When does this world have a blood bar displayed?

Chapter 83 LV10!Gift packages and routines of the dog system

Chapter 83 LV10!Gift packages and routines of the dog system
The night is getting darker, and the deep darkness covers the earth, only the brightly lit city is fighting against it unwillingly.

And just like a late-night office worker who just came home from get off work, when he pushed open the door of his residence, Gu Mo immediately waved happily and said:
"I am back……"

"Welcome back...go away! I didn't tell you!"

The blond Valkyrie who was anxiously waiting for the return of his artifact at the gate, saw the figure he trusted most appeared, and found that there was no angry and sad expression on the other party's face, he was relieved for a long time, and then smiled, he was relieved opening.

It's just that just halfway through the conversation, she also heard the cheerful words of the hateful monster walking in the front, and her face turned black immediately.

She didn't want to look like she was welcoming the guy.

"The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable. This is not good..." Gu Mo still smiled, and his mood was not affected at all. Instead, he seemed to be a mature and steady elder Attitude, earnestly educates the rebellious little girl who is ignorant of the world.

After glaring at him, Bishamon remained silent angrily, and waved Zhaoma to come with her. Although she felt that there should be nothing wrong, she still had to confirm with her most trusted wisher and signpost.

The brown-haired, green-eyed young man wearing glasses followed with a wry smile, and sat opposite Bishamon on the sofa in the living room. The latter asked urgently, "Zhaoma, how is the situation tonight? Nothing happened. Question? You... none of you got hurt?"

"Don't worry, Bishamon-sama, we are all fine, there is nothing wrong..."

Zhao Ma said, looking at the layout of the living room around her, she couldn't help feeling hesitant to speak.

Master Bishamon was put under house arrest, but he was not imprisoned in a prison with a bad environment. This is probably the only good thing in a terrible situation... But this kind of environment that is too subtle and inconsistent, And the fact that Master Bishamon was sitting with him on the sofa in the enemy's house and talking in front of the enemy's face made him feel that something was wrong.

——They really didn’t come to be guests...

——This situation is really weird...

"That's good, that's good... This guy didn't force you to do anything excessive, right?" Bishamon heaved a long sigh of relief, and then cast a murderous look at someone, even though Zhaoma tried hard to pretend She looked very good, but she could still see the tiredness hidden in the opponent's eyes.

This is also the feeling she has seen the most from Zhao Ma's eyes these days. Although there are no casualties, they still can't change the danger of their job and the hard work during this period... This hateful guy It's almost like the incarnation of the capitalist god.

"How is it possible... If you really do this, you can at least feel it?"

Gu Mo waved his hands with a smile on the edge of the stairs in the living room, "I am a person with full credit, you can rest assured that I never lie..."

"Hehe." Bishamon just sneered at this.

"Okay, let's have a good talk, master and servant, but pay attention to the time, it's only 10 minutes..." Gu Mo smiled, glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and then said, "Don't discuss some sensitive things, You should also hope that we will maintain the current good cooperative relationship, so that there will be no misunderstanding..."

Good cooperation...

This guy really has a thick skin.

Bishamen tried hard to suppress the urge to roll his eyes, and said angrily: "You are enough, I am already under house arrest here by you, and I can only meet with Zhaoma and the others for a short time every day to confirm the situation. Do you want to control the content of our conversation?"

"It's not about control, it's just to remind you not to talk about sensitive topics..." Gu Mo's smile was very sunny, like a big brother next door.

Although he felt that they should not be so risky, just discussing how to deal with his specific plans right under his nose, but he also felt that it was best to remind... Besides, he knew very well that facing such a situation, It is impossible for anyone to accept the reality calmly and calmly.

Gu Mo didn't really care too much, anyway, he was ready to make another last fortune, so he patted his ass and left, so the only thing to do was to delay the occurrence of this matter as much as possible, so that Bishamon and others' little ideas would not Just affect your next actions in advance...

