In Tokyo, I just want salted fish

Chapter 294 Walking in the Rain (2)

Chapter 294 Walking in the Rain (2)

On a rainy day with gloomy skies, the window seat of a fast food restaurant carries a different mood.

I can't tell what it is, but it makes the rain outside the window beautiful, and makes the slightest coolness pass through the transparent glass and penetrate into the heart.

It seems that the world is still in a fog, only the drizzle is falling, and the ears are lingering.

In order to make the guests have appetite, the light sources of restaurants usually choose warm colors with soft atmosphere.

From a psychological point of view, this will make the meal look romantic and emotional.

And more clever designers will hide the lights in the details, making it difficult for people to notice.

Compared with the rainy world outside the window, such light and temperature are even more heartwarming.

The clerk put the plate on the table, smelling the aroma of the food, Kaoru Uesugi came back to his senses from the rain scene outside the window.

"Is this the first time for Qian Aiyi to come to the aquarium?"

"Ah yes, it's the first time." The answering voice was a little shy.

Kai Uesugi would not be so stupid as to ask "why?" No one cared about them since they were young, and of course they had no chance to come to places like the aquarium that require adults to accompany them.

"Delicious~" Aiyi was eating beef in his mouth.

Qian Aiyi: "Aiyi, be quiet when eating."

"Why be quiet?"

"Why...?" Hearing the younger sister's question, Qian Aiyi hesitated for a long time, and was also stunned, why.

Kaoru Uesugi swallowed a mouthful of rice, without any reason: "Aren't you tired after eating a mouthful and shouting? This is just to save yourself energy."

Aiyi suddenly came to his senses, and tried hard to swallow the unchewed food: "Yes, eating and talking are exhausting, it's better to be quiet and comfortable."

"Eat and chew a few times, don't choke on it." Uesugi Kai reminded.

After hearing the words just now, Qian Aiyi was also in a daze, as if she understood.

"Your Majesty, they don't know anything yet."

Hanamaru Hanabi meant to tell him not to teach bad things to children and say some crooked truths.

"I'm telling the truth."

"Kai-kun." Hanamaru Hanabi called his name again.

"Okay, okay," Kai Uesugi gave up his stubbornness in an instant, turned his head and said to the two little lolitas in front of him, "I was talking nonsense just now, I had to eat quietly because of politeness, no one likes girls who babble."

"Brother! As long as a girl dresses up beautifully, someone will like it."


Uesugi Kai strongly agrees with Aiyi's words in his heart. There are many examples. For example, when Hanabi was young, no one liked her because she was short and fat.

But in middle school and high school, the humble little girl suddenly becomes slim, and there are many suitors.

Just chasing beauty.

Unlike a serious person like Uesugi.

So he said sternly:

"Ahem, that's not the case. As long as you have a kind heart, you will be liked in the end."

"It feels exactly the same as what the teacher said in the textbook."

"After all, everyone will be taught to be kind, and this is the benefit of kindness. Of course, it will be written in the textbooks of elementary school students."

"Then is there any harm in kindness?" Aiyi ate the beef with big mouthfuls, just about to swallow it, and remembered to bite a few more times.

"Of course there are."

"Is there a disadvantage?"

Qian Aiyi also became interested in this topic, following her sister's gaze, she also looked at Uesugi Kai.

Curiosity was revealed in her eyes, which was the unique innocent thirst for knowledge of children.

"Kindness is about accommodating, being courteous to others, making the other person feel happy and making yourself happy at the same time, but being too kind will make your own existence cheap, and take the initiative to accommodate everyone and everything. The way of disobedience, you must measure yourself Zhirui, you don’t know what is right and what is wrong, and you should use the right method when dealing with things. Kindness also has a limit, and it should be used on the right people.”

Qian Aiyi didn't understand very well, but she thought it was very powerful, and she looked like a teacher earnestly teaching her.

"Kai-kun," Hanamaru Hanabi pulled Uesugi Kai's arm, "Chien Aiyi-chan doesn't understand."

Uesugi smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as you understand that kindness is only for good people."

Aiyi: "What about the bad guys?"

"Bad people will take advantage of your kindness to gain benefits and trick you into selling you!" Uesugi Kai deliberately used these words to scare Aiyi.

Instead, Aiyi grinned, "Brother is a bad guy."

"Oh? Then who paid for the beef rice in front of you?"

"It wasn't Aiyi who said it, it was sister Huahuo who said it. When my brother and sister Huahuo are together, I can always hear my sister say 'Kai-kun is a bad guy', 'Kai-kun is a bad guy'."

