In Tokyo, I just want salted fish

Chapter 177 Strange Uncle Youyue.

Chapter 177 Strange Uncle Youyue.

The setting sun was shining, and the slender face in front of him was in his pocket, showing his temperament, which made people think of the so-called pole.

"I'm just here to find someone," Uesugi Kai said.

"Find someone?"

"Find someone.?"

"Well, find someone."

Banping re-examined the meaning of this sentence and looked him up and down.

Maybe it's really just looking for someone?

After wandering here for so long, the apparently ordinary sentences and dialogues have inexplicably endowed with a deep meaning.

He couldn't help but feel helpless for his subconscious thoughts.

"Who are you looking for? Did someone in your family disappear here? Brothers and sisters or something." Banping said familiarly.

In fact, there are quite a few people who come here to find their families, most of them are the parents of young girls.

The girls don't have to worry about their lives, but most of them are in debts and unable to repay, so they do some marginal work as accompaniment.

Some are more serious.

Uesugi Kai heard the feeling of concern from the somewhat stern person in front of him.

How could a Jidao with a severed finger have such a kind side?

"Look for my uncle, Hanamaru Yuzuki."

"Your uncle? Hanamaru Yuzuki?" Banping raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but take out his hand in his pocket, "Are you a junior of the Hanamaru family?"

"That's it."

"What do you want him for?" Banping asked.

"Is it necessary to ask so clearly?" Uesugi Kai said, the extreme man in front of him was half a head shorter than himself.

Hanping said hoarsely: "It is necessary, people from the Hanamaru family are not very popular here."

Kaoru Uesugi didn't speak.

The fact that the Hanamaru family is not well received is probably due to the family of the police. My uncle also said that my father-in-law cleaned up this street.

It's much neater here than before.

Banping responded to the person who greeted him across the street, and then continued to say to Uesugi:

"Although he is not welcome, he will not touch him even if he stabs his head. Until now, those guys don't know whether he came in to monitor their movements."

As soon as he talked, Banping wanted to take out the hard black cigarette in his trouser pocket, but when he saw Uesugi in front of him, he put back the cigarette case with half of his body exposed.

"never mind."

As dusk set in the west, the figures drawn by the setting sun became longer and longer, and this crowded street began to become more and more lively.

The neon signboards clustered next to the old small buildings began to glow, colorful and messy, and there would be a sudden sense of dizziness if you stared at them for a long time.

Feasting and feasting are the best descriptions of this restless street.

Banping turned around, put his hands in his pockets and said, "Come with me."

From the conversation just now, Kai Uesugi understood that he was not a very evil person, but he still remained vigilant.

"Can you trust me?"

Ban Ping looked up at the messy neon lights above, and men and women in suits and uniforms walked past one by one below.

He dropped out of school out of curiosity and came to this place 12 years ago.

Now, it's hard to leave.

"Anyway, your uncle also saved me for a while."

His tone was normal.

Banping started to walk towards the crowd of all kinds.

Along the way, Uesugi did not see any extreme characters who seemed to come out of comics. Most of them were in suits and leather shoes with briefcases, and they were all uncles who seemed to have no spirit.

Came to an ordinary small bar.

The bar-style long table is filled with all kinds of drinks behind it.

Just like in novels, movies and TV dramas, when the doorbell rang, the bartender in a black suit and vest bowed his head to the door:


"Where's Mr. Youyue?" This was Ban Ping's first sentence after opening the door.

After the bartender rolled out a glass of blue wine to the guest in front of him, he said normally: "Inside."

It was the first time Uesugi Kai came to this kind of place.

Except for the bright light of the bar, most of the seats here are dark and colorless.

A pair of male and female guests sat in a corner with nothing to do with light, and there were large and small bottles piled up on the table in front of them.

The male is a middle-aged social animal, and the female is golden.

They feed each other wine and say not-so-pretty things.

The hand under the table can't be seen clearly, but judging from the position of the man's upper arm protruding downward and the woman's profuse smile, it is self-evident.

Kai Uesugi followed Banhei through the passage that only allowed one person to pass.

Even though the space was well used, the ceiling right next to his head made it feel cramped.

Hanamaru Yuzuki was sleeping in a not-so-wide square private room, sleeping comfortably and peacefully in a deep sleep.

Of course, the iconic sunglasses are still worn on the eyes.

It's just a little crooked, exposing the left half of the eye.

As for his uncle, who was no older than him and still made them worry in vain, Kai Uesugi went up and patted him on the face very rudely.

