When does this world have a blood bar displayed?

Chapter 87 The night of carnival...started!

Chapter 87 The night of carnival...started!

Whether it is to find out the limit of the strongest hole card I have drawn and the things that need to be paid attention to...

Or to ensure that the golden key won't grow wings and fly away...

Or maybe it's something deep in my heart...

All these reasons together seem to be enough for Gu Mo to convince himself. He took a deep breath, as if he had made a decision, and then gently lifted the green wood grain mask he was holding in his hand. started, and slowly covered his face——

In the current chaotic night, no one noticed this scene.

"I hate that mask style in the movie..."

At the moment when the mask was about to cover the face and come into contact with the facial muscles and skin, Gu Mo's mood was very calm, and he was only thinking about such a thought strangely in his mind.

If there is any opinion, it is probably the mask style in the movie. It feels too ugly to him, and the first impression is quite bad... This impression even overwhelms the mask, which makes the person who wears it unscrupulous. , Let go of yourself, a side effect of uncontrollable madness.

Ahem, but it's also understandable——

After all, being handsome is a matter of a lifetime, and being strong or not is just a matter of one version.

The touch of the mask has the roughness of wood grain, and there is no feeling of temperature. Apart from that, there is nothing special, and there is no design that can be fixed. Logically speaking, it cannot be worn at all. , it will fall down as soon as you let go.

But the moment he put it on, Gu Mo's body froze directly, and the mask softened from the hard texture of the wood, like flowing mercury, firmly fitting every crevice of his face contour, and The edge is still spreading.

It's almost as if he wants to wrap his whole head.

It's just that Gu Mo, who was mentally prepared, didn't panic, and he didn't panic like the protagonist in the movie, trying to pull the mask off his face that seemed to have been activated in an instant...Normal people encounter such things, there is no need to panic. To encounter this encounter under preparation, of course, the degree of shock is no less than that of being face-hugged.

Gu Mo's lips moved, looking a little funny under the cover of the mask, his consciousness was still clear, he knew he was himself, but he couldn't think like before, all emotions and impulses seemed to be magnified countless times .

The strange thoughts and thoughts that would be suppressed by rationality on weekdays completely turned into an uncontrollable crazy will at this moment, or that was his deeply suppressed self.

Some things, just like yesterday, are passing by irresistibly.

There are also some things, just as the irresistible arrival of tomorrow...



This night is destined to be restless.

Yiqihe, who fell asleep early, was woken up by the movement outside the window. She frowned and walked to the window. While rubbing her sleepy eyes, she opened the curtains strangely... Why is it so noisy outside? What kind of event is being held? ?But it's already what time, this is a nuisance to the people.

The curtains were pulled open, and the outside scene came into view, and the girl's pupils shrank suddenly.


The city that was supposed to be bustling at night, full of traffic and lights, seemed to be caught in a huge commotion and panic. Amidst the overturned cars, collisions, the sound of horns and whistles, and the screams of the crowd, What followed was a scene of chaos.

The traffic on the road collapsed, and all kinds of vehicles crashed into a ball. This kind of road situation happened on every road and street. The drivers and passengers in the vehicles screamed, and the pedestrians outside ran away desperately. It's like a doomsday scene.

At this moment, Yiqi Rihe even thought that she hadn't woken up and was having a nightmare, but then she saw the dark sky, there were no dark clouds in the sky, but the moonlight was not bright at all, but looked gloomy , gray.

In the gloomy air, a large number of seemingly illusory figures with black air lingering around them are flying randomly in the sky. They are deformed and strange, and they are countless ghosts and monsters...


And this scale...

Such a thought flashed through her mind like lightning, and she trembled in fear. People in the whole city were affected, and they could see the demons and gods and Buddhas inhabiting the blind corners?

Yato... Where's Yato?what's going on?
She heard the hurried footsteps of her parents outside the door, and knew that her parents seemed to be woken up, and found that the whole world outside suddenly changed. figure.

It was even smoother than she imagined, and she saw it at a glance——

In fact, not only Yiqi Hiyori who just woke up, but many people have already seen it, because it is very conspicuous.


Leaping between the tall buildings, the young man with purple hair and blue eyes had a gloomy and cold face. Holding the scarlet weapon in his hand, he was fighting against the fully armed Bishamon facing him.Although I don't know why the situation suddenly became like this, but... But, he couldn't refuse Hiroto Fujisaki's call...

