In Tokyo, I just want salted fish

Chapter 206 Sakakihara 1 Heart (2)

Chapter 206 Sakakihara Isshin (2)


Isshin Sakakibara suddenly covered half of his face and started laughing wildly.

Evil, arrogant, arrogant, it seems that all the collapsed shrine ruins around him began to shatter and twist, and soared to the sky under his unruly movements.

The sky was gloomy, the void was shattered, and the whole world was shaking from his wild laughter.

like doomsday
——Of course, this is the picture in the uncle's mind.

In reality, there is still a peaceful green pine forest all around, except for the chirping of summer cicadas and insects, only his extremely embarrassing laughter and words.

After Uncle Sakakibara laughed wildly, he kept babbling about "The highest and strongest Wuxin sword master is very optimistic about you", "You are worthy of signing a contract with me and inheriting the supreme sword skills", "The demon king who controls the world needs us as mentors and apprentices." The two go to kill together."

Kai Uesugi, Hanamaru Hanabi and Achai on the other side were all looking at him talking to himself and giggling.

This uncle's secondary disease has already penetrated into the bone marrow.

In vain, it's a pity that Sakakihara Isshin has such an extremely compelling name.

【Yishin One Sword Style · Sakakibara One Heart】

Alas, what a pity.

"My dear student, do you understand why the one-sword style is called the one-sword style?"

"Ghosts care!"

Uesugi Kai didn't want to get too entangled with this uncle with the second disease, so he directly slashed at him.

Knocking him out and getting the task reward is the goal now.

With the precise control of Lv10, he is not afraid of hitting some important part of this uncle with a single knife, and he will die.

Uncle Sakakibara grinned as he faced the wooden knife he was slashing over:
"Only my heart!"

He retreated a few steps in a row, dodging the opponent's swinging knife several times.

He is so flexible that he doesn't look like an uncle, but like a little girl with excellent gymnastics.

Uesugi Kai didn't care about these things, he pressed on step by step, found the right time, turned his wrist, pulled the blade obliquely, and then exerted force in a horizontal direction.

A horizontal chop!
It was so swift and violent that only the whistling of the knife wind could be heard.

"Not bad!"

Sakakibara, who was forced to retreat continuously, gave a compliment with a smile on his face.

He could tell that Uesugi Kai had very solid basic skills, and he must have practiced ancient swordsmanship before.

The actual combat experience is extremely rich.

Kaoru Uesugi did not stop, and continued to suppress the opponent's moving position and possible explosive points.

Sakakibara Isshin's ears were filled with the sound of the wooden knife whistling through the air, and the opponent's wooden knife almost scratched his face several times in succession.

Isshin Sakakibara, who jumped left and right, kept dodging, and used the broken wood to block back, slid to the right under his chop.

Kai Uesugi had no expression on his face, and seeing that the blow was unsuccessful, the left hand holding the handle of the knife was turned outward at the same time with both hands.

The vertical and horizontal slashing instantly transformed into a reverse cassock slash at an oblique angle.

The front is along the waist of the opponent's left side, and the upper shoulder is cut obliquely.

"Yo yo, dangerous, dangerous."

Uncle Sakakibara slashed back in his suddenly transformed cassock, staggered backwards, and his entire upper body fell backwards like a gymnast, with his hands propped on the grass.

The blade cutting against the cassock slashed across his upper body.

Seeing that he dodged another blow, Uesugi Kai was about to turn the blade and continue to chase, but he didn't expect him to roll directly to the right.

Uncle Sakakibara, who was rolling on the grass, picked up a thicker firewood and stood up straight again.

"Wang Wang!"

A Chai, who was touched by Hanamaru Hanabi, happily yelled twice at the mud-stained uncle.

Patted his buttocks, brushed off some weeds and dirt on his body, the slightly embarrassed uncle rolled up his sleeves, pinched the lower end of the new firewood again, and was facing Uesugi Kai who was holding a wooden knife.

"Uncle, I'm going to be angry!!"

Uesugi Kai replied without raising his eyelids: "Uncle, you are boring."

The so-called swordsmanship is to press forward step by step and seize the opportunity.

Just as the opponent was about to attack, he suddenly assumed the upper stance of the sword, holding wooden knives on his shoulders, and rushed forward with one stride.

"Show now!?"

Sakakihara Isshin seemed to be extremely sensitive to this posture, and his face changed rapidly.

Then when he rushed forward at a fast pace, he used his iconic and even faster sideways dodge to avoid Uesugi Kai's swift downward slash.

Uesugi Kai looked calm, he knew that with his current speed, it would be difficult to attack this seemingly stupid uncle.

Even though he had practiced kendo with his father-in-law, he had the explosive power to knock down people of his age with one move.

And just when Uesugi Kai was about to show off a series of suppressing sword skills, Sakakibara Isshin who turned sideways let go of his hands holding the firewood.

Then leaned out from a weird angle that was hard to see in normal times, and pressed down the back of his sword.

At the same time, the other hand reached between his hands holding the handle of the knife, the right hand held the handle of the knife, and the left hand pressed down on the back of the knife.