Immediately, he was dismissed by his disgust like chasing flies.

Kaoru Uesugi was about to shake him awake directly, but the half-flat hands leaning on the door frame crossed his chest and said:

"In the past, no one cared about Mr. Youyue, isn't your surname Hanamaru?"

"No last name."

Banping glanced at Hanamaru Yuzuki who was sleeping on the sofa: "Then who are you to him?"

"He's my uncle."


Bowing his head slightly, Banping looked at him again: "Nephew? Or is your father his brother-in-law?"

"Neither." Uesugi Kai was not ready to reveal his identity to a stranger.

Seeing that he was unwilling to speak, Ban Ping didn't press further, leaned up from the door frame and stood straight on the ground.

"Okay, wake up your uncle and take him home quickly. It seems that there are more police patrols tonight. Don't worry about safety, but some shops are still very restless. Don't go in."

After speaking, he turned and left, his long and thin figure slowly disappearing under the light.

As long as they see the broken half of the little finger, anyone with a discerning eye will know that Ban Ping is not an ordinary person.

Kaoru Uesugi didn't know what his occupation was, maybe he was a guy who used to go to extremes.

It's probably a different path now.

Immediately afterwards, Uesugi shook Yuzuki Hanamaru several times but did not wake him up, only heard a name kept chanting in his mouth.

Indistinct, but sounds like a woman.

Uncle, is this hurt by love?

Seeing that he was still awake, Uesugi Kai picked up the wine bottle, pressed the glass necks together and rubbed them against each other.

There was the piercing sound of marbles rubbing against his ears.

The ear-scratching rubbing sounds really painful, Hanamaru Yuzuki frowned, with a distressed expression.

He woke up quickly.

First of all, there is a dissatisfied expression of being woken up in a deep sleep, and the consciousness of the head is still colliding continuously in the hangover.

He patted his head and scratched his hair, the sunglasses hanging on his face.

After sitting still for a long time, he came to his senses.

Hanamaru Yuzuki raised his eyes from the wine bottles lying on the ground, and looked up to see overlapping human faces.

He propped his chin up and rubbed it for a while before he could see who it was.

"Xiao Zhao?"

Turning his head, his eyes scanned the not-so-large space around him, and he realized that this was a bar, so he sat on the sofa.

"Why are you here?"

Uesugi Kai was speechless to this uncle who drank so much that he didn't even know where he was.

"When a person asks 'why are you here', it's better to look at what you have done."

"what did I do?"

Hanamaru Yuzuki acted like a "thinker" statue, pondered for a while and then said, "I didn't do anything."

Uesugi decided not to go around in circles with his uncle: "You haven't come to the Kendo Club for a few days, sister Xi is very worried that Uncle Yueyou will drink and die on the street, so she asked me to come and have a look."

Now Hanamaru Yuzuki still has a strong smell of alcohol on her body.

This kind of casual dress, wearing sunglasses, and smelling of alcohol can't give people a sense of security. The first impression everyone sees him is that he is a depraved young man who is drunk.

"Uncle, why do you look like this?"

"What does it look like?" Hanamaru Yuzuki patted his face with both hands, and a light came in through the crack of the door, hitting his face.

"Uncle Yueyou and I have always been like this? A free and unrestrained prodigal son, living a life of doing nothing but drinking all day long."

He put his face in his hands and bowed his head, the nervous pain of the hangover echoing in his head.

"Very good very good."

Looking at his appearance, Uesugi Kai wondered if the drunkenness deepened his feelings, and he lost his composure.

He was the winner of the national kendo competition before, so he shouldn't be so negative.

"Forget it." Hanamaru Yuzuki sniffed her nose, with a very decadent expression on her face, "Xiao Kai, please go back quickly, please come over here."

"Uncle Youyue won't go home?"

"Go back to Hanamaru's house? That place is not interesting, and my father doesn't care much about me."

"Where is Uncle's own home?"

"No." Hanamaru Yuzuki replied decisively, and then smiled at him, "Uncle Yueyou and I don't even have a girlfriend, where did we come from?"

He put his hands on his knees to prop up his upper body, then leaned heavily on the sofa, and said comfortably as if relaxing his whole body:
"Go back, go back, tomorrow I will go to the Kendo Department."

"Don't leave the bar? My house or Huahuo's house still have spare rooms."

"no need."

Hanamaru Yuzuki obviously didn't want to bother him and Hanabi, so she flatly refused, "Kabukicho is pretty good, and it's not as chaotic as before."