Well, presumably when they finally seized the opportunity and wanted to fight back, they found that Gu Mo couldn't even find anyone... Maybe they would feel that they punched the air with all their strength, which would be uncomfortable.

"Tell me what is a sensitive topic?" Bishamon didn't know the bad taste brewing in the mind of the guy opposite, but just said with a cold snort.

"It's like the situation in Syria..." The monster in her eyes smiled casually, and then walked upstairs holding the railing of the stairs, "By the way, you only have 9 minutes to talk now, Grasp it well..." While saying this, he waved and went upstairs.


The blond Valkyrie gritted her teeth secretly, clenched and relaxed her fists several times.

Not to mention the problem of the mousetrap, the air in the room has always been lingering with a faint breath-cold, slippery, like a snake. It is obviously a spacious living room, but it seems that the whole space is surrounded by a certain sense of presence. Filled with the same.

This is not an illusion. In the field of vision that ordinary people cannot see with the naked eye, there is a huge white viper winding around. Its long body covers the entire living room like a water pipe...

Cold, but lazy, lazy as if motionless...

This is the ghost of the white viper, and she is also the jailer who is always guarding Bishamon... Even if she can get rid of the existence of the ghost, she can't change anything. She will only let Gu Mo, who is out, notice it at the first time. In that case , the safety of her artifacts is difficult to guarantee.

So she can only stay here peacefully and can't do anything.

"What the hell is it..." Bishamon looked at the motionless white snake, and always felt that the snake itself was like an incarnation of an independent god, not at all like the common human revenant that he thought at first. Artifact made.

——Sacred weapons have a variety of forms, not necessarily limited to the general concept of weapons. For example, her 囷ba is in the form of a lion, which can be used as her riding beast and assistant in battle.

Moreover, some artifacts can be used not only in the form of weapons like swords, but also in the form of beasts. As long as necessary, they can change back and forth between different forms... There are also precedents for this, such as Yato's side The scarlet weapon is like this.

So when Bishamon faced the snake-shaped sword before, he thought the same way, and didn't doubt anything.

It's just that now, it feels vaguely wrong.

In addition, this monster is really weird, and now she can't figure out whether he has degenerated into a monster before, or he was a monster in the first place, just wearing a layer of camouflage... Is it a god or a monster? is a debatable issue.

"Zhaoma... are you still doing the same thing tonight?"

Looking at his most trusted blessing device and beacon, the blond Valkyrie asked seriously.

"Yes, Master Bishamon..." The young man with glasses smiled helplessly and sighed tiredly. He has been doing the same things all day today as he did a few days ago, and there is no difference worth noting. , even he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Didn't anything special happen? I think this guy looks very happy tonight..." Bishamon was somewhat puzzled, and she couldn't help but feel annoyed when she recalled the guy's playful smile just now.

But the behavior of the other party is also worth noting. What happened to him, he seemed so happy tonight...

Perhaps the key to figuring this out will be able to understand a lot of things that confuse me?
"I... I don't know, it seems that there is no special difference compared to before, or maybe I didn't notice, Mr. Bishamon..." Zhaoma recalled seriously, but in the end she couldn't give any meaningful information. There is no clue of value, so I can only shake my head guiltily.

"Isn't that so..." The blonde Valkyrie frowned, but didn't blame Zhaoma.

She knows that Zhaoma is much more careful than herself, and she will definitely notice this aspect, but if the other party doesn't find out, it may mean that this is not the case, or that the demon concealed it very well and did not let Zhaoma they see.


"Level 10..."

In his bedroom, Gu Mo looked at the big mirror in front of the closet, opened his attribute panel, and expressed such emotion.

After these few days of ruthlessness, and the result of squeezing the labor force of the blood-sweat workers, his life level has increased by two levels, and has reached level 10 now... The efficiency cannot be considered very fast, but considering the original It is also very good that the higher the level is, the more difficult it is, and the more experience required.

