Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 198 Narrow escape, the 4th soul ring!

Chapter 198 Narrow escape, the fourth soul ring!

The aura cloak appeared beside Han Xiao at some point, dancing his body in a panic.

As Han Xiao's martial soul, it can naturally feel that Han Xiao is on the verge of death at this time.

Maybe in another minute, he will explode and die, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

How to do? !

The Lingguang cloak suddenly looked at the exotic flowers and plants growing on the bank of the hot spring.

It didn't hesitate at all, as soon as its figure passed, only a bare piece remained.

Little do they know that the conditions for picking these fairy grasses are extremely strict, some must not be touched by hand, otherwise they will die instantly, and some are so delicate that they must be picked with special peerless treasures, otherwise they will be turned into a pool of waste water.

But in front of the Lingguang cloak, these are just the most common wildflowers, picked off casually.

The speed of the Lingguang Cloak was very fast, but within a few minutes, all the fairy grasses around the Binghuo Hot Spring were picked off and sent to Han Xiao's mouth.

At this time, Han Xiao closed his eyes tightly, and cracks appeared in his body, and he swallowed them all by relying on his body's instinct.

If Dugu Bo saw this scene at this time, he would definitely be dumbfounded.

It's not that I feel sorry for these fairy grasses, but that Han Xiao's operation is undoubtedly fatal.

Although many of these celestial herbs can cleanse and build a person's body, they can even confer certain special abilities after eating them.

But you must know that Lingguang Cloak didn't think about it that much when picking these herbs, and didn't even look at them.

There is also no lack of deadly poisonous weeds that are deadly when touched.

And when these two types of herbs are mixed, what kind of effect will be produced is anyone's guess.

After all, after neutralizing the arsenic that kills people, it can also cure cancer.

It is even very possible that when Han Xiao eats these herbs, his body will explode instantly.

But at this time, no one cares about so much.

Don't eat, just wait for the backlash from the golden-patterned iron pincer spider's soul ring to explode the body into pieces.

At least he can take a gamble after eating it.

As soon as these herbs fell into Han Xiao's mouth, they instantly turned into balls of essence and scattered around Han Xiao.

This terrifying medicinal power was full of wanton collisions with the internal organs of Han Xiao's body.

Like a brutal predator, occupying Han Xiao's body piece by piece as a colony.

And another force from the golden iron pincer spider didn't dare to fight against this terrifying medicinal power at all, and fled around Han Xiao's body.

Han Xiao opened his eyes suddenly, and a golden light burst out from his eye sockets.

Immediately afterwards, rancid liquid kept gushing out of his pierced ears, nostrils and mouth.

This powerful force is actually changing Han Xiao's physique arbitrarily.

His body seemed to have turned into a ball of plasticine, being kneaded wantonly by it.

Han Xiao's only remaining rationality told him that he could not go on like this.

It stands to reason that washing the essence and cutting the marrow is definitely a good thing, but this power is too tyrannical, and Han Xiao cannot control it at all.

Now blood has begun to ooze out of his eye sockets, which is enough to prove that his life has begun to be overdrawn.

Han Xiao looked towards the bottom of the lake, gritted his teeth, and dived directly without any hesitation.

He wants to fight poison with fire!

Since the golden-striped iron claw spider and these fairy grasses have made a home in his body, what's the problem with adding an ice and fire hot spring?
Just let them come to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

This time Han Xiao had no more scruples, and tried his best to come directly to the bottom of the lake.

Immediately afterwards, he sat cross-legged at the bottom of the lake, desperately absorbing the aura of the ice-fire hot spring.

Gradually, circles of whirlpools formed on the surface of the lake.

The color of this hot spring began to become lighter and lighter, and finally it was almost transparent, no longer spiritual.

When these three incomparably terrifying forces gathered in Han Xiao's body, the burst of energy made Han Xiao want to commit suicide.

This kind of pain is no longer what human beings can bear.

His body actually exuded a golden light, illuminating the whole hot spring.

This light cracked the surface of Han Xiao's body a little, as if he was going to explode like a balloon in the next second.

But at this moment, the cloudy sky star chart in Han Xiao's abdomen suddenly bloomed, gradually covering up the golden light.

The golden light became weaker and weaker, and stars slowly appeared on Han Xiao's skin.

His face also began to calm down slowly. The three forces in his body seemed to be afraid of the star map of the sky, and they didn't dare to act rashly. He had to let Han Xiao transform it into his own use.

This feeling is like a fight between three outsiders. In the end, the aborigines really couldn't stand it, and they raised their troops and wiped them out in an instant.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and this hidden valley slowly returned to calm.

However, when the sun rose, a loud noise suddenly came from the valley, startling a group of birds.

The quiet hot spring suddenly exploded, setting off a splash of water, and it started to rain in the valley.

The rain stopped, a rainbow hung in the sky, and Han Xiao, who was already unconscious, slowly floated out of the water.

At this time, he was naked and fell into a deep sleep.

However, if someone is here, they will be surprised to find that Han Xiao's skin surface seems to be breathing, exhaling a milky white breath.

At this time, his temperament has also undergone earth-shaking changes, his skin can be broken by blows, and his whole figure seems to be integrated with nature.

I don't know how long it took, Han Xiao slowly opened his eyes, only to realize that he was floating on the warm spring water.

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Did not die?

You must know that even he has already determined that there is basically no possibility of him surviving.

But the flowers and plants in front of me, the smell of sulfur and the sound of birds chirping are so real.

How on earth did he survive?

Han Xiao frowned, simply didn't think about it, and swam back to the shore to check his body.


Han Xiao was extremely surprised.

The first is his martial soul.

Taotie appeared in his hand, and a huge change took place.

Noble gold patterns are engraved on the entire blade surface, and the length has also been increased.

What surprised him even more was that Taotie became thinner, but also tougher.

Han Xiao turned his head to look at the boulder behind him, raising his hand was a slash.

In the next second, the boulder collapsed with a bang, and a smooth and flat cut surface was slightly brightened.

This cut Han Xiao did not use any force at all, and the ability to cut off the boulder was purely due to the sharpness of Taotie.

The four soul rings of purple, purple, purple, and black are not too many.

But this terrifying soul ring configuration has completely exceeded ordinary people's understanding.

However, what shocked him even more was yet to come.

When he noticed that the ice-fire hot spring had become no different from ordinary hot springs, Han Xiao suddenly understood something.

Thinking of this, he made a bold attempt.

In an instant, a blazing flame condensed in Han Xiao's left hand.

Han Xiao held the flame in his hands and crushed it, and his entire arm was instantly covered in flames.

(End of this chapter)

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