Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 218 Fish intestines, the sword of bravery!

Chapter 218 Fish intestines, the sword of bravery!
Han Xiao moved, his body suddenly retreated, and he retreated ten feet away in the blink of an eye.


Hu Liena yelled softly, and at some point a dense pink mist attached to Han Xiao's body.

This dense fog full of ambiguous atmosphere made Han Xiao's movements gradually slow down.


The distance between the two sides drew closer, and Hu Liena didn't hold back her hand at all, and waved her palm towards Han Xiao's neck.

However, at this moment, Han Xiao suddenly regained his clarity, and immediately raised the Taotie in his hand, stabbing fiercely at the girl's chest.

"how is this possible?!"

Hu Liena's complexion changed drastically.

This ambiguous mist is her fourth soul skill, and it stands to reason that even a soul king with a higher level cannot escape so quickly.

However, this shock only lasted for a short second.

Hu Liena's tail swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then wrapped around Han Xiao's arm like a long rope.

It turned out that she had already figured out that Han Xiao would definitely break the charm at an extremely fast speed, so she deliberately rushed in front of Han Xiao, waiting for him to take the initiative to stab herself.

The distance between the two sides was so close that Han Xiao couldn't dodge at all. He could only watch his arms tightly entwined by Hu Liena's tail.

"It has ended."

Hu Liena's mouth curled into a smile.

Han Xiao was surprised and wanted to twitch his right arm to control Hu Liena in midair.

But who knew that Hu Liena's tail was entangled tightly with Han Xiao, unable to move at all.

It's hard to imagine that this terrifying power actually comes from a control system soul master.

"This blow is specially prepared for you."

Hu Liena shouted softly, her long legs fell from the sky like sharp knives.

Bibi Dong once analyzed that although Hu Liena's martial spirit has a strong control ability, it is not very powerful in terms of attack.

So in order to make up for this weakness in close combat, Hu Liena specially hunted aggressive spirit beasts, allowing her tail to change at will.

Looking at the long legs coming down from the sky, Han Xiao's expression didn't change much.

Until the strong wind blew towards his face, Han Xiao finally moved.


With a soft cry, the fish intestines wrapped around his left arm appeared in his hand.

Light as a frightened bird, like a swimming dragon!
The peerless divine sword was born, it can cut everything!
Han Xiao moved, he just held the fish intestines and slowly stabbed at the tail wrapped around his arm.

Fish intestines wrapped around Han Xiao's arm, like a dragon about to go out to sea!

"It's useless!"

Hu Liena sneered.

Hu Liena had tested it before, and the deformed tail was harder than steel, and it was impossible to pierce it with a dagger or a long sword.

"It's over, the young master is about to lose."

Seeing this scene, Zhou Tong couldn't believe it.

"That's right, how could the short sword break through the martial soul?"

Tang Tang shook his head and sighed.

There is also a reason why the development of blacksmiths is extremely slow.

In the Douluo Continent, Wuhun has long replaced cold weapons, so some daggers are only made for cutting meat and for emergencies.

Wanting to use this kind of cold weapon to crack the martial soul is simply a dream.

"Look again."

Chen Mo's eyes were like torches, staring at the fish intestines in Han Xiao's hand.

For some reason, when this dagger appeared in his hand, his keen sixth sense made him feel a burst of fear.

It seemed that the air was trembling with the appearance of fish intestines.

This dagger was like a snake swimming in water, twisting and stabbing at Hu Liena's tail.

In an instant, Hu Liena's tail was as fragile as a string.

One or two pinches of snow-white fluff are particularly eye-catching at night, but the fluff is stained with a little blood.

Hu Liena's complexion was pale, her spirit was damaged, and she flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

"how is this possible?!"

Zhou Tong couldn't believe what he saw.

A short sword cut through the soul of the soul sect?

It's simply a horror of slipping the world!

"Could it be that the young master has twin martial souls?"

Tang Tang's voice trembled a little.

This really subverts their worldview.

Chen Momo remained silent, only he could see the difficulty of this short sword.

The blood stained on the fish intestines dripped slowly, and finally became spotless.

Looking at the dagger in his hand, Han Xiao was also a little shocked.

Although according to the records in ancient books, fish intestines can cut iron like mud.

But after all, it was written by predecessors, who knows if it has been exaggerated?
Furthermore, Han Xiao has never seen such an ancient famous sword.

When I used it today, it was really extraordinary, but my hand was already numb from the shock of the sword hilt.

Wrapped the fish intestines with a bandage and coiled them around his arm, no one would have guessed that Han Xiao had a short sword coiled on his arm.

Looking at Hu Liena, who was kneeling on the ground with a face like gold paper, Han Xiao didn't show any sympathy for her: "Do you still want to fight?"

At this time, Hu Liena had lost her ability to fight because of her damaged martial soul.

She looked at Han Xiao with indescribable sadness in her eyes.

Emotionally, she is a complete loser, and now she is crushed by Han Xiao's sword in the battle with Han Xiao.

"No need."

She took a deep breath, her voice weak.

Han Xiao walked slowly to Hu Liena's side, and leaned over gently: "If you desire power, then go to the capital of killing after the All-Soul Master Elite Competition is over."

Hearing this, Hu Liena suddenly raised her head and looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

"So you can know how I lived those two years."

Han Xiao's voice didn't fluctuate at all, "In this way, you can also understand that your so-called hard work is just a small matter to me."

After saying this, Han Xiao turned his head and walked towards his room, leaving Hu Liena alone in place.

Of course she knew what a terrifying place the Capital of Slaughter was, where people were not people, but a group of lunatics.

Looking at Han Xiao's toughness, she couldn't believe that Han Xiao was able to live alone in that place for two years.

Thinking of this, Hu Liena clenched her fists.

"Master, can't you?"

Seeing the back of Hu Liena leaving alone, Tang Tang couldn't bear it.

"I watched the show too, can I go back?"

Han Xiao looked at everyone coldly.

The fearful eyes made everyone tremble in their hearts, and they left Han Xiao's house as if fleeing.

Early the next morning, Han Xiao didn't intend to stay in the Spirit Hall for a long time, and left the Hall of Spirits.

As for the industry in the Heaven Dou Empire, under the guidance of Han Xiao in the past three years, Tang Tang and others are completely able to deal with it proficiently.

And the relationship with the nobles of Tiandou is not the most important thing for Han Xiao now.

He has to solve his academy problem first, so as to ensure that he has a team first, so that he won't be unable to participate in the All-Soul Master Elite Competition after a year.

And the target that Han Xiao went to was the Barak Kingdom of the Heaven Dou Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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