It is also conceivable how hard Bishamon's artifact worked for him——

Although they were all angry and hostile on the surface, they never had any good looks towards Gu Mo, and they were afraid that they were still secretly scolding him secretly, but none of them was lazy, and they were the ones who spawned the most monsters on the day Gu Mo threw it. , under the incentive policy of being able to see the side of the master under house arrest...

It seems that they are fighting against each other, but in fact, many of them are secretly infiltrating... This really shows that most people are loyal, and they also regard their masters who love and protect them as their dearest relatives, but it is really easy to handle.

With such an efficient work efficiency, the donkeys in the production team would shed tears of shame, so they just cursed secretly behind their backs. Gu Mo didn't think there was anything to worry about at all...as long as they can maintain this kind of Efficient work efficiency will bring you a lot of benefits continuously——

Then no matter who is the boss, they are absolutely tolerant of being scolded.

The reward points for upgrading to LV10 are still used to strengthen the spiritual attributes, including the distribution of points rewarded by the previous level, so Gu Mo's spiritual attributes took the lead, reaching as many as 16 points... because each point brings The increases are extremely powerful, and it is naturally very powerful to strengthen it to this point.

It's a pity that Gu Mo hasn't mastered too many spells and supernatural abilities and skills yet, and his powerful mental power can only be used to expend energy in a broad concept, or to strengthen the demon power he just possessed— —From the beginning, there was only a slight sense of heat, but now it has grown a lot, like blood flowing in the blood vessels.

"It feels like I haven't slept in more than a week..."

Looking at his radiance in the mirror, his eyes were bright and energetic, and even had a feeling of radiance, Gu Mo was delighted, but felt a little uncomfortable.

When the mental attribute reaches [-] or [-] points, you can already rotate continuously for two or three days, and you won't feel tired or overdrawn—of course, it refers to the normal work intensity and consumption—and continue to go on. In practice, the energy will naturally become more abundant and powerful, which can support higher intensity and longer consumption.

As long as he wasn't overdrawn, he didn't need to rest every day. In addition, during this period of time, he was upgraded every now and then, and his energy was often not exhausted, and he had already returned to a full state.And every time he upgrades, he will inevitably strengthen his spirit, and continue to increase the strength and upper limit of this value.

The result is what it is now, he seems to have not closed his eyes for more than a week, and he is still in good spirits.

This state seems to be quite good, but it is difficult to change the habits formed in more than 20 years of life. If you don't need to sleep every day, Gu Mo always feels that something is missing... He sighed, this dungeon is the same as the one above This copy is completely two extreme different experiences.

In the last dungeon, I didn’t get enough sleep. Whether I forced myself to fall asleep or forced myself to fall asleep, I spent most of the time in sleep every day... But in the current dungeon, it suddenly took a turn for the worse, and I didn’t need to sleep at all. .

I tried to open the database, but there was no response. It was still the same prompt as before, and this function could not be used during the mission... Gu Mo also couldn't see the details of the achievement list, but he basically knew it. The "25% increase in experience gain efficiency"% bonus of the achievement badge should be gone.

Because the bonus effect will not take effect until any level reaches level 10, but now that his life level has been raised to LV10, naturally he no longer meets the conditions.

Knocking on his forehead with a slight headache, Gu Mo already felt that the current upgrade has become more and more difficult, and now he has lost a bonus, and the speed will probably become slower in the future... Or it is also the case of a large number of low-level monsters The method can only play a role in the early stage and win by numbers, but the later it is, the more thankless it is?
When I thought about my LV8, how many demons and monsters I had collected to get half of the experience bar, and after turning into a monster, with Kyuubi's powerful force to beat down Bishamon, the strongest martial god, I directly collected it in a short period of time. As for the remaining half of the experience, Gu Mo became thoughtful.

