Chapter 13 Sleepy Dragon Ascension
Could it be that if I leave the system, I can't do anything?

For a moment, Wang Zheng felt frustrated and had self-doubt.

Since the time travel, no matter whether he survived in the early stage or subdued Xu Fang and others, it can be said that it all depends on the extraordinary force given by the system.

Although Wang Zheng did not regard the ancients as fools, he still had some inexplicable superiority in his heart, thinking that he came from later generations after all, and he had more than 2000 years of superiority in the times. Because of his ability, he always wants to show off his ingenuity.

The purpose of the first plan was to make a name for himself in Cao Cao's camp, but in the end he misunderstood Xiahou. Considering the original purpose, it was a complete failure.

If the first time he could overthrow his impromptu thought and lack of thoughtfulness, the second time it hit him even harder.

For such a major event as a rebellion, Wang Zheng had planned it for a long time before the incident, and he had really thought about it a lot. After thinking about it, there were unexpected deviations in the actual operation.

Although this deviation in a sense, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

He looked at the transparent box in front of him. At this moment, the number "22" above it had changed to "273" for his own yellow scarf on the system.

I tried my best to cast all the winks, and after working hard for many days, I only increased a dozen or so places. Zhang Jiao's name became famous, and the number of signs increased by ten times in an instant.
The difference is too big!
However, nearly 5000 people only provided about 1/20 of the quota, but he was delighted and frowned slightly.

Although the system requirements are strict, just a "Yellow Turban" can tell that there are certain requirements for the physical fitness of the selected candidates.

This already eliminated most of the five thousand people who were either old or thin.

However, given the huge base, the number of people eligible for a strong man should definitely not be limited to such a small number.

The system reminded him sideways that many people present were fanatical on the surface at this time, but in fact, they might be more impulsive under the influence of the general situation?
Not to mention the so-called reincarnation of Zhang Jiao, that is Zhang Jiao himself, there shouldn't be many real fanatics.

Forget it, the harvest is good enough, so good that it far exceeds my expectations, so why worry about it.

Laughing self-deprecatingly, Wang Zheng stopped thinking about it, and looked at the past. At this time, the surging crowd all gathered towards the field, and immediately surrounded the dozen or so soldiers.

Thousands of people were surrounded by water, and even if they hadn't made any moves, the trapped soldiers had already turned pale with fright, looking at each other, and everyone saw only panic and panic in the eyes of their companions.

They looked at the side at the same time, that was their backbone, and not long ago, they also acted as a murderous and powerful grain transport officer, so they were so majestic and domineering.

Now decapitated.

The blood was still flowing, and the soldiers in the strange red color were even more flustered.

They didn't dare to watch anymore, for fear that the last bit of courage left would be gone, and they reluctantly wanted to raise their weapons to defend themselves, but the trembling arms seemed to have lost the strength to hold them tightly at this moment.

Facing the same group of people, those Qingzhou Yellow Turbans, and facing the defeated generals of the past, they no longer had the previous arrogance and contempt in their eyes, nothing at all.

No matter how many people there were before, they were nothing more than lambs at their mercy. They never really thought that weak lambs would bite people one day, and such a terrifying expression would suddenly appear on their docile faces.

They seem to have discovered for the first time that there is such a disparity in strength between thousands of people and a dozen people!
No matter how good the weapon is, no matter how strong the armor is, it is impossible to offset the huge disparity.

At this time, everyone present looked at Wang Zheng at the same time.

The fanatical crowd was waiting for the order of the king, and they obeyed.

The flustered soldier knew that his life and death were determined by this young man.

Wang Zheng met everyone's eyes indifferently. No one knew, let alone noticed, that he was happy at the moment.

It's such a wonderful feeling that people's hearts are at my disposal, and life and death can be decided with one word.

This is the most beautiful moment for Wang Zheng since time travel, but he knows that he can't show his traces, and he can't be complacent for too long. If he wants to enjoy this feeling for a longer time, he must persist in doing certain things.

After all, I am not Zhang Jiao.

The absurd things like reincarnation may not be believed anymore after everyone calms down. Will the bloody spirit of daring to rebel and dare to kill officials still exist at that time?I'm afraid that once Cao Cao's army overwhelms the front, these people will either scatter like birds and beasts, or just kneel down and surrender.

