Change from the ninja world

Chapter 1 Right Half Destroyer

Chapter 1 Right Half Destroyer

The dark and lightless crypt, the extremely humid and extremely dull air, the walls covered with moss and mold... Ever since he woke up a month ago, the surrounding environment has remained unchanged.

Originally, he should have died, but for some reason, he opened his eyes again.

The square enclosed space he was in was very narrow, except for a fence-like iron door in front, it was surrounded by thick soil layers, and in this room, there was only a low bed and a toilet... no doubt , here is a dungeon.

Because he has been in a dark prison cell, even if a month has passed since his rebirth, the information he can obtain is quite limited. In short, he only knows a few things at present: First, he The current name is "Habara"; second, this is the story world of "Naruto"; third, the name of the person who controls or masters this dungeon is Orochimaru.

Things are a bit unbelievable. Even if a dead person can open his eyes again, shouldn't he be located in one of the four places of the ward, the morgue, the crematorium, and the cemetery in theory?Why a dungeon, or even a cell in another world?
But no matter how difficult things are to accept, the facts are the facts, and one month is enough for him to complete the corresponding psychological construction... Even if he accepts it reluctantly or forcibly, it is still acceptance.

Like muscle memory, he stretched his right hand to his waist behind him, and with the sound of a slight metal impact, he pulled out a special wedge-shaped metal weapon covered in black and short like a dagger, namely Kunai.

After his eyes had already adapted to the dim environment, with the help of the metal reflection of the knife in his hand, he reconfirmed his current appearance—a young man with light gray half-length hair and lead gray metallic pupils.

Or middle school students are more suitable?
Although he is unkempt at this time, his approximate age can still be judged... It seems that he is only fourteen or fifteen years old.

This is obviously not me, but... this is indeed me.

He had to use the name "Habara" for the time being.

Since he was imprisoned here, the identity of "Habara" in this world should be a ninja, but it is a pity that he did not retain any memory of the original owner, so he did not have any professional knowledge and skills.

And when Yubara was thinking about how to get out of the current predicament, there was a sudden clear sound of footsteps in the long corridor outside the single cell. At the same time, a certain abnormal atmosphere began to stimulate his five senses. Air spread out from the end of the passage.

It seemed that some kind of large, slippery animal was slowly leaving the nest.

Immediately afterwards, the continuous and consistent sound of footsteps suddenly stopped, and then a figure blocked the door of the cell... Obviously, the sound of footsteps just now was still some distance away, but for some reason, the other party suddenly appeared here.

An oil lamp was held by a pale hand, and with the silently beating lights, constantly twisting and changing shadows were cast on the wall behind.

A man with long black hair, pale complexion, and purple eyeshadow painted on his face appeared outside the cell, and a hoarse, dry voice with a deep smile sounded:

"Very vigilant."

For a person who is extremely insecure, vigilance is not bad anyway...

The person who appeared here was none other than Orochimaru, a powerful ninja with great reputation in the ninja world.

"Your name... I remember it was 'Habara', right?
Well, from the perspective of Chakra strength, the strength is only at the level of middle ninja. An exiled ninja sect from a small country, and now this ninja sect is almost extinct... But this is not surprising, most of the small ninja sects in the ninja world It all ends like this.

The strange thing is that until more than ten years ago, you have been hunted down by Sha Yin, one of the five great ninja villages. Because of this, I have not collected any special information about that little ninja sect. I only know that you are good at using a kind of ninja called The secret technique of 'Introduction'.

Of course, these things and your previous identity are not important... now you only have one identity, and that is my 'experiment'. "

When facing a mad scientist, it is a kind of fear that the other party does not treat you as a human being at all. Or it doesn't matter, that's another fear.

More importantly, Orochimaru is telling the truth, and the test product is just a test product.Even in front of Orochimaru, Habara couldn't speak normally, he could only lower his head to show that he was listening.

Fortunately, Orochimaru seemed to be passing by here, so he left after chatting for a few words.