It's the last time...

This is the last time...

Just treat it as giving him back everything!Yato thought with self-destructive tendencies, he knew that he would die here, even if he didn't die tonight, openly disobeying Gao Tianyuan's authority, his future fate would be doomed, but he didn't care anymore.

Even with this life, give it back to that person!After that, I no longer have to face this disgusting fate.

"Since you want to die so much, then I will fulfill you! Just settle the account between us!" Bishamon with blond hair fluttering in the night wind said angrily, Yeto called regardless, and she just wanted to Take the opportunity to kill the other party and take revenge.

Because the misunderstanding between the two parties has not been resolved, now one has the intention to die, and just wants to destroy the self that he hates in this battle; In the same way, the fight was fierce and dangerous.

The scarlet weapon in Yato's hands is the strongest among Nora, and many of Bishamon's artifacts are not vegetarians. The dazzling visual effects between the two of them, against the background of the dark ghosts and monsters in the sky, naturally become The focal point can be seen in most of the cities.

I don't know how many people's worldviews were shattered at this moment.

And in the center of the real battlefield is Jianyu Leishen who is wielding a thunder blade. He is confronting Hiroto Fujisaki who is commanding the face monster. with dominance.

Hiroto Fujisaki probably felt that he had the winning ticket in his hands, so he looked calm and calm, as if his face was flushed just now, and his anger and madness were just hallucinations, but the resentment in his eyes was not so easy to hide.

go to hell!
Die here!
Hiroto Fujisaki stared at the enemy in front of him with furious eyes, and at the same time commanded the face monsters that kept coming from nearby to rush forward. Although he was always easily killed by the dragon-shaped lightning in the hands of Jianyu Leishen, his advantage It lies in the number of demons enslaved.

As long as the other party can't deal with him immediately, the more he drags on, the more hopeless he will be, and the next step will be his home court...Kill them!Let them all die here!Thinking of the good things he had been ruined, his delicate face couldn't help but become a little distorted and hideous.

He was so aggrieved just now, and now he has finally waited for the opportunity to come back. Hiroto Fujisaki just wants to fight for his breath, just wants to prove that he is great, and he must get back what he lost.

There is a female artifact, who seems to be the leader of the Tianshou clan. Feeling furious at the sudden turn of events, she angrily commands the other artifacts, forcing them to take great risks and kill the puppet desperately. sorcerer.

However, even under her persecution, many artifacts bravely ventured forward, but they failed to achieve meritorious deeds. Instead, one was accidentally injured by a large number of face monsters, and one even ended up directly amidst the screams. The fate of being swarmed by the face demon, devouring and sharing the food alive.

The female leader's face was pale, which was the result of a mixture of anger and fear.

And this first artifact of the Tianshou clan that was eaten raw by the face monster seems to have indeed explained the changing trend of the wind on the battlefield... Obviously not long ago, they were still high-ranking hunters, and the situation turned around in an instant. Become the hunted prey.

It's not obvious yet. When the phenomenon of temporalization becomes more and more serious and completely spreads and erupts, the city will fall.

If they continued like this, not only would they not be able to complete the task as they wished, but they were afraid that they would end up here too.

What to do... That woman's face is extremely ugly.

"Hahahahaha, that's the expression, that's the expression..." Hiroto Fujisaki laughed happily, he stretched out his hands as if to embrace this chaotic night, countless monsters wearing eyeball masks kept coming from behind him Show up.

"See, this is my power, you are absolutely unable to resist... Do you think Gao Tianyuan is so jealous of my existence, why is there only one title?"

He taunted the other side unabashedly.

"Why haven't there been any reinforcements yet..." Jianyu Leishen frowned, relying on their words alone, he couldn't eat the puppet magician on the opposite side, and the other party was frantically ready, and the entire fallen city belonged to the other party handwriting.

Moreover, the reinforcements that Gao Tianyuan had promised were delayed, which made him feel that something was wrong... Why did Lord Gongshen lose the chain? Is there something wrong?Obviously, he has been insisting on attacking the magician all the time, but when the decisive battle is really ushered in, he intentionally or unintentionally delays it?
Jianyu Leishen didn't want to think this way, but he was very upset. He was so sure about things that he was sure, but he turned into such a crotch-pull.

