Plane of Rebirth Shop

Chapter 188 is the test test

Chapter 188 is the test test

Witnessing all this frost, she felt a fire burning in her chest. She is not a weak chicken with no power to restrain her. The result of her anger can be imagined!

A tyrannical coercion, wrapped in Shuang Jiang's raging anger, directly pressed on the hundred Japanese soldiers, and almost instantly, the hundred Japanese soldiers bled from their seven orifices and fell to the ground.

The coercion was on the verge of breaking out, and then returned in an instant, leaving only silence.

Shuang Jiang, who killed a hundred Japanese soldiers in one go, still felt blocked, she thought for a while, and directly called Rong Guozheng.

"It's Boss Wei." There was a hint of sleepiness in Rong Guozheng's voice. He didn't go to bed until 03:30 in the morning, and it would be five in the morning. Even if he strengthened his body, he still couldn't bear it.

"Call so early, what is the urgent matter for me?"

"...Urgent matters are not counted." Shuang Jiang said: "Mr. Rong, have you ever heard of Time and Space?"

"I've learned a little bit about it." Rong Guozheng became energetic when he heard it. Since he knew about Shuangjiang's shop, he has learned about space latitude from various channels, and he has naturally seen the conjecture of parallel spaces.

"What? Boss Wei has discovered a new plane again? Is it a parallel world related to the earth and stars?" Although it was a question, Rong Guozheng's tone was firm, otherwise Shuang Jiang would not have made a special trip to call early in the morning, and still Special reference to parallel spaces.

"Congratulations, you guessed it right." Shuang Jiang laughed immediately, and said slyly: "It was still in [-]s, are you always interested?"

Rong Guozheng was breathless when he heard the words, and he spoke after a long time: "What does Boss Wei mean?"

Although a person of his age did not personally experience the eight-year-long war, he still hated the Wa country at all!
He came here after listening to his grandfather and father's generation tell about that period of grief!

Not only that, as a high-level leader, sitting in this position, he also understands many things that ordinary people do not understand.

As well as refusing to admit the truth about the invasion of Xia, refusing to apologize, tampering with textbooks, etc.
Every time he thinks of Wa country's face, it makes him feel like gnashing his teeth with hatred!

Shuang Jiang could hear the tension in Rong Guozheng's tone and the anticipation that he himself might not have noticed, so he smiled and said, "Our Huaxia soldiers also ate Zerg meat for two months and practiced physical and mental strength for two months. Don't you always want to test and test their progress in the past two months?"

When Rong Guozheng heard it, he immediately laughed and said, "It's time to test!"

But after laughing, he still asked, "Wouldn't it have any effect on Boss Wei?"

"Yes." Shuang Jiang said, but then she smiled again: "Does it count as meritorious deeds? I guess it's not just me, and those who participated in it will probably also have meritorious deeds."

"Really?" Rong Guozheng obviously didn't expect Shuangjiang to say that, and he was immediately pleasantly surprised. The merits are spent in time, and since he started exchanging those high-tech products from Shuangjiang's shop, he knows the value of merits.

"Really, Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people." Shuang Jiang affirmed, just now she killed those Japanese soldiers in a fit of anger, her own merits have really increased.

"Good! Good!" Rong Guozheng said a few good times, then hung up the phone with a smile, went to report to the upper management, and planned how to make arrangements
Speaking of Shuangjiang, just as she hung up the phone, a few people came in at the door, they were the same people who had been hiding in the corner of the roof to attack the Japanese army.

After they discovered the sudden death of the Japanese army, although they didn't know what happened and who did it, judging from the results, they could guess that the opponent was probably a friend rather than an enemy.

Therefore, after leaving two people to appease the people, the rest of the people split up to look for the injured comrades. One of them broke into Shuangjiang's shop by accident. They found Shuangjiang's shop based on his escape route and the traces on the ground. .

"Little girl, have you seen a wounded uncle, about this tall, wearing clothes of the same color as mine?" a big bull-eyed man headed by asked gesturing.

Shuang Jiang nodded and said, "Come with me."

After speaking, he led the way to the lounge.

Seeing that Shuang Jiang was not only not afraid of him, but also let them in so calmly, the bull-eyed man couldn't help feeling suspicious for a moment.

You must know that his pair of big bull's-eye eyes can see a crying child!Staring at it is a child's nightmare.

Furthermore, looking at the ordinary people outside who have just experienced the flames of war, you can see how abnormal the little girl's behavior is!

The other team members obviously noticed it too, but they didn't say anything, they just looked at the big bull-eyed man.

The bull-eyed man narrowed his eyes and followed without saying a word. He still didn't believe it, what trap could there be?
Besides, even if there was a trap, he had to see his comrades first before talking about anything else.

"This is?" When the bull-eyed man saw his comrade who was placed in a transparent glass "coffin" and soaked in the light red liquid, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and the anger in his eyes almost gushed out: "You guys What did you do to him!"

Speaking of disregarding the discipline of the organization, he directly pulled out the wooden bin at his waist and aimed at the only adult in the lounge—Wei Jiajia.

As for Shuang Jiang, he ignored it directly.

As for Wei Jiajia, who was pointed at by Mu Cang, he didn't care at all. He took out a piece of paper and handed it to the bull-eyed man: "You are his relative? That's right, please pay the medical expenses in full." .”

"Rescue?" The bull-eyed man almost laughed angrily: "The rescues who went to step on horses were put in coffins and soaked in water. Can people still live?"

Wei Jiajia: "..."

Wei Jiajia turned his head to look at Shuang Jiang, curled his lips and said, "Boss, he wants to renege on his debt!"

Shuang Jiang took a look at Wei Jiajia when she heard the words, what the hell is her plane currency wasted, and the rhythm of excellent shop assistants going to waste!
"Brothers settle accounts clearly, you don't understand the principle of who owes who pays?"

The big bull-eyed man fell back angrily at the ignorance of the two men, raised the wooden warehouse to the ceiling and pressed the trigger.

Then the big bull-eye guy disappeared in front of the team behind him
This turn of events frightened everyone, they froze and did not dare to move, it was so weird!

Then something even weirder happened again. The person they thought was dead slowly sat up from the water.
"It's a scam." A small man said in a trembling voice.

After speaking, he couldn't hold on any longer, and fell to the ground with his buttocks.

Wei Jiajia glanced at him, and his eyes lit up immediately: "Sir, you are injured, if you don't treat it in time, it may be life-threatening."

The little man did have an injury, but from the outside it looked like an inch-long gash, not at a vital point, but the amount of bleeding was a bit heavy, but the blood had already coagulated naturally at this time.

But others can't see it, but Wei Jiajia can see that the wound of the little man was actually penetrated into the body by a piece of small shrapnel. on the waist.
The little man nodded numbly when he heard what Wei Jiajia said. He could indeed feel that he was getting weaker and weaker.

(End of this chapter)

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