Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 259 Yu Tianqing is going to be stunned again!

Chapter 259 Yu Tianqing is going to be stunned again!

"I'm afraid I'll have to ask about that."

Salas did not dare to give Han Xiao a guarantee.


Han Xiao nodded, as if he knew that Salas would answer like this.

After the two parties separated, Han Xiao returned to Canghui Academy.

In the following period of time, Canghui Academy had very good luck, avoiding the stronger academies than them in several draws.

Even Han Xiao can solve it without playing.

And after ten duels, Canghui Academy is also ranked at the top.

On the other side, the Shrek Academy team, because of the lack of Dai Mubai, had no choice but to use one of their trump cards, Oscar, and the results also reached nine wins and one loss.

The only one who lost that match was Canghui Academy.

Along with the encounter with the last opponent, Blazing Academy, Salas also brought back news.

"His Holiness allows the Hall of Spirits to stop aiding the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect."

Salas looked at the boy sitting across from him with a strange expression.

When he sent the news to Wuhundian, he received a reply within two days.

The content of the letter is only two words: follow him.

Salas looked at the contents of the letter and felt a little unbelievable.

He didn't expect that Bibi Dong didn't even ask about Han Xiao's plan.

Is this really the awesome Pope?
"What should I do next?"

Han Xiao smiled slightly, and a coldness flashed in his eyes: "It's time to use a chess piece that has been lying in wait for a long time."

Blue Electric Bawangzong

Just after Yu Tianqing returned to the room belonging to the suzerain, he collapsed on the bed.

The position of suzerain is not as interesting as he imagined. Apart from entertaining, it is communicating with the suzerains of various sects, which is not as good as his previous supervisor.

"The Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has fallen."

Yu Tianqing, who was lying on the bed, let out a long sigh.

Although he is the puppet suzerain, although he can't be the master of some sect decisions, he still has to make a symbolic pass.

For example, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect didn't bother to communicate with other sects at all, but now apart from the lower four sects, even some small sects have a certain relationship.

You must know that even if it was an invitation from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Heaven Dou Imperial Family, Yu Yuanzhen would have thrown it into the trash can.

Fortunately, Han Xiao didn't give any instructions to embarrass him, but only let him obediently listen to Yu Qingkuang's words.

"Heh, what kind of bullshit strength, being able to follow the right talent is the key."

Yu Tianqing smiled coldly.

Now he no longer has the slightest sense of belonging to this cruel Blue Electric Overlord Sect.

In his eyes, even Yu Qingkuang now is an out-and-out fool.

goo goo~
At this moment, a familiar bird call made him sit up from the bed with a thud.

Yu Tianqing suddenly looked out the window, only to see a black and white pigeon standing there quietly.

"There's a letter!"

Yu Tianqing showed ecstasy, opened the window and looked around vigilantly, seeing that no one was watching, he carefully hugged the pigeon.

Then he couldn't wait to remove the envelope from the pigeon's leg.


Looking at the contents of the letter, Yu Tianqing's face changed suddenly.

Immediately, sweat dripped from his head.

The expression on Yu Tianqing's face became cloudy, and he gritted his teeth immediately, and stuffed the letter into his mouth.

Early the next morning, Yu Qingkuang's attendant pushed open the door on time.

"Sovereign, wake up, there is a meeting in the morning and I need to show up."

The attendant yawned lazily and shook his legs impatiently.

To his surprise, Yu Tianqing did not lie on the bed, but changed into the suzerain's clothes early on, as if waiting for a long time.

"Let's go."

Yu Tianqing glanced at him lightly, and stepped out.

"what happened?!"

The attendant trembled all over, and Yu Tianqing seemed to have a sharp knife hidden in his eyes.

Is this still the wimpy puppet suzerain?

The attendant was about to speak, but found that Yu Tianqing had already left, so he had to follow quickly.

"Wait, I'm going to bring an attendant in with me."

When he reached the gate, Yu Tianqing stopped suddenly.

"It's against the rules."

The attendant frowned, a little embarrassed.

"Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, I am the rule!"

Yu Tianqing snorted coldly and could not refuse.

Just as the attendant was about to speak, Yu Tianqing pointed to an attendant walking from a distance, "Come in with me."

Pushing open the door of the conference room, as expected, Yu Qingkuang, Yu Luomian and others were already sitting in their seats.

Yu Luomian's complexion was ashen, and his figure was thin, as if he had been affected by the past.

"Sovereign, please sit down."

Yuqing looked wildly at Yu Tianqing who was slowly walking in, with a smile on his lips.

When did the suzerain still need the elders to say please sit down?
Yu Qingkuang no longer cares about these things, and tells everyone that he is the ruler of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

Yu Tianqing didn't pay attention to Yu Qingkuang, but stood where he was, and glanced at everyone.

This move made Yuqing frown wildly.

One must know that in the original, Yu Tianqing didn't dare to fart, but he only obeyed what he said.

"Sovereign, the elder invites you to sit down!"

It was the attendant who was following Yu Tianqing who spoke, although he was respectful, he was a little bit more intolerable.

Yu Tianqing raised his eyelids, and said in a solemn voice, "Are you deaf when you are the deity?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone in the audience looked at Yu Tianqing in surprise, with an incredulous look on their faces.

Yu Qingkuang's complexion was even more ugly, with murderous intent bursting out.

"Sovereign, what do you want to do?" These words came out from between his teeth.

Yu Tianqing glanced at Yu Qingkuang lightly, his calf trembling crazily.

He gritted his teeth secretly, and said with a heartbeat: "Yu Qingkuang, I want to ask you what you want to do!"

These words were like a thunderbolt, how could Yu Tianqing look like a useless puppet master at this time?
A flash of fleeting fear flashed across Yu Qingkuang's face, and he actually felt Yu Yuanzhen's aura in Yu Tianqing.

Immediately, he was furious, and he was actually frightened by a soul king.

"Yu Tianqing, do you want to shake the sky?!"

At this time, Yu Qingkuang couldn't care about anything else, overturned the table and let out a roar.

An incomparably terrifying coercion emanated from him, making the people around him nearly out of breath.

After all, Yu Qingkuang is a level 89 Contra, the closest existence to a Title Douluo.

Yu Tianqing couldn't help trembling all over, his voice became like it wasn't his own, and he couldn't make a sound.

At this moment, a gentle force poured into the body from behind, and Yu Tianqing only felt that his body had regained control.

Under the blessing of this power, Yu Tianqing also became confident, pointed at Yu Qingkuang's nose, and roared:
"Yu Qingkuang, I thought you really wanted the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect to return to its peak, so you were under the control of you everywhere, and entrusted you with the full power of the development of the sect, but I didn't expect that you, who are not familiar with it, are actually That running dog of the Spirit Hall!"

(End of this chapter)

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