"Hehe, counting on reinforcements? Put away your wishful thinking and look at this scene—"

As if hearing something funny, Hiroto Fujisaki let out a maniacal laugh, and pointed around.

Black smoke and flames rose all over the city, chaotic screams and all kinds of terrible sounds came, the gloomy air was visible to the naked eye, and the heavy atmosphere like lead made the city seem to be isolated from the world, falling into a trap. To the devil world.

"Your era has long passed, haven't you come to your senses yet? Even if Gao Tianyuan will come to support you, so what, it's just that you will die here, and no one will come to save you if you break your throat!"

The moment the voice fell.

The air was so gloomy that it seemed materialized, and the dark night sky was suddenly pierced by a beam of light, like the lights on the stage at a concert, which naturally attracted everyone's attention.

It's just that under that beam of light, it was empty, and there were no figures, which made people look lonely.

And at the same time when the lights were turned off, there was also impassioned music sounding, like the passionate BGM in those Hollywood blockbusters when the hero who turned the tide came on stage... and the sound source that made such a sound was the most astounding a little--

A group of grotesque monsters and humans, laughing and laughing, crossed the street and hurried over from both sides. This strange combination of people was playing the impassioned and passionate BGM loudly with speakers brought from nowhere.

Some of them didn't carry stereos, but held signs or banners with strange content such as "Master Mo, I Love You" and "Advertising space for rent", and waved flashlights, fluorescent lights, etc. Great, it seems like the fanatical fans at the Uranus superstar concert, still screaming inexplicably.

The painting style of this scene is so strange that it seems completely out of place.

Not to mention Hiroto Fujisaki and Raijin Takeyu who were stunned, even Yato and Bishamon who were fighting each other crazily in mid-air with the help of high-rise jumps looked over subconsciously.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, let me go, let me go..." A loud voice with an echo effect sounded, and a figure struggled to squeeze through the dense crowd of demons and crowds, and walked quickly under the eyes of everyone. It's just under the stage lights that have been knocked down.

"I'm sorry for being late. The main reason is that everyone was too enthusiastic and signed many times along the way, so I didn't catch up in time... I hope everyone will forgive me!"

Under everyone's inexplicable eyesight, the figure under the lights finally revealed his true face. He was wearing a white suit in that unreasonable and retro gorgeous style. He was wearing a medieval high-brimmed top hat. The wood grain and roughness can no longer be seen, and it is more like a green smooth mask at this moment.

Like a clown, and like the show hosts with a cheerful atmosphere, they are deliberately funny.

Holding the microphone that came from nowhere in his hand, Gu Mo echoed loudly all around with the cheerful voice that everyone could hear:

"That's right, as you can see, I am both beauty and wisdom, the embodiment of heroism and chivalry, Tang Bo—cough cough, no, it's a broken throat!"

After finishing this sentence in a loud voice, he put down the microphone in his hand and waved to the countless "audience" below.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh--"

"So handsome, so handsome..."

"Good job, that's it!!"

Almost immediately afterward, thunderous bangs swept across the surrounding area. Countless applause and applause instantly created a sense of presence and atmosphere like a popular superstar. The tentacles collided with each other, making a clucking sound like a coconut descending the stairs.

Fortunately, there was a lot of noise at the scene, so there was no adverse effect.

"What broke the throat?!"

Hiroto Fujisaki woke up like a dream, and when he realized it, he felt both shocked and angry.

He even saw some of the face monsters he summoned waving tentacles, holding signs or light sticks, and cheering with unknown meaning, loud and harsh.

Let the people who are rushing to participate in this grand event glare at him and yell at him.

That's right, people or ghosts and ghosts are constantly coming from all directions.

The extremely magical scene made Hiroto Fujisaki feel cold hands and feet, and subconsciously wanted to use his control to correct this scene, but it was completely meaningless... It was supposed to be the demon he was enslaving, and it had nothing to do with him at the moment like that.

"It's what you just said, no one will come to save them even if they break their throats...I don't agree! That's why I'm here!"

Gu Mo smiled and looked at the old monster below, explaining why he changed his name very seriously, and at the same time waved to the enthusiastic fans in the audience: "So please call me broken throat tonight, thank you, thank you ..."

Enthusiastic fans responded one after another. Some humans or monsters directly took out the correction pens on the spot, and scribbled out the word "Master Mo" that was originally written on the sign they were holding, and changed it to "Broken Throat", and then quickly changed it again. Hold it high.

