Plane of Rebirth Shop

Chapter 115 Rainbow Head Youth

Chapter 115 Rainbow Head Youth

Shuang Jiang stretched, then put away the mecha, ready to go to the end-time plane to see again, but she had just returned to the store, before opening the door of the end-time plane, Xiang Zhengyan walked in, behind it Followed by three people.

"Where are you going, little boss?" Xiang Zhengyan greeted.

"I'm going to urge you to find a chef for me." Shuangjiang laughed.

Xiang Zhengyan laughed immediately when he heard the words, pointed to the three people behind him and said: "That just so happens, the person who was just brought back by the search and rescue team today was sent to you."

"Thank you so much, Uncle." After Shuangjiang finished speaking, she called Wei Jiajia to lead her to the big kitchen.

When the people left, Xiang Zhengyan said again: "By the way, I have to tell the little boss something."

"What news?" Shuang Jiang asked curiously.

"I received a broadcast today. The country has established a survivor base. Now many survivors have left their homes and headed to the survivor base."

Shuang Jiang was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words, and he really thought about something: "Where is the survivor base?"

"Central China, South China, North China, and West China, there are four survivor bases in total." Xiang Zhengyan said, "What? What's the little boss's plan?"

"It's nothing, just preparing to open a branch in the survivor base."


"It's just to open a portal." Shuang Jiang explained: "Uncle, let's talk later, I'll go to the survivor base first."

After finishing speaking, he ran away in a hurry, chefs of the end-time plane, here I come~

Frost descended to the end of the world, took out the mech directly, then turned on the stealth function, turned on the map exploration function, and then flew towards the nearest survivor base in North China.

The North China Survivor Base is actually located on the outskirts of the capital of China, and it took only a few minutes for Frost to drive the mecha.

But she didn't directly drive the mecha into the survivor base, she still has the basic courtesy!

When it was ten kilometers away from the survivor's base, Shuang Jiang got off the mecha, picked up a small electric donkey, stood on the pedal and headed for the North China base.
Shuang Jiang mourned for her short legs again.
Shuang Jiang has a spiritual sense to protect his body, so he can travel through the zombies without any pressure.

"Hey, little girl, here, here."

When Shuang Jiang passed a residential area, he heard someone shouting in a low voice.

Shuang Jiang looked for the sound, and it was the fourth floor of a residential building. A young man with colorful hair was lying on the window and waving his arms at her. Seeing Shuang Jiang looking over, he shouted again: "Little girl, hurry up and hide in the house." Come!"

Shuang Jiang just waved his hand casually, and continued to ride the little electric donkey away.
"Hey? I said, why did you leave? Do you know how dangerous it is outside?" Seeing this, the young man shouted, "Rescue will come in two days. Isn't it courting death by running out? Your family doesn't care about it."

Shuang Jiang still didn't pay attention, riding a little electric donkey in a very chic way.

The young man stomped his feet anxiously as he looked at the retreating figure.

After walking for a while, Shuang Jiang vaguely heard the roar of cars and the sound of wooden warehouses.
Frost's spiritual sense swept over and found that it was a rescue force wearing camouflage uniforms, followed by supply vehicles one after another. It seemed that in addition to rescue, they also took care of the task of collecting supplies.

But thinking about it, a base, food and drink for many people can be imagined, and the materials consumed can be imagined!

"Huh? There's a kid over there"

In the car headed by the search and rescue team, Zhang Jie suddenly opened his eyes and said.He is a psychic power user, and his current strength is still low, and his mental power can only be used as a pathfinder.

"Where? Are you alive?" Nie Yuntao asked with a frown.

The streets are full of zombies that have not been cleaned up, and a child suddenly appeared, isn't it weird?

"Of course it's alive!" Could he be so surprised if he wasn't alive?Zhang Jie said: "It's coming towards us, there should be some special ability, the zombies don't seem to be able to see her."

But it's enough to be brave, and the zombies ride through the group of zombies expressionlessly on eDonkeys, even adults may not be able to have this psychological quality.

The two of them were talking, when they saw an electric car turning around at the intersection ahead, and a little girl standing on the car was not much taller than the handlebars. The little girl had a calm expression and regarded the zombies as nothing, rushing left and right in the crowd of zombies , steady and skillful, the faces in the convoy were stunned
The little girl, that is, Shuang Jiang, rode a small electric donkey until she stopped in front of the convoy, then raised a bright smile and said, "Uncle, are you from the North China base?"

"We are from the North China base, the little girl is going to the North China base?" Nie Yuntao asked, he didn't ask Shuangjiang's family, in his heart, a little girl from Shuangjiang ran out by herself, which means that her family is probably gone.

"Can uncle take me to the North China Base? I don't know the way."

In fact, she was just looking for an excuse, she didn't know the way or something, and Jin Danqi's spiritual sense would get to know it.

Shuang Jiang just wanted to hitchhike a ride, it would be even better if she could find a new client by the way, for example, she used mental power to sweep her brother Bing before, it would be a lot of merit.

However, Shuang Jiang's little wish was doomed to fail, because Brother Bing arranged her in the survivor's compartment at the back.

"Well, it would be nice to have a ride." Shuang Jiang muttered to himself, and found a corner in the carriage to sit down.

I don’t know how long it took, another group of survivors came up in the car, and the already full car was even more crowded. At this time, Shuang Jiang couldn’t help regretting that the f*ck ride is not so easy to ride, let’s not talk about being crowded. With this time, she can go to the North China base!

Most importantly, she hasn't earned merit points yet!
"Huh? You're here too, little girl."

The voice sounded familiar, Shuang Jiang looked up and found that it was the rainbow-haired youth who had called Shuang Jiang to hide earlier.

"Oh, I just told you that there is help." The rainbow-haired youth sat down beside Shuang Jiang, and the blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Shuang Jiang: "..." Well, I'm still a talker!

"Little sister, why are you alone? What about your family?"

"Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

Dear, what are you thinking about?
"Why didn't you bring any supplies? I heard that you have to hand in supplies when you enter the base."

"It just so happens that I brought quite a lot, I'll share some with you," the rainbow-haired youth said as he went to pick up his big bag.

"No thanks." Shuang Jiang said helplessly, "I have this." As she spoke, she seemed to take out a zombie crystal nucleus from her pocket.

In fact, she was taken out of the warehouse.

"What is this?" The rainbow-haired youth frowned, and then he seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up and said: "Is this the zombie crystal nucleus?"

"I've heard from the radio that zombies have crystal nuclei in their brains, which can upgrade their abilities."

Speaking of abilities, Rainbow Head couldn't help being a little frustrated: "It's a pity that I don't have abilities"

Hearing this, Shuang Jiang scanned Rainbow Head's body data, then glanced at the top of his head, and then said, "You really want supernatural powers?"

"Of course!" Rainbow said dully, "Haven't you read the novel? Oh, by the way, you are still young, and you can't even recognize two characters."

"...Speak as you speak, and others will attack you personally!" When my old lady went to school, you were not born yet!

"Haha. Let me tell you the truth. How old are you? Have you gone to elementary school? How many words can you be taught in kindergarten?"

(End of this chapter)

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