Habara naturally doesn't know how the original owner fell into the hands of Orochimaru, but what is certain is that he should be forced to participate in some or even some experiments of Orochimaru, and unfortunately all the experiments of Orochimaru are full of lethal.

Rebirth is certainly something to be pleased about, unless you die and go back not long after rebirth.In the last years of his original life, he had been struggling with serious illness, so now that he has miraculously gained a second life, he will not give up under any circumstances.

So, without a doubt, Habara needed a plan to escape from prison.

The question is how to jailbreak?For a moment, he just felt that he couldn't do anything, and acting blindly would only make him die faster.Putting aside the fact that he doesn't know any ninja skills at all, even if he can use the full strength of this body, how can an ordinary ninja escape from Orochimaru, one of the "Three Ninjas"?

Checking himself again, Habara got a repeated and regrettable fact: he could neither see his attribute panel, nor wear any ring on his body, let alone hear any system sound effects.

Well, this is a normal phenomenon, the things he thinks are a bit too unscientific...

Then Habara started to sort out something more realistic.

Although he didn't keep the memory of this body, but fortunately, the physical things will not disappear. He can feel a special energy circulating in his body, which is probably the legendary Chakra.So how to use this special power?This doesn't seem to be something that can be figured out by oneself.

This is really...

The person in the game is in the game.

Before I knew it, two hours passed.At this moment, another ninja in black with a mask on her face came to Habara's cell door.

The name of this ninja is "Firefly", and she is the actual manager of the prisoners in this dungeon. Her most important job is to deliver food to the prisoners to prevent them from starving to death.

But she didn't come to deliver food this time, because she directly opened Habara's cell door.

"Please check your ninja gear, and follow me." After the creaking sound of the cell door opening, she said to Habara.

"... Is there something?" Habara asked subconsciously, obviously opening the cell door did not mean releasing him.

However, the other party just looked at him like this, but did not respond to his question.

"Okay..." Habara stood up, and obediently followed behind the other party.

Among the cells passing by, the half-dead prisoners inside had little interest in the occasional passerby.After the two of them reached the end of the passage, a relatively empty and wide circular space appeared like this.

The female ninja stepped aside to open the door, and while motioning for Habara to go in, she said, "Here we are."

Under the strong light from the top, the dry brown patches on the ground and walls inside were particularly eye-catching, and in an instant Habara understood what this place was—the Colosseum, or simply "Colosseum".

However, Habara didn't have any choice of hesitation or rejection, so he could only take a deep breath and walked in.

The door close to the entrance was closed again.

Habara is not the only person here, there is already someone waiting there on the other side of the field... It is not difficult to guess what will happen next.The cruelty of this world is displayed in such a simple and crude way.

The lights above illuminated every corner of the place, but it was impossible to see the situation above, but it was obvious that someone was watching everything from above, because soon the voice of Orochimaru came from above:

"The rules are simple... only one of the two survives."

This kind of killing without cause and effect is definitely not in line with the cognition and understanding of modern people, but the voice of Orochimaru is the signal to start the battle!

Just when Habara hadn't made any mental preparations, the person who was on the opposite side of the field just now had rushed in front of him in the blink of an eye.

In terms of physique, this person is obviously much stronger than Habara, so that Habara especially wants to "strike" at this time - a heavyweight fights a lightweight?There is no fairness in the game at all.

It's a pity that no one cares about fairness except him, because this is not a game at all.

Immediately afterwards, Habara couldn't think about it anymore. The man rushed in front of him at an extremely fast speed. After stopping suddenly, he swung a knife forward with one hand, and the sharp blade slashed across his waist. .

The degree of unfairness intensified. The other party was holding a controlled knife with a blade length of eighty to ninety centimeters. In comparison, the kunai that Yubara could take out could only be regarded as a small awl at best.

Habara's brain was that of a weak modern person, who knew absolutely nothing about combat techniques, so his body and nerve reflexes seemed to be activated before his subjective consciousness.Facing the enemy's surprise attack, he exerted force on his right foot, and his center of gravity sank quickly. While bending his back sharply, he leaped backwards as a whole... Although he looked staggering, he just avoided it like this. opponent's attack.

