In Tokyo, I just want salted fish

Chapter 308 Love and Philosophy

Chapter 308 Love and Philosophy

Hearing Aiyi's silly voice, Kai Uesugi smiled and touched her head.

"Is my brother touching sister Huahuo like this?" Aiyi was shaking her little feet on the chair. She was going to school today, and she was wearing the uniform of Baiqiu Primary School.

"It's true that you can touch your head like this." Uesugi Kai helped her to drink a bottle of milk on the table.

"It seems that adults like to touch their heads like this." Aiyi took the milk with both hands, and then sipped it in small sips.

"It's a way of complimenting cuteness." Kai Uesugi stared at the beautiful fried eggs in his bowl, lost in thought about his feelings for Hanabi.

The two sisters ate breakfast quickly, and Kai Uesugi and Hanamaru Hanabi almost ate half of it. They were carrying small schoolbags and hats to leave home.

"Do you want me and Sister Huahuo to send you there?"

"Hee hee, brother and sister Huahuo can just make love while my sister and I are away." Aiyi said with a smile at the door, the little girl's voice was playful.

Of course, love love means love, which can be understood as affection.

"Brother, sister Huahuo, Aiyi and I will leave first." Qian Aiyi is still more sensible than her younger sister.

"Well, be careful on the road."

"Be careful on the road."

After watching the two figures, one big and one small, disappear at the corner, Kai Uesugi looked at Hanamaru Hanabi beside him.




"Kai-kun." Hanamaru Hanabi also met his gaze.

"Although I have told Huahuo many times that I am sorry, and you do so many things for me every day, such as breakfast, dinner, clothes, and housework, it seems that I haven't learned how to love you yet."

After Hanamaru Hanabi was silent for a short while, she raised her eyes and said, "Won't Kai-kun help Hanabi with these things?"

Uesugi Kai took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, which calmed down a little: "Hanabi always thinks of me very well, but sometimes I ignore the details, and I always feel sorry for you."

"It's okay. Kai-kun is okay, Hanabi won't care about this"

Huahuo doesn't care, he knows very well that what he cares about is that he feels sorry for her.

It is too hypocritical to say "you don't care, I care" now, Uesugi Kai can only think about how he can understand her.

He asked with a smile:

"We will get married in a few months, Huahuo is really willing to spend the rest of his life with someone like me?"

"Yes. Of course I am willing." Hanamaru Hanabi folded her two small hands together and gently twirled the engagement ring on her ring finger.

The brilliant diamonds are still as dazzling as they were a few years ago. At that time, he was able to wear the promise of a lifetime for himself. It was the happiest moment so far.

Hearing her answer without thinking, Uesugi Kai could feel deep and sincere love.

In front of her eyes, her lovely and vivid appearance will always have a hazy light in her eyes.

Tears, smiles, faces, the exquisite outline of Hanamaru Hanabi's face has long been engraved in her heart, her movements, demeanor, voice, fragrance...everywhere is ringing the soul.

A 17-year-old girl has loved herself so seriously for more than ten years
"Kai-kun.?" Hanamaru Hanabi saw that he had been looking at her, and his eyes were gradually turning red.

The words fermented in his mouth. After a long time, he smiled and said:
"It's nothing. I just thought of the purity and beauty of Huahuo when she was wearing a wedding dress. She would walk from the lily bushes with light steps and stop in front of me. On that day, her lovely face would surely bloom like a flowery flower to me. happy smile."

While saying these words, Hanamaru Hanabi stepped forward quietly, hugged him, and slowly pressed her face against his chest.

Uesugi Kai was stunned for a second, and then slowly embraced the petite body in his arms.

The longer he hugs her, the sweeter his heart is, the more he can't help but bow his head and smile at her.

"Kai-kun. How long have you known Hanabi?" Hanamaru Hanabi closed her eyes.

"I met at the age of three, got engaged and got married at the age of 15, and have been together for 15 years now."

"Is it very long?"

"very short."

"Actually, I'm not married yet."


"Is it very long?"

"very short."

The familiar feeling and temperature in her chest made her seem to have returned to the past, to the little girl who hid in his arms and called Brother Zhao.

Gradually, Hanamaru Hanabi stopped talking and just hugged him, her face peaceful and warm on his chest.

"Kai-kun. Hanabi will love you forever. You must also always believe in it"

After breakfast, it was time for each to leave home and go to college.

"I actually miss you at school."

"If you want Hanabi, Kai-kun, you can chat with Hanabi on the line anytime."

Standing on the stone slab in front of the door, I don't know what kind of emotion is guiding me, Uesugi Kai always doesn't want her to be too far away.

