Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 357 Emperor Xue Ye was furious and attacked Jialing Pass!

Chapter 357 Emperor Xue Ye was furious and attacked Jialing Pass!
As soon as these words came out, the expression on General Zhao's face became extremely complicated.

"Hey, General Zhao."

Seeing that he was about to open this exquisite box, Emperor Xue Ye put his hand on it, smiled and shook his head.

"The victory news from the first battle of our Heaven Dou army, naturally we want to share it with everyone."

Xue Ye looked as if he was ten years younger.

"The national teacher and the others are coming soon, let's wait."

Emperor Xue Ye's voice could not be rejected.

The expression on General Zhao's face became even uglier.

If the head of the Dragon Lord and Snake Woman was seen by those people, wouldn't he be dead?

"Your Highness..."

Emperor Xue Ye didn't give him a chance to speak, and personally arranged the badges on the armor for him.

With a pleasant face, he patted the badge lightly and said, "General Zhao is sorry for it. In three days, it will be upgraded."

After about half an hour.

Ning Fengzhi and Sword Bone Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

The six Shrek monsters rushed over together.

Even Xue Qinghe and Xue Beng came to greet them personally.

However, seeing the box General Zhao was holding in his hand, the expression on Xue Qinghe's face became weird.

"I am happy today!"

Emperor Xue Ye looked at the crowd, and said cheerfully: "General Zhao led our Heaven Dou army, the first time we went out, we won the victory."

"Although the entire army was almost annihilated in this battle, I won the enemy general while showing my iron blood."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and said, "General Zhao, please open the box and show it."

At this moment, all eyes were cast on General Zhao.

He trembled all over, and simply knelt down first.

"Everyone, let's watch Han Xiao's head together." Emperor Xue Ye took a sip of the wine with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, General Zhao unsteadily opened the box.

Emperor Xue Ye was not the first to look at the head in the box.

He was waiting, the applause of the crowd.

However, after a while, Emperor Xue Ye found that the palace was eerily silent.


He frowned and looked down.

He just glanced at the head in the box, and then he sat down on the throne.

"This, this, this."

The goblet in his hand shattered on the ground.

Emperor Xue Ye was frightened and couldn't believe it.

In that box, there is the head of Dragon Lord and Snake Woman.

The expressions on their faces seemed to be frozen in horror.

"Your Highness, I'm guilty!"

General Zhao kowtowed tirelessly until his head was bleeding.

His voice was full of tears, "The thief Han Xiao is familiar with the surrounding terrain and deliberately led people to ambush."

"Heaven Dou's army fought bloody battles with them, beheaded two thousand enemy soldiers, and finally the entire army was wiped out."

Xue Qinghe frowned.

He already felt something was wrong.

In fact, General Zhao had already thought up his speech before coming here.

The annihilation of the entire army is already a fact, and he can't borrow Yin soldiers.

It could simply be said to be a bloody battle with the opponent.

In this way, you can save yourself some face.

"You... what did you say?!"

Emperor Xue Ye covered his heart with one hand, and pointed at him with the other.

"Your Highness, our army did not flee, they fought to the last moment!"

"It's just that Han Xiao seems to have done his best, taking advantage of the terrain."

General Zhao deliberately pushed all the blame to the unfamiliar terrain and was ambushed.

"You, you, you!" Emperor Xue Ye was no fool, his fingers trembled, and his eyes popped out:
"Then tell me, as a general, the whole army was wiped out, why did you come back alive?!"

Hearing this, General Zhao trembled all over.

He had no way to explain, so he could only look at the people present for help.

Xue Qinghe took a step forward and cupped his hands:

"Father, if you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood. General Zhao is a soul king, and he knows how much effort the empire has spent on him."

"If he dies, the face of the empire will truly be gone."

"What's more, didn't General Zhao bring important news when he came back this time?"

Having said that, everyone's faces jumped.

"According to the actuary's calculations, there are only ten thousand soul masters in the Slaughter City based on their immediate combat power."

"According to what General Zhao said, our Heaven Dou army still displayed the spirit of iron and blood in this battle. Under the situation of being ambushed, we killed [-] enemy troops!"

"I think that if we continue to send troops, we will definitely be able to completely wipe out the killing capital."

Xue Qinghe's words made Emperor Xue Ye look a lot better.

General Zhao breathed a sigh of relief and almost collapsed on the ground.

He glanced at Xue Qinghe gratefully.

