Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 303 Ally with Clear Sky School!

Chapter 303 Ally with Clear Sky School!

"Fourth, didn't you agree to the common opinion of the whole clan after being reborn?" The sixth elder sighed and waved his hand.

"That's because I understand that I can't wake you up!"

The Fourth Elder didn't give him any face, "Have you forgotten the grievances you had with the Spirit Hall back then? If you were born now, wouldn't you become the target of the Spirit Hall?"

"What's more, how can you gain a foothold in the outside world?"

The Fourth Elder looked furious, and shouted loudly: "Do you want to work as a mercenary regiment, or do you want to make a living by blacksmithing?"

Hearing his words, everyone fell into silence.

However, at this moment, an extremely ear-piercing applause sounded.

Everyone looked together and found that Han Xiao was clapping his hands while watching the show.

"what are you doing!"

The Fourth Elder didn't expect Han Xiao to be so bold, and angrily reprimanded him.

Han Xiao sighed: "Thank you all for letting me see how useless the former No. [-] sect is. It really opened my eyes."

As soon as the words came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"Boy, what did you say?!"

"The Haotian School acts, and you are also worthy to dictate?"

"Don't stop me, I'm going to beat him up!"

Han Xiao's words were like gunpowder, instantly igniting the lumps that had been buried in the hearts of the members of the Haotian clan for many years.

"What, what am I saying is wrong?"

Han Xiao smiled coldly and scanned the crowd.

"The Haotian School is afraid of the Wuhun Palace, and has been incognito for decades, isn't it cowardly?"

"You still use the excuse of not being able to gain a foothold outside. You are holding the first martial arts weapon in your hands. After all, you are a group of poor self-deceiving worms."

"I remember Senior Tang Chen once told me that if the Clear Sky Hammer was second, no one would dare to call his martial spirit the number one."

"I think you are just the number one cowardly sect, are you worthy of the reputation your ancestors gave you?!"

The eyes around him became more and more terrifying, but Han Xiao was not afraid at all. He took another step forward and faced everyone:

"I think you should quickly check whether the hammer in your hand is rusted, whether the drum surface is broken, continue to shrink in this hill and wait until the spirit eats you up."

Every word of these words is heartbreaking, directly piercing the scar that Haotianzong is most unwilling to face.

"You, you, I'm going to kill you!"

The fourth elder was already mad with anger, picked up the Clear Sky Hammer and threw it at Han Xiao.


The light in Tang Xiao's eyes flashed, he tossed and turned, and appeared in front of Han Xiao, raising his hand with a hammer.

The terrifying power from the collision of the two giant hammers spread, and the entire hall was crumbling.

"Tang Xiao!"

The fourth elder couldn't believe it, and scolded sharply.

"Fourth uncle, I am the suzerain."

Tang Xiao's face was gloomy, and he didn't give him a good look.

"Okay, you're fine."

The fourth elder's chest heaved violently: "The suzerain is the suzerain, and he can monopolize the power."

"Okay, fourth child!"

The second elder separated the two of them with an ugly expression: "Tang Xiao did the right thing."

"Back then, the purpose of retiring from the world was to temporarily avoid the edge, and the strength accumulated in the dark was for one day to make the might of Haotian famous in the world again."

"I think you have lived a stable life for too long, and you have forgotten your surname Tang."

Unexpectedly, the second elder's words were so direct, the fourth elder's complexion changed, and he was about to explain, but was interrupted by him.

"Sect Master Han is right, it's time for the Haotian School to leave the sect again."

The second elder flashed a sharp edge: "It's been too long, and the world has forgotten the power of this small hammer."

Several elders nodded in unison, their faces dark.

For the young disciples of the seventh and eighth generations, this Haotian Token is an exquisite treasure.

But only these old antiques half buried in the soil will think of those glorious years after seeing Haotian Ling.

That's what they have personally experienced, fighting in all directions with Tang Chen, even Qian Daoliu is fearless.

It was also this small dark golden hammer that once again inspired their blood that had been dead for too long.


The Fourth Elder sighed, as if he was ten years older, and sat down staggeringly.

From his point of view, this is also to protect the sect.

"Don't worry, everyone, after Haotianzong came out, my brotherhood will also provide you with friendship support of 1000 million gold soul coins every month."

"Then I will thank Sect Master Han first here."

Tang Xiao didn't give in, and accepted this generous gift.

The two of them knew each other well, and Han Xiao knew very well that next he needed the strength of the Clear Sky School, and the Clear Sky School also needed Han Xiao's money.

"May we have a pleasant cooperation."

The two held hands, and the big stone in Han Xiao's heart fell to the ground.

"How is Sovereign Han's shopping these past few days? What do you think of our Haotian School?"

Tang Xiao and Han Xiao exchanged pleasantries.

"To be honest, I'm only obsessed with the matter of Haotian Ling, and I don't think much about it."

Tang Xiao smiled heartily, and Han Xiao's outspoken character was very pleasing to him: "Brother Han, do you want to stop shopping for a few days?"

"We don't have time to hang out."

Han Xiao smiled helplessly, "The sect still has a lot of affairs that I need to handle personally. On the other hand, the Haotian School will also send a disciple to follow me down the mountain."

If he guessed correctly, after a while, Ning Fengzhi's invitation will come to the residence.

"so serious?"

Tang Xiao frowned, "When do you think Wuhundian will show its fangs?"

"Not yet."

After thinking for a moment, Han Xiao immediately said, "Qian Daoliu has to wait."

The blond-haired Qian Renxue appeared in his mind.

I don't know how long it will take for this woman to break through Title Douluo.

"In this case, let the old man accompany you for a walk."

It was the second elder with the most seniority who spoke.

"Second uncle."

Tang Xiao frowned, hesitated to speak.

In Haotianzong, he is the only one who can suppress the remaining elders.

"Tang Xiao, what's the matter? The old man hasn't gone down the mountain for so many years. Is it okay to want to see the current world?"

The second elder's beard stood on end, looking like a savage little old man.

"Okay, second uncle, you can say anything."

Tang Xiao helped his forehead helplessly.

All the way to the foot of the mountain, "Okay, Tang Zongzhu doesn't have to send it off anymore."

Tang Xiao stood still, hesitated, and finally said: "Sect Master Han, did Tang Hao really appear in Wuhun City that day?"

He wanted to ask Han Xiao a long time ago, but the elders were by his side.

Han Xiao nodded, "Don't worry, Sect Master Tang, Tang Hao has not been embarrassed by Qian Daoliu."

If he told Tang Xiao that Tang Hao almost wanted to kill himself, he didn't know what he would think.

"Do you know where he is now?"

Tang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and asked again.

"Tang Xiao!"

The second elder sternly reprimanded: "You are the patriarch of the Haotian sect, so care about the people in the sect!"

He didn't stop at the beginning, but he was already the greatest tolerance.

Han Xiao secretly glanced at the two of them. It seemed that even the most enlightened Second Elder had an extremely firm attitude towards Tang Hao.

"I see."

Tang Xiao let out a long sigh and stopped asking questions.

Being the head of a sect means that his life is no longer his own.

After bidding farewell to Tang Xiao, the three of them headed towards Tiandou City.

However, what everyone didn't know was that the people far away in Tiandou were already anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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