Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 282 Mutation, Tang Hao Appears!

Chapter 282 Mutation, Tang Hao Appears!

These methods are all capable of disappearing without leaving a trace.

Let's use the latter one, as the commotion is not too big.

Han Xiao was not in a hurry to deal with Tang San, who was already at the end of his strength.

Now he has to recover his soul power quickly, so as to face Qian Daoliu who attacked him after the game.

"If you kill me, my father will definitely not let you go!"

Tang San said weakly.

"It's over."

After a while, Han Xiao raised the Taotie, about to let Tang San die slowly.

Tang San didn't hesitate at all, and immediately raised his right hand: "Coach, I..."

In the middle of speaking, cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

I can't speak anymore!
Tang San desperately opened his mouth, wanting to speak, but found that he couldn't speak at all.

"Is this your newly learned skill? It's really good."

Han Xiao didn't show too much surprise, and patted the aura cloak behind him.

Suddenly Tang San only felt a blockage in his throat, then puffed up his mouth, and a piece of lavender cloth spit out from his mouth.

"Cough cough cough."

Tang San coughed violently, unable to believe that there was such an existence in his body.

This is the new ability acquired by the aura cloak, parasite.

Once the aura cloak comes into contact with the opponent, it can automatically cut off a piece of cloth and parasitize it into the opponent's body like a gecko cutting off its tail.

Although this piece of cloth cannot cause direct damage, it can emerge from the opponent's body at a critical moment and turn into everything, creating an unexpected effect.


Han Xiao was expressionless, and slowly reached out to grab his ankle.

Hidden in his palm was a silver needle so thin that it was almost imperceptible, once it was inserted into Tang San's ankle, he could only wait for a slow death.

Tang San wanted to hide, but no matter how he controlled it, his lower body seemed to disappear, and he could only watch helplessly as Han Xiao's death hand grabbed at him.

From the perspective of the audience, Han Xiao's action is nothing special, and it will not cause the slightest fatal damage to the opponent.

But Tang San, who is well versed in the human body, understood that once this silver needle pierced Dao's body, it would flow with the blood, and it was impossible for him to take it out.

Despair has enveloped Tang San's heart.

Tang San, who has always been good at mutilating others, never thought that he would have this moment.

Death filled his heart, Tang San's face turned pale, and he had already given up resistance.

However, at this moment, a loud noise spread in the sky like a bomb.

Everyone's expressions changed, and those Titled Douluo who were sitting in their seats even stood up.

"he came!"

"Unexpectedly, that person actually came over!"

Sword Bone Douluo Gujing Wubo's face showed a little more shock.

Xue Qinghe looked at the sky and remained silent.

A look of heaviness flashed across Bibi Dong's face, and she stood up slowly: "I never thought that Qian Daoliu would want to borrow a knife to kill someone!"

Ghost Douluo beside him didn't speak, but his body had already become extremely alert, as if he was about to rush into the arena at any moment.

Only Qian Daoliu, who was sitting at the end, seemed to be under his calculations, and he was at ease, without even opening his eyes.

"Where did this arrogant junior come from and want to kill me?!"

A black figure quietly appeared in midair, floating there quietly, as if he should belong there in the first place.

It was a middle-aged man who looked about 50 years old, tall and burly, but his attire was not flattering.

The torn robe was worn on the body, without even a patch on it, revealing the bronze-colored skin underneath. The originally upright facial features were covered with a layer of waxy yellow, with a sleepy look, and the hair was messy like a bird's nest. The beard on the face has not been groomed for an unknown number of days.

Seeing this person, Tang San, who has always been strong, seemed to have collapsed in half. Even the tears he didn't shed when he decided to die with Xiao Wu before finally overflowed his eyes, and slowly spit out two difficult words from his mouth, "Dad ……dad……"

The person who came was the Haotian Douluo who once disturbed the Douluo Continent, Tang Hao!
Tang Hao just glanced at Han Xiao lightly, and with just one glance, the incomparably surging soul power immediately made him freeze in place.

This is the gap in strength, no matter how strong the talent is, it cannot make up for it!

Bibi Dong's complexion changed, and she looked at Ghost Douluo beside her.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ghost Douluo gritted his teeth and rushed into the arena.

"Boy, let me, the old ghost, help you one last time."

Ghost Douluo appeared in front of Han Xiao and lifted him up.

"Just because you, a brat, want to take this person away?"

Tang Hao smiled indifferently, not paying attention to Ghost Douluo at all.

Soul rings rose slowly from Tang Hao's feet one after another. The speed of the rising of the spirit rings was not fast, but with the appearance of each spirit ring, Tang Hao standing there became more and more dignified.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, red.

Bibi Dong waved her hand violently, about to release her martial spirit.

However, at this moment, Qian Daoliu who was sitting at the end suddenly moved.

I saw him raise his hand slightly, and a terrifying soul power instantly pressed down.

To everyone's surprise, Qian Daoliu's soul power rushed towards Bibi Dong.

"Qian Daoliu, are you crazy? He is Tang Hao!"

Bibi Dong's complexion became extremely ugly, and she screamed at Qian Daoliu.

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu's complexion became a little ugly, and then changed back to the original, coldly snorting:
"Qian Xunji's death can't be blamed on others, if you want to blame him, you can blame him for being too stupid, he has lost all face of Qianjia!"

Bibi Dong laughed back angrily, "Okay, what a Douluo sage who is admired by thousands of people, for that pitiful face, he doesn't even want the grievances of his own son, just to kill a junior with Tang Hao's knife!"

Qian Daoliu shook his head, he was not irritated by Bibi Dong's words: "Since he can't become the sword of Spirit Hall, then he must die!"

In fact, why doesn't Qian Daoliu understand that even if he can't befriend people like Han Xiao, he must never be an enemy?
But he is very clear that if Wuhundian wants to dominate the Douluo Continent, it must not let Han Xiao grow up!

Otherwise, Han Xiao will become the biggest obstacle to the Wuhun Empire in the future.

It can be said that everything Qian Daoliu did was for Wuhundian.

As for Tang Hao in front of him, after Qian Renxue became a god, it was naturally not worth mentioning.

Even if there are many variables in the middle, relying on the background of Wuhundian can definitely smooth everything out.

"If he dies, I want the entire Spirit Hall to be buried with him!"

A look of ferocity flashed across Bibi Dong's face, her incomparably terrifying soul power confronted Qian Daoliu.

"Bibi Dong, don't forget that you are the Pope of the Spirit Hall, and Han Xiao is no longer part of the Spirit Hall from now on!"

Qian Daoliu didn't expect Bibi Dong to be so decisive, and his expression became ugly.

This situation is not what he wants.

However, the arrow is on the string and has to be launched.

(End of this chapter)

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