He restrained his thoughts and glanced at the system panel. He was a little disappointed. He thought it was a small milestone to be promoted to level 10, but it seemed that the dog system didn't have any special reaction?

I checked all the options, even the guardian spirit panel, but apart from the fact that the two guardian spirits have been upgraded by a level due to the use of this period of time, there seems to be no special changes , at most, each added a skill called "Summoning Spirit".

This is also one of the hole cards he used to guard Bishamon when he went out during this period of time.

"I don't have any in the inventory, it's really stingy..."

The good mood tonight disappeared suddenly, and Gu Mo prepared to close the system page in a dull mood, but at the last moment, he hesitated and clicked on the store page.


It should be like a database, a function that cannot be used during the mission, but it is turned on.

It's just that what was presented in front of him was not a normal store page. There were no daily specials, limited card pools and other columns, and there was only a single pattern in the middle of the page. The special effects were very vulgar, simple and rude, but they could attract people's attention. A bling chest of .

"Level 10 growth gift pack (requires any level to reach level 10, can only be purchased once)."

There really are...

Gu Mo was a little pleasantly surprised, but after a closer look, he found that the situation was not quite right. What was displayed here was not a claim, but a purchase... The purchase request happened to be three silver keys, and it seemed that he had settled for all the keys he owned. Net worth, give just the right price.

And behind the purchase option, there is a countdown marked in bright red, and there are only 23 hours left...

After careful calculation, it seems that the countdown starts from the moment you reach level 10?This made Gu Mo's expression very subtle. Sure enough, a dog system will always be a dog system.

Painfully clicked on the only three silver keys in the inventory, he gritted his teeth and clicked on the purchase option, and then saw further instructions on the growth gift package on the confirmation page that popped up——"Obtain a number of different keys at random. Items and props to accelerate your growth."



—Look at these keywords! !
So even the prize pool is not sure, once the face is black, you can only recognize it?This is Lao Shizi's growth gift package, if all the products are filled with rubbish, wouldn't it be an IQ tax gift package that is holding back? !What a growth boost this is.

Gu Mo's face was obviously tangled, but after looking at the bright red countdown, he still gritted his teeth and chose to confirm.

bet!If it is really out of garbage, it is a gashapon routine of spending money to buy a lesson in the early stage, and not touching the dog system in the future!

As the three silver keys were removed from the inventory, the air in front of him fluttered, and a heavy door appeared twisting, standing just like that in the center of his bedroom.

Because he had a similar experience in opening a treasure house, Gu Mo was not surprised. He probably understood what kind of mechanism it was. He stretched out his hand and stroked the smooth and soft fur of the big fox next to him. Luckily for me:
"It's up to you to eat delicious and spicy food!"

Kyuubi, who was invisible to ordinary people in the air, tilted his head and watched his figure calmly.

Gu Mo took a deep breath, took a step forward and opened the door of the treasure house, and walked into the unknown dimensional space behind the door. The scene in front of him changed rapidly and turned into the jewel he remembered, full of treasures and treasures. Mountains of gold and silver, the background map is very vulgar treasure house hall.

In the central space ahead, several neatly arranged jade platforms appeared, each with a thing that was blooming with different qualities of color light.

He took a step forward, looked at the item on the first table on the left, and his heart twitched. It turned out to be a shriveled fruit, as if it had lost all its nutrients... His first reaction was that the dog system was too much Yes, use this kind of garbage to make up the number.

At this time, the specific item information also jumped out and appeared in front of his eyes.


"Dried persimmons."

"Origin: Valley of the Fallen, Cave of the White Snake God."

"Quality: Rare."

"Remarks: The dried product of the pericardium of the White Snake God looks like a persimmon, but the snake lungs are the internal organs of the sacred soul. It is rumored that people in the Fallen Valley respect the White Snake God and regard the dried snake lungs as a sacrificial body. with..."


Gu Mo froze for a moment, this thing seemed familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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