Plane of Rebirth Shop

Chapter 168 Stalactite

Chapter 168 Stalactite

It's the kind of kneeling in the true sense, with both knees on the ground, making a loud crashing sound!
As soon as Shuang Jiang came in, she felt a huge force of gravity. She was caught off guard and was almost crushed to the ground, but her image at this time was so real, she might as well get down!
Frost's descent slowed down for a while, before gradually adapting to this gravity, she raised her head with difficulty, only then did she realize that what she was in now should be an underground cave.

The rock walls of the cave are inlaid with pieces of top-quality spirit stones, emitting a faint light, so that everything in the cave is clearly visible.

However, the area of ​​the karst cave is very large, and Shuang Jiang cannot see the whole picture at a glance. In addition, she is now under the weight of gravity, and only one movement of raising her head consumes all her strength. It is extremely difficult to move her hands and feet and change her posture.

At this time, she is like a mouse that fell into a rice bowl, really guarding a huge treasure, but it's a pity that she can't move, guarding the treasure mountain but can only watch!

Just when Shuang Jiang was thinking about her current situation and what kind of goods she had to exchange to solve the problem, another moth appeared in her dantian. In the pile of top-grade spirit stones, the rich spiritual energy almost turned into spiritual liquid and penetrated into her body. The spiritual energy was out of balance. Riots are just a moment away!
Shuang Jiang's dantian meridian was already injured, but this time it was really broken like a sieve, and the spiritual energy that poured in suddenly leaked out again, just let it out, you should just get out of her body !

It didn't, it just ran rampant in Shuang Jiang's body, if it wasn't for Shuang Jiang's body training, she would have been overwhelmed by the aura of the riot!

Now that things have happened, Shuang Jiang doesn't care about the dantian meridian at all, she must immediately draw out the aura in her body, and digest what she can't get out of!
It's just that facing the continuous influx of spiritual energy and drawing it out, it's just a dream!
Seeing that Shuang Jiang's body swelled up like an inflated balloon, and scarlet blood oozed out of his pores, once things got started, the speed of development became extremely fast, just like now, just a few breaths After a while, Shuang Jiang's body doubled in size, his skin was stretched almost transparent, and then cracks appeared.
"Can I just leave first?" Shuang Jiang smiled wryly in her heart. Even if she was unwilling, she still had to choose to teleport back to the shop first, otherwise in her current state, she might explode into scum in the next second!
However, to Shuang Jiang's horror, she couldn't contact the system anymore!She can't teleport back to the shop!
It is equivalent to directly cutting off the only way out for Shuang Jiang!
Panic flashed in Shuang Jiang's eyes!

"Shuang Jiang, calm down, you must calm down, you have to do it all over again, you can't just die here!"

"Calm down, think of a way, don't sit still, save yourself"

"Reiki. Reiki is right, forging!"

Shuang Jiang tried her best to control herself, to calm herself down, and then began to run the body training technique. Her body training technique has reached the fourth and seventh levels, which is equivalent to the late Yuanying stage of Dharma cultivation.

Body forging is the same as Dharma cultivation, the higher the cultivation level, the more spiritual power is needed.

Just like at this time, with Frostfall running the body training technique, the pressure on her body was immediately relieved. It was also because she relied too much on the plane trading system and always thought that there was a way out, so when she encountered a critical situation, the first The first reaction is to escape the danger by teleporting through the system
This is a terrible signal. Cultivating the heart, perseverance, vigor, and going forward bravely are the foundation for a cultivator to go on. Thanks to today's experience, Shuang Jiang realized the problem and its seriousness. And she is lucky, and she still has a chance to make corrections.

The violent spiritual power in Shuangjiang's body gradually stabilized, and her body gradually returned to its normal appearance, but she did not stop practicing the body-building exercises, because Shuangjiang found that with the operation of the exercises, the body became stronger and stronger. At the same time, the gravitational force on the body doesn't seem to be that strong anymore.

It wasn't until Shuangjiang felt that she had fully adapted to the gravity here, and then she slowly stopped her physical training, but after this stop, spiritual energy swarmed into her body again, seeing that the past was about to repeat itself, Frost Jiang was frightened by this, Quickly put the exercises back into operation, and at the same time kept thinking about the countermeasures.

Physical exercise is no different than others, it can be practiced anytime and anywhere, it is just a physical exercise, and it restricts people in place.

In the end, Shuang Jiang came up with a solution that was not a solution, she sealed her dantian.

Directly cut off the source of the spiritual violence, let's see how you can deal with moths!

After doing this, Shuang Jiang tried to stop training again, and the result was naturally predictable, sealing the dantian, and directly shielding the spiritual root, without the spiritual root, it is impossible to attract the spiritual energy, and without the spiritual root to attract the spiritual energy, hehehe, exercise The body is not so fun!
Shuang Jiang got up and stretched her muscles and bones, and then she had time to look at the situation in the cave more carefully. She had seen the top-quality spirit stones all over the wall before.

At this time, her attention was all attracted by a puddle of milky white liquid on the rock wall. It was milky white and had a delicate fragrance. Frost's descent didn't require identification skills, so she could tell that it was ten thousand year old stalactites!
Such a big one has been accumulated for tens of thousands of years, and thousands of stalactites will often produce stalactite after thousands of years of deposition, which is a priceless treasure!

On the system trading platform, a drop of ten-thousand-year stalactite can sell millions of plane coins, stalactite. I have never seen anyone selling it, only changing tricks to buy or barter!

Upon discovering such treasures, Shuang Jiang's eyes lit up immediately, the little injury he suffered before was a fart!
She quickly took out a bunch of jade bottles, jade boxes, etc. from the space button, which she had prepared in advance in order to go to the plane of cultivation for treasure hunting. In order to prevent spiritual energy from volatilizing, the jade box is the same. In the cultivation world, jade boxes are generally used to store spiritual herbs and elixir.

If you encounter something that needs to be carefully preserved, you can paste the forbidden seal on the outside. If you think it is not safe, you can directly engrave the forbidden formation on the box to ensure that the spiritual power will not be exhausted, and it can be preserved for a long time. .

Shuang Jiang carefully put the Wannian stalactites into the jade vase, a palm-sized jade vase, she collected a total of 137 bottles.

Then came the bell cream. Shuang Jiang used a small jade shovel just like shoveling wet starch. One shovel after another shoveled the five big jade boxes full of bell cream.

"It's gone." Shuang Jiang's eyes were shining with the light of Bulling Bulling, which is a good thing with a price but no market.

Shuang Jiang patted the seal talismans on the jade vase and jade box one by one, and when she learned the seal formation, she would definitely replace them all with formations!
Put the bottles and cans into the space button, and Shuang Jiang started to make plans for those top-grade spirit stones on the stone wall. One low-grade spirit stone is equal to one face coin, and one hundred low-grade spirit stones is equal to one middle-grade spirit stone One hundred middle-grade spirit stones equals one top-grade spirit stone. In theory, one hundred top-grade spirit stones can be exchanged for one top-grade spirit stone, but usually no one is willing to exchange top-grade spirit stones.

The top-grade spirit stone has almost no impurities, and the spirit energy contained in it is milder and easier for monks to absorb.

(End of this chapter)

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