Hanamaru Hanabi's face, which was still very reserved, immediately turned bright red, thinking of something.

To be said to be shy by a little girl, she is indeed an underage girl.

Uesugi Kaoru can accept Aiyi’s pure speech calmly, and explains:
"In a way, this 'bad guy' is a nickname."

"Brother, what is a pet name?"

"A name for someone you like."

"Then can I call brother like that?"



The whys of children are really endless, which makes people unable to cope.

Forget it, Uesugi Uesugi fooled her with a few words casually, and urged her to eat quickly in an adult tone.

Aiyi likes to read books and understands a lot of things, but she is not very clear about some common sense things.

After all, her parents won't teach her, so she can only learn from books by herself.

Asking questions non-stop, this can be regarded as her childish side.

After breakfast, Kai Uesugi went to the vending machine to bring a bottle of milk for each of the three.

He felt like he was almost becoming a nanny.

Kasai Rinkai Park in Tokyo has a Ferris wheel, an aquarium and a bird watching area by the sea.

The aquarium tickets are 1000 yen for four people. The price alone is not too cost-effective.

The entrance of the aquarium is located at the height of the park gate. Walking along the bridge path with flowerpots lined up in the middle, you can see the glass dome building designed with glass curtains in front of you.

The trails are for people to walk through, and the thin sheets of sea blue glass on the buildings in the distance reflect the color of the rain in rainy days.

Crossing the overpass path and stepping on the steps, the two large pools on the left and right of the glass dome building are in line with the Tokyo Bay behind, seamlessly connecting.

The high-rises of the city on the opposite bank have become a miniature. They seem to stand on the sea level, forming a sparkling reflection in the water together with the blue sky.

On rainy days, the sea breeze blows head-on, making it even more refreshing.

Seeing this scene, Aiyi urged her sister Qian Aiyi, who was holding an umbrella, to go to the pool, she wanted to stand on it and look at the wide sea.

"Want to take a photo?" Kai Uesugi asked Hanamaru Hanabi beside him.

Hanamaru Hanako's loose hair around her ears greeted the breeze blowing from the sea, "Okay."

Almost every girl likes to take pictures.

Hanamaru Hanabi is different, she doesn't like the camera very much, but today she is surprisingly willing.

I guess I think the outfit I wore today looks good, and I want to try it out as a souvenir.

She stood in the middle, and Aiyi and Qian Aiyi, two little lolitas in elementary school uniforms, stood on both sides of her. She was holding an umbrella, with her back against Tokyo Bay and the miniature of the continuous high-rise buildings.

Kaoru Uesugi recorded this scene with his mobile phone, and after taking this picture, he took a few more pictures.

When it was his turn to take a photo with Hanabi, Kai Uesugi asked Qian Aiyi to help.

"Hold me, okay?"

"No" Hanamaru Hanabi will be very shy outside, limited to holding hands, showing affection in public, absolutely can't do it.

"If you hold me, go home at night and give Xiao Hanabi a reward." Uesugi Kai whispered in her ear, seductively.

"What reward...?" Hanamaru Hanabi asked in a low voice, a little curious in her weak voice.

"Music, coffee... or something very comfortable."


"Holding hands is fine, no need to hug." Hanamaru Hanabi became shy, and took his hand carefully.

"Is this a refusal?" Uesugi Kai also grabbed her little hand directly, her little hand was soft and warm, making people want to put it in their pockets to keep warm.

"Who made Kai-kun always think about these strange things, Aiyi-chan has heard it all."

Uesugi Kai smiled, her occasional small complaints would not make her feel uncomfortable, but would make her mood sweeter and happier.

The interaction between lovers is generally like this, never need to talk carefully with each other, so that everything is very comfortable.

Even teasing each other will become the talk of showing affection.

"Sister Huahuo! Look here."

Qian Aiyi held the phone with both hands, tried to adjust the lens to a good position, and then clicked a few times, and took several pictures in succession.

"I'll see, I'll see."

After taking the photo, Aiyi, who was helping to hold the umbrella, hurriedly approached her head, the hat was about to slip off her fluffy hair, and she still kept trying to see how the photo was taken.

"Don't worry." Qian Aiyi had no choice but to give her the phone, and then took the umbrella by herself.

After Aiyi got Kai Uesugi's cell phone from her sister, she flipped it left and right, and began to appreciate it seriously.

"This one looks good~"

"This brother and Aiyi are both ugly~"

"Hee hee, this sister is also ugly."

"Where is it!" Qian Aiyi looked very unconvinced.

