Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 250 Misunderstanding of the Years!

Chapter 250 Misunderstanding of the Years!
Han Xiao shouted loudly and mobilized all the soul power in his body.

Then he slashed down the Taotie.

The golden petal was split into two by Han Xiao.

He actually forcibly endured the fatal blow of Title Douluo.

It's just that Han Xiao's right hand holding Taotie was shaking violently, and strands of blood dripped from his arm.

Obviously, in order to resist this blow, Han Xiao also paid a big price.

"Han Xiao, I didn't expect you to have such a close relationship with Dugu Bo. Are you worthy of the Pope's hard work?!"

Ju Douluo asked Han Xiao loudly.

From the very beginning when Han Xiao came to Wuhun Hall, he thought it was an unfamiliar wolf, and now Han Xiao's actions proved this point even more.

"I have already paid back what I owe to Wuhundian."

Han Xiao was not afraid at all, and used his soul power to resist the terrifying coercion released by Ju Douluo.

Bibi Dong gave him one soul bone, and Han Xiao got two soul bones through Yu Yuan Zhen.

At the same time, under Yu Qingkuang's decision, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has almost become a branch of the Spirit Hall.

It can be said that what Han Xiao returned to Wuhundian is enough.

It's just that there are always people like Ju Douluo who feel that the whole world owes him millions.

"Heh, do you think this old poison can fight against the Spirit Hall?"

Ju Douluo smiled coldly, looking at Han Xiao with disdain.

"Why, Chrysanthemum Douluo, when will you be able to represent Wuhundian?"

Han Xiao smiled coldly, raised his right arm, and pointed at Ju Douluo: "Although I have left the Spirit Hall now, I have a cooperative relationship with Bibi Dong, so what are you?"

"You're just an old dog next to my partner, what are you?!"

Han Xiao's words made Ju Douluo even green.

He glared at Han Xiao, his chest heaving violently.

"you you you!!!"

Indeed, as Han Xiao said, now Bibi Dong and Han Xiao are working together for a win-win situation. In a sense, it can be said that the relationship between the two is equal.

And he, Ju Douluo, is just an elder beside Bibi Dong.

"Hahaha, good job!"

Dugu Bo saw that Ju Douluo was so stunned that he couldn't speak, and felt that he hadn't felt so happy for a long time.

Ju Douluo took a deep breath, calmed down his inner anger, and said with a sneer, "Han Xiao, you should be sharp-mouthed."

"There is one thing I forgot to tell you."

"The information traffickers in the black market you organized privately were all killed by this old man."

Ju Douluo looked at Han Xiao playfully.

So what if it's a cooperative relationship?

Strength is the prerequisite for sitting at the gambling table.

Chrysanthemum Douluo was a little overjoyed, as if waiting to see Han Xiao angry but helpless.

However, to his surprise, Han Xiao just looked at him calmly.

Looking at those calm eyes, Ju Douluo felt a little uncomfortable.

This feeling is like being stared at by an extremely terrifying soul beast, and it feels uncomfortable like countless barbs growing in my heart.

What made Ju Douluo feel absurd was that this sense of fear would come from a little soul king?

"What are you looking at?!"

An inexplicable humiliation arises spontaneously.

"Old ghost Ju, you underestimate this kid too much."

Dugu Bo chuckled and watched the play from the sidelines.

"Are you still going to fight?"

Han Xiao turned his head to look at Dugu Bo, his voice was extremely calm, but under that calmness, there seemed to be a storm.

"Don't fight, don't fight."

Dugu Bo appeared next to Han Xiao in a flash.

On the other side, Ju Douluo snorted coldly, and withdrew his martial soul.

If he wants to fight this Dugu Bozhen, he still doesn't know who will win.

Han Xiao turned his head to look at Ju Douluo, with knives in his eyes, "Looking forward to our next meeting."

Looking into those gray eyes, Ju Douluo's lips twitched twice, but he still didn't say anything in the end.


"How do you plan to deal with Ju Douluo?"

Dugu Bo looked at Han Xiao beside him and asked in a low voice.

You must know that Yu Yuanzhen fell into Han Xiao's hands before.

Dugu Bo knew very well that Han Xiao was a poisonous snake. Once someone was targeted by him, he might be bitten by anger at any time.

Han Xiao did not answer Dugu Bo.

It turned out that for Ju Douluo, even if the other party hated him, Han Xiao didn't care too much.

But now that Ju Douluo is the first to show his fangs to him, it is naturally impossible for Han Xiao to roll up his sleeves and let him chew.

After separating from Dugu Bo, Han Xiao did not return to his mansion, but returned to Canghui Academy.

After all, even if he went back to the mansion, he would be alone.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu and Shi Nian were guarding the gate of Canghui College, their faces gloomy.

"Dean, I really didn't expect this Han Xiao to know that Poison Douluo."

Ye Zhiqiu said timidly.

"what should I do now?!"

Shi Nian was a little anxious, "Han Xiao has already been taken away by those Tianshui Academy people, who knows what benefits those seductive girls will promise!"

After Han Xiao left Canghui Academy, they sent two people to follow him.

Although the two spies ran back desperately after seeing Ju Douluo, Han Xiao's movements today were also well understood.

"Ahem, Dean, if that one is interested in a woman, give it to him."

Ye Zhiqiu looked at Shi Nian with an ambiguous expression and said.

Hearing this, Shi Nian fell into deep thought: "Actually, I thought so too, but I was also afraid that it would arouse people's resentment."

"Hey, Dean, you don't understand. People in his age group are embarrassed to say such things."

Ye Zhiqiu chuckled and raised his eyebrows.

"Don't look at that indifferent face, the more he is like this, the more likely there is a great demand for that aspect."

They are all experienced, and he was also young, knowing that some things may be difficult for young people to talk about.

"It makes sense."

Shi Nian nodded, deeply agreeing.

Immediately, he patted Ye Zhiqiu on the shoulder, and said, "Tomorrow, tomorrow I will make arrangements. I am familiar with this, and I have everything I need."

Before entering the school, Han Xiao found that Shi Nian and Ye Zhiqiu were already waiting at the door.

"What's going on here?"

The two stepped forward quickly and saw Han Xiao's injured arm at a glance.

"Quick, go and call me the medical soul master!"

"Okay!" Ye Zhiqiu turned his head and left, his slow figure unexpectedly ran like a sprinter.

Looking at the two people with concerned faces, Han Xiao felt a little helpless.

His arm injury will heal itself over time.

But now for Canghui Academy, Han Xiao is their treasure, so naturally he can't see any damage, not to mention the battle against Tianshui Academy tomorrow.

"Ahem, I heard that people from Tianshui College are looking for you?"

Shi Nian asked casually.

After Han Xiao knew he was going out, Shi Nian sent two people to follow him silently.

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't answer, Shi Nian coughed and said, "Actually, female soul masters may not be very good. After all, they sharpen their bodies, not only their muscles are hard, but their hands are also calloused."

"Do you think I can arrange a few here? They are definitely young children, all of them are juicy!"

(End of this chapter)

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