The feeling of being in love can only be experienced in her body.

Every time I saw her beautiful figure standing in front of her, blurring the back of her, immediately, her delicate face seemed to have a cuteness that could make the whole world fall in love with it.

The skirt, the round leather shoes, the round hat, and the diamond ring all shone with a wonderful brilliance because of her presence.

"Would you like to go out for a weekend, July is coming soon." Uesugi Kai didn't know how to treat her as well as she treats him, so he could only try to invite her to go out for fun.


"I haven't said where I will go to play yet." Uesugi Kai led her to the street.

"Parks, zoos, seaside, villages, mountains, everything is fine."

Kai Uesugi recognized the subtext in her purple eyes and smiling face.

"How about going to see the flowers? I saw on the Internet that the wisteria in Tochigi Prefecture bloomed for the second time this year."


"Then make an appointment like this." Uesugi Kai held out his little finger to her.

Hanamaru Hanabi looked at him, and also stretched out her little finger to hook it up. The left and right hands of the two of them tightened with each other, and the thumbs were printed together.

Standing in front of the tram platform, Kai Uesugi put down his waving hand and watched the tram that Hanabi was sitting on leave.

As the carriage went away, the tail wind blew head-on, and the sound of the whining track still lingered in my ears, gradually flying into the distance, surrounded by people looking down at their mobile phones and waiting for the next train.

It is really lucky to meet so many people since childhood.

Kai Uesugi looked away from the distance of the city and walked out of the station.

After entering the campus of Dongda University, he walked for seven or eight minutes and saw a large area of ​​ginkgo trees. Many cleaners in blue clothes and hats were cleaning the campus. When he walked near the Yasuda lecture hall, he saw a familiar figure.

"Professor Okuno."

Kaoru Uesugi walked up and greeted under the ginkgo tree shining in the sun.

Professor Okuno seemed to have just arrived at the school, carrying a briefcase, when he heard someone calling him, he turned around.

"It turned out to be Kai."

"Well, good morning, Professor." Kai Uesugi found out through email last night that Professor Okuno came back the day before yesterday.

"Do you have class in the morning?"


Professor Okuno's unsurprised expression.

"Aren't you going to study Nagai Ken's Hegelian spirit?"

"Professor Nagai's class is very good, but I have no intention of learning it."

The meaning of this sentence is: Although the class is worth learning, I am too lazy to learn it because I am lazy.

"Willful." Professor Okuno shook his head.

The reason Uesugi Kai didn’t take this course was because he wanted to spend time in the library reading novels, and occasionally make up notes in class.

Professor Okuno raised his head again, seemed to remember something, straightened himself up on purpose, and said in a drawn-out tone:
"Oi, July is just around the corner."

Kai Uesugi immediately realized that it was almost the end of the day, and the lifeblood was in the hands of Professor Okuno, "Professor, give me another chance."

"Well. When I was on a business trip, I drank a kind of espresso made with espresso, milk, and cocoa powder in a hurry. It was quite appetizing, but I didn't know the name."

"The condensed milk card, I know, is a little colder, but I will."

Hateful rights, but the professor has the final say on who will pass the final exam or not.

"It's fine," Professor Okuno smiled again, "I'll give you some interesting questions for the final exam."

"What is it?"

"I remember that your second foreign language is Chinese, right?"


"It's good to sing a Chinese song for the last question, and there are extra points for writing the lyrics silently."

Does this count as an early leak?

But is it too easy to sing a song for the final exam of the university?
"teach this"

"Don't think it's simple? It's not simple. Do you know the level of your classmates? Even I disliked it. They talked about May disease one by one, and they all ran to play. Be more careful and talk to a few Chinese students. Nor do they translate 'sore legs' into 'stinky feet', and translate 'legs are sore from walking' into, 'smelly feet on the road'."

The word "sour" is only used in Japanese to express taste.

Kaoru Uesugi could even imagine the Chinese professor being laughed at when grading papers.

He guessed that the student didn't know what "walking" means in Chinese, so he translated it casually and added it later.

"Have you written any essays recently?"


"You are so playful, write another one to let me see the level."

"Professor, things like papers can't be so hasty."

Professor Okuno patted him on the shoulder encouragingly, "Just write 3000 words at will. There is no limit to your intentions. Just cite good literature and show me."

Whether it is a teacher in a primary school, a middle school, or a university, they all like to assign some extra homework to students.

Kai Uesugi was taken special care of, and he also knew that the professor didn't want him to be too decadent in his studies.

However, when I met the professor who kindly said hello, I inexplicably added a small thesis assignment, which was really a disaster.

