Plane of Rebirth Shop

Chapter 99 Mecha

Chapter 99 Mecha
Shuang Jiang looked at the gigantic monster in front of him, which seemed to have colorful special effects, and after being shocked, he looked suspicious: "Boy, are you sure you didn't buy it because of its appearance?"

Nine-tailed phoenix?

Feng Zai'er immediately rolled her eyes when she heard the words: "No, this is just a coincidence!"

"Okay." Even Shuang Jiang still had some doubts.But there is no intention to continue asking, yes or no is meaningless, the main thing is whether the mecha is good or not!
Then she mobilized her spiritual consciousness to lift herself to the mech cabin at a height of several tens of meters, which is located in front of the Phoenix's neck, which is the center of controlling the mecha.

Frostfall enters the mech cabin, and after completing a series of master identification and binding, the sensor links with his spiritual power, and Frostfall can control the mech.

"Don't use the energy cannon unless necessary, it consumes energy." Feng Zai'er reminded.

"It's also very mentally exhausting!" Shuang Jiang continued. Based on the fact that she just controlled the mecha to take two steps and flap her wings twice, her spiritual sense can control this mecha for at most half an hour!
This is still the case of not fighting, once the movement is large, the consumption of spiritual consciousness will be doubled!
Just... very heartbroken!
This really bought loneliness!
"Just exploring the planet is enough." Feng Zai'er seemed to guess what Shuang Jiang was thinking, and said: "Open the map to explore, record the map, and then you can control the mech to fly around.

Make sure that the topography of the map and the trajectory of all life activities above and below the ground are recorded for you, and you only need to generate a map later. "

It sounds very convenient.
But this still doesn't change the fact that Frost's Descent can't control the mecha for a long time!

It's really better to buy an ordinary mecha, at least with her spiritual strength and physical endurance, she can control the mecha to kill all directions as she likes!

Therefore, if she encounters such a thing in the future, she will have to do it herself. Feng Zai'er is unreliable!
But things have come to this point, Shuang Jiang can't give up on this exploration, let alone buy the mecha again, she can only let the mecha collect ground data as Feng Zai'er said, and all she can do is control the mecha to fly.
Don't kill insects, don't mention how aggrieved Frost's Descent is!

Fortunately, the speed of this mecha is really fast, and the entire planet was explored in less than half an hour.

This planet is indeed as Feng Zai'er guessed at first, it is a planet completely occupied by Zerg. On the map recorded by the mecha, the location of Frost's Landing Store is the area with the fewest Zerg and the lowest level!

With her shop as the center, 360 degrees outside, there are large and small insect nests, and the level of the insect race is getting higher and higher, and the defense is getting tighter and tighter.

And on the map generated by the mech, about [-] kilometers north of her shop, is the area with the densest Zerg population and the highest level. A small area there is marked with a high-risk red warning!

What surprised Frost the most was that in the video shot by the mecha, the appearance of the Zerg was all kinds of strange, not limited to the appearance of giant insects, aquatic, terrestrial, amphibious, long-haired, scaly, crawling, Running on all fours, it looks like a zoo!

Shuang Jiang never knew that the Zerg were not just bugs!On the contrary, the worm-shaped ones are basically the wave with the lowest level.
"How could this be?" Shuang Jiang murmured.

Almost the moment Shuang Jiang asked, Feng Zai'er blurted out: "Because of genes."

Just when Shuang Jiang wanted to hear Feng Zai'er continue, Feng Zai'er got stuck. She patted her head with her wings from time to time, but she couldn't think of any more information.

"Feng Zai'er?" Shuang Jiang looked at Feng Zai'er worriedly. Feng Zai'er had this kind of situation before when he was short of energy. Now that the system has been activated and connected to three planes, logically speaking, it should not Then there is a lack of energy!

"It's okay." After a long time, Feng Zai'er said: "The Zergs evolve through devouring. They can continuously extract and fuse the genes of other creatures to evolve themselves until the gene chain is perfect. The Zergs are very proud of their ultimate evolution. , and call themselves gods."

Shuang Jiang: "..."

Just... shocking!

But also disgusting!

Shuang Jiang couldn't help thinking of zombies, so he asked: "Zombies can also evolve through devouring, so will they end up the same as Zerg?" And come out in an ultimate state!
Feng Zai'er immediately denied it: "No, the predecessor of the zombie is human after all, and its genes do not have the characteristics of Zerg!"

"Will the zombies that ate the Zerg meat inherit this characteristic?" Shuang Jiang asked again.

"You also ate Zerg meat, so do you think you have inherited this characteristic?" Feng Zai'er's eyes almost turned to the sky...

Shuang Jiang: "..."

Well, apart from absorbing the energy in the worm meat, she didn't seem to find anything wrong.

However, it is not ruled out that the level of Zerg she eats is too low.
Knowing Shuang Jiang's thoughts, Feng Zai'er was speechless: "Don't worry, even if you eat a hundred ultimate evolutions, you won't inherit the characteristics of the Zerg." After speaking, as if afraid of Shuang Jiang's confrontation with her, he added: "The same goes for everyone else!"

"Oh, that's good!" Shuang Jiang said, to be honest, these Zergs still look like animals, if they evolved into human beings, she wouldn't dare to say anything!

"The exploration of this planet is over, do you want to visit other planets?" Feng Zai'er changed the subject: "This mecha can travel through space."

"Forget it for now, I'm not strong enough, I can't control the mech for a long time." Speaking of this, Shuang Jiang couldn't help but glared at Feng Zai'er again, who knows that the one that suits her is the best!
Sure enough, Feng Zai'er is unreliable in his work!

Feng Zai'er was stared at by her, and finally realized his ignorance, turned his head in embarrassment, and said, "I'm going to retreat for a while, you have to work hard!"

After finishing speaking, he will turn into a ray of light and enter Frost's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"Wait!" Shuang Jiang hurriedly called to her and said, "You have gone to retreat, what about the package sent to the scientific research institute?"

She also needs to monitor in time to prevent the contents of the package from falling into the wrong hands!Then her hard work will be in vain!

Feng Zai'er thought about it, and suggested: "Why don't you buy another brain?"

Shuang Jiang stared at Feng Zai'er with dead fish eyes, no money!
"Then..." Feng Zai'er rolled her eyes, they were still in the mech at this time, so she suddenly came up with another idea: "The intelligent system of the mecha is also fine!"

After speaking, he taught Shuangjiang how to operate: "By the way, there is a star network in the interstellar plane. Search it, maybe there is a signal source." Of course, the premise is that it is not blocked by the higher Zerg!
"Okay, then you come by yourself, I really have to go to retreat." Feng Zai'er hurriedly finished, and the figure disappeared directly.

Seeing this, Shuang Jiang couldn't help but worry, but Feng Zai'er was already in a deep sleep, so she couldn't ask any more, she could only wait for Feng Zai'er to wake up and then ask about the situation!
At this time, the spiritual consciousness consumed by Frost's Spirit has also recovered a lot under the nourishment of the soul-nourishing wood. She is going to use the newly recovered spiritual consciousness to control the mech to go to the big red area on the map to make a big splash!
(End of this chapter)

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