and she felt lonely.



Gu Mo stood there from the beginning to the end, doing nothing. He just quietly watched the blond Valkyrie stretch her teeth and claws, punching and kicking, with a strange look in her eyes.Because the picture in front of me is a bit too exciting and too funny, it's like shooting a special effects movie, let the actors make corresponding actions first.

But before the computer special effects were added in the later stage, the pictures seen on the spot shooting were naturally very funny and funny, and in this dark and dilapidated old abandoned shrine, naked, it can even be said to be A slick blond beauty doing this...

emmm... It's not that he said, this scene is really problematic no matter how you look at it!

It was only at this time that Gu Mo remembered this incident, and the corners of his mouth almost couldn't help twitching a few times, but he quickly reacted, still acting very calm and calm, even aloof, as if he wanted to do this on purpose What to do is to completely crush the enemy's resistance from the psychological level.

At this time, Bishamon also stopped with a puzzled expression on her face. Her attack just now was completely a subconscious reaction. People who are stopped by time cannot perceive the disappearing time.

They will only smoothly continue to do what they were supposed to do before the time stop, after the time stop ends, and from their own perspective, they will not find any problems.

Her situation is roughly like this, it is quite similar, and it is also a habit developed in the past battles. The hard-won combat experience told her that when fighting to the death, the most important thing is hesitation.Opportunity is precious and fleeting. If you are not decisive enough, even if you have a chance, you will often fail to grasp it.

So naturally, the moment she was released from the seal of the soul core box, she immediately implemented the fighting consciousness that had almost turned into her body's instinct, brazenly seized the opportunity, and tried her best to unleash her strongest fighting power——

Even if she notices a huge change in the surrounding environment all of a sudden, or feels strange in her body, these must be moved back, and she cannot be distracted in any way!

Until now...

Bishamon looked at himself empty-handed in bewilderment and astonishment, and then looked around at the scene, and found that it seemed to be a narrow room, which was relatively clean overall, but it was also old and dilapidated, and the doors and windows were closed. The light struggled to penetrate a little, and it looked very mysterious and dim.

And that terrifying demon stood quietly in front of him, looking at her with a playful look, not a greedy and sinister feeling, but that kind of look that seemed to be full of malice looking at her jokes made her laugh. She felt even more uncomfortable, feeling that her body was under the coldness of the air, and she almost had goosebumps...

wait wait wait?The body...the air is cold...

She lowered her head and glanced blankly, her eyes widened to the limit, but her pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinprick. The next moment, the soprano screamed, breaking through the decibels of the sky in the narrow space of the shrine. echoed.

Gu Mo couldn't help but tilted his head back, stretched out his hands to dig out his ears, and felt that the eardrums hurt from the sound wave attack, almost triggering the guardian spirit's defensive counterattack.

——Although he didn't seem to do anything, just stood carelessly opposite Bishamon, facing the strongest warrior alone in a narrow space, but in fact he still took insurance measures, and he didn't feel that he had captured the other side With all the artifacts, you can relax your vigilance.

Therefore, he has now entered the state of possession and fusion again, and the power of the nine tails is filling his whole body, but the synchronization rate is maintained at a normal state, and has not broken through the safety threshold, entering the deep experience of becoming a monster.

As for the energy problem... He just upgraded and added points, and now he is back to full state, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Okay, it seems that you have realized the situation now, let's talk about it." When Bishamon's scream subsided, he raised his fist to his mouth and coughed lightly. Speak as calmly as possible.

"Change, change, change...you pervert!!"

The blond-haired Valkyrie was no longer as heroic as before, nor was she as crisp and sharp as when she made a move. Instead, she huddled in the corner of the wall, curled up, trying to cover her naked body with extreme shame and anger, her face swollen. Red yelled at his broken scream.

She was in a daze, completely clueless as to why this happened.

Survive in her desperate death, with Yu Zhaoma's analysis and assistance, she seized the fleeting opportunity and flaw, rushed forward like lightning, and was about to see the demon take out a small Box, when he showed a sly smile to himself, he already had a bad premonition.

But it's too late to regret, and I can't react, it's just black in front of my eyes, and when I feel it again, it's time to be released now.