It seems that I still can't just say hello to the teacher.

The morning class was approaching noon, so Uesugi Kai still went to the general library.

Walking among the Western-style bookshelves, he saw a book written "Hegel's Philosophy".

I heard the name Hegel again today, but I didn’t learn it, so I picked it up and read it.

After standing in the corridor for more than ten minutes, he read a book, walked and stopped, and finally found a seat where no one was around.

The content of the book is quite interesting.

There is a thought in it.

I = I ≠ me.

I can't be equal to me?
When thinking about this, there will be the question of "how can I prove that I am me."

Kai Uesugi touched his chin and thought, assuming a character B, using B's cognition to determine that he is A.

B knows that A is A, i.e. I=I.

But this A is 6-year-old a, and in B's cognition, he only knows 6-year-old A.

A has grown up and grown up, a is still A, but not the A that B knows, that is, I≠I.

Hegel also said in the book "the circle of truth" and "starting from the end".

A and B reunited after they separated when they were young, and B recognized A as the 6-year-old a. Since then, B has enriched his concept of 6-year-old a, and understood that a is A.

But after the two are separated, A will definitely grow up, and B will probably no longer know A, and since then they have fallen into the formula of "I = I ≠ me".

Very interesting formula, Uesugi Kai felt that he could learn a higher level of philosophy from this simple formula.

But it is clear that this spiritual thought has already been deeply researched, and wanting to learn it cannot be achieved overnight.

Uesugi Kai borrowed this book from the library and took it to class.

The course is the basic mathematics of the university. He feels that it is not interesting, and he is holding on to philosophical research.

What is the meaning of the formula I = I ≠ me?Is it nonsense?
"Uesugi, did you take Professor Nagai's courses?"

Katsura Totsuka saw the word "Hegel" on the title of his book, and he knew that this was a famous German philosopher in the 19th century.


"Then how did you study philosophy?"

"When I have nothing to do and eat enough, I will think about some interesting questions."

"Actually, isn't literature all things that you come up with when you have nothing to do?"

Kai Uesugi picked up the book and pointed to a famous quote from Hegel inside:

【Everything that exists is reasonable, and everything that is reasonable exists. 】

Katsura Totsuka smiled: "I have read some of Hegel, and this rationality is not what is commonly understood."

Kai Uesugi: "It depends on how to understand this 'reasonable'. Just like there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's hearts, there will be more answers from different angles. The emergence of literature may be boring narrative and Imagination, but it all has great significance in the end.”

He put down the book again and stroked the hard corner of the book.

"Actually, I'm thinking, from what angle can I have a better 'love'."

He was silent for a few seconds.

"Totsuka, how far have you and your girlfriend progressed?"

"Me? Not long after we fell in love, she was reading by her side, and I would feel a little nervous when I saw her hand turning the book."

"And do you think that feeling will go away?"

"It should be. The reason why the novelty is novelty is because it is fresh."

"It seems to have suddenly realized, but it is actually nonsense." Uesugi Kai said with a smile.

"How come, this sentence has the function of reminding and emphasizing here. Since it reminds and emphasizes the meaning, then this nonsense is not nonsense."

"Going off topic, come back," Uesugi Kai said, "From what angle do you think you can better 'love'."

"Love is a very profound emotion. When you say that it is better to love, you should think about your lover. If you want to love someone, you need to make the loved one feel loved. How should you do this?"

Kaoru Uesugi thought for a moment, "Try to love?"

"You have fallen into a misunderstanding, Uesugi," Totsuka Katsura said, "Your hard-working love can be felt, but it is not the maximum you said. What is the maximum? What is important is not your hard work, It's the other person's experience."

Uesugi Kai's hand that kept rubbing the corner of the book suddenly stopped, and turned to look at him:

"You mean, to love with the other person's feelings is the right angle of love?"

"That's right, it's very simple, isn't it? I recently learned a Chinese phrase called 'good intentions do bad things'. You have good intentions, but they are bad things to others. If you act kindly according to the other party's ideas, then you can maximize others I can really feel your kindness, and love should be similar."

"Of course, I'm just talking casually from a bystander's perspective."

"No, you're right." Uesugi Kai said, "Thank you."

Totsuka Katsuragi looked at his face twice, and noticed that his emotions were a little strange: "You and Hanamaru-san, there is a relationship problem? Aren't you still very affectionate yesterday?"

"No, we don't have a problem, but I think I have a problem."


Totsuka Katsura was quiet for a few seconds, thinking to himself, why are today's conversations so philosophical?

(End of this chapter)

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