He didn't expect that the eldest prince, whom he had never met before, would help him.

"I don't think so."

Xue Beng shook his head, "Since our army has been wiped out, no matter what he said, it is true."

"But I have a question. How did General Zhao take off the head of Mr. Long and Snake during this fierce battle and escape?"

Xue Beng's words made General Zhao's face change.

He was about to speak, but Xue Qinghe said.

"The third brother's words are justified. This prince is too confident in our Heaven Dou army. This General Zhao may indeed be lying. The battle scene at that time is very likely to be even uglier."

General Zhao opened his mouth, and looked at Xue Qinghe in confusion.

Didn't this person speak for himself just now? !
Why are you turning back now.

But he didn't see it, Tang San, who had been silent all this time, shook his head and sighed.

"The prince is wrong. The war is imminent. If we don't have confidence in our army, how can those soldiers go to the battlefield and work for us?"

Emperor Xue Ye's originally good-looking complexion pulled down again.

"Prince Xue Beng, if these words of yours are placed at the beginning of the war, won't they disturb the morale of the army?"

Xue Beng's face changed, and he quickly knelt down: "My child dare not!"

"Don't you dare?" Emperor Xue Ye sneered: "I think you are very courageous, maybe you have coveted me for a long time?"

"It is absolutely impossible for a child to do such treacherous things!"

Xue Beng was covered in cold sweat.

His body trembled, like a cuckoo weeping blood: "Father, the child has a sincere heart, and absolutely has no such intentions!"

"Hmph." Emperor Xue Ye snorted coldly, and waved his hand: "Come here, send Prince Xue Beng back to rest!"


Xue Beng was dragged down by a group of soldiers, his eyes fixed on Xue Qinghe, flashing with hatred.

Xue Qinghe, who has always been gentle, unexpectedly showed an expression that only Xue Beng could see.

It seemed that he was mocking him for being too young.

Human beings are profit-seeking animals.

Emperor Xue Ye had been sitting on this seat for decades, so of course he would not be a fool.

How could he not have thought that General Zhao would lie?
It's just that Emperor Xue Ye didn't want to think about it, or listen to it.

The mighty Heaven Dou Empire gradually made him wild and arrogant.

Dilated eyes, short-sighted.

Emperor Xue Ye was naturally more willing to listen to the good news from Xue Qinghekou.

General Zhao lowered his head, secretly ecstatic.

He knew that although he completely lost this battle, at least his life was saved.

However, just when he planned to paddle until he disbanded, he felt Xue Qinghe's eyes.

The eyes of the two collided.

General Zhao is not a fool, and soon understood the meaning.

Now that his own judgment has not yet been handed down, one or two words from Xue Qinghe can influence him.

"Your Highness, I want to make up for my mistakes!"

General Zhao took a step forward, without dodging his eyes, staring at Emperor Xue Ye.

"I implore Your Highness, send five thousand elite soul masters to me, I will definitely wipe out the fallen in the killing capital, and present Han Xiao's head in person!"

As soon as the words came out, Ning Fengzhi and Tang San shook their heads.

"Your Highness, our Heaven Dou Empire is not unavailable, why must a defeated general go to the front to command?"

"Your Highness, please think deeply. There are not too few soldiers in charge of the empire."

The two stepped forward at the same time.

They were extremely smart, so they naturally saw through that General Zhao was just a poor man.

"The teacher's words are wrong."

Xue Qinghe smiled slightly, and remonstrated: "The only people who are familiar with the fallen in the Slaughter Capital are the Tang San brothers, and now we have to add General Zhao."

"It's fine if Tang San is willing to go to war, but as future stars, everyone in Shrek should spend more time on cultivation."

Xue Qinghe's words made the Six Shrek Monsters nod involuntarily.

After they got the resources from the Heaven Dou Empire, the grass jelly became a snack, and they devoted themselves to training every day, and now they all broke through to the soul sage.

"If Tang San and the others can't go there, it seems that General Zhao is the only one familiar with the Fallen."

With a smile on his face, Xue Qinghe spoke slowly.

As soon as these words came out, even Emperor Xue Ye was moved.

After thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice: "In this case, I will give you another chance to redeem yourself!"

"Ten thousand! I'll give you [-] elites, and I'll match you with a lieutenant general. The soul masters and elders of the various sects will choose at will! If you can't wipe them out this time, come and see me!"

Emperor Xue Ye pronounced the verdict loudly.