The two little lolis were happily discussing with their mobile phones, and Hanamaru Hanabi was also attracted to watch. The three of them gathered together, trying to pick the best one.

Kai Uesugi waited with an umbrella at the side, watching the pedestrians entering the aquarium wave after wave.

Really, it's just a photo, it's necessary to talk about it for so long?
They were not the only ones who took pictures, Uesugi Kaoru had already seen a sympathetic look on the face of the boyfriend of the couple in front.

Obviously I came to visit the aquarium, but I took pictures at the door first.

However, the scenery here is indeed very good. Except for the pool with the same color of sea and sky, there is only the glass dome building standing in the middle, which is simple and spacious, and there are occasional seabirds singing from the sky.

Even because of the drizzle, the chirping seemed very small.

"Aren't you alright?" Kaoru Uesugi walked over and asked closer, feeling that his body was getting cold from the wind. If he knew it, he would have taken a photo of each of them, and they didn't have to bother to pick and choose.

"Okay, okay," Aiyi said to him, "Brother, how about looking at this photo?"

how about it?
Huahuo was incomparably cute at the time, and the white silk outlined by the slender legs alone could attract countless people to lick the screen.

Uesugi Kai couldn't help but look at it a few more times, and then compared it with the white silk worn by fireworks in reality.

I have to sigh, Baisi is really a good thing.

It feels silky, white and well-proportioned, pure and dreamy, and will tightly wrap the girl's slender legs, carving out petite and delicate graceful lines.

"Brother! Brother!" Aiyi kept reminding.

"Ahem," Uesugi Kai came back to his senses, thinking how he, who is usually very serious, always thinks about such things, "It looks good, it looks good."

But after thinking about it seriously, he was relieved.

Good-looking is good-looking, and there is nothing wrong with appreciating beauty.

Both ancient and modern people like girls.

Li Qingzhao's two sentences in the early years, "The dew is thick and the flowers are thin, the sweat is light and the clothes are permeable. When you see a guest, you will slip away with a golden hairpin in your socks, and leave with shame", which made many people in the world imagine her as an innocent, pure, and talented girl.

Beauty is common, and he doesn't think there is anything inelegant about liking white silk.

"Brother, your eyes are so strange." Aiyi looked at him, and then at the photo on the phone screen.

Hanamaru Hanabi also looked at him angrily, and said with his eyes that he couldn't do this.

Kaoru Uesugi stood under the umbrella and said to Aiyi seriously: "This is called love, have you forgotten that sister Huahuo and I are an unmarried couple?"

"Liar, my brother is clearly looking at Sister Huahuo's legs."

Aiyi is good at everything, but sometimes she is too smart, and she can discover some very detailed places.

"The love of love is regardless of parts. I like your sister Huahuo's hair and face, but today I pay more attention to the legs."

Hanamaru Hanabi heard him say some weird things to the children again, her face was shy, and she didn't know what to say.

Even Qian Aiyi was listening to Uesugi Kai's nonsense very seriously.

It seems that he liked to lie to children a long time ago.

Walking into the glass building, taking the elevator down, the lights start to dim, and in front of the entrance is a colorful underwater world full of swimming fish.

In the aquarium here, there are many school teachers who take the elementary school students out for an outing. There are groups of little yellow hats, with small water bottles and student ID cards with school identities hanging around their necks.

The teacher is a tour guide, responsible for answering the whys of dozens of children.

When Uesugi Kai saw the teacher's forced smile, he was really worried about her work.

Just dealing with Aiyi's little loli why, he felt physically and mentally exhausted.

Qian Aiyi is okay, she is very well-behaved and sensible.

In order to make the sea blue water scene more dreamy, the aquarium usually does not give any too bright lights, they will make the light dim, so that guests can experience the impression of diving underwater.

Even under the feet are transparent ripples reflected by the sea water.

"Sharks! Sharks!"

Hearing Aiyi's voice, Uesugi Kai took a special look at Hanamaru Hanabi, and found that she was staring at the swimming mako shark motionlessly.

The adult fish is more than 3 meters long, so big that the eyes have to look at it, and it is known as the fastest swimming shark in the world.

"Hanabi, Hanabi."

Hanamaru Hanabi looked back at him.

"Such a big shark, it's not good to stay in the aquarium."

"Well, mako sharks, like great white sharks, are pelagic sharks. They like to swim aimlessly and quickly. The aquarium is not as big as the sea. They are likely to keep crashing into the glass and die."

Kaoru Uesugi continued to look at the mako shark that was swimming straight. There were few sea fish around it, probably because he was afraid of its position as a predator.

I heard that the temper is very fierce, but this one seems to be very quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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