Chapter 255 One-on-one duel!

After exhorting the precautions, the players from both sides entered the arena.

On the stands, Ning Fengzhi looked at Xue Qinghe beside him with great interest: "Qinghe, why didn't Canghui Academy lose a single game?"

Xue Qinghe poured tea for Ning Fengzhi gracefully, and said, "Isn't the teacher also the same?"

"You kid." Ning Fengzhi shook his head helplessly, "Your Majesty told you to focus on observing the main force of Canghui Academy."

Ning Fengzhi didn't intend to continue this topic, and asked again: "Who do you think will win this match?"

After Han Xiao joined, Canghui Academy's combat power has improved rapidly. Although the other players are not stronger than Shenfeng Academy, Feng Xiaotian and Han Xiao's combat power is about the same. It can be said that this match can be regarded as evenly matched.

"It's hard to choose, isn't it?"

Seeing that Xue Qinghe was lost in thought, Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly: "I've struggled with it for a long time, and I can't figure it out."


Xue Qinghe nodded, looking at the two teams warming up in the arena, resting his cheeks in boredom.

"No matter who these kids are, the result will be the same. Anyway, I can't force this guy to be the bottom of the box."

The reason why he has to watch Han Xiao every game is because he wants to see through the opponent's advanced routines and tricks.

But what made Xue Qinghe depressed was that Han Xiao didn't make a move at all, except for the sudden burst of flames, he didn't show a single hole card.

After all, the best way to defeat an opponent is to understand him.

Xue Qinghe sighed, not understanding what these children could be proud of.

Isn't that Feng Xiaotian born full of soul power, wishing to let the whole world know his talent.

Then what did you say about your innate soul power at level [-]?

At this moment, there is only one opponent in Qian Renxue's eyes, and that is Han Xiao who is standing in the center of the Great Soul Arena.

Seeing that Xue Qinghe was absent-minded, Ning Fengzhi was about to continue speaking, but was covered by a tsunami of cheers.

Many spectators around had already stood up, blushing and shouting and cheering.

The two looked into the big spirit fighting arena, only to realize that the match had already started.

In the soul field, all members of the Kamikaze team stood in a row, blocking their shoulders, and none of them released their spirits.

And standing in front of them was Feng Xiaotian.

I saw that he directly released the Martial Soul, and a faint blue light surged out from his body. The body will undergo obvious changes during the surge of blue light. Accompanied by the crackling sound of the bones, the muscles and bones swell at the same time, and the figure becomes obviously huge When he got up, the long hair on his head was also rendered blue, and a wolf's head protruded from his left shoulder.

Blast two-headed wolf!
This is a mutant of the Gale Demon Wolf, close to the top martial spirit, with equal emphasis on strong attack and agility attack.

However, compared to the wolf head on Feng Xiaotian's shoulder, what made the audience breathless was the soul ring floating around him.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black!

The four soul rings complement each other, but the ten thousand year soul ring exudes a restrained light.

Enjoying the large soul fighting arena turned into a library, Feng Xiaotian was extremely satisfied, and hooked his fingers at Han Xiao.

In an instant, the audience was in an uproar.

"This is a duel!"

Everyone knew exactly what the strange formation of Kamikaze Academy was.

A group of members watched the battle behind them, only the core players of the two teams fought single-handedly.

Although this method violates the original intention of the preliminaries to test teamwork, on the contrary, the audience prefers to watch.

After all, after advancing to the finals, this group of people can't go to Wuhun City to observe.

"Han Xiao, do you dare to fight me?!"

Feng Xiaotian shouted loudly, and pointed his sharp claws at Han Xiao.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the entire Great Spirit Arena reached its peak again.

The referee frowned and didn't say much.

If he tries to stop it now, he will be scolded by everyone.

Han Xiao frowned, and looked at the players behind him: "What are you doing, do you want to fight?"

The man quickly flattered and said: "Boss, there is an unwritten rule in the competition. If the players of both teams fight one-on-one, if one team wins, the other team must surrender unconditionally."

"Why, are you afraid?"

Seeing Han Xiao whispering with others, Feng Xiaotian smiled coldly.

It only needs to kill one person, quickly and effortlessly, is there such a good thing?
"Why didn't you say it before?"

Han Xiao frowned.

If I knew that this kind of match could be singled out before, I wouldn't have to bother so much.

"Boss, it's mainly this year's team. The only team with one person as the core is the Kamikaze Academy."

The team members smiled wryly: "There is a requirement in this unwritten rule. Only when both teams are a core player can they be singled out."

After all, heads-up violated the screening conditions for the preliminaries.

Han Xiao nodded and took a step forward.

Since both sides are single-core teams, it is indeed fair to do so.

Han Xiao flipped his wrist, and Taotie appeared in his hand.

Purple, purple, purple, black, black, the suffocating soul ring configuration was instantly exposed to everyone's vision.

At this moment, the audience fell into an extremely dead silence.

Ning Fengzhi could no longer lean on the seat, his body tensed, and he looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

Xue Qinghe smiled slightly, not much surprised, as if he had guessed the configuration of Han Xiao's soul ring.

Director Feng, who was sitting next to Shi Nian, looked extremely ugly.

He originally let Feng Xiaotian and Han Xiao single-handedly fight, because he wanted to win this match beautifully, and Shenfeng Academy would definitely become famous by then.

But he never expected that Han Xiao is not only a soul king, but the configuration of the soul ring is far beyond everyone's imagination.

"Director Feng, this man, don't raise your head too high, be careful not to trip over."

Shi Nian only felt refreshed, and said with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, the fight hasn't started yet, I don't think your disciple's martial spirit is very good."

Although Director Feng looked ugly, he was not to be outdone.

A powerful martial soul can make up for the gap in the soul ring.

And Feng Xiaotian's Gale Two-Headed Wolf is an extremely powerful mutated martial soul. It is not even an exaggeration to say that he is the only one in the whole continent who possesses it.

Looking at the two-headed Feng Xiaotian, Han Xiao played with the Taotie in his hand.

If his guess is correct, this spirit should be similar to his second spirit ring.

It's just that the conditions for the survival of the two-headed wolf are more severe, so they must be stronger.

Feng Xiaotian finally understood why Han Xiao could dispel his coercion just by raising his hand, and also understood why Han Xiao dared to speak wild words.

He has such capital.


At this time, Feng Xiaotian no longer looked down upon him, only burning fighting spirit remained in his eyes.

He wanted to test his strength, how far he was from a real genius.

As soon as the words were finished, Feng Xiaotian turned into a gust of wind and roared towards him.

His speed was so fast that he almost disappeared, and when he reappeared in front of Han Xiao, the thick wolf claws drew a cross in the air.

Suddenly, Han Xiao moved, his speed was extremely fast, Taotie was spinning around his wrist, dazzled.

(End of this chapter)

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