Change from the ninja world

Chapter 35 Chapter 6789

Chapter 35
Habara dared to carry out such an experiment, so he must have a certain degree of success. Fundamentally speaking, what he wants to do is much simpler than the curse seal. As long as his physique is not problematic, the experiment will be fine There will be problems.

Even if it fails, losing an arm is not an unbearable price for someone like him...

Except it hurts.

As a person with the ability to control metal, losing a hand will not affect Habara's combat effectiveness. Even if all the pots and pans around him are replaced with metal, losing a hand will not affect his life.

What's interesting is that just now Habara told Daigo not to force himself too much, but how can he sum up what he wants to do with the word "reluctantly"?This is simply extreme.

So it was only natural that Daigo would hesitate.

"Don't worry, there is a high probability that there will be no problem... In order to avoid the situation last time, I must increase my strength." Habara said.

He could see very clearly that if he didn't dare to take the risk of losing a hand at this time, then the next time he went to the battlefield, he might lose his own life.So it's not that Habara is being extra cruel to him, it's that he can only do this.

No one will come to rescue him on the battlefield, he can only rely on himself.After weighing the risks and benefits a little bit, Nahabara will definitely have no hesitation.

Under Habara's insistence, Daigo could only stand on the left side of his body holding a knife.

"Get ready, I'm going to do it."

After reminding again, Habara took a deep breath, and began to guide his own chakra through the blood-painted technique on his palm, and under the stimulation of this chakra, under the guidance of the technique, his body and surroundings The natural energy in the environment began to gather toward the palm of his left hand.

After absorbing enough natural energy, the spell in his hand began to close.

The powerful and fresh energy made Habara's fingers twitch unconsciously, and for a moment he felt as if his left hand had his own consciousness, but fortunately, this illusion was only fleeting.

Seeing Habara's fingers start to swing back and forth uncontrollably like octopus feet, Daigo instinctively felt both physical and psychological discomfort, and just when she was thinking about whether to do it, fortunately, Habara's left hand moved again. Quiet.

Congratulations, otherwise Habara would lose part of his body.

Habara tried to move his left hand, and at this moment he felt that his palm was chilly as if he had just applied a layer of essential oil.

However, what is stimulating him is not the essential oil, but the natural energy.

Just like what Yubara thought before, there was nothing wrong with this experiment, but he was not in a hurry to believe that the experiment was successful. He waited until one day and one night later, the situation in his hands was still stable, and he felt that the experiment was successful. .

In the afternoon of the second day, Habara undid the spell in his hand, and then prepared to start the formal "construction" of himself, and this time he didn't need Daigo's help anymore... It was meaningless to help behead his head.

His idea is to set up mantra-style natural energy seals on the main meridians of the trunk axis of his body. When his chakra flows through these seals through the meridian system, it will follow in a natural way. The natural energy is mixed and brought out, so that he can also use the power of the natural energy when performing spells.

To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than digging a few holes in oneself to gather and store the originally dispersed natural energy.But in fact, this matter is not simple. It should be said that a novice who doesn't know much about Chakra and the human body is suddenly ready to attack his meridian system...

It can only be said that if you don't die, you won't die.

Digging a pit is a technical task. Habara can't just find a place to do it like in the previous experiment. He has to determine the location of the seal scientifically and rationally.

If Habara had a pair of white eyes, then everything is easy to say, but unfortunately he does not, so he can only use the high-intensity lightning chakra that exceeds his own limit to run through the body over and over again, and then determine the most "broad" and most reasonable among the meridians Location.

After several tests, Habara determined to set seals on six key acupoints on the main meridian of the trunk axis, namely Xuanji, Zigong, Shangwan, Juque, Shenque, and Shimen. It is called the Seal of Liuren or the Art of Liuren.

Out of considerations of caution and weak personal chakra ability, Habara decided to set up sealing techniques one by one.So it took him a total of ten days to complete all the spells... At this time, if a ninja from the Hyuga clan observed his situation, he would probably be able to see a string of strange "candied haws wonders" on his torso .

With the technique of Liuren, Habara has achieved three breakthroughs. One is that he can adjust the "output power" of natural energy by adjusting the degree of closure of the seal, thereby effectively controlling the power of the technique.

The second is that Habara can realize two ways of using natural energy by means of Liuren's technique. In addition to adding ingredients to the chakra meridians, he can also release natural energy directly in the body, that is, to realize the curse seal mode. The release of the art of blood loss.

Habara tried it right away, and when he released the natural energy on his body, dark red lines really appeared on his skin.

In terms of curse marks or natural energy, because the version used by Habara is too old, the so-called second-stage transformation will not occur on him. However, if we only compare physical abilities, Habara in this state far exceeds The full transformation state of the curse seal of the sky or the curse seal of the earth.

Because when he was subjected to the experiment of Orochimaru, he had undergone quite a strong "transformation", and his current state is a forcibly compressed human form.That is to say, if Habara switches his state, he should transform into a monster with a height of six or seven meters. However, this change is still limited to his original body shape, so... in the bloodless state, Habara body mass, super high.

In addition to these two points, there is a more important third point. Based on the jutsu of Rokuren, Habara was able to realize the development of another ninjutsu.

"Would you like to try it? Of course you have to give it a try... After all, it's Kaio Fist."

Thinking in this way, Yu Yuan unlocked the Art of Lost Blood, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Daigo at the side only felt that the Chakra on Habara's body was rapidly, unnaturally, and exponentially increasing.

Then black metal stripes appeared on Habara's body, and then...

An extremely dazzling thunder light appeared from his body, and at the same time, an extremely piercing high-frequency vibration sound reached Daigo's ears, as if...

Like thousands of birds chirping together.

Habara called this kind of Kaiohken-like move the "Seven-increasing Law of Arc Gradual".

(End of this chapter)

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