Chapter 35; Viral Serum

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yang formally joined Dr. Charles' experiment, but had not been directly exposed to his serum research.

Therefore, taking advantage of these few days of free time, Bai Yang began to make small arc reaction devices to prepare for future safety.

He didn't want it to be embarrassing if the weapon suddenly lost its energy while it was running.

Although he will avoid contact with zombies, in this world, it is inevitable that he will encounter them, so protective weapons must be prepared.

There is obviously not enough time for a more sophisticated battle suit like Iron Man, so it is only necessary to make an armor that can wrap itself.

As for weapons, he still prefers his electromagnetic arrow cone.

Therefore, there are some strange things in Ashford's laboratory.

A welding studio!It is full of mechanical ornaments and materials.

These things are difficult to see in laboratories that study cell genes. Most of them are beakers, test tubes, microscopes and other things.

There are basically no such things as electric welding machines and steel plates.Unless you're researching bio-growth type equipment you probably won't need these.

I don't know if it's because Dr. Ashford was too involved in the research and forgot about him. For a week, Bai Yang followed Tiqi to familiarize himself with the laboratory.And it's hard for Tiqi to be strange here. He doesn't like to let others intervene when he is researching things, so Bai Yang can only watch quietly from the side these few days.

But he didn't feel impatient about it, he just watched his research seriously.

When I have nothing to do, I go to my own studio to make battle suits.

Speaking of the battle suit, Bai Yang thought that in the movie, Isaacs can be considered as the last boss, and it seems to use an intelligent combat support system, which is somewhat similar to Dabai's combat chip in Super Marines.

Only the implanted objects are different.

On this day, after Tiqi's experiment was over, Bai Yang continued to return to his studio to start making the nerve transmission headband, and a silver-white steel battle suit was quietly placed behind him.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Bai Yang took off his glasses and looked towards the door.

"Dr. Ashford? Please come in!" Bai Yang quickly stepped forward and opened the door.

Sitting in a wheelchair, he entered Bai Yang's studio and looked around curiously.

Various electronic components and circuit boards are placed on the table, as well as small electromagnetic tracks.In the end, he fixed his gaze on the silver-white battle suit standing against the wall.

This battle suit looks like a windbreaker, very light feeling.

He went around to the back of the suit and touched what looked like a cape.

"...Shape memory alloy?" He turned his head and asked curiously.

"Yes, he can quickly form a paraglider after being heated, and can glide in the air." With a paraglider, a lot of unnecessary consumption of energy can be saved.And even if the energy is not enough, the paraglider can continue to fly.

"Have you done any research on mechanical exoskeletons?" He asked after walking around the suit.

"Yes, but there are not enough materials, so we can only make it like this." Bai Yang said with some regret.

"Hey, your metals are not cheap, unless you have contributed a lot to the company, and the company feels that it is necessary to invest, so that you can get a large amount of materials and instruments." He shook his head with a smile.

"Well, this is my hobby, after all, which man doesn't want a gorgeous steel suit."

"Indeed, your invention is pretty good." In the end, this battle suit doesn't have enough energy, it's just a close-fitting armor.

He sat in a wheelchair and stopped in an open place, and asked Bai Yang, "Do you know what Tiqi is researching these days?"

"I was observing the division of cells in the small intestine, but the number of divisions of the cells he observed seems to be too abnormal." Bai Yang thought for a while and replied.

These days, he followed Tiqi and found that he was observing the division of some cells. Normally, the number of cell divisions in the small intestine is usually about one hour, which is considered to be a relatively fast division time in the human body.

But what he observed, the time of cell division is many times in one second, the least is three times in one second.This is obviously not normal.

"As for going further, without data, I can't make a conclusion." Bai Yang didn't continue.But he probably already guessed that it was related to the T virus.

Dr. Ashford nodded, "Come with me, I'll show you something." He said, and went out in a wheelchair.

Bai Yang raised his eyebrows and followed.

Back to the first laboratory he entered, followed him to a closed laboratory.

The inside is filled with incandescent lights, and countless test tubes of medicine are densely placed on the table.

There is also a cultivation pool in the corner, which is specially used for cultivating cells.

Various data are also displayed on the computer screen all the time.

But the most eye-catching thing is the test tube cells arranged in a square glassware.

"Before, I asked you what virus can activate dead cells. Now, I can tell you that we have discovered a virus that can rapidly increase the body's metabolism and activate dead cells." Dr. Ashford Said a little frantically.