"Damn! What a joke!!" Hiroto Fujisaki gave an order angrily, and he has more face monsters, kill this bluffing guy!

Figures of monsters wearing eyeball masks emerge from everywhere, murderously trying to break the magical and bizarre atmosphere, and bring the painting style back to the normal battlefield, fighting, bloody and other elements, but their figures just rushed up On the stage, before they could get close to Gu Mo, they were pushed to the ground one after another.

"Everyone, everyone, listen to me, don't be so excited..."

The elegant and calm figure on the stage held up the microphone and laughed as if shy.

"I understand your fanaticism, but please control your emotions and don't disrupt the order of the venue. Our carnival night tonight has just begun..."

Under his words, it was the strong man Jianyu Leishen leading his artifact, like a conscientious security guard, knocking down the masked monsters who rushed up to the stage, and then dragged them down one after another, as if they didn't know it felt affected.

"I do not believe!!"

Hiroto Fujisaki's expression changed drastically when his biggest reliance was easily cracked. He denied all of this, absolutely unwilling to believe it, and wanted to continue manipulating the face monster to attack like crazy, but this time it was all useless.

"The one over there, please be quiet, you have disturbed others..."

Gu Mo on the stage frowned, looked in the direction of the commotion in the "audience seat", and said so politely, well implementing the role he wanted to play.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

"No response at all! Waste! A bunch of waste!"

Hiroto Fujisaki gritted his teeth. At this time, it is impossible to obediently listen to Gu Mo's words. After all, the scene in front of him has suddenly become abnormal, the atmosphere is so weird that the whole world is abnormal, and the gods who have been affected And artifacts, and even his own face demon were somehow affected...

This scene really made him feel terrified.

"Sir, please be quiet..." Gu Mo on the stage seemed a little unhappy, he reiterated the matter again, and asked Hiroto Fujisaki to keep quiet at this time.



"I can do whatever I want, so what can you do? Stop playing tricks on me, and hit me if you have the ability!"

After being silent for a while, Hiroto Fujisaki sneered with that high school student's body. After all, he is also a refined old monster, so naturally he would not easily panic and lose his sense of control.He used his own experience to apply it, thinking about the unreasonable scene in front of him, and quickly made various guesses.

——or something else?
But no matter what, it's absolutely abnormal, I just need to be careful-the other party absolutely has no ability to deal with me directly, there are definitely many restrictions!Otherwise, why didn't he just do it?It just takes such a lot of trouble, it can't be for fun and fun!

Instantly understood the nature of the problem, Hiroto Fujisaki felt confident, he looked at the other party on the stage mockingly, is that all he has?

"Oh, my bad temper... hold it for me!"

Annoyed, Gu Mo directly handed the microphone to the side, and someone beside him quickly took it and held it for him.

Then he took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed, and held the mobile phone between his shoulders and head, at the same time, he quickly took out something like a small medicine bottle with both hands, poured out a blue pill-like thing from it, and put it in his mouth. Toss it like eating a sugar pill.

Jingle Bell--

The crisp bell sounded at this moment, and it came from Hiroto Fujisaki, and a beam of light came down and shone on him.

The latter was also slightly stunned for a moment, feeling that his brain was a little bit overwhelmed, he looked at the gazes of countless people in a daze, and felt that he couldn't admit it, so he subconsciously took out the phone in his pocket.After looking at it, he didn't know why and pressed the connect button, while tentatively bringing it to his ear.


Very loud and crisp!
His head was tilted to one side, and half of his cheeks quickly turned red visible to the naked eye. Hiroto Fujisaki felt the burning pain, and he was stunned.At the same time, thunderous laughter erupted at the scene, one after another, sweeping in all directions, forming waves of sound.

"Everyone has seen it. He told me to fight, so I did it. I have never seen such a request in my life..."

The host on the stage was smiling all over his face, while taking back his mobile phone, he shook the hand that slapped himself, and at the same time defended himself for beating the audience.


Hearing the laughter from all directions, Hiroto Fujisaki's cheeks were hot and swollen, and he finally realized what happened belatedly. The other half of his face also flushed quickly, turning into the color of pig liver, and his eyes were tearing apart. The eyeballs are almost protruding.

(End of this chapter)

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