Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 292 The Power Clan!

Chapter 292 The Force Clan!
Xiao Wu smiled triumphantly: "Sister Tang Tangjie, in terms of age, I am more than 9 years older than you."

Hearing this, Tang Tang immediately collapsed: "Xiao Wu, don't hit me again."

Everyone got along very well along the way, and after learning that Xiao Wu was a 10-year-old soul beast, everyone didn't have any grievances because of it.

Zhou Tong smiled and was about to continue to tease, but at this moment, seven or eight people suddenly appeared in front of the road, blocking the way of the carriage.

Chen Mo frowned, seeing that the group of people looked unhappy: "Robbers?"

"What kind of robber, this is the guts of a 10-year-old soul beast, dare to rob our car?"

As he said, he got out of the car and geared up to meet these daring robbers.

It just so happened that during this time he had been bullied by Chen Mo, and he was out of anger.

"Which mountain is it?"

Zhou Tong faced seven or eight robbers by himself without any timidity.

Chen Mo and the others also went about their own business as if nothing had happened.

After all, with the strength of Zhou Tong alone as the soul emperor, it is more than enough to deal with some miscellaneous fish.


However, there was a scream, and everyone looked up quickly, only to see Zhou Tong flying out with a bruised nose and swollen face.

"It's hard stubble."

Chen Mo frowned, said in a low voice in front of the carriage, and strode away immediately.

"Be careful, this group of people is not simple."

Zhou Tong staggered to his feet and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Chen Mo nodded, looked at the group of 'robbers' wearing plain robes, and asked, "May I ask who you are, and why stop us?"

The leading middle-aged man's face was full of flesh, his lips were hidden in his beard, and his voice was full of air: "This is Han Xiao's carriage, right?"

Chen Mo frowned, and took half a step back. As long as the opponent made the slightest movement, he would be able to rush forward in less than a second: "Yes, what's the matter?"

After getting the answer, the group of people looked at each other and nodded: "Since it is, then come with us."

The tone of his speech could not be refused, and he went directly to lead the horse, and a great sense of oppression rushed over his face.

"Let our young master leave as soon as he says, what are you?"

Chen Mo shouted angrily, possessed by the flaming lion, and punched the man.


The man looked at the unstoppable Chen Mo with some surprise.

"What a pure attack spirit."

Immediately, he immediately released his martial soul, the muscles on his body were about to explode the plain robe, his arms became longer and longer, and black hair grew on his body, like a gorilla.

Immediately, without the slightest hesitation, he punched Chen Mo.

The ground trembled, and the aftermath spread around the two.

Chen Mo snorted and took half a step back with a look of surprise.

He didn't expect that this man would gain the upper hand in the fist fight.

"That's it?"

The gorilla sneered, took a stride, sank down, and punched Chen Mo directly in the lower abdomen.

"not good!"

Chen Mo's distraction allowed the latter to take the lead. Coupled with the fact that this blow mainly attacked the lower body, he panicked for a moment, seeing that this punch was about to hit him firmly.

At this moment, a sword light flashed through the door curtain of the carriage, and a dagger that was colorful under the sun pierced the gorilla's fist.

"Tips for carving insects."

The gorilla sneered, his martial spirit not only has unreasonable attack power, but also can be called a copper-skinned iron bone. How can this kind of forged weapon do any damage?

The gorilla screamed in disbelief.

The moment the dagger touched his fist, it circled towards his shoulder like a silver snake.

The speed was so fast that a silver whirlwind formed, rolling up flesh and blood.

Seeing that the terrifying soft sword was about to slice off the gorilla's shoulder, it turned around and returned to the carriage.

A soft break through a thousand junctures!

This move was precisely modified by Han Xiao based on the Bat Wing Reincarnation that Tang San used that day.

After all, Tangmen's technique is extremely difficult, and he can't fully learn it just by watching it once.

Although he only mastered Xingyi, it was enough for Han Xiao.

With the blessing of Yuchang, he believed that this trick could break all magic tricks.

"Looking at your martial soul, it should be from the power clan under the Clear Sky School, who came here for the Clear Sky Order?"

Han Xiao's voice floated out from the carriage.

The gorilla's face changed, "How do you know?"

You must know that the four major families of the Haotian School chose to establish their own family after returning to seclusion, and this matter is even more a secret within the school.

"Of course it was your ancestors, Senior Tang Chen told me."

In fact, Tang Chen never told him about these things at all. These materials were obtained by Han Xiao through the dark net of the black market.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, as long as one has the heart, one will be able to collect information about Haotianzong.

"Is that true?"

Suppressing the shaved and bloody arm, the gorilla was even more shocked.

Immediately, his expression turned cold, and he said in a low voice: "Although the Haotian Token is useless to Your Excellency, it is the most precious treasure of the sect to the Clear Sky School. Please return the treasure to its original owner."

The purpose of his coming here is to take back the Haotian Order.

After all, among the Haotian School, the Power Clan has the best relationship with the main sect, and the patriarch Tai Tan even called Tang Hao his master.

It's not a problem to think about getting back the token of the sect leader for Haotianzong.


Inside the carriage, Han Xiao sneered: "It's funny, when Tang Hao left the Clear Sky School, your four clans left the Clear Sky School with him, and they only wanted to share the glory with the Clear Sky School, but they didn't want to bear the burden of humiliation.

Why, now that Haotian Ling was born, what he said back then doesn't count? "

Han Xiao said it very straightforwardly, without showing any face to the other party, the gorilla's face froze.

"I think you guys are planning to overstep your authority and seize power?"

As soon as the words came out, the gorilla became anxious and quickly waved his hands: "How, how is it possible? Our Lizhi clan has followed the lead of the Tang family for generations, how could it be possible to do such a thing that poked the spine?"

The people of the powerful clan are very simple, they just want Tang Hao to take the blame and make meritorious service, return to the Wuhun Temple, and then use the Haotian Order to unify the whole clan, so that the Haotianzong can reappear in the world.

It's a pity that they met Han Xiao: "Who knows what you think if you know people and faces but don't know your heart?"

Han Xiao sneered, of course he couldn't foolishly hand over the Haotian Token to the Li Clan.

"Taixiang, why are you talking nonsense with him, just take him back."

The clan members on the side had long seen Han Xiao unhappy, and said irritablely.

As soon as he finished speaking, cold sweat oozes from his forehead, his sixth sense gives out an extremely dangerous premonition, and a cold and hard dagger appeared on his neck at some point.

The clansman wanted to struggle, but his keen sixth sense told him that this man could easily cut his throat.

"Did I let you speak?"

Han Xiao's voice was like hell.

Isn't he in the carriage? !
When did you leave the carriage?
Everyone was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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