Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 223 Han Xiao VS Tang 3!

Chapter 223 Han Xiao VS Tang San!

They didn't worry about Tang San's safety and the reason for the fight between the two, after all they had been together for so long and had experienced life and death, so they just watched the show with peace of mind.

"Boss Dai, what about you?"

The two looked at each other, they both understood the answers of both sides, and looked at Dai Mubai at the same time.

However, this time Dai Mubai didn't directly give the answer to the two of them, his face became a little dignified, his eyes were focused on Han Xiao, and he didn't know what to think.

"Tang Sect, Tang San."

Tang San leaned over slowly, assuming an attacking posture.

Han Xiao was a little surprised, "This person actually has some skills?"

Relying on the Huntian star map, he could clearly see a ray of heaven and earth spirit slowly turning around in Tang San's body.

It's just that compared with the Huntian Star Chart, this aura is really too weak.

Like a drop of dew in the morning and a scalding ocean.

Yellow, yellow, purple and black, four spirit rings surrounded Tang San's body.

Looking at this scene, Han Xiao didn't report his family background like Tang San, who was in the second year of middle school.

"how is this possible?!"

The people watching the battle couldn't believe their eyes.

Originally, Tang San's ability to leapfrog to absorb the ten-thousand-year spirit ring was enough to shock them, but Han Xiao's four spirit rings did not even have a century-old spirit ring, which subverted their worldview again.

What kind of soul master is able to achieve that the first two soul rings are both millennia?
No matter how powerful Title Douluo is, the first soul ring is only a hundred years old.

The most shocked was Tang San who was the closest to Han Xiao.

The moment Han Xiao released his martial spirit, Tang San only felt that his spirit power seemed to be swallowed up, and he was firmly crushed.

But even so, the fighting spirit in Tang San's eyes didn't diminish in the slightest.

So what about a genius, he has long wanted to fight this kind of person.

He holds a hidden weapon in his hand, and also has the Tang Sect kung fu, all kinds of weird methods emerge in endlessly, plus the eight spider spears attached to the soul bone.

So what if his soul ring configuration is terrifying?

Tang San took a deep breath, time seemed to stop at this moment.

In the next second, only afterimages remained of his figure.

Tang Sect's movement skills, ghost shadows are lost!
Looking at the afterimages attacking him from all directions, Han Xiao's expression became solemn.

This weird movement is definitely not something that people on this continent can create.

Tang San didn't give Han Xiao much time to breathe, the attack was like a storm, and the blue and silver grass wrapped around his body shot towards Han Xiao's body like sharp arrows.

The blue silver grass that hit the sky seemed to be woven into a big net, and the tough silk threads exuded a faint purple light, as if they were highly poisonous.

From the very beginning, Tang San didn't hold back or tempt the slightest bit.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Xiaosan is getting more and more proficient at using this Blue Silver Grass."

Oscar standing in the distance sighed.

"Hey, don't forget that this is just the beginning, Xiaosan's hidden weapon is useless yet."

Ma Hongjun's small eyes exuded excitement.

He could even predict the expression on Han Xiao's face when Tang San used the rain-like hidden weapon.

However, to everyone's surprise, Han Xiao just looked at the huge net that was rushing towards him with a flat face, and the gluttonous in his hand waved a few times in the air like a phantom.

The blue silver grass instantly turned into pieces and fell to the ground.

Tang San's complexion changed drastically, one must know that after absorbing the fourth spirit ring, the tenacity of his Blue Silver Grass had a qualitative leap, how could it be cut off by Wuhun at will?

But what Tang San didn't know was that each of the knives that Han Xiao swung had the potential to break the army.

It would be ridiculous if a Taotie who was blessed with this blessing kept cutting this kind of weeds.

The preemptive attack failed, Tang San approached Han Xiao extremely fast, bowing his hands slightly.

Relying on the ingenuity of controlling the crane and catching the dragon, he is confident that he can beat Han Xiao in close combat.

His slender hands clamped Han Xiao's wrist tightly.


Tang San had already drawn a conclusion for this battle, he supported himself with his right leg, and used his shoulder as a weapon, and sent himself fiercely into Han Xiao's arms.

Iron Mountain!
Han Xiao only felt that his entire arm was tightly bound, unable to move at all.


Interest flickered in his eyes.

Although this Tang San's fighting skills are not considered a master, he is still an elite.

"I'll teach you how to solve this trick."

Han Xiao looked at Tang San who was rushing towards him, made a slight movement of his body, and slowly raised his right foot.

At this moment, all the strength in his body was concentrated on this foot.

Afterwards, Han Xiao suddenly stepped on Tang San's supporting foot.

With a loud noise, Tang San's right foot sank deeply into the ground.

This kick actually directly cracked the surface of the ground, and dense spider webs appeared around it.


Everyone was completely dumbfounded.

His right foot lost its ability to support, Tang San also lost his strength when he leaned on it, and he became unsteady and wanted to fall into Han Xiao's arms.

Seeing this, Tang San had no choice but to grit his teeth and retreat, but who knows when, his arm was clamped by Han Xiao, and it was impossible to escape.

"Something is going to happen."

Everyone never expected that Tang San's active attack would actually fall into a disadvantage, and they had to admire Han Xiao's ability to dismantle moves.

Even when Dai Mubai faced Tang San's Iron Mountain, he could only rely on his body to forcibly resist this blow.


Just when Tang San was in a critical moment, eight small hillocks suddenly bulged up behind him.

It looks like a camel.

However, what made Han Xiao frowned slightly was that eight spider legs came out of his clothes and stabbed at Han Xiao from eight angles.

Attached spirit bone?

Han Xiao simply let go of Tang San, and his body retreated abruptly.

He knew very well that if he was really going to be stabbed by the Eight Spider Lances, even though the poison would not harm him, the sharp thorns could still pierce his skin.

Seeing that Han Xiao's figure retreated suddenly, Tang San did not hesitate, and opened a distance of 200 meters from Han Xiao.

He panted violently, lowered his head slowly, and found that his toes were exposed, and his shoes seemed to have been crushed by Han Xiao.

If it wasn't for his body being tempered by Xuantian Kungfu, it was extremely flexible, Han Xiao's kick would be enough to break his bones.

When he looked at Han Xiao again, his eyes were full of solemnity.

This is definitely the toughest enemy he has ever encountered since he came to this world.

That being the case...

Tang San slowly put his hands on his waist, and in an instant countless throwing knives flew towards Han Xiao from all angles.

At this moment, the direction of Han Xiao's retreat, the direction of advance, and even the direction of dodge were all predicted by Tang San.

His hand speed was so fast that it turned into a phantom.

Every knife thrown does not need to be summarized in seconds at all, because extremely proficient muscle memory has been formed.

"hidden weapon?"

Looking at the overwhelming rain of flying knives that hit him, Han Xiao smiled.

This battle was much more interesting than he had imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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