The nerve reflexes of ninjas seem to be different from those of normal people.

With lingering fear in his heart, Habara slowly raised his head to look at the other person, his eyes just met the ferocity, mania and killing intent in that person's eyes.

Although he had no intention of participating in this kind of battle, Habara knew now that he had to protect himself... If it was a fight, he had to do something.

Thinking of this, Habara took out a handful of kunai from behind, glanced at the opponent a few times, and flung it out with one hand!Needless to say, he threw it quite accurately, and then saw the Kunai flying straight towards the man's head at a very fast speed.

It's just that this kind of attack is too linear, the enemy just turned his head slightly and dodged it.

The next moment, the enemy rushed in front of Habara again, and then he took a step forward, hooking Habara's ankle in a very direct way.

In this way, Habara would not be able to dodge flexibly.

Through the confrontation just now, the enemy has drawn a correct conclusion, that is, Habara is a complete layman!Therefore, his offense can be more bold and risky.

And when the enemy restrained Habara in an aggressive way, he immediately slashed at the latter's neck... This time Habara was unable to retreat and dodge.

Death is so close at hand!After realizing this, Habara couldn't tell whether his head started to empty or started to operate at a high frequency. In short, his breathing began to calm down, his heartbeat began to speed up, and his adrenaline level began to soar!
At the critical moment, Habara's metal-colored pupils were like a mirror, clearly reflecting the cold light of the enemy's slashing blade... At this moment, the distance between life and death is the difference between life and death.

At this moment, in his eyes, the opponent's movements seemed to slow down suddenly.

All of a sudden, Habara reached out his left hand diagonally upwards at a speed far exceeding the opponent's slashing. He stretched out five fingers and firmly pinched the long knife that was slashed at his neck. His pale knuckles firmly maintained the shape , the scorching fingertips gradually sank into the front as if they could melt steel.

The sharp blade seems to be able to cut off Habara's finger in an instant, but...

But he was restrained and could not advance an inch.

The scene froze for a while.

But if this stalemate continues, the side with weapons will definitely be the stronger side.

Habara still needs to do something.

And while he was thinking this, a special sense of connection spread from him.

Habara waved his palm subconsciously, and saw that the Kunai that had already been thrown by him and fell to the ground suddenly flew back at a speed far faster than before, and then it easily pierced through from behind like an armor-piercing bullet. The opponent's right abdomen... This is a "kidney shot". In theory, it can instantly incapacitate a person's ability to resist more than wiping the neck.

The sudden stabbing pain loosened the strength in the man's hand, but before he could react to what happened, Habara's hanging right hand had drawn two kunai from the ninja bag on the opponent's leg.

Immediately afterwards, Habara's arm moved up quickly, and he first stabbed a kunai deeply into the opponent's right thigh, causing the enemy who was kneeling powerlessly to stagger forward!And when Yubara's arm crossed the enemy's shoulder, he held Kunai in his hand, and the sharp edge of the blade went straight down. Then, with a sudden force, he stabbed Kunai fiercely into the enemy's right shoulder and between the collarbone. between.

Like a water pipe suddenly cut off by a construction excavator, a large amount of blood spurted out of the wound instantly.

The blood spilled on Habara's body, the special smell of blood stimulated his senses, the viscous touch and the smell of blood made his spirit tremble, so after finishing this round of attacks, he quickly let go and pulled back go.

After drawing a safe enough distance, Habara stopped and carefully observed the enemy's situation.

Under the serious injury, the enemy's body shook a few times. He first knelt on the ground weakly, and then looked down at the wound on his abdomen, as if he couldn't imagine why he was so injured.

Then he seemed to have the answer, and he murmured softly to himself before falling to the ground:

"Using a shuriken..."

Unfortunately, this was a misjudgment.

Orochimaru, who was hiding from a high place and observed, laughed silently.

He now understands why Sha Yin wanted to hunt down that unknown family.

"Magnetic escape..."

"Ha ha……"

It seems that he got a good "experimental material".

(End of this chapter)

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