Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 278 Seven Monsters Battle Han Xiao!

Chapter 278 The Seven Monsters Fight Han Xiao!

The rest of Canghui's main force had all been seriously injured in the battle with the Wuhun team.

In other words, except for Han Xiao, the rest of the battle were soul masters, and there was even a great soul master.

"What's our slogan!"

The time mobilized everyone.

"Never cause trouble to Boss Han!"

For the finals, Shinian no longer has too many requirements, I just hope that this group of people can end the game early.

Shi Nian nodded in satisfaction, "Team Canghui, let's go!"

Everyone marched towards the top of the mountain all the way, and happened to meet the Shrek team.

After all, both sides are teams of the Heaven Dou Empire, and the taverns they live in are extremely close.

"Han Xiao, I will show you the full strength of the Shrek team in this battle!"

A sternness flashed in Tang San's eyes, and he issued a challenge letter to Han Xiao.

"Has your spider spear grown?"

Han Xiao didn't respond to him, but asked instead.


Hearing this, Tang San trembled angrily.

During the previous battle at Shrek Academy, Tang San's Eight Spider Lances were forcibly cut off by Han Xiao with two spider legs.

Until now, it has finally grown up.

This was a great humiliation to him.

"Han Xiao, no matter what, in my eyes, you are a respectable opponent."

Tang San was talking on his lips, but he had already started thinking about how to kill Han Xiao in the game.

"Let's just enjoy the last game."

The corner of Han Xiao's mouth slowly curled up.

How could he not see through Tang San's thoughts?

That being the case, a killing intent flashed in Han Xiao's eyes.

Those who tried to kill him would never survive the next day.

All the way without a word, everyone set foot on the top of the mountain. At this time, Bibi Dong and other Title Douluo had already settled down and waited.

Looking at the people sitting in the stands, Han Xiao's pupils shrank suddenly.

Except for the Title Douluo who watched the last match, there was a man sitting alone in the farthest stand.

This person is Qian Daoliu!
Why is he here?
Han Xiao's thoughts turned and he thought secretly.

Except for Douluo Hall, Qian Daoliu can be said to have never participated in such an occasion.

As if sensing Han Xiao's gaze, Qian Daoliu waved his hand with a warm smile on his face.

"Please return the team members to their respective preparation areas!"

Han Xiao took a deep breath. It seems that after this battle is over, will Qian Daoliu show his fangs?
Back in the preparation area, Han Xiao calmed down.

In any case, this battle must be resolved first.

"The finals of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is about to begin. The players from both sides are preparing. The competition will begin in a quarter of an hour."

The two sides returned to their respective positions, Shrek strangely surrounded the master in the center, Tang San took out seven rolls of green leaves from the soul tool, ate one roll himself, and handed the rest to each of the Shrek Seven Monsters.

During these years in the Heaven Dou Empire, Tang San also saved a lot of money by selling hidden weapons, and naturally he also bought a lot of fairy grass in the auction house.

"Is everyone clear about yesterday's plan?"

Yu Xiaogang glanced at the crowd and asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Master."

Everyone nodded with firm eyes.

The master raised his right hand first, and each of the Shrek Seven Monsters also raised their hands. The eight hands were stacked together, and at the same time they shouted loudly, "We must win."

Compared with the united Shrek team, the Canghui team seemed a little quiet.

The faces of these students were so tense that they were already stiff, and their bodies hidden in their robes were shaking.

And Han Xiao even sat cross-legged on the ground, actually meditating.

There was a stark contrast between the two teams.

"Prepare for the game, both sides can release their martial arts."

The cardinal, as the referee, announced immediately after the two sides stood still.

Hearing this, Han Xiao stood up slowly, a gleam of coldness burst out from his eyes.

The Shrek Seven Monsters moved at the same time.

They did not release the powerful seven-in-one fusion technique, but each released their own martial souls.

The first to release the soul ability was not the first striker, but Oscar who was at the end.

Under his chanting, seven flying sausages fell into the hands of each of the Shrek Seven Devils.

After doing all this, Oscar's face turned pale, he ate the grass jelly, and recovered his soul power.

The rest held the sausage in their hands, only Dai Mubai ate the flying sausage, and under Ning Rongrong's boost, flew towards Canghui's team.

Dai Mubai flew towards Han Xiao with a strong wind, and when the two sides were about to collide, he suddenly changed direction and aimed at the rushing student.

"I can fly, you are not angry!"

Dai Mubai slapped a soul master flying with his palm, and taunted Han Xiao.

However, Han Xiao just glanced at him lightly, didn't do anything, just quietly watched Dai Mubai clear out these members bit by bit.

"Change formation!"

Seeing that Han Xiao was the only one left on the other side, Tang San roared.

He felt his blood boil.

Yu Xiaogang, who was sitting in the auditorium, frowned.

Their plan was a little too smooth.

The Shrek Seven Monsters were very fast and surrounded Han Xiao.

If it were placed on ordinary people, they would be speechless in shock.

Seven against one, the faces of these seven people did not feel relaxed at all, on the contrary they became more cautious and vigilant.

Han Xiao glanced over the crowd, and finally landed on Ning Rongrong and Oscar who stood outside.

Han Xiao moved, his speed was extremely fast, without any cover, he ran towards Ning Rongrong.


Tang San slammed his hands to the ground, countless blue silver grass broke through the ground.

Han Xiao turned around, holding double blades, and the blue silver grass was cut down like leeks.

Then he waved his hands, and ice and fire spread towards the surroundings.

However, the Shrek Seven Devils seemed to have expected this situation long ago. The moment Han Xiao released the ice fire, three pillars of light instantly shone on Ma Hongjun's body.

"Phoenix howling to the sky!"

Ma Hongjun didn't hold back at all, and directly released the most powerful soul skill to fight against Han Xiao's Ice and Fire.

There was a roar, and the ice and fire in the arena were extremely spectacular.

"Don't underestimate me!" Ma Hongjun's forehead was bulging with veins, crazily mobilizing his soul power, and the flame was even stronger.

Han Xiao's blow was unexpectedly resisted by him.

"Did you use the trick of pressing the bottom of the box directly from the beginning?"

Tang San's expression was gloomy, and he found that he really couldn't figure out Han Xiao's moves.

Behind Han Xiao, Zhu Zhuqing had already chased him from the side.

Her task is to keep holding Han Xiao in check and slamming the cat's claws.

Han Xiao turned slightly to one side, a few strands of hair fell off, and if he was a centimeter shorter, he might be dying.

Looking at the girl who kept attacking him, Han Xiao had no choice but to stretch out his two swords to parry.

"Nice job, Takekiyaki!"

Dai Mubai laughed out loud, and at this time there were already crowds.

"Let me show you, this is the strange perfect body of our Shrek!"

While speaking, he yelled and slammed at Han Xiao.

But at this moment, Tang San's pupils suddenly shrank: "Boss Dai, hurry up and save Xiao Ao!"

Hearing this, everyone turned their heads suddenly.

I saw another Han Xiao appeared at some time, just behind Oscar, shaking the gloomy sword light!
(End of this chapter)

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