Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 242 Shui Bing'er!

Chapter 242 Shui Bing'er!
Tianshui Academy is very busy today. A group of young girls in blue dresses, Yingying Yanyan, looked curiously at Han Xiao who came to the academy as a guest.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that these girls from Tianshui College have never met a man, but this is the first time they have seen a beautiful boy with a special temperament like Han Xiao.

Shui Qingyue turned into a tour guide again, and took Han Xiao to almost every place in Tianshui College, except for the girls' dormitory and the women's toilet.

"Little brother, do you want to visit our dormitory, giggling."

Some bold female students even started to tease Han Xiao.

They didn't know that they were poisoned, so they just thought that Han Xiao was here to visit the academy.

Han Xiao did not respond to the bold student, but looked thoughtfully at the calm river.

"Whose poison is the deepest?"

Shui Qingyue quickly replied: "It's our main force, Shui Bing'er."

"Take me to see."

"it is good."

Han Xiao had some impression of Shui Binger, as if he was the captain of their team.

It seems that Shui Qingyue's worries are not unreasonable, even the captain has been poisoned, how can this competition go far?

Under the leadership of Shui Qingyue, a group of people came to the girls' dormitory humbly.

"No, I really want to go in."

When everyone saw Han Xiao and Shui Qingyue stepping into the dormitory, their jaws dropped in shock.

You must know that no man in history dared to step into the female dormitory of Tianshui College.

This mysterious existence has become the yearning of all the old school critics.

There were a few students from the outer court who tried to sneak into the girls' dormitory secretly, but they didn't expect the auntie in the dormitory to be extremely powerful, and those students never heard from them in the end.

But now that Han Xiao has stepped into the dormitory with both feet, the dormitory auntie didn't even open her eyes.

"Wait, I'll go back and clean up first!"

A little girl with blushing cheeks quickly ran back to her dormitory.

"I am coming too!"

Everyone seemed to remember that there were things in the dormitory that shouldn't be seen.

"Get me out!"

Shui Qingyue's face was ugly, and she angrily reprimanded everyone.

She had been patient from the beginning, and finally couldn't bear it after seeing this messy scene.

After dismissing everyone, Shui Qingyue brought Han Xiao to a room.

"Bing'er, are you feeling better?"

Shui Qingyue looked at the emaciated girl on the bed with a sad face.

"It's okay, you can definitely play in the next game."

The girl braced herself and sat up.


Looking at her appearance, you can tell that her body is very weak, so how can she fight?

At this time, Shui Binger realized that Han Xiao standing behind Shui Qingyue had a little more surprise on his calm face.

Obviously, the girl didn't know how Han Xiao got in.

"Come and have a look."

Shui Qingyue stepped aside.

Han Xiao looked at Shui Binger and found that she was a beautiful woman with an extremely comfortable appearance.

That long lake-blue hair is like a waterfall, and the deep blue eyes are as precise as a lake, and there seems to be a mystery hidden in them.

Han Xiao didn't sit by the bed to observe Shui Bing'er, but set his eyes on the kettle beside him.

"What kind of water is this?"

"What water?" Shui Bing'er was a little confused, "It's just ordinary white water."

"I'm asking about the source of water."

Shui Qingyue said from the side: "The water source of Tianshui College all comes from the Jingbo River, and it has been like this for generations."

The water quality of the Jingbo River is clear, without the slightest impurity, and the water nourishes people. It is precisely because of this that the skin of the girls in Tianshui College is particularly delicate.

"Short time, stop drinking the water there."

Han Xiao shook his head and said.


The two spoke in unison, and there was some astonishment in their eyes.

The soul masters of Tianshui College have special feelings for Jingbo River, and some students will come to Jingbo River every year to commemorate even after graduation.

"It's very simple." Han Xiao looked at the two of them: "Because the source of the poison is this Jingbo River."


Shui Qingyue directly refuted without thinking.

"There is nothing wrong with the river water. The animals in Tianshui Academy rely on the river water to live. They are all fine, so how can there be problems with people?"

Although they also suspected the Jingbo River, the ducklings on the river and the ten-year-old Hu who had been raised did not show symptoms after ten years.

Han Xiao looked at him, and said calmly, "The world's strange poisons are unexpected. I believe that it is not a problem to create a poison that is only useful to humans."

After all, the human ecosystem is very different from that of spirit beasts.

The two women fell into silence, and after a while, Shui Bing'er asked, "Do you have any evidence?"

Han Xiao shook his head, "I don't know much about poison."

"In other words, what you just said is all personal speculation?"

Shui Qingyue smiled coldly.

The way she looked at Han Xiao became a little dangerous.

If Han Xiao came to make fun of Tianshui Academy, Shui Qingyue would directly suppress him.

"Although I don't know poison, I have a friend who has a fairly good knowledge of poison."


Shui Qingyue smiled coldly.

"The elder of our sect's medical department is about to break through Contra, even if she usually drinks this kind of water, tell me who can compare to her!"

As far as the understanding of poison is concerned, the guy from the School of Water that day was indeed an authority.

In Douluo Continent, there is probably only one who knows more about detoxification than her.

But Shui Qingyue didn't think about that person at all when she said this, because she knew very well that it was impossible to invite that weird Title Douluo.

Han Xiao didn't speak, he went to the window and whistled.

After a while, the patrolling pigeon flew over unsteadily, and left again with Han Xiao's letter hanging on it.

"Wait a minute."

After saying this, Han Xiao actually sat cross-legged on the bed beside him and started to fight.

"I want to see what tricks you want to do!"

Shui Qingyue snorted coldly, stood at the door and waited.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Shui Qingyue's patience had reached its limit.

"Where are you talking about?!"

Han Xiao frowned. Logically speaking, since Dugu Bo never liked being late, he should have come early.

If not, there is only one possibility.

"I'll go out and see."

Han Xiao got up and left the dormitory.

"Mine is with you!"

Shui Qingyue snorted coldly, and chased after her.

At this time, in her eyes, Han Xiao has become a big liar.

The two parties left the girls' dormitory, but suddenly found several people confronting each other in the distance.

"Big elder?"

Shui Qingyue recognized the white-haired old lady at a glance, she was the most authoritative Contra of Tianshui Academy.

"Why is the second elder, third elder, and even the dean here!"

Shui Qingyue exclaimed, feeling the oppression in the air.

Could it be that there was an enemy attack? !

Thinking of this, she didn't care about Han Xiao beside her, and rushed up immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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