"Of course, as you said, the virus's invasion will be blocked by the human immune system. If the immune system is damaged, a large amount of food and energy needs to be ingested, so we fused it with the cells of the leech." He came In front of a test stand, pick up a test tube with a blue liquid in it.

"The experiment works very well, and my daughter is expected to stand up again." When it comes to his daughter, Charles looks pampered.

"However, among the people who were injected before, some people began to cough, sneeze or have rash-like itching, and after examination, the virus was still invading the cells and tissues of the infected person. Immediately after the flesh rotted, the virus invaded the brain , the body’s energy protein cannot keep up, and people will gradually become patients similar to rabies.”

When explaining the side effects of the virus, he had some fear and fear on his face.Apparently those cast a shadow over him, too.

"So you are researching the healing serum now, right?" Bai Yang took the blue potion he handed over. Not surprisingly, it was T-virus, or an improved T-virus.

And the research on the underground beehive should only be for the creation of biochemical weapons.

"Yes, and after injecting the T virus, it can accelerate cell division and metabolism. Although the physique will be strengthened to be different from ordinary people, it will also accelerate the damage of mitochondria, accelerate aging, and shorten lifespan."

In the movie, the development of the T virus is only to treat various diseases, but after Isaacs learned of the side effects of the T virus, he thought about using it to make biochemical weapons.

" the serum was developed with the goal of changing or destroying the infected virus cells in the body." Bai Yang observed carefully and then responded.

"Yes, if you activate the dead cells in the early stage of T virus infection, and find a way to eliminate them and restore them to a normal person's body, then the disease will also be cured." It is still expected to be eliminated in the first stage.

But in the second stage, the virus has infected all the cells of the human body, and it is basically hopeless.

"So where is the research now?"

"Drugs that increase immune support have been found. Allicin has a certain resistance to the virus, but it cannot completely eliminate it. Now the main thing is to develop specific drugs that can eliminate the genetic material of the virus." Dr. Ashford seems to feel Bai Yang's basics are not bad, and he is very happy to explain it.

However, he didn't expect Bai Yang to be able to directly develop the virus serum, but his legs and feet were inconvenient, so he really needed someone to help with the operation.

Bai Yang participated in this research very actively. If it was a mechanical research, he could still add a few words, but he really didn't know much about biology. Most of them learned from reading books these days. Some.

Therefore, in the process of work, he would seize all the time to study, and with the teaching of Mr. Ashford, Bai Yang's biogenetics and cell theory have been rapidly improved.

With other people's teachings, it is indeed faster than studying alone, otherwise Bai Yang would not take the risk to learn other people's knowledge.

There will also be people with umbrellas in the middle to check the progress.

However, they didn't seem to care much about the serum, they just went through the motions to ask.While monitoring the movements of Dr. Ashford
As for the research on serum, with the help of Bai Yang, the progress of Professor Ashford's research has also been greatly accelerated, and the successful development of serum is close at hand.

Since it is a virus, there is always a way to kill it.


Soon, the serum was being administered to rodent organisms.

Rodents, the mice used are obviously our experiments.

There are 90.00 to [-] genes in mice, [-]% of which are the same as humans, which can minimize experimental errors and make experimental results accurate and reliable.

And the lactation period is short, the reproduction is fast, and it will not be affected by the season.

Therefore, mice are the most important and indispensable part of the experiment.

After the T-virus agent was injected into the mouse, Bai Yang began to pay attention to the changes in the cells in the mouse. It can be seen from the screen of the detection instrument that after the virus invaded the mouse, it began to infect its cell chromosomes and internal genetic factors. Changes began to take place, regroupings took place, but not at a rapid pace.

Then, after sensing the virus invasion, whether it is good or bad, the immune system starts to operate and starts a suicidal confrontation.

But the immune system obviously can't keep up with the speed of virus infection.

And this is probably still the incubation period, and it will enter the second stage after the immune system completely collapses.

While the immune system collapsed, the virus continued to multiply, the metabolism continued to accelerate, the energy supply in the body was fundamentally insufficient, the fur began to fall off and rot, and the bones began to soften.

Immediately afterwards, entering the third stage, the virus began to invade the brain, and the mind began to be confused. According to the body's instinct to absorb energy, it unconsciously ingested all the surrounding proteins.

Then, enter the fourth stage, if there is no intake of protein, the body will slowly only have the existence of autonomic nerves, and the sense of smell and hearing will begin to evolve instinctively.

(End of this chapter)

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