After prying and pressing, the wooden knife in Uesugi Kai's hand unexpectedly ran into his hand.

[Kendo Lv7 (39/40)]


Uesugi Kai, who was empty-handed, quickly took a step back, looked up at the wooden knife in the uncle's hand, and was slightly surprised.

What about the one-shot style that was agreed upon?How can this still be the "no sword take" of other genres?
Sakakibara Yishin shook the wooden knife in his hand, and a smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth:
"Learning from each other's strengths is a common thing. In many high-ranking swordsmen, you can see some characteristics of swordsmanship that do not belong to his school. This is called——Different routes lead to the same goal."

Uesugi Kai thought that what he said made sense, and then took out another wooden knife behind his back.

"Hahahaha—I'm afraid you haven't heard my name, my beloved disciple."

Uncle Sakakibara, who was holding a wooden knife, couldn't help being excited again, covered his face and let out a muffled smile, "My name is Sakakibara Isshin! The tallest, strongest and most invincible Wuxin sword master!! Justice who travels in this evil world The Ronin is looking for someone who can inherit the fate of my school's Yixin Yidao style."

Hanamaru Hanabi is squatting aside and playing a claw game with the furry A Chai.

"With the strength shown by my lover, I must have practiced swordsmanship for more than ten years, and the skills are really superb. But——!"

Sakakibara Yishin let go of the middle hand that was covering his face, and faced the disgusted Uesugi Oi, "Hmph. It's a pity that the name of Wuxin Sword Master is not known to the world, but you, my beloved disciple, are the destiny Lucky man!!"


Uesugi Kai was already tired of this uncle, insisted on holding him back as a disciple, and even said that he was his beloved disciple.

Oh, forget it, end it early.

Holding the wooden knife, he sighed silently in his heart, and then turned on his system.

【Legend of Miyamoto Musashi】

Status: Opening (remaining statute of limitations 9:59:59)

"Student——!! Take care!"

Isshin Sakakibara, with an extremely excited expression, pulled his right leg forward, and raised his sword over his shoulders, "The tallest, strongest, fastest and most invincible Wuxin sword master! It's time to start a serious performance!


When the stance is opened, Sakakihara Yixin's momentum and eyes burst out with contempt for the mundane world.

"The next step is the supreme mystery of the single-minded sword style, my lover must study it carefully——"


Before he finished speaking, Uncle Sakakibara's voice suddenly choked, and his originally confident pupils instantly shrank to the size of mung beans.


The trembling body couldn't help but lift up at the limit speed of his life.

There was a sound of "嗙——!", and the afterimage of the wooden knife, which was almost invisible to the naked eye, appeared in front of my eyes in an instant, and then disappeared in an instant.

The shadow of the knife gleamed, and the strong wind howled, making one's hair stand on end.

Uesugi Kai dragged the wooden sword, and saw that he showed that amazing technique that hardly existed in the world, and he swung two blows in a snap of his fingers.

Sakakibara Isshin's wooden sword was quickly knocked away by the first cut, and for some reason his back felt chilly.

In his perception, he didn't understand why his posture was broken so easily.

This is something that even the Great Demon King could not do.

In front of me, in front of me, shines the afternoon sun shining through the gaps in the leaves.

"Luck. No. Fair."

The uncle with the second stroke, whose carotid artery was hit, fell to the ground with a bang as soon as his eyes went dark.

Hanamaru Hanabi, who was playing a game with A Chai, heard the movement and saw the uncle lying on the ground, ran over in surprise and asked:

"Kai-kun! Big, big uncle!"

"It's okay," Uesugi Kai said with a sigh of relief, and then pointed to his neck, "I knocked on the carotid sinus, which weakened the blood supply to the brain, and the blood couldn't reach the brain for a while, and I simply passed out. "

"Really. Nothing?" Hanamaru Hanabi whispered. After all, it was a bit strange for such a large person to suddenly lie flat on the grass with his legs kicked.

Uesugi Kai picked up the wooden knife that fell from the uncle's hand, and put it back into the pocket behind him, "Don't worry, don't you think he's not snoring anymore?"


The handsome A Chai ran up to the uncle's face and pushed his head against his face.

After pushing for a while, I found that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't wake him up, so I could only run to Hanamaru Hanabi's feet and sit up, sticking out my tongue to show off.

"A Chai. Do you want to wake up uncle?"

A Chai kept a shallow smile, just tilted his head and poked his paws forward.

Hanamaru Hanabi's lovely face was full of doubts.

"It wants to shake hands with you," Uesugi Kai said.

"But... Uncle is still lying there."

"So it's a good dog." Kai Uesugi knelt down and played a handshake game with this well-behaved Shiba Inu again.

Then he carried it to Sakakibara-san's side and let him sit down.

"Okay, we can leave." Uesugi Kai clapped his hands and said.

"Kai-kun, didn't you come to find this uncle?" Hanamaru Hanabi felt that his actions today were mysterious.

