Chapter 382;
After Yondu shouted danger, an invisible force surged in the store instantly, and then, a humanoid creature with a slender and elegant body and an ugly squid-like face slowly landed at the door.

"Welcome!" Aisha invited with a smile.

Ebony Maw watched her for a while, and finally calmed down the surging energy in the shop.

"I'm here to find your boss. Lord Thanos has something to ask him." He tilted his head and said politely.

"Then come in first, our boss may not have time." Aisha didn't care, too many people came to see their boss during this time, but it had nothing to do with her ceremonial reception.

"Travel, someone is looking for the boss again." She yelled into the store.

"Okay." Tourist, who was still in the leisure area, stood up and told the still a little confused Drax, "You need to pay compensation before you can leave. I hope you can cooperate."

After finishing speaking, he walked to the front desk and asked politely to Ebony Throat: "Hello, what can you do with our boss?"

"I want to see him now." Ebony Throat said gracefully, twisting his fingers.

"Our boss is busy, you can wait for a while, or I will pass on your words to him." The traveler said with a smile.

"No, if your boss doesn't come out, I'll tear down your store right now and catch him in front of Lord Thanos." Ebony Throat waved his hand impatiently, and the surrounding objects began to float independently, as if In the next second, everything around will be swept away.

"It looks like you're here to make trouble, sir." The traveler didn't panic at all, the blue fluorescent light on his body flickered, "The things in the shop are all valuables, please put them down."

In the rear, Yondu and the others poked their heads to look at the situation outside.

"Hey, that guy outside doesn't look weak. Can the blue robot assistant in the store handle it? Or tell your boss to come out." Yondu said with some concern, the information conveyed to him by his senses, the outside That sudden visit is dangerous.

"I don't know, I haven't even seen him make a move, but anyway, it was made by the boss, and it will definitely not be weak."

"Then if he is demolished, the next step will be ours."

"Tch, if he really dares to make trouble in the store, I will bombard him to death with an interstellar cannon!" Rocket Bear looked disdainful, "If the ring hadn't been tested by the boss, the interstellar cannon would not be needed, I One can kill him."

"I'm Groot!"

Xingjue glanced at Rocket Bear, and felt that this guy seemed to have a lot of cards, no wonder he was so arrogant.


"Since he doesn't want to come out, I can only tear down your store. Don't worry, if your boss is a friend of Lord Thanos, I will allocate it to you." Seeing that the other party did not intend to back down, Ebony Throat Putting your fingers down, the floating things around suddenly lost their support, and suddenly slid down under the action of gravity.

But at this moment, a strange spatial fluctuation spread instantly, and everything seemed to stand still.

Ebony Throat not only frowned, and shook his hands again, but everything around him seemed to be completely out of the control of his thoughts, and remained motionless.

It's like not being in a space.

"Sir, now you have to pay compensation before you can go out. If you take any further action, I will treat you as an intruder and kill you." The traveler said, his body glowing with faint blue fluorescence, full of danger.

"Then come." Ebony Throat increased his thoughts, and suddenly pushed towards the traveler's position, and a blue energy shield instantly rose around the traveler, resisting this powerful thoughts.

This energy shield is exactly what the space gem has. Although there is no space gem on the traveler now, when Bai Yang created him, it was used to carry the space gem.

Therefore, even without the space gem, his body still contains the energy of the gem, and also has some characteristics of the space gem.

"Boom..." The thought force hit the energy shield, stirring up sections of water ripples, but the defense was still not broken.

"Oh, this is going to be difficult..." Ebony Throat felt a little tricky, he didn't expect that a machine that looks after the store has such a strong force.

"Intruder, you will be buried here today." Some redness began to appear in the traveler's blue light, and then the surrounding space began to distort, rolling towards the position of the ebony throat.

Feeling the distortion of the surrounding space, Ebony Throat temporarily avoided the sharp edge and quickly exited the store, but when he retreated to the door, he found that he was blocked by a thin layer of space barriers.

The distorted space gradually formed a huge vortex and rolled towards him. The Ebony Throat released all its strength to firmly resist it, and at the same time tried to break through the space barrier behind it.


"I'm going, is this robot so strong?" Yondu and Drax suddenly widened their eyes, a little shocked.

"Would you like to let the boss transform you into a robot, maybe you can become a lot stronger." Although Rocket Bear was a little surprised, he was already prepared in his heart. Looking at the shocked expressions of the two of Yondu, he teased.

"No, since you are a composite, why didn't you ask your boss to modify it for you?" Yondu said with a strange look at him.

"Fuck, do you want to die? Believe it or not, I'll tear your mouth apart!" Hearing this, Rocket Bear became angry immediately, as if he was about to fight.

"Hey..." Yondu sneered, and was about to say something when Xingjue next to him reminded quietly: "You don't have any weapons on you now, and it feels uncomfortable to have your mouth ripped open, so don't think that I will help you." .”

When Yondu heard this, he suddenly lost his temper, glanced at Rocket Bear, turned his head away, and continued to look at the scene outside.

"Haha, you're a cowardly waste." Drax suddenly laughed and mocked.

"Xie Te, do you want to die too?" Rocket Bear has the equipment, he can't beat him, but this guy with single cells and only muscles can kill him with one hand.

"Come on, let's have a touch and see whose fist is hard."


The front was full of fierce fighting, and the back also began to be tense.

For a while, the mermaid weapon shop was in chaos.

At this time, the ebony throat outside seemed to be unable to hold on, but at this moment, a blade suddenly inserted into the space barrier behind, and the pitch-black blade twisted, and the space barrier first quickly shattered like a mirror.

Ebony Throat also took this opportunity to escape from the weapon shop, temporarily escaping.

"You are in such a mess. It seems that the owner of this store is very strong." General Deathblade said lightly, looking at the embarrassed Ebony Throat.

"No, not the boss, just a robot, he can control the space."

(End of this chapter)

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