Chapter 43; Ontology

At this time, after three years, there are very few human beings on the earth left under the infection of the T virus.

If Guo Baiyang remembered well, in the end there were only a few thousand people left on the surface of the earth.Of course, these are only monitored by the Red Queen through satellites, and there must be many humans hidden in many places.

At this time, Alice has arrived at the hive stronghold established by the umbrella in Russia, under the ice layer, where the most advanced virtual reality technology is equipped.

And the team controlled by the Red Queen was also there, and the leader was Jill Van Haiting, a woman with a deep gap, who had met once in Raccoon City.

And the program of the Red Queen has started, ready to kill the humans in the last stronghold.


Bai Yang will start to make biological reproductive equipment based on Alice's cells recently.

Alice's cells can perfectly fuse the T virus and evolve gradually.

But to change it to machinery, it is necessary to simulate the operating principles of human organs, making it a creature without thinking.The cloning technology is a good improvement plan.

In this way, the T virus can be fooled.


Two days later, in a laboratory at the bottom of the hive.

Through the glass, Bai Yang was looking at a mass of viscous blue liquid in front of him, unconsciously climbing on the glass.

And the detection device showed that the other party was a living body.

"It finally succeeded!" Bai Yang excitedly looked at the venom-like thing in front of him.Although the colors are a little different.

The one in front of him is just the successful T virus colonization outfit.

Based on Alice's cells, it is made by adding various bionic machines and injecting T virus machinery
Immediately afterwards, Bai Yang began to carefully embed the chip, which was connected to artificial intelligence, and the functions of the combat chip were written.

As the chip was embedded, the blue liquid in front of him gradually stabilized.

Bai Yang tried to stretch out his right hand to the liquid, and at the moment of contact, the blue liquid rushed towards Bai Yang as if attracted by something, enveloping him completely.

The liquid flowed on his body surface, and soon formed a blue tights.

Bai Yang, whose head was not wrapped, looked at his hands, and then with a thought, the liquid turned into a blue spike.

Shields, swords, hammers, sickles... the shapes of various cold weapons were formed in his hands.

These changes are combat programs written in the chip.That is to say, Bai Yang is now proficient in all eighteen martial arts.

At the same time, Bai Yang came to the tester, clenched his blue fist, and hit the center hard.

The numbers on the tester were beating wildly, 412, 693, 1056, ... until they reached 1175KG before stopping.This is already equivalent to the strength of an adult tiger.

Afterwards, Bai Yang did another test on speed, reaction, and self-healing ability.

The whole body attributes have been greatly improved.

And these are only made with Alice's cloned cells.

"It seems that they have to find a way to get Alicia's genes and the data in Isaacs' hands." Bai Yang thought secretly.

Alice is a human body cloned from Alicia's genetics, so with Alicia's genetics and Alice's data in the hands of Isaacs, Bai Yang is confident in making stronger biological reproductive equipment.

At this time, the projection of the Red Queen suddenly appeared in front of Bai Yang.

"Morey, Isaacs is going out temporarily now, you must go to the antidote as soon as possible."

"He went out? When." Bai Yang asked suspiciously.

"Just now, he has gone to capture Alice. This is the best chance." The Red Queen projected the structure diagram of the hive's underground freezer, and the bottom is Alicia's freezer.

"Okay, I'll go there now." Bai Yang nodded.Then prepare your equipment and go underground.

Heading towards the main engine room, Bai Yang's eyes flashed, if Isaacs goes out, it means that he is not the main body.


When Bai Yang arrived at Alicia's freezer, he found that there were already three people standing inside.

"Wesker awakened Director Isaacs and Director Alicia." The red queen projection appeared next to Bai Yang at this time.

"You showed up just in time." Bai Yang said speechlessly, looking at his boss, Isaacs in a suit, and Wesker in sunglasses.

"Do you want this?" Isaacs said mockingly, shaking the antidote in his hand.

"Yes, but I probably can't get it now." Bai Yang spread his hands and said indifferently.

As he said, he came to Alicia's side, "I didn't expect you, boss, to get out too."

"They're scared," she said, nodding.
"Oh, I finally had a chance, but I didn't expect the clone to escape." Bai Yang said with a regretful sigh.

Afterwards, he took out the biological reproductive equipment just made in the laboratory, "This is the result of my research, do you want to try it?"

Seeing his demeanor, Dr. Isaacs, who had just come out of the freezer, frowned.

