Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 175 Take the head of the enemy general!

Chapter 175 Take the head of the enemy general!
In just a few minutes, Han Xiao has become their convinced leader.

Han Xiao slowly raised his arms, and looked at the Tiandou army expressionlessly: "Everyone, get ready to fight!"

As soon as the words came out, there was an instant uproar.

"Really want to fight?!"

"This is the Heaven Dou Imperial Family, do you really want to start a war with the Heaven Dou Empire?"

"Only by us, how can we be the opponents of this group of royal families?"

Han Xiao's decision made everyone waver.

Who wants to die for these unseen things?

Corpses were thrown in front of these soul masters.

Everyone's expressions changed, they were all soul masters who were killed in the chaos just now.

Some are their friends, others are brothers, and even family members.

At some point, these corpses were quietly put away by Han Xiao.

"Do you really think that if you want to leave now, you can leave Heaven Dou City alive?"

Although Han Xiao's voice was not loud, it reached everyone's ears accurately.

Indeed, as Han Xiao said, this group of people realized that they had offended the face of the Heaven Dou imperial family.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, leave now, I will protect you from death!"

Seeing that these people hesitated again, the commander of the guard quickly said.

They looked at each other, and they were both a little embarrassed. They didn't know who to listen to for a moment.

"Make way!"

Seeing this, Han Xiao signaled Zhou Tong and Chen Mo to retreat.

"That's the end of the story, the choice is all up to you." Han Xiao looked at the crowd blankly, and added: "I hope you can take these corpses away when you leave, and the brothers who came together will at least return to their homeland. "

This sentence is simply murderous.

Everyone looked at the corpse in front of them, and they still had the fear of facing death on their faces.

Although they were already dead, for some reason, it was difficult for everyone to walk around them and leave here.

"Damn it, I'm not leaving!"

"I'm not leaving either, why should we trust the people who point guns at us?"

Someone took the lead, and they turned around one after another, looking at the group of guards with a touch of desperate determination in their eyes.

Han Xiao walked slowly in the direction of the guard commander, and the mob consciously made a way for him.

"One more time, I want to see Emperor Xue Ye."

Han Xiao looked at the guard commander standing opposite with a blank expression, and said in a cold voice.

"Heh, are you worthy too?"

Still the same answer.

He was not a fool, he knew very well that if Emperor Xue Ye really wanted to meet this group of people in person, then his Imperial Guard Commander would be exhausted.

Because it means the compromise of the royal family and the victory of the common people.

At that time, the Heaven Dou royal family will face the doubts of the nobles.

"In this case, there is no need to say more."

Han Xiao nodded, and rushed towards the captain of the guard like a cannonball.

"Tips for carving insects."

The captain of the guard sneered and released the martial soul directly.

Unexpectedly, as a guard, he turned out to be a Seven Ring Soul Sage.

The terrifying pressure instantly made everyone's hearts wind up.

When he was in the Slaughtering Capital, he also fought against the Soul Sage several times. Although he couldn't use the soul skills and soul power, he could still experience the terrifying strength of the Soul Sage.

Han Xiao's pupils shrank, and the killing god domain was fully opened.

The two terrifying coercions confronted invisibly, and finally Han Xiao slightly overwhelmed him.

"how is this possible?!"

The face of the guard commander changed drastically.

A soul master actually won the victory in the confrontation with the soul saint's aura, which he could never have imagined.

"Save it for the shock after death."

Han Xiao sneered, Zhou Tong and Chen Mo appeared from behind him in an instant, and the three surrounded the guard commander.

"It's just you?!"

The captain of the guard yelled, and slapped Han Xiao in mid-air with his palm.

However, the moment his palm was about to touch Han Xiao's body, an incredible scene happened.

I saw Han Xiao's body disappearing in an instant, and he appeared behind him in the blink of an eye again.


In mid-air, the guard commander's eyes widened and he quickly adjusted his figure.

However, before he could catch his breath for half a second, Zhou Tong and Chen Mo had arrived and surrounded him.

"It's impossible to kill me!"

The head of the guard army shouted, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

His seventh spirit ring radiated obsidian-like light, the rich spirit power rippled around, and the phantom of the martial spirit behind him grew more and more inflated.

The phantom of the martial soul gradually turned into a solid body, shaking Zhou Tong and Chen Mo almost out of breath.

Although there is a level difference between the Soul Emperor and the Soul Sage, the gap in strength can be said to be a world of difference.

This is precisely because of the seventh spirit ring, the spirit avatar.

It can be said to be the trump card of all soul masters except for the ninth soul ability.

The stronger the martial soul, the greater the improvement brought by this soul skill.

Under the coercion of the Wuhun avatar, Zhou Tong and Chen Mo were suppressed by him to the point of being unable to move.

Han Xiao's heart tightened, it was absolutely impossible to go on like this.

The Janissaries behind him had two seconds to charge towards him.

He had to find a way to kill the guard commander within two seconds.

The power of the stars was condensed, and stars appeared in Han Xiao's pupils.

Back in time!

At this moment, an incredible scene happened.

Guard Zhang only felt that his soul power had begun to recover, and his body, which was about to become a martial soul, began to shrink gradually.

Feeling that his soul power was being suppressed as if he was not under his control, his complexion became extremely ugly, "How is that possible?!"

He can understand soul power suppression and level suppression, but Han Xiao's operation is nothing more than suppressing himself with the law of heaven.

This made it hard for him to understand that a small soul master could burst out such terrifying power.


Strands of blood ooze from Han Xiao's pupils.

This was completely different from when he faced Dugu Bo before. Although he was a titled Douluo, he had a playful mentality when fighting Han Xiao and others, and he didn't even release a tenth of his soul power.

And this guard commander has resorted to his strongest ultimate move from the very beginning.

Forcibly using time regression to reverse the situation of the battle will naturally suffer backlash.

Zhou Tong and Chen Mo had a tacit understanding, and they all resorted to the strongest killing moves, and slammed at the guard commander.

The full blow of the Soul Emperor and Soul King, coupled with the fact that the guard commander was defenseless at this time, was enough to seriously injure him.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he flew upside down like a kite with a broken thread, and fell heavily at Han Xiao's feet.


He sprayed blood and roared with the last bit of strength in his body.

However, before the second half of the sentence was uttered, Han Xiao's Taotie had already been inserted into his neck.

Like a top surgeon, his head was smoothly and completely cut off by Han Xiao.

Han Xiao suddenly raised his head above his head, and the guards who had arrived behind him froze in place.


Someone's voice trembled.

Cutting off the head of the enemy general before the battle can severely damage the morale of the opponent.

Han Xiao threw the head to the sky and shouted angrily: "The head of the enemy general has been beheaded, everyone will charge with me!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's morale reached the peak, and they all rushed to Tiandou Palace desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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