"Yes, and no." After dragging the uncle back to his small tent, Uesugi Kaoru also saw a bucket of water next to the uncle's straw tent, and picked up the bamboo tube containing water to wash his hands.

"Little Huahuo is also here."

Hanamaru Hanabi walked over and glanced at A Chai who was obediently sitting next to the uncle.

A Chai in the tent was also looking at her, and yelled happily.

After helping Xiao Hanahuo to wash his hands, Uesugi Kai also helped Uncle Sakakibara put out the fire that was about to boil.

"Let's go." He said to Hanamaru Hanabi.

"Is it really all right?" The kind-hearted little Huahuo felt that apart from speaking a bit strangely, this uncle seemed to be quite a nice person.

The dog is also very good.

"Don't worry."

Kai Uesugi walked towards the moss-covered path of the dilapidated shrine, "Except for the possibility of ants biting this uncle, no one in this wilderness will find him."

Hanamaru Hanabi took a look at A Chai who was staring at her eagerly, took a piece of spicy biscuit for it and put it in front of it, and put all the spicy biscuits she had left next to the uncle's legs as a way for Mr. Kai to knock him out Atonement.

"Little Hanabi, let's go." Uesugi Kai who was about to walk away shouted back.

After Hanamaru Hanabi apologized to Kai Uesugi in a low voice, she turned around and followed his pace.

In the quiet and green pine forest, the two began to return the same way, and the summer cicadas rang one after another in their ears.

I don't know how long it took, but the sky was getting dark anyway, the cicadas were singing a little weaker, and the cooing of unknown animals began to sound from the dark place in the deep forest.

"My Pheasant Soup!!"

Uncle Sakakibara, who was being licked by A Chai, suddenly sat up straight.

Hastily opened the curtain of grass leaves, and ran to hang the pot by himself.

Then his eyes widened.

I saw one big and one small, one old and one young, one male and one female.

The yellow and fluffy Japanese mink family has opened the lid of the hanging pot, enjoying their delicious dinner harmoniously and beautifully.

Some are holding chicken heads, some are gnawing on chicken legs, some are fighting for bones with their sisters, and some are sticking their heads into the pot to drink soup.

Seeing a strange uncle running over, the whole family stood upright, with their paws hanging forward, and their black eyes all staring at his surprised face.

"Bow! Bow!!" A Chai yelled at the Japanese Mink family.

When it was sleeping, it could already smell the smell of the furry family, but it rushed out and barked. There was not a mink in this family, so it was the Shiba Inu.

It had no choice but to lick the uncle awake.

"My pheasant soup!!" Annoyed, Uncle Sakakibara grabbed his hair with both hands, and then rushed forward, driving the whole family away.

But the Japanese mink on the pot kicked the pot down with a kick.

The whole family fled in a hurry, and soon disappeared in the quiet pine forest.

"My Pheasant Soup!!"

Uncle Sakakibara knelt down facing the spilled soup pot, beat the ground with his fists, and wept loudly, "I caught a pheasant that took two days to catch. That's it. It's gone."

"Woof!" A Chai walked on his short legs and jumped in front of the uncle.

Uncle Sakakibara, who was extremely sad, raised his head to look at it: "A Chai, the fruit of our two days of hard work has been ruined by the evil stingrays. You must understand how I feel right now?"

"Wow!" A Chai, wagging his tail, only called out to him twice.

Uncle Sakakibara picked it up and held it up in front of him:
"A Chai, I know, you understand me, and only you are willing to accompany me to find this shrine."

"Wang Wang!"

"Right, you understand me clearly."

Uncle Sakakibara carefully put A Chai down, "Standing on the top of the stars, we still need to defeat the demon king who controls the vast night sky, but what should we do now that we have no food?"

"Wang Wang!"

A Chai yelled two more times, quickly rushed to the hut with four short legs, and took out several pieces of spicy biscuits.


Uncle Sakakibara's eyes lit up immediately, and he touched the dog's head with a smile, "Sure enough, Wuxin Sword Master's most loyal partner is so reliable, and actually brought him a little hope when he was facing the desperate situation of the dark night."

"Well, as expected of A Chai."

"Wow!" A Chai, who was praised, wagged his tail excitedly.

"But. this cookie"

Uncle Sakakibara held it in front of his eyes, put his right hand against his chin and looked carefully, "It should belong to that little girl, and her little boyfriend"

The uncle's eyebrows gradually knit together.

He lowered his head and thought for a long time, the sky was quietly dimmed, and the sky was covered with a vast and boundless starry night.

It was A Chai's cry that woke him up.

Uncle Sakakibara's dignified expression gradually relaxed, revealing a smile: "Yeah. That's my beloved apprentice. We will definitely meet him and that cute little girl again."

 Thank you [Second Pig] for the leader of the reward! [Husky Dashi] gave a reward of 30000 coins, [Beimu Xingchen] and [Runyu Lucia] gave a reward of 5000 coins, and many grandparents gave 1500 coins and [-] coins as a reward.thank you all.

  Thank you for your rewards, recommended tickets, monthly tickets, thank you~~
(End of this chapter)

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