Those who have a way out are unreliable!
There must be no second way for them to retreat, so they can only follow their own way!
Because there is no choice.

This was something that Wang Zheng had thought about a long time ago, and the next thing was the key point. Without hesitation, he turned a blind eye to the begging and begging in the eyes of the soldiers, looked at the people in Qingzhou, and said loudly: "My fellow villagers."

"Every one of us wants to live a peaceful life."

"But there are always some people who don't want us to live in peace."

"Look at these lackeys." Wang Zheng pointed his sword straight at the surrounded soldiers: "Look at them, and then look at ourselves."

As he said that, his eyes were red, as if he couldn't help himself. Looking at the crowd, he said angrily: "These lackeys are strong because of our rations. In the end, it's hard for us to even fill our stomachs."

These words were full of bitterness, looking at the skinny man of his family, thinking of the yellow and emaciated faces of his children, several women in the crowd couldn't help but burst into tears, and began to cry first.

"We feed them, but they come to oppress us! What is this called? It's called revenge!"

"My son from Qingzhou, what should I do with such an ungrateful traitor and a lackey who bullies us?"

"What should I do?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, he gave the answer with a loud shout: "Kill!"

As he spoke, he swung it vigorously, and the long sword in his hand turned into a thunderbolt and flew out, piercing fiercely into a soldier's body.


Another human life was killed in front of their eyes, and the crowd did not hesitate any longer. With the sound of countless killing cries, the dense crowd directly turned into one black tide after another, instantly swallowing the soldiers in the middle.

Fists and teeth have become the most deadly weapons in the world at this time.

"Forgive" a soldier didn't know how to do it, and escaped from the innermost place with scratches on his face, but just as he raised his head, he was greeted by a second wave of people that was also impenetrable. Just as he was about to kneel and beg for mercy, he didn't even speak Before he finished speaking, the little sound he just made was crushed by fists and feet from all directions.


At this time, a hurried voice suddenly came from outside the arena.

Wang Zheng looked at the reputation, but it was Gong Xu, the highest military commander of the military camp here, who rushed over with a team of troops, but it was only a step too late, and he was already powerless.

When he saw the headless corpse of the grain transport officer, Gong Xun was trembling with anger. These bandits dared to kill the officer, they really are bandits!
When he looked at the corpses of those dozens of soldiers again, his anger became even stronger, but when he looked closely, he felt a chill in his heart and his scalp went numb.

Every corpse is full of scars, but none of them were caused by weapons. Those fist marks, shoe marks and tooth marks were beaten to death by these thousands of people!
It's all over!
Since the last time, Gong Xu has always felt uneasy in his heart. He only felt that the conflict between the Qingzhou Army and the headquarters was getting bigger and bigger, and the smell of gunpowder was getting stronger and stronger. scary scene.

Unexpectedly, what to be afraid of, this scene finally appeared today.

Sorry, I shouldn't have picked up this hot potato in the first place!
I was tolerant enough to treat these thieves, but I didn't expect to be tricked by them!

Gong Xu pressed his chest hard, his heart was beating too fast, and he pointed at the crowd with a trembling hand for a while before continuing:

"Do you know what you're doing?"

It was the first time for everyone in Qingzhou to see the kind-hearted elder who always had a smile on his face. Many people felt ashamed and lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at him.

Thinking of Zhou Mu's character and strict military law, Gong Xu at this time was really heartbroken and in unbearable pain.Why is my family so unlucky?

He let out an angry roar, like a cuckoo weeping blood, his voice was terrible.

"This is called suicide!"

"Lieutenant Gong, this statement is absurd."

In the stands, Wang Zheng stood tall, with his sleeves flicked, his eyes full of confidence.

"This is called Sleepy Dragon Ascension!"

separated by a distance of several feet.

There are no more than a hundred people on one side, but the few are holding sharp knives.

There are thousands of people on one side, but the crowd is bare-handed.

The leaders of the two sides looked at each other across the air, their eyes were murderous, and they collided in mid-air like swords, causing sparks to fly everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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