If she knew that she had been stripped clean, how could she have used such a large-scale movement just now to attack the opponent... Now think about what happened just now, Bishamon I feel like I want to die!

shame!What a shame!
Whether it's fighting or fighting, the most important thing is arrogance. The so-called losing is not losing. If you haven't made a move, you have already lost your aura. Basically, don't say anything about making a move...Some people will only feel a sense of weakness , even the strongest Valkyrie is no exception.

"Is that all you want to say?"

Gu Mo was unmoved, accepting the accusation of perversion frankly, and at the same time said solemnly: "How do you say that? Oh, by the way, all the tragedies in this world stem from the incompetence of the person concerned. You Do you think you are not responsible for the current situation..."

"You...you!!" The blond Valkyrie suddenly went mad with anger, her face flushed, and her towering chest kept moving rapidly. She didn't know what the words were, but it didn't prevent her from being angry. It's too bad, the opponent's taunting skills are almost full.

"You, you, what other tricks are released, I will catch them together."

Gu Mo's tone was very gentle, and his voice was as clear and gentle as before, but the words he spoke were not so friendly, full of a sharp feeling——

"Aren't you a Valkyrie? Then use your actions to replace your opinions, let me see your determination..."



Bishamon was speechless at this moment, because she felt that she was going to be mad with anger, and this person was talking in a routine at this time, and what he said seemed to make sense, but he didn't even look at her. What is the situation now!
No matter how much she is not afraid of sacrifice, not afraid of injury and bleeding, and takes fighting as a routine, she can't be bold enough to fight the enemy naked... Is it really a fight?No matter how strong she is psychologically, she will be the first to be overwhelmed with embarrassment and lose the battle.

"Why don't you talk?" Gu Mo curled his lips: "And don't you have two more? It's not completely naked, why are you ashamed and angry..."

Although it was stripped clean, it was not absolutely thorough. At least there were still underwear. After all, even the careless Bishamon couldn't even replace these with artifacts... It's better to say, if you really want to do that , It is really doubtful what kind of brain circuit it is.

The naked jacket she normally wears, as well as the armor and battle suit, and other clothes, the corresponding artifacts are all female, it can be seen that this strongest Valkyrie still has reservations in this regard.

"It's not you who encountered this kind of thing! Of course you said it easily!!"

The blond-haired Valkyrie blushed and roared ferociously, as if her moist eyes were staring at him with fear and disgust. If the flames inside could burst out, Gu Mo would have been burnt to ashes .

"Ah, yes, yes, have you finished? Then let me talk..." Gu Mo nodded perfunctorily.

In fact, he was thinking about some important things just now, and he was thinking about how to persuade Bishamon to cooperate with his plan, so he didn't think of this for a while, otherwise, he should have prepared a suit for Bishamon in advance Changing clothes.

The sealing ability of the soul core box is an additional effect, and the design idea itself is not to be used as a rice cooker to display the magic sealing wave.

It can only be said that there is such an effect, but it is probably an incidental design. The main function of itself is to drive the summoning, so the effect of the seal can only capture one target... However, when Bishamon is fully armed, she alone It's a walking arsenal.

——The whole body, from clothes to weapons, are all artifacts.

——Not just props, but special soul weapons with self-awareness.

Gu Mo may have considered it as a whole subconsciously at the time, but the soul core box did not recognize it, so when he locked his target on Bishamon, the effect of the sealing technique activated by the huge demon power of the nine tails was Accurately captured only Bishamon, excluding all other artifacts on her body.

Only one target can be sealed. Naturally, Bishamon, who is armed with divine weapons all over his body, and even the main clothing is made of divine weapons, is stripped naked...

"What do you want to say!!"

Bishamon shrank in the corner of the wall, staring at him viciously while being extremely ashamed and indignant, with a look that would rather die than surrender: "No matter what you want to say, I advise you to die as soon as possible, I will never I agree with every word you say!"

"It's better not to be so full of words...Look at yourself now."

Gu Mo replied calmly, reaching out and tapping on the other party.

They are basically huddled in the corner of the wall naked, looking weak, helpless and fierce. This kind of stern and introverted aura is really not convincing.

"What if what I'm going to say is to give you a whole set of clothes, do you disagree? Is it true that what Yato said is true, you are really an exhibitionist who likes to run around in a naked jacket..." One side Saying so, he took the blame for the poor god outside by the way.