"You can go back first. The Metropolitan Police Department has a special search today. It's safe here. Don't worry."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and fell asleep in this small dim room again.

Hanamaru Yuzuki is not a policeman, how could an idle person know that the Metropolitan Police Department is taking action today?
What did his father-in-law tell him?

The middle-aged man had sworn that the police would not come today.

For a while, Uesugi Oki really couldn't figure out whether Uncle Yueyou was an undercover agent or not.

Walking out of this not-so-fancy bar, you're greeted by the dizzying neon lights of Kabukicho.

This place really disliked him, who liked to live a quiet life.

Walking around the corner, there are many dark corners without light.

Kai Uesugi glanced at it almost subconsciously, thinking that there wouldn't be some strong man with a swollen face suddenly appearing, right?

Or a cute and pitiful little girl was surrounded in a corner and was threatened by a group of punks until she burst into tears.

This kind of thing definitely happened on the first street of Kabukicho, maybe it was more serious, but Uesugi Kai was obviously not someone who would encounter this kind of thing.

He stood outside the gap between the two buildings and waited for a few minutes, but he never encountered a chance to make a move.

Hey, I don't even know how powerful I am, I feel uncomfortable.

Shaking his head, he continued to stroll home.

Hanamaru Yuzuki is right, most of the Kabukicho nowadays are restaurants and Chinese restaurants, and some colorful things are basically not displayed outside.

I heard that there was a long time ago that Jidao swaggered around the streets, but now those scary guys who only appear in comics have never appeared in his sight.


With rapid breathing, a thin figure in a black trench coat rushed out of a Chinese dumpling shop.

The boss behind him was panting after him, shouting loudly:

"I haven't paid you yet!!"

The shouting is still in Chinese.

Almost instantly, many people who looked like ordinary tourists turned their heads and stared closely at the thin figure running wildly with food in his arms.

Because of the police patrol, Ban Ping, who had been wandering the streets pretending to be an ordinary customer, also turned his head and saw the guy who stole things.

Who has the courage to brazenly eat the overlord's meal on this street?

The last guy who had an extremely arrogant attitude to eat the Overlord Meal has lost two fingers.

Uesugi Kai naturally noticed this, and now he faces two choices.

To help, or not to help?

If you don't help, you can walk freely. To help is to meddle in your own business.

Think about it.

Forget it, let's help, it can be considered as a reward for hearing that rude Chinese.

He walked to the flower bed by the side of the road and picked up a pebble casually.

He aimed at the black trench coat that was gradually approaching his side from the other side of the street, aimed at his leg, and threw it casually.

Cobblestones rolled on the street.

Missed, too weak.

But this is just a tentative movement for Kai Uesugi to correct his posture.

Pick up a smaller pebble again, concentrate the power precisely on the arms and fingers, and move the waist sideways at the same time.

Alignment locks his galloping legs.

Suddenly, the burst was thrown.

The meteor-like rotation curve skims over the overlapping figures in the middle, as beautiful and delicate as a curve predicted by extreme computing power.

Many people heard the whistling sound that suddenly sounded in their ears, but they couldn't see clearly.

Almost in the next second, the black shadow fell to the ground with a "boom".

The fried dumplings held in the bag rolled forward continuously, and the greasy light was covered with gray dust.


Seeing the pebble that hit Hei Ying's ankle fall to the ground, Ban Ping became vigilant almost instinctively, and looked up at the gradually gathering crowd.

He saw the almost pre-programmed perfect lines interspersed with wonderful gaps.

So precise, it couldn't be more precise.

His intuition told him that no one could do this kind of thing except a coincidence.

Kaoru Uesugi, who was hiding behind the crowd, glanced at the thin black figure who fell to the ground and fell to the ground.

Without staying too much, continue walking in the direction of going home.

Precision is a magical skill, and when he can find the angle that can be used to control the perfect force of the body, he understands its power.

The maximum effect is exerted with the minimum force, and the ultimate effect is exerted with the maximum force.

This is the subsidiary skill brought by precision—precision control.



The thin black figure stood up with his mouth pursed. Under the hood of the black wool windbreaker was a stubborn face, but there were many scratches, and the red scratches looked painful.

Suddenly someone stepped forward to support her.

"Miss, why bother?" Banping said helplessly, "When the police come later, you have to go to the police station again."

Most of the 'ordinary tourists' didn't look much either, and went back to do their soliciting work.

She didn't speak, but turned her head to look at the cobblestone on the ground, and gritted her teeth stubbornly.

(End of this chapter)

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