On the side, Tang San and Ning Fengzhi sighed together.

As for Xue Qinghe, the corner of his mouth slowly curled up.

The change in the palace seems to be coming soon.


Jialing Pass is three hundred miles away.

Han Xiao and a group of fallen people camped here.

The enchantment was broken by Han Xiao himself, which means that the capital of killing can no longer stay for a long time.

Han Xiao, on the other hand, carried out the once Mongolian way of leading troops, and the city he occupied was his home.

Inside the military tent, Han Xiao, Lin Ting, Yan and Xie Yue stood here.

In front of them was a map of Jialing Pass.

"Why did you ask that General Zhao to personally send the head back to Heaven Dou City?"

Yan frowned, and asked a long-pressed question.

According to Han Xiao's personality, he usually kills all opponents silently, and would not make such provocative actions.

Han Xiao was expressionless, and slowly said: "In order to let Qian Renxue start to act."

"Qian Renxue?!"

Yan and Xueyue's expressions changed at the same time.

They didn't expect that Han Xiao would think of this level.

"Qian Renxue is the granddaughter of the great priest, so how can she help you?"

Xie Yue frowned, apparently still not understanding.

Han Xiao turned to look at him, "The same camp may not necessarily be a united front."

"Qian Renxue's task is very simple, that is to initiate a palace change to replace Emperor Xue Ye."

"And the brotherhood's main opponent is the Heaven Dou Empire."

Han Xiao clicked to stop, but the expressions of the two changed.

They all looked at Han Xiao with admiration.

No one could have imagined that Han Xiao's purpose was to just use these two heads to confuse the Heaven Dou royal family and bring opportunities to his own strength.

This is simply a move of chess, and he understands how to play the next five moves.

At this moment, they understood the reason why Qian Daoliu insisted on getting rid of Han Xiao.

This kind of person must not be provoked.

"Then what are we going to do now?"

Lin Ting frowned, they had been waiting here for a long time.

"The Fallen is a double-edged sword. If you use it well, even the army of the Wuhun Temple cannot stop it. If you use it poorly, you will hurt yourself."

This group of depraved people must have a lot of blood before they can become calm.

After such a long time, the thousands of soul masters eaten in the stomach have been completely digested.

Now, this group of fallen people must rely on Han Xiao's killing field to keep calm.

And Han Xiao's next plan is the fortified Jialing Pass in the distance.

In the eyes of this group of degenerates, the pedestrians coming and going are like a plate of delicate desserts.

"Just tonight, raid Jialing Pass."

A coldness flashed in Han Xiao's eyes.

Breaking through this barrier means that the defense of the Heaven Dou Empire's periphery has been completely lost.

Night falls.

Above the tower of Jialing Pass, the patrolling soldiers yawned.

"Give me some energy!"

The officer yelled angrily, holding a torch.

"Now, during the war, our soldiers at Jialing Pass must be tense all the time!"

He glanced at these border soldiers, and a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

These people are all prisoners sent to the frontier, or poor orphans with their chests stuck to their backs.

Otherwise, who wants to stay up most of the night in this extremely cold weather?
A soldier with a stooped back opened and closed his nose, sniffing non-stop.

"You idiot, what are you smelling!"

The soldier captain stopped loudly, "There are no bellybands for women here."

As soon as the words came out, all the soldiers laughed happily.

"Sir, I want to smell something..."

A flash of embarrassment flashed across Er Lengzi's face, and he scratched his head: "It smells both fishy and sweet."

"This smell seems to be..."

The second fool kept squeezing the ink in his stomach, thinking about the smell he seemed to have smelled before.

"Yes, it's blood..."

Just after he said three words, a look of astonishment flashed across his face.

Then, Er Lengzi felt himself flying.


Immediately, it fell to the ground again.

He moved his eyes and saw a foot.

"Aren't these my shoes?"

Er Lengzi looked up, and he saw his body.

However, above the neck, it is empty! ! !
Where is my head?

It seems to be on the ground...

Er Lengzi closed his eyes, never being able to open them.

"Enemy attack, there is enemy attack!!!"

The Master Chief looked at the idiot whose head had been cut off by a plane, and roared loudly.

He lit the torch to the wolf smoke and shouted loudly: "Ready to fight!"

However, the voice just fell.

Countless beast-like fallen have climbed the city wall.

The gluttonous feast has officially begun!
(End of this chapter)

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