"Bastard, bastard!" Dazed for a moment, the blond Valkyrie instantly burst into flames, her eyes were about to burst into flames, "That damned god of misfortunes, actually arranged me like this!!"

"It's hard to say whether it's an arrangement, at least I think what he said is very reasonable..." Gu Mo said nonchalantly, "Okay, just like before, I will give you another choice-don't rush to refuse , You have to see the situation clearly, Lord Bishamon."

"...Do you think I will be threatened by you?" Bishamon choked back angrily.

"I know you're not afraid, but if you don't think about yourself, don't you plan to think about your artifact?"



"Despicable! What did you do to them!!" Bishamon gritted her teeth tightly. From just now to now, she has actually noticed that the connection between herself and the artifact has not been severed, which means that her artifact has not been completely cut off. Kill, but the situation is also quite bad.

Her spirit was stabbed, and she could not stop feeling the painful feeling of her soul being torn apart. It was just that she didn't want to show her timidity on the surface, and she didn't want to expose her weakness in front of this hateful monster, so she just kept silent and persisted.

And being stabbed by the artifact also let her basically know how tortured her subordinates are suffering.

"I didn't do anything to them, they are still being rescued, and the current situation is stable..." Gu Mo said frankly, saying very bluntly: "But what will happen after that, it's hard to say, if you don't care at all If you cooperate, I have no reason to keep you group of time bombs that are specially against me, right?"

Bishamon seemed extremely ashamed and angry, but this alone was not enough to break her psychological defense.

Only those artifacts are her real weakness.

She has always regarded artifacts as close relatives, especially after the massacre of family destruction hundreds of years ago, she felt a strong sense of guilt, so she adopted even more without restriction and without distinction. The undead became artifacts, and because of self-blame, they vowed to protect them.

At this moment, the blond Valkyrie stared at Gu Mo with extreme anger and hatred, but was speechless for a long time. She wanted to reprimand and reject him without fear like before, but she couldn't get the words out of her mouth. , Full of fear and the bloody pictures of the past oppressed her heart.

She was afraid that as long as she said it again, her artifacts would be killed one by one by this terrifying monster, and used to threaten and force her...

I will definitely collapse...

"You, what do you want me to do?" She asked with a trembling voice as her nails sank deep into her flesh, fearing that she would be caught in a dilemma by hearing the same unacceptable things.

"It's a very simple thing. I want you to help me deal with a person...Maybe with the help of Gao Tianyuan."

Gu Mo smiled. It seems that the two sides have initially reached a consensus after friendly negotiations.

"Are you kidding? How could Gao Tianyuan's power be dispatched for your vendetta." Bishamon shook her head vigorously. She chased and killed Yato because of personal grievances, and she only brought her own power to kill him, and she didn't get involved. to others.

"What if that person is a puppet sorcerer?"

The monster in her eyes smiled, then stretched out her hand and tapped lightly, a snow-white white snake with fine scales that faintly reflected light in the dark environment flew out from his fingertips, and quickly rushed towards the center of her eyebrows, constantly zooming in in the field of vision with.

There was no real feeling of contact, but a huge and mixed information flowed into her consciousness at once. It was a record mixed with sounds and images, like a memory recall.

Guardian spirits deliver messages...

Gu Mo looked at the blond-haired Valkyrie who was in a sluggish state, put down his fingers, and patiently waited for the feedback. He gave the guardian spirit what he had to do to explain.It also includes a series of "evidence" submitted by himself, which is some relevant plot information that he has been thinking about and racking his brains to recall during this period of time.

Because everything was incomplete, he also used his own imagination to complete it well. Anyway, on the basis of self-consistent logic, it is enough to blame Dad Yato for any crimes... ...In short, no matter how bad it is, they are ready to hunt this target anyway, and there is no need to consider the reputation of the other party.


"To deal with a person..."

Yeto outside frowned, and tried to prick up his ears. Of course, he couldn't say that he was not curious, and he didn't want to find a way to hear more news.

Now, of course, I also heard some corners of this matter, and I suddenly felt that it was not very good, but it was limited to this... And I don’t know why, there was no sound inside, and he couldn’t get further detailed information. anxious.

"Forget it, it's none of my business anyway..."

The former Misfortune God sighed, he can't get involved in this kind of thing, as long as he doesn't let him kill anyone, and the other party wants to deal with whoever he wants, let the other party do it.

(End of this chapter)

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