Chapter 301 Crisis!

Tai Tan looked extremely ugly, sighed at Tang Hu, and quickly gritted his teeth to follow Han Xiao.

Seeing that the two were about to leave, at this moment a voice full of anger sounded.

"Your Excellency, please stay."

Han Xiao turned his head and saw a strong man falling from the cliff.

This person is somewhat similar to Tang Hu, it is his elder brother, Tang Long.

"This distinguished guest, Haotianzong invites you to go up the mountain to have a talk."

Compared with other people, Tang Long is very humble, and his attitude towards Han Xiao is also extremely respectful.

Han Xiao glanced at him lightly, "It seems that there are still sensible people in Haotianzong."

"But what if I don't want to go up the mountain?"

Tang Long smiled slightly, and cupped his hands at Han Xiao: "It's your choice whether to go up the mountain or not, and this is just to show the sincerity of Haotian School."

"If you are willing to return the real Haotian Token to the sect, the Haotian School will definitely thank you."

After saying this, Tang Long lowered his head and handed over the right to choose to Han Xiao.

After thinking for a while, Han Xiao said in a cold voice: "You must remember, I returned to the Haotian School, all because of the face of that old senior."

"lead the way."

Tang Long breathed a sigh of relief, "This way please."

Before leaving, he gave Tang Hu a hard look.

After jumping over the top of the mountain and reaching another mountain peak through the stone chain, Haotianzong appeared in front of Han Xiao.

The huge stone building is like a fortress. The main entrance is five meters high. Above the main entrance, the three big characters carved on the stone are vigorous and powerful, and they are magnificent enough to face the surrounding mountains.

"You two, please come in."

With Tang Long present, the journey was unimpeded, and the three arrived at the elder's room of the Haotian School.

In the room, sat two old men with haggard faces, with their eyes closed, as if they were taking a nap.

Sitting above the main seat was a middle-aged man, somewhat similar to Tang Hao.

It's just that he has been well maintained, with a few strands of white hair missing.

After returning to the Clear Sky School, Tai Tan was very excited. When he saw Tang Xiao, he trembled uncontrollably.

"I didn't expect that the person who came was you."

An elder frowned when he saw Tai Tan: "Since you left the sect, why did you come back?"

It can be seen that these elders don't like to see Tai Tan.

Tai Tan cupped his hands, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Please don't misunderstand, the reason why the old man came here was to accompany the Suzerain to return the Haotian Token, and he has no other ideas."

Speaking of this, all the elders looked at Han Xiao together, a little surprised: "I didn't expect the person holding the Haotian Token to be so young."

Han Xiao glanced at the people in the Elder Hall, and couldn't help being a little startled.

There are at least four Title Douluo sitting here.

Sure enough, as Tai Tan said, during this period of time, Haotian School has not abandoned its foundation.

It's just that after observing along the way, Han Xiao found that although the elders of the Haotian School are extremely strong, the young disciples don't have a single genius.

It seems that this seclusion has also made Haotianzong ineffective.

With this kind of strength, it is almost impossible to fight against Wuhundian.

"Young man, since you said you have the Haotian Token, I would like to ask, how did you get the Haotian Token?"

The Second Elder sitting in the second seat asked kindly.

"Senior Tang Chen gave it to me."

Han Xiao answered neither humble nor overbearing.

"What did you say?!"

Hearing these words, the sleepy elders instantly opened their eyes and looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

"Young man, do you know that if you say something, you have to be responsible."

A burly old man asked in a deep voice.

The terrifying pressure suddenly made Han Xiao a little out of breath.

"Senior Tang Chen not only gave me the Haotian Token, but also taught me the Haotian Jiujue."

After understanding, they have already learned about the battle between Tang Hu and Han Xiao just now.

"Old Sect Master, how is your life?"

The Great Elder asked in a low voice with a trembling voice.

"Senior Tang Chen is living a good life. He is preparing to break through and become a god in an extremely hidden place, and he doesn't want to get involved in these trivial matters of the world."

"Give me the Haotian order to give you a final explanation."

Han Xiao directly answered the questions that the elders hadn't asked.

Hearing this, the Second Elder slumped on the chair, "Old Sovereign, are you just abandoning us?"

Everyone also looked sad.

They thought that Tang Chen's existence would bring them back to the peak of Haotianzong.

But he didn't expect that Tang Chen no longer planned to get involved in these worldly affairs.

"Great Elder, Senior Tang Chen's return to the Clear Sky School may not be a good thing."

Han Xiao threw the ground loudly, and said.


Everyone frowned, all eyes focused on Han Xiao.

"If Senior Tang Chen is born, Spirit Hall Qian Daoliu will definitely not sit idly by, and there will be a big battle at that time. Haotianzong will definitely not be the opponent of Spirit Hall now, and will only be wiped out by him in the end."

Han Xiao's words were very direct, without any leeway, and poked at the pain in everyone's heart.

"Boy, how do you know that my Clear Sky School is not the opponent of the Spirit Hall?"

The one who spoke was the seventh elder of the Clear Sky School, Lieyang Douluo.

"This is what Senior Tang Chen said."

Without the slightest hesitation, Han Xiao put all the blame on Tang Chen.

Anyway, Tang Chen couldn't hear it.

Hearing this, the faces of all the elders were very ugly.

They couldn't refute Tang Chen's words alone.

"Since the old suzerain doesn't want to be born, we naturally don't dare to force it." The second elder waved his hand and said forcefully: "Can you show us the Haotian order?"

Han Xiao nodded and raised the Haotianling.

This small hammer is extremely exquisite, and the ruby ​​inlaid on the top of the hammer is even more unique, not even the Heaven Dou imperial family.

The dark golden light cannot be moved away even if one takes a look at it.

"May I have a look?"

The second elder was excited for a moment and walked to Han Xiao's side.

Han Xiao didn't give the Haotian Token to the second elder. He knew that once he gave it, he couldn't get it back.

Taking a half step back, Han Xiao put the Haotian Token back into the soul tool: "All the elders have seen the Haotian Token with their own eyes, and they should know that this unique treasure will never be made again even if the dead craftsman is resurrected. Come out?"

"Yes, there are indeed no counterfeit Haotian Orders."

The second elder sighed, and looked at Han Xiao with a complicated face: "Young man, tell me your request."

"Three soul bones, Haotianzong announced to the whole continent to be born again, just these two conditions."

"Absolutely impossible!"

The Seventh Elder shattered the seat and glared at Han Xiao.

"Boy, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to get out of this hall?!"

As soon as the words fell, the coercion of the Title Douluo was released instantly.

Tai Tan's complexion changed, and he stood in front of Han Xiao's chest.

For a moment, the air was so heavy that water dripped out.

Han Xiao glanced at the crowd, and the corner of his mouth curled up:
"Seniors may not know that Qian Daoliu once wanted to kill me, but he failed."

"You don't think you can keep me in Haotianzong, do you?"

At this moment, Tang Xiao, who had been silent all this time, had a gleam in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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