"What is this?" Alicia looked curiously at the blue viscous liquid in his hand.

"Biological reproductive equipment, although it can't cure your progeria, it can make you look like a normal person." Bai Yang smiled and motioned for her to put it on, "After all, you are my boss, so I will try it out for you as soon as possible. "

Alicia glanced at the young man in front of her who was always relaxed, and then reached out to touch the blue liquid.

Just like the experiment just now, at the moment of contact, the liquid instantly enveloped her.Formed a blue battle suit.

Alicia was a little surprised when she felt the active muscles on her body when she was putting on her grooming suit.

Immediately afterwards, she stood up from the wheelchair under the surprised gaze of Dr. Isaacs.

"It's a good idea to improve the T virus into bionic machines." Bai Yang's battle suit is actually similar to Isaacs's method of making human clones, but Bai Yang's is safer and will not cause uncontrollable situations.

"Boss, your clone has captured Alice." At this moment, Wesker suddenly reported.

"Very well, let's wait for them here. The weapons are about to be recovered, and you who betrayed the company, after the plan is over, I will hold a high-level meeting and kick you out, so that I can fully control the company. "He sneered and looked at Alicia standing here.

"No, you won't succeed." Alicia looked at him coldly.

Bai Yang imitated Weeks and stood quietly in the corner.

But Isaacs obviously didn't want to let him go. "Morey, I know you. If you are sensible, join us instead of following a dying person." He squinted his eyes and said.

"We can talk about these things after the dust settles..." Bai Yang said with a smile.

"Then we'll wait and see!" He glanced at the reaction device on Bai Yang's chest and the armor on his body, and said fearfully.

At this time, the two sides formed a delicate balance.

Although Bai Yang has the strength to kill the opponent, but the distance is too far, and the opponent is equipped with a combat prediction device, if he can't kill the opponent in an instant, the detoxification serum will be smashed by him.

And the opponent is also afraid of Bai Yang's strength.

In this way, the control room of the hive center fell into silence, but as Weeks continued to report the situation, Doctor Isaacs' face became more and more ugly.

After Alice escaped, she had already led people into the hive.

After going through a few thrilling obstacles, she sat on the lifting device and landed from the deserted area to the place where the freezer was stored, and then went all the way to the main control room of the hive.

Dr. Isaacs held the last trump card, anti-venom.quietly waiting for their arrival.

... Soon, Alice and a bearded man walked in vigilantly with a Bolt submachine gun.

"The bad seed has returned, the daughter of the prodigal." Isaacs said with a mocking tone after seeing Alice.

The two stopped and looked warily at the relaxed-looking person sitting on the sofa.

"Don't stand there, come in!" He said and looked at his watch. "After all, you have nine minutes to save the world."

"You are the main body?" Alice asked while holding a gun.

"Don't talk about this first, you put down the weapon in your hand first." He raised his head and motioned her to put down the weapon.

"Why would I do this?"

"Ha, because the anti-venom is in my hands, in a sealed facility 800 meters underground, I smashed it here, and the anti-virus will not be released. And your desperate dream will be shattered." He held The green serum weighed easily in his hand.

Alice looked at the serum in his hand, struggled for a moment, and put the weapon on the ground.

But the man behind him was still holding a weapon, but facing her.

Later, Wesker also brought Claire here.

Looking at this scene, just when Isaacs was about to say something, the dark control room suddenly lit up.

"I think it's time for us to play." Bai Yang said in a frivolous tone, and then followed Alicia out.

Isaacs, who pretended to be disturbed, took the serum back into his pocket with an ugly expression, but he didn't notice that there was a small black bug on it.

"Mo Lei, you'd better not disturb my plan." He looked at Bai Yang with a gloomy expression.Although Alice created a lot of trouble for herself, the degree of danger was far less than that of the smiling young man in front of her.

"I'm just following my boss's arrangement. Besides, don't you think the environment is too dark?" Bai Yang spread his hands and said in a mean tone.

Alice squinted her eyes and looked at Bai Yang first, feeling a little familiar, " are a man wearing a battle armor in Raccoon City."

"Yes, it's nice to meet again." Bai Yang waved to her as if seeing an old friend, "But my boss is not him. It's this." He tilted his head to signal the other party to look Alicia.

Then, after Red Queen, Alicia and Alice got to know each other time.

After Alice knew that she was just a clone, she couldn't accept it for a while, but she slowly recovered under Alicia's comfort.

(End of this chapter)

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